Supreme Lord

Chapter 88: Excessive Qi and Blood (3rd update)

Ten miles east of Yinyue County, red mist surrounds Huoxuzhuang.

When the young county magistrate arrived, he found that there was no one inside or outside this small village.

This made him secretly frightened. Although Huoxuzhuang had a small population, there were more than 300 households, but there was no one here. There were only dozens of burnt corpses lying in those houses.

What is surprising is that although these people were burned to death, most of the houses where they lived were intact.

"Spontaneous combustion? It's very strange. It seems to be burning from the internal organs, flesh and blood, and the spinal cord. What is the reason for this?"

After checking several corpses, the young county magistrate came to the center of Huoxuzhuang and looked at a huge pothole here.

He glanced down and his expression changed slightly.

This pit is very deep, at least 80 feet deep, and the bottom is almost invisible.

What surprised the young magistrate was the structure on the cave wall. You could clearly see the area 20 feet below, with a coal seam as deep as 40 feet. Under the coal seam, there were a large number of purple-red crystals.

These crystals were mixed with coal and spread all the way to the bottom of the cave.

The young county magistrate was amazed. Under the Huoxuzhuang, there was actually a large-scale Zi Yao Yuan Jing mine and associated coal mine.

At the same time, he heard a faint cry coming from the depths of the cave, as if there were many women and children crying below, and he also sensed a wisp of demonic breath that was very familiar to him.

"It's that guy's smell——"

The young county magistrate frowned. He looked back at Yinyue County, hesitated for a moment, and then jumped into the hole.

He was shaped like a crane. He used his strength on the cave wall and landed lightly on the bottom of the cave.

Below is a relatively wide space, and the surrounding stone walls are also densely covered with large or small Purple Obsidian Crystals.

There are four cave passages around. The cave is extremely deep and it is unknown where it leads. The young magistrate can only identify the location by listening to the wind and follow the sound to the entrance of a cave in the east.

The young county magistrate made a fool of himself and observed as he walked.

"Looking at the traces on the walls of these caves, it is clear that they were excavated manually, but they are very old, and they do not look like mines. I wonder who did it?"

This road is also winding and deep, with many forks along the way.

About a hundred breaths later, the young magistrate walked into a wide cave, which was at least a hundred feet wide and more than five feet high.

He also saw a group of crying women and children. They were all standing on a stone platform in front of them, tied together with chains.

In addition to women and children, there were dozens of men on the stone platform, all looking depressed and even crying softly.

At this time, they were all attracted by the fire in the magistrate's hand and looked up one after another.

These people were full of expectations at first, but when they saw the seventh-grade official robe on the county magistrate, their eyes showed despair.

The young county magistrate stood at the entrance of the cave, frowning.


Inside this cave, there is actually a large-scale formation, lurking on the ground and cave walls, and is quietly activating.

Fortunately, the young county magistrate acted very cautiously. He did not rush into it and was just on the outside of the formation.

The county magistrate then felt something in his heart again, and looked behind him with cold eyes: "When the blood rains?"

Not far behind him, a tall figure was walking out of the darkness.

Soon after, this person's figure was all exposed in the light of Huozhezi. It turned out to be a man about two feet tall, with white beard and hair, and covered with blood-colored armor.

He could hardly be called a human being. In addition to his extremely tall stature, six strong bloody arms stretched out behind this person.

If you look closely, you will find that the armor outside his body is actually a layer of bone armor mixed with flesh and blood, and capillaries and veins can also be seen on it.

"It's me!" The man in blood armor grinned against the firelight, showing his fangs: "Master Zhuang has been looking for me for a long time, right? As it happens, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Before he finished speaking, another thunderous roar came from the cave behind him.

Following this huge explosion, large areas of the cave dozens of feet away behind the man collapsed.

The young county magistrate looked at the blocked cave behind Xueyu Miao with a serious look in his eyes: "So this is actually the old suspicion formation? Are you trying to lure me here intentionally to get me to leave Yinyue County?"

"Of course!" The man in blood armor laughed loudly, with a ferocious look on his face: "Don't you always want to kill me? I have been hunted so hard these past few months. If I hadn't escaped here, I would have almost been killed. You kill it, but now I can have fun with you here."

At this time, his figure was like a fast and violent bear, rushing forward suddenly.

The young county magistrate couldn't help but feel his heart sink. The target of the blood rain was not him, but the women and children on the high platform behind him.

This guy wants to threaten the lives of these people and force him into the trap behind him!


The next morning, Lin Rui got up early and practiced the Thunder Ji Shen Yao Zhuan in the courtyard of Zuihua House.

The blood training efficiency of the grand master-level Lei Ji Shen Yao Zhuan has been greatly improved.

It should be noted that the higher you go to the Blood Training Stage, the more difficult it becomes, and the slower your practice speed will be.

Lin Rui's blood training efficiency yesterday had dropped to 0.7% per pile exercise cycle, and now it has returned to 0.8% per time.

In addition, Lin Rui's thunder element's energy accumulation speed has greatly increased, surpassing that of the fire element.

This is because Lin Rui used a type 2 allogeneic bloodline enhancer at noon yesterday, which awakened the 'thunder blood' talent in this body, greatly enhancing his affinity for thunder elements.

He also took a risk and used a type 2 allogeneic enhancer to strengthen his alien body.

"My current blood training progress should be about 48%, and I have entered the middle stage of blood training. In addition, due to the allogeneic reaction and the strengthening of the blood, my alien body's strength, speed, reaction ability and other indicators, Yesterday, we were close to the main body. After injecting the type 2 allogeneic enhancer, we surpassed it in all aspects, surpassing it by about 10%, and we have already entered the rank of captain——"

Lin Rui finished practicing the Lei Ji Shen Yao Zhuan ten times, which took exactly an hour.

At this time, blood suddenly surged under his nose.

Lin Rui covered her nose with a handkerchief while looking at Ji Xueying standing on the wall.

Another reason why his physical quality has increased rapidly is because of this Blood Knife Princess.

Lin Rui's body is now being taken care of by her. The problem is that this person is too strong and makes him have excess vitality.

Ji Xueying was slightly puzzled. She opened her eyes and looked at Lin Rui in confusion, wondering why the master was looking at her like this?

Lin Rui smiled at her, wiped his nose and started practicing his sword again.

Lin Rui's sword practice today was different from before. He only practiced the 'Thundering Cut' style.

Although he has advanced this sword move to the level of a great master, it is still a bit unfamiliar to use.

Lin Rui started practicing from noon yesterday until evening, but still felt dissatisfied.

He has not yet formed muscle memory, nor can he send and receive at will, just like his arm. However, he has practiced the speed of the sword very quickly. He can complete the process from drawing the sword to retracting it in an instant, which is so fast that the Blood Sword Princess cannot react.

However, you still need to practice more. The power of the Grandmaster-level ‘Thunder Slash’ is far more than that.

Lin Rui had just practiced for half an hour, and his waist card was getting hot.

Lin Rui picked up the badge and felt it, looking slightly confused.

Is it Zandian? Why did this Ni Bodhisattva in the yamen contact him?

He pressed the animal head button and heard Chandian's voice coming from inside: "Lin Capt. Today, the county captain is acting as the county magistrate to serve on the board of directors. He summons all the government officials with black belts and above to come to the court within two seconds. Please invite Lin Capt. Go back to the county office immediately."

Lin Rui's eyes became even more confused.

The county captain becomes a director on behalf of the county magistrate? Could it be that the county magistrate is not in the county office today?

What was the purpose of the county captain Zhu Lingshi calling them over?

Lin Rui instinctively became vigilant, turned around and ordered loudly: "Twenty-seven, Xueying, today the county captain is promoted to the court and we are summoned to the county government office. There may be something mysterious about this matter. Please bring everything you need to bring."

He also walked back to the fourth floor and put on the magic hedgehog armor under his clothes, and also put on a layer of third-level military leather armor that would not affect his movement.

Lin Rui then put away the talismans he drew and several medicine bottles. Half of them were placed in the bag, and the other half were placed in the sleeves and on the belt, all of which were close to the body and easy to access.

After Lin Rui was ready, he took Wang Sen and Ji Xueying to the county government office.

When he walked into the gate of the county government, he saw Zhang Tianchang and several of his capable subordinates in front of him, as well as the arrester Cao Jun and others. More than 20 black belts and deputy arresters in the county government were all stopped by a group of county soldiers. At the entrance of the county government lobby.

Tieji Yingyuan stood with his hands on his back, standing on the top of the steps and glaring coldly at the people below: "The county captain has an order, today's discussion, no one is allowed to bring weapons into the hall, please take off your swords!"

When Lin Rui heard Ying Yuan's words, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

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