Supreme Lord

Chapter 71 He is bragging (asking for monthly votes)

Lin Rui was secretly shocked when he heard this. After he learned the master-level Purple Lightning Blade and Red Sky Lightning Control Method, he began to unconsciously apply some of the skills in the Red Lightning Blade and Red Lightning Palm.

He himself did not notice it, but Fei Yunlai saw it.

Lin Rui nodded a little guilty: "I am indeed learning the Purple Lightning Blade and Red Sky Lightning Control Method, and I have already gained some experience."

The essence is that these two martial arts have already reached the master level.

Yu Feicui, who was standing under the stage, could not help but show joy: "Lin Rui, since you have learned it, then use it and let Senior Brother Fei see it."

Fei Yunlai shook his head when he heard this: "Forget it, time is running out. It will take at least ten minutes for me to wait for him to use this set. Since he didn't use it before, it is obvious that he has no confidence in these two martial arts. So why not practice it again and come and see it when I have time.

But this kid's Red Thunder Blade and Red Thunder Palm are close to perfection. I have nothing to teach him. The techniques of the Purple Thunder Blade and the Red Sky Thunder Method are also used in a proper way and just right."

He folded his hands in front of his chest, thinking while talking. At this moment, his expression suddenly moved and he looked at Lin Rui: "Lin Rui, you should know the advantage of combining fire and thunder, right?"

Lin Rui nodded again: "I know, it is thermal breakdown."

Here we must first mention dielectric breakdown, especially 'solid dielectric breakdown'.

Under the action of strong electric field or high temperature, solid dielectric will lose its electrical insulation ability and change from insulating state to good conductive state.

Solid dielectric breakdown is divided into three forms: electrical breakdown, thermal breakdown and electrochemical breakdown.

Electrical breakdown usually occurs under normal temperature conditions, caused by the electric field strength exceeding the tolerance range of the insulating material.

The so-called "thermal breakdown" occurs in a high temperature environment, due to the accumulation of heat inside the medium, resulting in excessive temperature and loss of insulation ability.

Under normal circumstances, when the temperature rises, the resistance of most conductors will also increase.

After the resistance increases, the temperature will also rise if the high voltage power supply is continuously supplied, and it will rise to a certain extent, causing melting, burning and thermal breakdown.

In addition to solid dielectric breakdown, there are also liquid dielectric breakdown and gas dielectric breakdown, which are affected by high temperature to a certain extent.

This is the mystery of the two-series thunder and fire skills, so don't look at Lin Rui's current fire control ability. It is not a big deal and can hardly cause any damage to the enemy. But when the temperature of Lin Rui's fire control exceeds 1000, the power will increase several times, which is awesome!

According to the saying of playing games, this is the so-called "late stage".

The Tianji people actually didn't understand these principles. They just spontaneously combined the two ether elements of thunder and fire to form a series of martial arts including the Red Thunder Palm.

After humans mastered these martial arts, they made some new changes.

Fei Yunlai smiled slightly: "Lin Rui, your martial arts are simply perfect. I have nothing to teach you in this regard, but I know that there is a master who once created an extremely powerful secret move "Thunder Slash" based on the Purple Lightning Blade and Thermal Penetration. You can try to learn it."

Fei Yunlai raised his hand and began to condense the energy into a knife. There were also traces of thunder flashing around: "Watch it, I will only use it three times."

Lin Rui's eyes were fixed and he observed carefully. In the next moment, he saw a purple thunder flashing in front of him.

This thunder was so powerful and dazzling that everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

But it faded quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone was confused and wondering if this was the only ultimate move of the so-called "Thunderbolt Slash", they saw a sixth-level dummy's chest armor in the distance, which actually cracked a neat gap from the center.

Their faces all changed.

That was a sixth-level sparring robot, the treasure of Fang Ranran's martial arts club! It is said to have extremely high dodge and block capabilities, and its actual combat capabilities are close to those of a real colonial major general. As long as the software restrictions are turned on, it can be used as an armed robot.

However, Fei Yunlai slashed through the air with a knife, and this sixth-level sparring robot had no time to react.

Yu Feicui's face darkened slightly.

Fei Yunlai deliberately controlled the power when he swung the knife, and this knife only cut the front chest armor of the sparring robot, without damaging the core part of the robot.

But just this front chest armor is also very expensive! I'm afraid it will take 300,000 federal coins to repair it.

"I'm a little rusty." Fei Yunlai continued to swing his sword: "Look again!"

He then slashed two times in a row, cutting off the two legs of the sparring robot.

The atmosphere of these two swords was different from the previous ones. They looked ordinary, just simple sword swings, without any unusual phenomena.

Fei Yunlai then dispersed his true energy and looked at Lin Rui expectantly: "I don't have much thunder essence, so I can only use these three swords to show you. How is it? Did you see it clearly? How much do you understand?"

At this time, everyone present heard that Fei Yunlai's words contained some testing.

This colonial general clearly wanted to see how high Lin Rui's comprehension was.

Lin Rui also heard it and suddenly had a headache.

Fei Yunlai overestimated him a little. Lin Rui now has an accurate understanding of his comprehension. At most, he is similar to the previous Lin Rui, a little stronger than Wang Sen, but not much stronger.

It is estimated that he is above all living beings, and the tail of the top ten.

Lin Rui did realize something just now, but he was far from the essence of this knife.

But this is the price he paid for establishing his genius persona.

If Lin Rui wants others to regard him as a genius and dispel their doubts about his rapid improvement in martial arts, he must endure these tests.

Just when Lin Rui was trying to organize his words to evade, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned to call the Ringwraith in his heart.

"Ringwraith, can I use my soul points to deduce the essence of this Thunder Slash?"

I remember that the Ringwraith had reminded me before that soul points can also be used to deduce various martial arts.

Tip: 'Thunder Slash' is a secret move of the intermediate sword technique. The Federal Martial Arts Association gave it an overall score of S+. It has extremely powerful power. To deduce Thunder Slash to the beginner level, 200 soul points are required; to deduce Thunder Slash to the entry level, 400 soul points are required——

Lin Rui did not hesitate: "Deduct to the entry level!"

He only had 400 soul points left, and could only deduce 'Thunder Slash' to the entry level.

At this time, Lin Rui's consciousness changed.

Unlike when he copied skills before, Lin Rui found that his mind was running at high speed under the influence of a magical force. Various ideas and inspirations continued to emerge in his mind. It was like replaying a movie, replaying the high-definition picture of Fei Yunlai performing the "Thunder Slash" frame by frame.

After a moment, Lin Rui opened his eyes and said, "I have seen it clearly, but I can only understand about 10% of the mystery."

Fei Yunlai couldn't help but feel a little upset when he heard it, and turned his head to look at Yu Feicui.

It's good enough that this little guy can understand his three swords, and he can also learn it? It's just bragging without thinking.

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