Supreme Lord

Chapter 65 Dig, dig, dig (ask for monthly pass)

On the third floor of the 'Fabrick Nightclub', when 'Blood Dagger' Bette Aiken walked into the presidential box on this floor, he was in a terrible mood.

Aiken cursed hard in his heart: "Damn Jack! Damn Lin Rui! Damn Tiana! Damn, damn, damn it all!"

Tiana is his sister-in-law, the wife of the ‘Iron Fist King’ Wang Li.

Just this morning, that stupid Tiana actually instigated Jack the Golden Tooth to attack the brother and sister Lin Rui and Lin Xi on the Beltway.

It was this stupid, reckless and arrogant move that brought huge disasters and losses to the Blood Lizard Gang.

The Ninth Base City Government characterized the incident as a terrorist attack. The chief of the Eastern District Police Department also mobilized 20 action groups from the Federal Security Service, three federal regular marine regiments, and two regiments of armed police from the Republic of East Asia tonight. , in the name of military and police cooperation in combating crime and counter-terrorism, they swept through all the streets and alleys in Dongcheng District.

The various businesses under their Blood Lizard Gang have been targeted by the military and police.

This move caught them off guard. Before the incident, the gang's top brass did not receive any news, and all the relationships the Blood Lizard Gang operated were ineffective.

This caused the Blood Lizard Gang to suffer heavy losses. During the search by the military and police, they not only lost a lot of money and materials, but more than 180 people were directly killed by the military and police, and more than 600 people were handcuffed, nearly half of whom may have been arrested. Convicted and jailed.

What made 'Blood Dagger' Aiken even more annoyed was that the two warehouses for storing drugs that the Iron Fist King entrusted to his management were also raided by the police, and the goods lost were worth 90 million federal coins.

'Blood Dagger' Aiken was sure that there was a mole in the gang, so as soon as the police finished their sweep, he summoned all his people who had come into contact with the two drug warehouses to try to find the mole. It's a pity that I haven't been able to find this bastard who betrayed the gang and cheated the gang.

And all of this stems from the reckless and damning action that sister-in-law Tiana and 'Golden Tooth' Jack had on the Beltway tube this morning.

It would have been fine if 'Goldtooth' Jack could kill the brother and sister, at least to demonstrate the prestige of their Blood Lizard Gang. However, they suffered a disastrous defeat. Jack and his men were almost wiped out, and even 'Goldtooth' 'Jack himself also died under random gunfire from the police.

‘Blood Dagger’ Aiken felt a little regretful. He should have tried to persuade his sister-in-law.

If I had given my sister-in-law a stern warning yesterday, perhaps what happened today would not have happened.

However, when he came back yesterday, he actually failed to accurately judge the seriousness of the matter.

At that time, Aiken only felt that Lin Rui might not be easy to deal with. Last night, the people from the Longze Road Police Station did not hesitate to side with the Lin Rui brothers and sisters, and finally forcibly drove him out of the police station. This shows that this person has an extraordinary background. .

However, he never expected that the forces behind Lin Rui would be so powerful, powerful enough to prompt the top government officials at the Ninth Base to join forces with the military to launch such a massive anti-terrorism and anti-crime operation for the Lin Rui brothers and sisters.

This power clearly reaches the sky!

"Damn, damn it!"

Aiken was scolding Lin Rui, his sister-in-law, and himself.

When he opened the door and walked into the box, he saw an attractive woman with green hair and a suit lying in the middle of a sofa with her hands spread wide.

——That is his sister-in-law Tiana Higgins.

She was lying on her back, her eyes were distracted, and her face was full of intoxication, as if she had just smoked.

But she was still distracted by the news playing on the projection screen in front of her.

"Viewers, this is the notorious Fallen Street in Dongcheng District. We can see a large number of police cars and military vehicles on the street, and we can also see many arrested gangsters and criminals being put into prison cars. This is what we A joint anti-gang operation launched by the Ninth Base East District Police Department, the Federal Security Service and the military——"

When 'Blood Dagger' Aiken walked to the left and sat down on the sofa, he paused the news broadcast. Tiana Higgins suddenly frowned, turned her head and looked at 'Blood Dagger' Aiken with displeasure: "What's the matter?"

'Blood Dagger' Bet Aiken thought about the order conveyed by his elder brother 'Iron Fist King', and felt that his head was about to explode with a headache.

He really didn't want to do it, but—

Aiken took out a folding submachine gun from his leather jacket and unfolded it: "Tiana, the eldest brother asked me to tell you that he has to give an explanation to all the brothers in our Blood Lizard Gang."

Tiana Higgins was stunned when she heard this. Her mind suddenly came to her senses, and her delicate face was as pale as paper: "What do you mean by this sentence? What do we have to explain? Are you crazy?"

"Tiana, you should know how today's joint anti-gang operation came about. So many brothers in our gang died today and so much money was lost. All the factions in the gang have great grievances against us."

Aiken held a gun in one hand and rubbed his eyebrows with the other: "It's not just our Blood Lizard Gang. Other gangs in Dongcheng District are also dissatisfied with us. They even want to take the opportunity to bite off a piece of our flesh. The eldest brother even used his connections to inquire about the situation. The government has called your name. He is under great pressure and cannot withstand it. "

"So he wants to kill me?" Tiana Higgins began to breathe heavily. She stood up from the sofa, her almond-shaped eyes widened: "He wants to use my life to answer for others? Use his wife's life ? Does he deserve to be called the 'Iron Fist King'? He can't even protect his wife, he's a loser!"

Aiken couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this: "Tiana, looking at the scale of this anti-gang operation, we know that the people we offended are likely to be the top forces of the Ninth Base. Yesterday, my brother and I advised you to be patient for a few days and not to act rashly, but Tiana, you still hid it from us and let Golden Tooth Jack do stupid things. Our gang rules are to dare to do and dare to take responsibility. Tiana, you have done something wrong, you should take responsibility."

He took out a medicine bag from his pocket and put it on the table: "My brother said that he hopes you die decently, which can let you die in the most comfortable way. He also asked me to tell you that we will avenge you. Within three months at most, he will send Lin Rui's brother and sister down to accompany you. Of course, he will not use stupid methods like you, Tiana. He will let the brother and sister die in the most miserable way-"

'Blood Dagger' Aiken just said this, raised his hand and fired violently, shooting at Tiana Higgins who was about to escape to the window.

Just after firing, Aiken felt something was wrong. He found that his vision was shaking, his mind was slightly dazed, and he couldn't control his hands holding the gun accurately.

However, his violent continuous shooting still killed Tiana Higgins in an instant, and the woman's delicate body was beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Not good!"

Aiken looked at Tiana's body, but his heart was cold.

The reason why Aiken was able to kill Tiana was not because of his excellent shooting skills just now, but because Tiana Higgins herself had problems. Her steps were staggering and she couldn't make any effective blocking and evasion.

Tiana was also a captain-level colonial warrior. Although her combat ability was not very good, she was not so easy to kill.

Aiken couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He was sure that he was poisoned, probably an extremely strong anesthetic. The question was when he was poisoned. He didn't notice anything abnormal before that.

He opened the chat group in the gang as soon as possible, but found that the Internet inside the nightclub was actually disconnected.

At this time, Aiken heard a burst of gunfire outside the suite, which made his pupils shrink into needles.

And just two minutes before the gunfire, a slim black figure suddenly broke in from the window on the eighth floor of the building.

This was Lieutenant Colonel Superintendent Xue Lingxue, who was wearing a very close-fitting black exoskeleton armor and a fully enclosed tactical helmet.

However, when she stood in a guarded posture with two knives in her hands, her expression was slightly stunned.

Xue Lingxue found that the door of the monitoring room located here was open, and several members of the Blood Lizard Gang inside were all lying on the ground. They were either cut in the throat or their necks were directly cut off. All of them were killed with one knife.

Various equipment inside the monitoring room was also damaged and could not operate normally.

Xue Lingxue frowned and continued to walk forward.

She saw several more bodies next, and the death was the same as before. Judging from the wounds, the killer had superb knife skills and killed people quickly and neatly.

There were also some waiters and fashionably dressed women, all holding their heads and shivering in the corner.

Xue Lingxue noticed the prompt in her tactical helmet. Her armor detected the presence of a synthetic anesthetic in the air.

It contained propofol, lidocaine and carfentanil, and was mixed with red puffer liver oil, making this anesthetic almost colorless and odorless after being diluted to a certain extent, forming a unique aerosol, mixed in the air, and more easily absorbed by the human body.

So the blood lizard gang members in the building were basically hit. Not only were their five senses and reactions slow, but they also lost most of their combat capabilities. Judging from the traces of the battle, they were unable to make a decent resistance.

At this moment, Xue Lingxue also heard a burst of gunfire. Her eyes were solemn. She quickened her pace following the sound and came to a corridor on the fourth floor of the building.

When Xue Lingxue walked down the steps, she heard a clear voice singing a nursery rhyme: "Dig, dig, dig in the small garden, plant small seeds and grow small flowers, dig, dig, dig in the big garden--"

Xue Lingxue couldn't help but narrow her eyes, thinking that the person singing should be the killer who used anesthetics. Who is this person?

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