Supreme Lord

Chapter 46 Tyranny (Please read on)

As Yinyue County enters late night, the artificial sun at the ninth base of Tianjixing has also been extinguished for a long time.

Just as the entire Ninth Base was shrouded in darkness, Lin Xi was hiding in a hidden corner of the library of Longze Girls' High School, using a data cable to connect the library's medium-sized supercomputer to her personal terminal.

She has gained control of this medium-sized supercomputer. At the same time, she uses the powerful computing power of the supercomputer and her skilled hacking skills to navigate the network sea of ​​the ninth base city.

Lin Xi never told her brother that she was actually a highly skilled hacker.

Although Lin Xi has not yet been able to enter the top circles in the hacker world due to her age and lack of foundation, the codename "Zhunmi" she uses has already gained a certain reputation on the Internet.

Lin Xi's recent so-called "part-time job" actually spends most of her time using her hacking skills to take orders online and do some gray business.

Lin Xi doesn't have her own supercomputer yet, but the smart terminal she uses is the second-top model of the "Yeshen series", the "Yeshen 320".

This is one of the most suitable terminals for hackers. Not only does it have good computing power, it can also quickly convert her thoughts into various data streams. It also has the best signal and the largest network bandwidth.

At this time, a soft voice filled with admiration came from the headset Lin Xi was wearing: "You have broken into the city government's database? It took 24 minutes and 05 seconds. It's really you. Technology has improved again. They shouldn't have." aware."

That was 'Feiyan', the teacher who led Lin Xi into the industry and her current partner.

The team formed by the two of them has been doing well on the Internet recently.

Lin Xi had no expression on her face, and used her superhuman reading ability to quickly browse through the city government's database: "Found it, a video of 11 o'clock on June 1, near Shahe Lane, Longze East Road."

Lin Xi's eyes became more and more solemn: "Part of the surveillance video backed up by the city government has also been erased. About an hour's worth of video footage from dozens of monitors around the crime scene has disappeared. To be precise, is replaced."

What Lin Xi wanted to find out was the whereabouts of his brother's body after his death.

How did Lin Rui's head recover completely, and how did he walk home? There is always a process.

However, she took the risk to hack into the Eastern District Police Station and the Police Headquarters in the past two days, and found that there was a gap in the surveillance video near the scene where Lin Rui was shot.

Today she broke into the city hall to check the backup video data, and the result was the same.

"As expected." Feiyan sneered: "Since this person can wash away the surveillance video of the police headquarters, he can also wash out the surveillance video of the city government. I suggest you give up this line. The only way to save the surveillance video is now The only ones with video are the Federal National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.”

When Lin Xi heard this, her eyebrows furrowed and she fell into deep thought.

"Chai Mi, you don't really want to attack the Federal National Security Agency, do you? Don't go crazy. In the Ninth Base alone, there are dozens of top hackers recruited by the National Security Agency and the CIA. We can't touch them. ! Unless we can have a large supercomputer of our own, I definitely don’t agree with you hacking them.”

'Feiyan' first sternly warned, then said 'Hey' and exclaimed: "Zui Mi, I may have found the person who sent that video to your mailbox. You must not have guessed who it is."

Lin Xi has already seen the message sent by 'Feiyan'.

She was stunned for a while, then her eyes turned cold and showed doubts.

——That turned out to be the ‘Lu Qing Clinic’! Is it Sister Qing? How is this possible?

Isn't Lu Qing a doctor? Where did she get the video? Lu Qing anonymously posted the video to her mailbox, but why?

She also used many springboards when sending emails, and later erased the traces and made some cover, which shows that she also has certain hacking skills.

"It's so strange, so strange! Father clearly said that they would never come here again——"

Lin Xi felt a wave of irritation and anxiety in her heart.

Following Lin Xi's thoughts, the projection interface in front of her quickly changed, and a new video appeared.

That was four days ago. The police department cooperated with National Security Bureau agents to search their community and found footage of numerous surveillance devices.

Lin Xi was originally just out of vigilance after being visited by National Security Bureau agents. After breaking into the police database, she checked the circumstances of the Xue family's murder case, but discovered a shocking truth.

The dead Colonel Xue had been monitoring their home!

At this time, instead of feeling fear and panic, she felt endless anger.

Colonel Xue is monitoring their home. Lu Qing, who seems to take good care of her, may have evil intentions. Her brother Lin Rui may have changed someone.

——These people never let her go, and may even have killed her brother!

Just as Lin Xi's heart was in turmoil, she received a message.

Lin Xi glanced at it, immediately pulled out the data cable, stood up and walked outside the library: "My brother is back. He will be here today. I will contact you when I am free. He will come to Tianji Star often in the future. I I’ll have more time to do things with you.”


'Feiyan' then explained in a serious tone: "It is very dangerous to pursue your current state. You must face reality. There is no trace of forgery in that video. He cannot be Lin Rui, nor can he be your brother."

Lin Xi's steps stagnated, then she took a deep breath and hung up the phone.

Her brother certainly has problems, but what was the purpose of her teacher ‘Fei Yan’ contacting her and guiding her to join the hacker business? Can ‘Fei Yan’ really be trusted? Like Lu Qing, she has not shown any suspicious behavior in the past few years.

Lin Xi walked forward with a heavy heart.

Lin Xi did not notice that as her mood changed, the void around her was slightly distorted at this moment, and the glass curtain walls around her also had faint cracks at this moment.

She was absent-minded and came to the shared station outside the school like a zombie.

However, just when she chose a shared floating car and was about to ride it, she saw five young men who had dyed their hair in various colors and had various rings on their faces, dressed like monsters, coming around at some point.

"Hey, pretty girl, you're still in school so late, studying in the library? You're so diligent."

"Are you also a student of Longze Girls' High School? How come I've never seen you before? It's strange, you're so beautiful, I noticed you for the first time."

"Are you interested in playing with us, pretty girl? You should relax after studying, follow our big brother, I guarantee you'll have a blast."

Lin Xi frowned when she heard that.

This was something she had never encountered before, and she immediately felt something in her mind and touched her face.

Lin Xi secretly said, "Oh no, it's already 9:00, and I forgot to put on makeup when I came out of school."

What's worse is that he saw the tattoos on the necks of these people.

It was a blood lizard, surrounded by the words "loyalty, sharing honor and disgrace, unity and mutual assistance, dare to do and dare to take responsibility".

These people turned out to be peripheral members of the Blood Lizard Gang.

At this time, someone had already touched her shoulder. Lin Xi slapped the hand away with a slap, staring coldly at the people in front of her: "Get out! Otherwise, I will not be polite."

The people looked at each other, all showing a hint of ridicule, and the excitement of being about to catch prey. They each took out a Gauss short knife. One of the young men with a nose ring said with a smile: "Beautiful girl, be obedient. Brother doesn't want to be rough with you. Don't worry, brother doesn't want to do anything to you. I just want to talk to you."

The others also laughed playfully: "That's right, just have a heart-to-heart talk with our eldest brother."

Lin Xi took a deep breath, then leaned back suddenly, and actually used her head to hit the chin of a young man with green hair behind her.

With a crisp sound of "click", the man fainted without saying a word.

Lin Xi looked at the others, with murderous intent in her eyes.

A pair of thunder and fire snakes appeared on her hands, and her body pounced forward like a cheetah.

Maybe it was because of Feiyan's words that Lin Xi was in an extra irritable mood at this time.

The collision just now was like turning on a switch, allowing her to find a channel to vent.

If Lin Rui was present at this time, he would be surprised to find that the Red Thunder Palm used by Lin Xi at this time was the "Red Thunder Snake Hand" with the highest threshold in this set of palm techniques!

——This is a palm technique that can only be performed after both the Thunder Fire Pillar and the Red Thunder Palm have been cultivated to perfection!


With a large ball of flames and lightning flashing, a blond young man flew out like a broken sack.

His arm holding the knife was even softer, and it was broken!

The battle ended in just one minute. Lin Xi stood there, looking at the young people lying on the ground and wailing around her with a blank look of disbelief.

She was wondering if she had done this herself? Why was she so impulsive? Lin Xi frowned and touched her heart. Was her mind affected again?

Just at this moment, a shrill alarm sounded from a distance, and then several police cars dropped from the sky. Dozens of policemen rushed out of the cars, pointing their guns at Lin Xi.

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