Supreme Lord

Chapter 450 Toast (Subscription Request)

Just as Lin Rui guessed, Linghu Mingde was going along with the tide, and was slipping step by step into a situation where he "had to" fight the Pu family.

However, although the decisive battle cannot be avoided, the location must be chosen by him.

At this time, Linghu Mingde was sitting in the Tianhu Trading Company's flagship ship, the specially modified and enhanced cruiser starship "Tianhu", looking at the huge fleet outside through the bridge window.

A total of five star cruisers, twelve star destroyers, sixty escort satellites, and one hundred and twenty cargo ships carrying quantum migration systems.

Linghu's Tianhu Trading Company and Tianhu Alien Company are all involved this time.

In name, they went to Tianji Star to conduct trade, but in reality they wanted to share life and death with the Pu family.

Linghu Mingde crossed his arms and smiled slightly: "Don't he want a decisive battle? Then come to the sea of ​​stars outside the base. I will wait for him here. I believe this is what Mayor Huo wants to see."

The Mayor Huo Bangguo in his mouth was projected on the left side of the captain's seat, with a look of shame on his face: "I'm sorry Linghu, it's not that I don't want to stand on your side, but the ninth base city The civilians cannot bear the turmoil caused by the corporate war. Any battle between the seven realms will affect the surrounding residential areas within 3 kilometers. This is something I cannot bear no matter what."

The war between these two companies, although so far, has only killed or injured more than 2,500 alien walkers, has caused a large number of civilians in the ninth base city to be affected.

Now that public opinion has been blocked, and the scale of the war is still small, the insurance company has compensated under the pressure of Huo Bangguo, otherwise his approval rating will plummet now.

The recent scenes that Thunder Admiral supported him with during Operation "Bright Wind" will be in vain.

"There's no need to apologize, Lao Huo. If it were you, I wouldn't allow this war to break out inside the ninth base city."

Linghu Mingde shook his head slightly as if he didn't care, but then he asked accusingly: "But now that I have come out, what about Jin Bolong? If he is unwilling to come out to challenge, what should he say?"

Huo Bangguo's eyes flashed with excitement: "He must come out. I can assure you that the current situation cannot be controlled by him!"

If this person dares to act cowardly, then the federation from top to bottom will never allow the Jinhao Group to continue to exist!

When Linghu Mingde heard this, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

The iron gate of the Colosseum has been lowered. He, the man surnamed Jin opposite, and many strong men under their demons,

It is no longer possible to control their destiny.

Although he and Jin Bolong are both powerful men with cultivation levels as high as the eighth realm, and both control consortia with trillions of assets and a large number of private armed forces, they cannot disobey the overall will of the top people in the Earth Federation.

Just after the communication between the two parties ended, Linghu Tianchou, who was serving Linghu Mingde, was worried: "Father,

Since Puberon is eager to force us to fight, he must have a good chance of winning. "

Linghu Mingde was checking something through his personal terminal. Hearing this, he hesitated: "Then what? What do you want to say?"

"If we take the initiative to fight with them now, we will only fall into their will."

Linghu Tianchou smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, we can definitely delay it a little longer. Jin Bolong's capital chain has already encountered problems. We can completely delay and wait for changes. Jin Bolong cannot always maintain such full combat power. "

Linghu Mingde thought that Linghu Tianchou's judgment was not wrong.

The problem is that Linghu Mingde actually doesn't want to delay the current situation.

He has received reliable news that the president will announce the dissolution of the government and parliament tomorrow and call for an early election.

The Linghu family must resolve this war and turn their attention to the general election.

"Just three days ago, Jinhao Group signed a mortgage loan contract with East Pacific Development Bank. It is said that the loan amount is as high as 200 billion federal dollars, with an annual interest of 20%, so it is still very difficult for them to support it for a few more months. Easy."

Linghu Mingde shook his head slightly: "Pujia owns many high-quality rent-collecting properties, and its debt ratio is also very healthy. In fact, it has an advantage in terms of funds. This is the reason why Jin Bolong dared to challenge us. If it hadn't suddenly appeared With Commander Lin Haolin, our chances of winning are actually slim.'"

Linghu Tianchou's frown deepened. He actually felt that the Linghu family's chances of winning this time were not low.

Linghu Mingde had always been a secretive person, but when the Linghu family's life and death were at stake, he actually pulled out four powerful 8A-level special combat battalions out of thin air.

Linghu Tianchou didn't know before that their Linghu family actually hid such a powerful force.

The problem is that the old man's body is already in very bad shape, and he might collapse directly after this battle.

At that time, although the Linghu family was victorious, it was still defeated. Linghu Tianchou was about to say something more, but Linghu Mingde picked up a cup of tea next to him and drank it with enjoyment: "Okay, let's put the generals with fewer ships Forced into a decisive battle in outer space, we have already taken a huge advantage.

What's more, how long do you think I can blockade the Pu family? Do you really think those honorary members of Congress will tolerate this forever? Okay, instead of wasting your time with me talking nonsense, you might as well focus on the next battle. I predict that the battle will take place in the 'ionosphere' in outer space of Tianji Star, and it will probably take place in these ten minutes. You can now go to the hangar and prepare. ""

Linghu Mingde looked at Linghu Tianchou's retreating figure and sighed slightly in his heart.

After his careful training, his eldest son is actually very good and sees things very clearly.

It's just that his brain's reaction is a bit slow and not very smart.

He had already brought Linghu Tianchiu on board, why didn't this child think about it?

If Linghu Mingde had no confidence in his body and no certainty of victory, how could he bring his most important heir to a dangerous battlefield?

At this time, Linghu Mingde suddenly called his intelligence director: "I read your report. In other words, Ranran has only met Lin Rui twice in the past ten days, and it was at the meeting of the Bright Front. ?

The intelligence director looked serious: "I have only met him twice. Mr. Xiao Fang has been focusing all his attention on the election recently."

After Linghu Tianchou heard this, he turned his head suspiciously.

He felt why the old man valued Fang Ranran and Lin Rui's affairs more, but didn't pay much attention to the upcoming war?

Linghu Mingde shook his head slightly. He looked at the news about Fang Ranran. He was either accompanying candidates from the party to vote for votes, or meeting with union leaders to help them solve some problems in life. In short, he was very busy. of.

Although this is also business, business is also hierarchical.

He rubbed his forehead with regret and told the intelligence director: "When these young people are busy with their careers, they always fail to care about the scenery passing by. When they wake up one day, they will regret the things they missed. This was the case when I was young. .

So you still have to find a way to make it work. You can hire an expert in this field to make suggestions and try your best to push it. Of course, if they really don't want to, then forget it. ’

The corners of Linghu Tianchou's lips twitched slightly.

The old man likes that boy named Lin Rui so much and wants to bring Ran Ran and Lin Rui together?

Linghu Tianchou admitted that this boy was very outstanding, but based on his background, he was not worthy of their Ran Ran.

Bar? What on earth is the old man planning? They actually want to invite experts to give advice, because their family, Ran Ran, can't get married? He felt so depressed and unhappy that he had to show Lin Rui another day to let this kid know his own worth.

At this moment, a red alert sounded throughout the cruiser.

"An enemy fleet group was discovered, with coordinates X3451, Y4234, and Z0230. There are 9 cruisers and 25 destroyers.

Ships, 87 frigates——"

Linghu Mingde was surprised at first. The Pu family was not like the Linghu family, which specialized in freight business.

Although Jin Bolong also owned an interstellar trading company, most of their ships were rented, so they were easily defeated by him.

How could they suddenly come up with so many warships at this time of year?

Linghu Mingde then gave a cold laugh and guessed that Pubolong must be cooperating with a certain pirate group.

He was full of disdain: "Check it! Which pirate group is Jin Bolong colluding with?"

At this time, in the chairman's office of Tianlan Group headquarters, Fang Xianzheng had received a message from the intelligence director of Tianlan Group.

"They are the 7th Squadron of the Extremely Evil Pirates. How did Jin Bolong find them? Are you sure? What a Jin Bolong."

Fang Xianzheng walked to the glass window with a glass of white wine in his hand. He looked outside and silently spilled the white wine in the glass on the ground in front of him.

This is a tribute to his former father-in-law!

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