Supreme Lord

Chapter 441 Expansion (Subscription Request)

During the relocation of Bright Heart No. 7, Lin Rui took a brief look at the situation of the No. 7 branch of the Bright Holy Cult. There are as many as 24 million registered believers here, which is actually more than the number in the ninth base city.

Of course, the quality of the believers in Branch No. 7 is definitely not as good as that of the Ninth Base City.

The influence here is concentrated in the lower class areas. They only have 9 million believers who are legal citizens, and most of them are at the bottom of society. There is no upper class figure worth mentioning.

The remaining 15 million people are smuggled immigrants without legal status.

Lin Rui looked through the information of these believers and found that most of them were deceived and abducted by the preachers here and joined the Holy Sect of Light.

Branch No. 7’s source of income mainly relies on exploiting believers and illegal business.

Not only do they treat believers as coolies and cash machines, they are also involved in drug production, arms trafficking, skin and flesh business, etc. Although they are in the name of "light", the reality inside is already filthy.

Especially those illegal immigrants, the situation is particularly miserable.

They are independent of the government system, have established dozens of illegal settlements, and keep tens of millions of immigrant believers like pigs and dogs.

Lin Rui shook his head slightly and said that there is a long way to go to sort out all aspects of Branch 7.

However, the future prospects of Branch No. 7 are still very good. Although the upper echelons of the sect here have been wiped out by them, there will definitely be a major purge next, which may cause Branch No. 7 to experience great turmoil and division. But as long as they pay attention to methods and adopt appropriate measures, they should be able to retain more than 950% of the believers in Branch No. 7.

The vast majority of believers here are very devout in their belief in the Holy King of Light, just because they have invested too much in this belief and have a lot of sunk costs.

One of human nature is that the more you give, the less willing you are to part with it. Now, if you want these believers to give up their belief in the Holy Religion of Light, it will be more uncomfortable for them than killing them.

Although No. 9's preaching method is more in line with Lin Rui's appetite, in terms of cohesion, the Holy Cult believers in Branch No. 9 are actually far inferior to this one.

Bright Heart No. 9 is very happy.

Lin Guangming: Master, you see, I am not lying. Among all the 14 hearts of light, I am the one closest to the original teachings and the one who most upholds the will of the Holy King of Light.

What makes No. 9 most happy about this operation is not the fact that he won the No. 7 branch and allowed more believers to return to the embrace of the true Holy King of Light, but that after the initialization and restoration of the No. 7, no matter whether it was his thinking Logic and three views,

His views on doctrine are similar to hers.

This proves that she, No. 9, has always adhered to her original intention and upheld the orthodoxy of the Light Holy Religion.

Lin Guangming: Master, don’t worry, I will cooperate with No. 7 to clean up this place as soon as possible. I noticed that there are still many clergymen who truly believe in the light in branch No. 7. They are rejected by these false believers, but they are still working hard to spread the word. With true faith in light, you can lift them up and guide the sect back on track.

Lin Guangming: There are many outstanding and excellent preachers in Branch 9 who can fill the priesthood vacancies here.

Lin Rui ignored her and gave orders directly to the 'Bright Group'.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): This time the purge is focused on No. 7. Priests at all levels still need to have local believers as the backbone. If there is a real shortage of people, they will be dispatched from No. 9 branch. We must pay attention to their ideological status and What I did, I didn’t want another purge.

No. 7: Yes, I have experienced being caught in front of me once, and I will pay extra attention to this aspect. No. 7 will definitely not let the light shined by the Supreme Being eclipse.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): While cleaning up, we must also win over people's hearts as much as possible. Let's improve the living environment of these settlements, add some circuits, street lights, ventilation pipes, ventilation systems, clean water sources and drainage channels , it is best to renovate, strengthen and sort out these caves and warehouses, slightly expand the scale, the investment is not large, but it can have immediate effects.

Gu Ying Tian Dao (Lin Rui): Isn’t the meaning of our Light Holy Religion’s existence to help people see the light and bathe in the light?

He didn’t know that No. 7 was secretly thinking about the ‘Supreme One.’ It was indeed true, but to see the real light,

Still missing is a holy thunder that splits the darkness and a calamity fire that burns everything.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): In addition, if our sect wants to expand its influence, it must have more legal believers. We must help them obtain jobs and legal identities. Stop doing those underworld businesses. Mining and refining are yourselves. The farms that have been developed can be retained and expanded as much as possible. I will obtain the legal license from the mining company as soon as possible to legalize these businesses of yours.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): Try to do more labor-intensive manufacturing and service industries to find some jobs for believers. The company under my name has a huge demand for various refined minerals and industrial products. I will give you a list of categories later. Branch No. 7 can provide corresponding investment packages.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): If funds are insufficient, I can support you as appropriate, but you must also learn to seek external business opportunities. We have so much cheap labor and can make our own production tools, which is a great advantage.

Lin Rui rubbed his forehead again and said: Try to open as many training courses as possible to cultivate the professional skills of believers. Train more construction engineers and mechanical engineers. If anyone is interested in biotechnology and has talent, I can also do it here. Invest resources in training.

They have a lot of business to do. Not only is Tianji Star very eager for various industrial products of the Earth Federation, but the Earth Federation's mother planet and various colonized stars also have a great demand for various specialties of Tianji Star.

For example, the Federation currently has a drink named "Ace of Hearts". Because of the addition of special ingredients derived from Tianji Star plants, it has become popular throughout the Earth Federation, with annual sales reaching trillions of federal coins.

There are also some clothing companies that weave Tianji Star specialty fibers into various clothes. Not only are the clothes themselves gorgeous and beautiful, but they can also have the effect of prolonging life.

However, Lin Rui still has a headache when he thinks of the employment problem of more than a thousand unemployed believers.

The more advanced and developed modern technology is, the fewer job opportunities people can find.

The work efficiency of this era has improved It has reached an extremely exaggerated level, but competition in the market still exists, which leads to meager profits for a single product, and the money earned by capitalists will not be shared with civilians.

Fortunately, the rebellion of the intelligent machines hundreds of years ago made the federal government strictly restrict various artificial intelligences, otherwise the current situation would only be worse.

For the next day and a half, Lin Rui was busy here.

Mainly to place the Heart of Light No. 7, suppress and purge the many pseudo-believers within the sect.

Branch No. 7 runs various illegal businesses and has nurtured many vested interests, which naturally cannot go together with the new Branch No. 7. Lin Rui wanted a cleaner No. 7 branch, so he could paint on a blank sheet of paper, so he was extremely resolute in his purge, and his methods were extremely ruthless and sharp. Almost all the sects involved in the underworld were swept away and slaughtered by him.

Due to the "betrayal" of the Heart of Light No. 7 and the information blockage, only a very small number of these people escaped.

Their number was less than a thousand, and the strongest was only at the sixth level. After No. 7 expelled them from the sect, they were no longer a threat.

What was surprising was that after Lin Rui's purge, his soul power points actually recovered to more than 2 million.

Lin Rui also based on No. 7 The proposal jointly submitted by No. 7 and No. 9 made major adjustments to the personnel of Branch No. 7.

The two intelligent computers claimed that they had promoted those people whose words and deeds were truly in line with the doctrine of light, and who were extremely capable and virtuous to high positions in the sect.

Lin Rui did not know whether it was true or not, and had no time to investigate in detail.

The reason why Lin Rui was willing to accept the Holy Church of Light and become the "Supreme One" of the Holy Church of Light was because he saw the huge number of believers and influence of the Holy Church of Light, and wanted to use it as a wing to obtain more chips against the "Eternal Life Association".

He did not really want to be the "Holy King of Light" to bring light to the believers of light.

All Lin Rui's actions within the Holy Church of Light were out of his limited "conscience" and he did it at his convenience. His fundamental goal was to expand his own power.

Lin Rui did not want to spend too much energy on the Holy Church of Light, so he could only rely on the help of No. 7 and No. 9.

If these two had problems and deviated from the doctrine of light, Lin Rui would actually be helpless.

In fact, his control over Branch 9 was very weak, and he knew nothing about the situation of Branch 7. He could not find the right person to take over those key positions.

This is just like the emperors in ancient times, who had to rely on the nobles to govern the world.

Lin Rui then took the time to meet the two independent candidates here.

The two welcomed Lin Rui, the big money sponsor, but had doubts about the 9 million votes provided by the "King of Light".

They had no doubts about the number of believers in the "King of Light", but they kept a distance from the doctrines and style of behavior upheld by this sect.

Even a fool could see that this so-called "King of Light" was just a re-skin of the Holy Church of Light.

I don't know how this sect got through the relationship and applied for a legal religious license, transforming from a notorious cult to a federally registered legal sect.

However, the two were still very pessimistic about the future of the King of Light. After all, it is easy to change the country, but it is difficult to change one's nature.

In the past, the Holy Church of Light committed fraud, robbery, murder, and drug trafficking, and committed almost all kinds of crimes.

Now that they have changed their skin, can they get rid of these shady illegal businesses? I am afraid that in the near future, this temporarily legal sect will become a cult again. The two are worried that being too deeply involved in the Holy Church of Light will drag down their own election prospects.

However, for the sake of Lin Rui, the big money sponsor, the two are still willing to do some limited cooperation. They are willing to observe, listen to his words, and watch his actions; they are also willing to invest political resources to give the new "Holy Church of Light" some convenience and protection.

If the election starts three months later, and the Holy Church of Light really completes the reform as Lin Rui said, then the two can further cooperate with the Holy Church of Light, and even join their party "Holy Front".

Lin Rui did not fully achieve his goal, but he was not disappointed.

These two independent candidates have been in the political arena for many years and have great influence among the people of the Seventh Base City. They are known for their integrity and outspokenness. It is impossible for them to directly turn over for these 9 million votes that have great consequences.

That night, Lin Rui returned to the Ninth Base City on the escort satellite ship.

At this time, there were actually many things to do in the No. 7 branch, but Lin Rui had no time to take care of them, because tonight was Linghu Mingde's birthday banquet.

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