Supreme Lord

Chapter 436 Wanlong Tower (Subscription Request)

At the same time, in the Wanlong Tower in the north of Luojing City, Song Dynasty, Lin Rui was flying in the tower under the leadership of the tower keeper.

The Wanlong Tower not only covers a vast area, but is also the tallest building in the entire Luojing City. Its diameter is as large as one thousand feet, and its overall height is more than five thousand feet, which is more than 16,500 meters.

The overall shape of this giant tower is like a huge stone tablet, and it is also like a stone mountain, standing majestically in the north of the city. It can be seen from all locations in the entire Luojing City.

However, the giant tower is hollow, with a huge patio in the middle. The cells used to hold prisoners are all distributed around this huge patio.

There are more than 2,000 floors in the tower. Some of these floors are ten feet high, which can accommodate war dragons, and some are only a little more than one foot high, which can hold humanoid demons.

Lin Rui flew with the tower keeper for a while, and suddenly stopped the escape method, looking at the side with strange eyes.

He saw the war dragon of Huangfu Qing. On his left, there was a war dragon with dark gold and purple gold patterns all over its body, full of majesty and luxury, lying in a cave-like cell that was ten feet high.

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Its body was tied up with many iron chains, and it was motionless like a stone.

But just now, Lin Rui sensed that this war dragon was looking at him.

Lin Rui guessed that this war dragon should have sensed the No. 3 war spirit in the war spirit ring.

"Master Lin!" The tower guard in front looked back with a puzzled look after noticing that Lin Rui had stopped, "Why did you stop?"

Lin Rui shook his head and retracted his gaze: "Nothing, I just felt a little terrified. There are probably more than 10,000 war dragons suppressed in the Wanlong Tower? Look at these rows of war dragons, so densely packed. This is my second time here, and I still feel shocked."

The first time I came here was to bring Wang Sen to subdue the Ice Blood Demon.

The tower guard laughed when he heard this: "More than 10,000? The Wanlong Tower has held more than a million war dragons throughout the ages! Look at how high this Wanlong Tower is?

It is said that this tower was only 100 feet high at the beginning, but now it is more than 5,000 feet high. This is because after the flesh and blood of those ancient war dragons decayed, we will integrate their dragon bones into this Wanlong Tower to increase its height."

Lin Rui nodded slightly when he heard this. At present, the archaeological community has determined that the history of this tower is likely to be more than 60,000 years, and it has gone through eleven dynasties.

Some people have made amazing guesses that the Wanlong Tower was probably built when the Eastern Abyss officially became the "Abyss".

Lin Rui looked at the bottom of the Wanlong Tower again.

It was a huge array base, made of gold and iron.

Its shape was very similar to a manhole cover, but its diameter was as wide as nine hundred feet, filling the skylight inside the Wanlong Tower.

This is another unsolved mystery.

The Earth Federation not only wants to know what is buried under this manhole cover, but also wants to find out why the Eastern Abyss gathered so many war dragons and demons in the tower.

It requires war dragons and high-level demons to be fully covered. It is a treasure. Dragon skin can be used to make martial arts true intentions and high-level talismans, claws and bones can be used to make magic tools, and fascia is a necessary material for various powerful crossbows.

The East Abyss would rather lock the war dragons and high-level demons captured over the years in the tower and let them decay, rather than slaughter them and collect the precious materials from them.

In addition, the East Abyss has arranged two candidate gods to sit in the Demon Forest, but only a few eighth-level realms have been arranged in the Ten Thousand Dragons Tower to serve as tower envoys and deputy envoys.

Lin Rui was also very curious, but he came here mainly to practice the blood evil secret method today.

"Master Lin, please follow me." The tower envoy continued to fly upwards: "According to the order of the third god envoy, we have gathered a group of demons for you to practice the blood essence secret method. "

As he spoke, he flew to a high platform on the 666th floor in the south.

This is an execution platform in the Wanlong Tower, with a large number of iron pillars, torture instruments and knives on it.

Lin Rui looked over and found that there were more than 300 high-level demons and half-demonized demon cultivators tied here. The lowest among them were all in the fifth realm, and there were several demons in the seventh realm.

However, most of these demons were old, weak and sick with declining blood and energy.

Lin Rui said that if these demons were used to practice the blood essence secret technique, it would be twice the effort with half the result.

The tower guard arched his hand with a slightly embarrassed look: "Master Lin, there are rules in the Wanlong Tower, and those young and strong demons are useful. We have indeed tried our best to raise funds for you, please don't dislike it or be surprised.

In fact, we deal with some demons in the Wanlong Tower every year. If you can't practice the blood evil secret method once,

you can come again at this time next year. By then, Zuo will definitely prepare some good stuff for you. "

Lin Rui laughed dumbly: "It's okay, I know a thing or two about the rules of the Ten Thousand Dragons Tower. Lord Zuo has really taken care of Lin's affairs. '

He was so happy that he couldn't wait to be disgusted?

His practice of the Blood Evil Secret Method was only secondary, and the main thing was to collect soul points.

Although the demons in front of Lin Rui were some old, weak and disabled, the soul points they provided were not less at all.

He then walked impatiently to a Seven Realm Hundred Sons Demon.

Although this demon was tied up by rune chains and his vitality was extremely weak, he still stared at Lin Rui with a fierce and cold look, and his momentum was extremely fierce and violent.

Lin Rui knew that behind every mutated demon, there might be a tragic and sympathetic story.

But without hesitation, he hit Baizi Demon between the eyebrows and forcefully drew out all the blood of the Seven Realm Demon.

The secret method of blood evil that Lin Rui wants to practice is the "Blood God Wings".

It was originally the blood evil secret method of the Sixth Realm Super Emperor, but it obviously could not meet his needs.

How much blood yuan is needed to become a Six Realm Super Emperor’s secret method of blood evil? Only when he needs more blood yuan can he harvest soul power points openly.

It just so happened that after he obtained Huangfu Qi's many basic biological skills, he also had several ideas in his mind that could improve the 'Blood God Wings'.

So he invested about 30,000 points of soul power and continued to deduce the 'Blood God Wings' to the Sixth Realm Super Emperor!

Just rely on the aspect of ‘great demand, refinement and purity’.

The vivid analogy is that in the past, only one bucket was extracted from 100 buckets of water, but now one bucket is extracted from 1,000 buckets of water.

This is also good for him, as he will not be contaminated by the blood evil. At the same time, the power of the 'Blood God Wings' can be upgraded to the super emperor level, and it also derives an extremely powerful ability.

After about a minute, Lin Rui received the prompt.

Tip: Kill the seventh realm monster and obtain 63314 soul power points.

This Baizi Demon was so weak that her skin was white and blooming, and she could hardly stand still. However, she still provided Lin Rui with more than 60,000 points of soul power, which was higher than Li Zhaokang.

Lin Rui started from the seventh realm, then to the sixth and fifth realms.

The Seventh and Sixth Realms require him to point his finger at the center of his eyebrows and draw, which takes about half a minute to a minute. The latter ones don't need to be so troublesome. He directly cuts off the heads of these demons and demon cultivators with a single stroke of the sword, and then By pinching a seal, you can extract the pure blood.

On the contrary, the subsequent refining and purification took a lot of time.

Lin Rui planned to use the cleansing method to wash them afterwards, but now that everyone was watching, not only was the tower guard nearby, but there were also many jailers watching around, so he always had to work hard to save face.

About half an hour later, a pair of blood wings behind Lin Rui had expanded to 18 meters long, with 9 meters on each side. The blood wings did not look bloody or evil at all. There were countless dark golden runes in the blood wings. , covering it like feathers, it looks brilliant and brilliant, actually giving people a sense of holiness.

But what concerned Lin Rui the most was the total number of soul points he gained this time. When Lin Rui asked the Ring Spirit, the latter immediately replied.

Improvement: You now have a total of 2632114 soul power points.

The corner of Lin Rui's lips raised slightly. He could now exchange for Huangfu Qi's breeding dragon, and there were more.

Of course, the end in Wanlong Pagoda cannot be used.

Firstly, Lin Rui's alien body is full of war dragons, and secondly, he can't take it out even if he exchanges it now.

At this time, the tower guard also looked at the blood-gold wings behind Lin Rui in great surprise: "Awesome! I have never heard of such a level of blood evil secret technique. No wonder Master Lin needs so many materials."

He then asked curiously: "Master Lin's pair of blood wings should be improved from the blood wing technique, but the power should be stronger and purer. In addition, these blood wings seem to have other function?

Mr. Lin, Mr. Zuo has a hobby in his life. He likes to see all kinds of magical and secret arts. I wonder if Mr. Lin can show me some of them so that I can see what they are all about? ""

The blood wing technique can fly quickly, and can also help people perform escape techniques, strengthen weapons, strengthen the outer aura, and strengthen protection. Its effectiveness is close to that of the outer elixir. The benefits are great, but Lin Rui's pair of blood wings obviously has another mystery. Don't use it.

Lin Rui hesitated for a moment after hearing the words. Thinking that the guard envoy did have this hobby, and thinking that he might need to use this person in the future, he said with emotion: "There are indeed some changes, and it doesn't hurt to show them off. It's just that

He paused in speech and glanced at the people around him with a frown.

When the tower guard saw this, he immediately understood what he meant. He waved his hand to signal the guards next to him to stay away from this place.

Then he said with serious eyes: "Don't worry, sir, this technique will never be leaked outside my eyes."

Lin Rui nodded. Then he made a seal with one hand.

The pair of blood wings behind him actually separated from his body, began to twist and change, and finally turned into a four-foot-tall giant, towering behind him,

"This is--"

The tower commander looked at the end with concentration and couldn't help being surprised.

This is clearly a fake war dragon. It possesses almost everything of a war dragon - it is also a six-level super emperor war dragon.

Its only shortcoming is that its body is too soft and brittle, and it cannot withstand heavy blows. However, its essence is just a ball of blood evil. It can heal and change quickly, so it is not a fatal flaw.

In addition, this pseudo-war dragon consumed a lot of blood energy.

The little bit of blood Yuan Lin Rui absorbed couldn't last long.

"Awesome!" The tower-suppressing envoy first exclaimed, and then regretted: "It's a pity that there is too little blood this time.

It has not been fully completed. Master Lin, please come here next year. I promise to provide you with more materials, and I will ensure that you can master this blood evil secret technique to the peak of the page. "

Lin Rui laughed dumbly, thinking that might not be the case.

When he comes back next year, he will definitely be able to recommend this secret technique to the Seventh Realm Super Emperor.

At this moment, he saw Fang Ranran sending a message.

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): Junior fellow student, it will be my father-in-law’s 760th birthday in three days. I would like to invite you to come and have a banquet with me. I wonder if you are free? My father-in-law, Linghu Mingde, wants to see you.

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