Supreme Lord

Chapter 434 Direction (Subscription Request)

In the third laboratory of the institute, Lin Rui relied on an ultra-high-power microscope with one eye to perform gene editing modulation with the help of instruments.

The production process of colonial clothing is extremely complicated and precise.

Almost all of the breeding equipment is based on biological materials from Tianji Star.

They extracted various stem cells from the bodies of Tianji Star people, edited key gene segments in the stem cells, and left an "interface" that can be combined with human genes, and then used various nutrient solutions to grow and strengthen them bit by bit.

It's not enough to cultivate and grow it. During this period, various Tianjixing medicines and materials must be added, or stimulated.

Or integrate them into usable reproductive equipment, which can be used to replace flesh, bones, and even organs in the human body.

Since the gene chain of the clones is incomplete during the breeding process, the possibility of genetic mutation and gene collapse is very high, so mass production is not possible and the only way to rely on the full supervision and artificial cultivation of breeders.

Therefore, generally better costumes require several top costumers to work together and spend several days making them.

However, this time Lin Rui chose only the A-level tenth-level colonial equipment "Iron Heart". An SS-level tenth-level colonial equipment like him,

It only takes a little over an hour to complete one.

Xie Qing sat in the observation room outside the laboratory, folding his arms and looking at the video image in front of him with disdain.

There are a total of 12 video projections here, allowing you to watch Lin Rui's operation process from multiple angles, ensuring that every detail is different.

At this time, several of Lin Rui's senior brothers, as well as some of the most outstanding colonists in the institute, were watching the video intently and discussing in low voices.

"Junior brother's technique is very skillful, his movements are very smooth.'

"BOSS is also very familiar with various instruments, and his editing genes are accurate and fast. He doesn't look like a beginner, he looks like an expert!"

"It's strange. It's only been half a year since junior brother entered university. His majors are biology and reproductive surgery. I didn't hear that he also learned to make reproductive garments."

"Nowadays, the media are talking about the origins of junior brother's family education. His father Lin Cong studied under Professor Huangfu. He started studying when he was a child."

"Lin Cong? That was the top biological scientist in the past 20 years. He could have been awarded academicianships of several academies of sciences like Professor Huangfu. What a pity -

Xie Qing's expression seemed contemptuous, but his eyes gradually became serious. At least judging from Lin Rui's method of making colonial clothing, it was still very good.

Xie Qing himself is an SSS-level colonizer and can accurately identify Lin Rui's level.

Lin Rui's movements were flawless and extremely precise, and his skills seemed to have been honed over time - this guy's A-10 armor skills were even better than his!

When Xie Qing heard the word "Lin Cong", his eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly and he was a little distracted.

Lin Cong is indeed the most outstanding researcher of his generation.

One of the big reasons why Xie Qing was willing to join the Ruifang Institute of Reproductive Biology was that Sima Lin mentioned to him that Lin Rui was a descendant of Lin Cong.

He had always wanted to meet Lin Cong and wanted to ask this person for advice on some academic problems.

However, since Lin Cong disappeared, there has been no trace of him. He has never been seen alive or dead.

Xie Qing joined this research institute out of hope. What if there is still contact between father and son?

Unfortunately, he only joined for a few days and was already disappointed.

This Lin Rui was very talented and had a huge amount of funds, but it was a pity that he was led into a ditch by that idiot Sima Lin.

Just when Xie Qing was distracted, he heard a few people next to him exclaim.

"Junior brother, what are you doing? The gene editing of 'Tiexin' doesn't include this part, right?"

"It's so strange. This part of the genetic structure seems to be a human gene fragment? The question is, is it unnecessary? What's the significance of this?"

Xie Qing frowned and gathered his mind again to look at the scene in front of him.

After a moment, he was slightly stunned, and turned on a video projection to play the part that he had missed before.

Xie Qing immediately trembled and stood up from his seat with a loud sound.

"Lin Rui, you want to integrate part of our human genes into breeding equipment? This is impossible! It can never be done! Both the East Asian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Academy of Sciences have invested heavily in research, and they have both failed!"

At present, the clothing production and surgery are generally based on the genes of the Tianji people. The clothing is then recombined with human genes through the reserved genetic interface during the implantation surgery.

The more perfect and deep the gene chain combination is, the lower the mental burden will be on the colonizing warriors and the less likely it will be to cause rejection reactions.

Lin Rui ignored it and continued to operate with concentration.

He put the gene-edited stem cells into a "reproduction incubator."

Next, the gas is released, the liquid is released, irradiated with gamma rays, the electromagnetic field is adjusted, the concentration of the ether element is adjusted, and the genes are continuously interfered with.

Xie Qing was right. The research of the East Asian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Academy of Sciences in this area did fail. All the clones they cultivated using this method failed at the breeding stage.

However, Academician Huangfuqing succeeded in the last few years of his life. When he was studying the source of ×, he discovered several genetic structures from the gene fragments of an 'immortal' person from Tianji Star, which could be applied to the people of Tianji Star. Genes are combined with the genes of the human body.

"Crazy! You are simply crazy!" Xie Qing shook his head, unbelievable and unbelievable: "This is impossible!"

While changing the structure of the gene chain, this guy actually added "meridians" inside the clothing.

’——It is the kind of ‘meridian’ that can connect the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve main meridians, and pass through the interior of the body, thus forming a complete meridian loop.

The 'Iron Heart' made by Lin Rui is similar to the genetic map of the breeding equipment released by the Federal Academy of Sciences. Although the appearance is very similar, the internal structure is completely different!

At this time, several people behind Xie Qing also stood up and looked at the scene in front of them with extremely solemn expressions.

According to common sense, the gene of this breeding suit made by Lin Rui should have collapsed long ago, disintegrated in the nutrient solution, or turned into a mass of sarcoma composed entirely of mutated cells!

But it was still in good condition, and its structure seemed to be very stable. No major mutations occurred until the cultivation was completed.

"The next step is the transplant surgery, to verify whether my transplant suit can be used. Several special researchers in the observation room breathed heavily. Xie Qing also looked cold, with eyes that were both unbelievable and filled with despair. expect.

If the colonial suit made by Lin Rui can really be used and implanted into the human body, it will indeed lead the development direction of future colonial warriors.

Lin Rui's reproductive surgery was performed on a 'replicate for biological experiments'.

This is a humanoid entity created using 3D bioprinting and other technologies, which can replace the human body for various biological experiments.

Due to federal regulations, these replicants cannot possess any thinking ability or self-awareness, and can only be controlled with various smart chips.

Therefore, this thing is not perfect enough to completely replace the human body. Therefore, major companies and scientific research institutions use the lower areas of the base city as testing grounds, using illegal immigrants to verify various drugs and reproductive equipment.

However, there is no problem in using this "replicate for biological experiments" to verify the iron core of the colonization equipment he made.

A moment later, when Lin Rui opened the metal mask equipped with a respiratory filter and walked out of the laboratory, everyone outside, including Xie Qing, was silent and still watching the video in front of them.

The Iron Heart made by Lin Rui not only perfectly integrated into the human body, but they also saw with their own eyes just now that this 'Clone for Biological Experiments' used the "Iron Heart" ability.

The key is that this piece of clothing is perfectly integrated with the human meridian system and integrates the eight extraordinary meridians.

In the midst of the twelve serious cycles.

Unlike before, Sima Lin could only connect them together through special surgical methods.

If I have to describe it, the previous form was similar to a "plug-in", but now it is truly organically combined.

Several people were so excited that if they hadn't signed a confidentiality contract, they would have wanted to contact Professor Sima right now.

Their path can really work! And the future is bright and extremely lofty!

"You will observe it for a few days to see if there is any rejection reaction or sudden genetic collapse."

Lin Rui smiled and waved to a holographic camera next to him: "You don't have to worry about the teacher.

He has seen it through the remote connection. "

Since Professor Sima was performing an operation on someone at the time of the incident, Lin Rui could not invite him to the scene in person. He could only let Professor Sima witness the miracle in this way.

If their Ruifang Breeding Biology Laboratory can take this path, they cannot do without Sima Lin's help.

Xie Qing stared at him: "The genes you just edited are not just as simple as generating the meridian system, right? If I guess correctly, these implants will be absorbed by the human body a few months after they are implanted, and truly integrate into the human body." Gene chain?"

Lin Rui's lips raised slightly when he heard this: "Indeed, so what I just said is that this reproductive costume can lead the future evolutionary direction of mankind!"

He thought that the director's knowledge in gene editing was also very good, and he could actually tell.

Xie Qing squinted: "Where did you learn the technique of making clothing? And this method of combining human body meridians with clothing, was your father Lin Cong teaching you?"

Lin Rui laughed dumbly: "It's not my father. My skills in making colonial costumes came from Professor Huangfu."

Now is no longer the time to carefully conceal the source of one's abilities as before.

With the power he has today, as long as he refuses to tell, who can get to the bottom of it?

A child carrying gold in the market is afraid of being robbed, but what about a rich man with a group of bodyguards to protect him?

Lin Rui can now more calmly display all the abilities he obtained from the battle spirit ring.

Xie Qing snorted when he heard this. Professor Huangfu had been dead for almost ten years. How old was Lin Rui then?

He shook his head slightly, thinking that either Lin Cong was brave and taught Lin Rui these things when he was very young.

Either Lin Cong left a large amount of research materials and videos to his children, allowing Lin Rui to become self-taught.

At this time, Lin Rui extended his hand to Xie Qing: "So, what do you think, Professor Xie? Can you condescend to stay and create glory with us?"

Xie Qing's face twitched slightly, but he still reached out his hand and shook Lin Rui's hand firmly without hesitation.

How could he leave after seeing such technology? Even if Lin Rui chased him away, he wouldn't leave.

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