Supreme Lord

Chapter 429 I didn’t hide any drugs (please subscribe)

When Lin Rui jumped off the armored command vehicle, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the east corner of the villa a hundred meters away.

The ground then shook violently, and a huge wave of force hit, causing the dozen civilian staff members who followed the team to almost lose their footing.

Lin Rui stood in the air, his figure as stable as a mountain. He glanced in that direction and found that two six-level war dragons were fighting over there.

The war dragon in the south was a master of the Security Bureau. The other one, according to the intelligence Xue Lingxue had investigated beforehand, should be the war dragon of Li Zhaokang's second son, the Emerald Dragon of the Sixth Realm Super King.

The fighting style of this war dragon was very crazy. Not only did it use its claws and teeth to attack the opponent crazily, but it also manipulated the explosively growing vines around it to continuously attack the law enforcement officers of the Security Bureau.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the buildings in the surrounding area collapsed at the moment of the fight.

Lin Rui glanced over there and thought that the information was wrong. Li Zhaokang's second son Li Mingji seemed so gentle on the surface, but he also suffered from colonial syndrome.

He then walked to the back of an explosion-proof armored vehicle in front of the gate.

The front defense of this explosion-proof armored vehicle was specially strengthened, with two layers of 200 mm armor added.

At this time, not only was it subjected to various ammunition strafing inside the manor, but it also received two smart missiles just now.

The two 7-type 40 mm "Six Pure Ruyi Wheels" on the explosion-proof armored vehicle were also strafing into the manor, and were used as temporary shelters by a group of security agents.

There were also two J-Dragon 6 robots and one J-Dragon 7 robot next to them, firing fiercely.

This type of combat robot produced in East Asia is not only powerful, but also very agile and flexible.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they move like phantoms, leaving pieces of afterimages.

Their combat AI is also very powerful. Not only can they use various long-range and short-range weapons skillfully like martial artists, but they can also protect themselves with the help of cover.

"Boss!" Zhang Long is also here. He looked at Lin Rui helplessly: "I suggest you just watch from behind. It's very dangerous here. It's not difficult for us. There's no need for you to do anything."

He wanted to say that it was very dangerous here, but then he was afraid of hurting the other party's face in front of many colleagues, so he took back his words.

This guy is only in the fourth realm, the level of lieutenant colonel. Although his physical fitness and mental strength in all aspects are not worse than those of the colonel-level martial artists, his martial arts score is an unprecedented 4SSS ten, but there are so many good people in this villa now.

Why did this guy run to the front to make trouble?

His boss is good in everything, but he is a little black-hearted. He may have a little abnormal brain and a particularly courageous heart. He may have colonial syndrome.

When Zhang Long was talking, he saw Xue Lingxue also holding a sniper rifle and followed up. It seems that she is also worried about Lin Rui's safety.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Rui shook his head slightly: "There are more than 1,000 people here, and there are so many masters. If we are not careful, our brothers may be killed or injured. Moreover, this operation is very important and everyone is paying attention to it."

He didn't want to see the headline of "Security Bureau senior officials acted recklessly, resulting in large-scale casualties of agents" in the newspaper tomorrow.

Lin Rui looked at the situation with a focused look, and used the situational awareness device of the exoskeleton armor to sense the situation inside the villa.

"Boss, I don't think it's necessary." Zhang Long had a headache. Just as he was thinking about how to persuade this guy to go back, Lin Rui had already seized the opportunity. His body suddenly turned into a purple thunder and broke into the manor very abruptly.

In order to distinguish from the light martial arts of martial arts star Lin Rui, Admiral Thunder mainly uses thunder martial arts, supplemented by light and fire.

He has mastered many types of martial arts, so he doesn't worry about others finding flaws.

At the moment of breaking in, Lin Rui fired five consecutive shots, blowing the heads of two bodyguards and three loyal gang members around him.

He immediately became the target of the Li family thugs around him, and was shot by dozens of guns. Countless bullets swept over him instantly.

Lin Rui's thunder escape was indeed swift and flexible. He abandoned his gun and used a knife. With a flash, he chopped off two heads nearby.

The 7SSS ten external pill "Kuilong" made his all-round ability comparable to the sixth realm, and could also provide him with the true essence of the seventh realm super emperor level.

Zhang Long, who was following behind, was unlucky. He saw Lin Rui rushing in and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately followed him in,

wanting to cover "Thunder" with all his strength.

This person is not only his immediate superior, but also the commander of the Song Dynasty's assassination bureau, and the most important ace walker in the security bureau. Zhang Long must not let this person make any mistakes in front of him, otherwise the first commander-in-chief will throw him into purgatory.

This guy is really messing around!

But the thugs inside couldn't lock on to Lin Rui, so they poured bullets on Zhang Long. On, he was hit so hard that his whole body was full of flashes of fire.

Even though Zhang Long practiced horizontal training kung fu, he not only had a titanium skeleton, but also had exoskeleton armor and nano armor on his body, which were all sub-top models.

But at this time, facing dozens of guns shooting, he still felt that he could not hold on.

He had no time to take care of himself for a while, and looked at the front in surprise.

At this time, Zhang Long actually had a question in his mind, is this Lei Ting in front of him really Lin Rui?

This is simply a 6SSS level 10 master, with a bloodline score of at least the emperor level, and a martial arts score of absolutely super emperor, which is 6SSS 10 in total!

This is a real lieutenant general, but without the war dragon.

Zhang Long knew instantly that he couldn't keep up with Lin Rui's pace, and immediately called many snipers behind him to provide cover.

Lin Rui used his lightning escape method to flash in all directions and kill efficiently.

Tip: Kill the fourth realm demon-turned-martial arts cultivator and obtain 2463 soul power points.

Tip: Kill the fifth level demon-turned-martial arts cultivator and obtain 4213 soul power points.

Tip: Kill the fifth level demon-turned-martial arts cultivator and obtain 4525 soul power points.

This Li Zhaokang is worthy of being the underworld tycoon who has been the leader of the Zhongyi Gang for 80 years. His subordinates are extremely powerful.

None of the bodyguards and loyalists in this villa are below the level of the Fourth Realm, which is the major and lieutenant colonel level.

At this moment, an eighteen-meter-tall colonial dragon with a green body and some dark golden runes around its body appeared in front of him.

"Go to hell!"

Due to its huge size, the strength of the Colonial War Dragon is generally five to six times more than its own body. At this time, a single punch can even trigger a strong storm around it.

At the same time, a large number of vines appeared around, entangled with Lin Rui.

Lin Rui saw that this war dragon was currently in a human-dragon state.

That is to say, the person is inside the body of the war dragon and directly controls the war dragon to fight together.

The advantage of this method is that it can maximize the power of the dragon, but the disadvantage is that it loses one dragon-level combat power.

Generally, only martial arts cultivators with insufficient mental strength and inability to distract themselves would fight in this way.

But not only is this an imperial-level master, he actually also masters the 3% concept of 'entanglement'.

Those vines were particularly tangled. Even if Lin Rui was in the state of thunder and lightning, he would still be entangled by these vines if he was not careful.

He narrowed his eyes, sneered, and first dodged to avoid a few punches from the battle dragon, then jumped up in the air and came to a parallel position above the head of the battle force, and suddenly performed a six-level super The Emperor's Secret Martial Arts 'Thunder Moving Nine Skies' was chopped down.

The majestic thunder and lightning gathered on the knife, until it roared and collided with a pair of fist gloves used by Zhan Long, and then the roar dispersed, erupting into a monstrous sea of ​​thunder.


The man in the battle dragon let out a muffled groan, and his body was struck by the overbearing sword force of the opponent's Super Emperor's Secret Martial Arts, causing him to kneel back and take half a step back.

The opponent's bloodline ability is definitely at the Sixth Realm Emperor level! It’s not just about having more talents and abilities than others,

Their strength and speed are also far superior to those of the same level.

The power that this person exploded at this moment was particularly powerful, even if he was combined with the war dragon, he couldn't withstand it. Just as this person was trying his best to build up his strength to counterattack, a group of high-level martial arts cultivators nearby came to reinforce him.

Another burst of thunderous sword light erupted from Lin Rui's sword. It was like his sword had been extended a lot forward!

This is clearly the second style of 'Thunder Moving the Sky'! It was Lin Rui's continuously improved 6SSS level secret weapon 'Light Slash' that allowed him to slash twice in a row in less than a ten thousandth of a second! Moreover, it is a two-style Super Emperor's Secret Sword, which does not require returning energy to accumulate power.

At this time, the surrounding temporal void also experienced a momentary distortion and stop.

This scene made the man inside Zhan Long's body turn pale.

"How is that possible?"

Why was this guy in front of me able to cut out a second slash after exhausting his strength?

Also, what kind of timing ability is this, and how can it be so overbearing?

His thoughts immediately stopped. This was due to the stasis of time and space, which also froze his thinking.

The surrounding masters of the Sixth Realm of the Li family who wanted to come over for reinforcements also changed their expressions when they saw this scene. They tried their best to rush over to help, but found that there was not enough time.

When everything over there returned to normal, the entire waist of the Super King Emerald War Dragon, including the Sixth Realm master inside, was cut off!

At this moment, the entire Li family villa fell into deathly silence.

After a full breath, someone exclaimed: "Mr. Li Er is dead!"

Standing on the balcony, Li Zhaokang was fully armed, but he kept hesitating whether to join the war and prove his crime of violent resistance to the law.

When he saw this scene from a distance, he almost fainted.

That was his younger brother Li Zhaoyi. Although he was not the most powerful general under his command, he was the pillar of their family and Li Zhaokang's most powerful arm in the past.

At this time, Li Zhaokang heard another excited roar from nearby: "We found the place where they hid their poison. It's in their servant's room. It's ten tons! And it's high-end stuff made from Tianjixing medicinal materials." ”

Li Zhaokang was stunned again when he heard this, thinking that this was absolutely impossible!

How could there be drugs hidden in his house? I'm not hiding any drugs!

Li Zhaokang was furious at first, and then felt chilled all over, and an extreme chill penetrated deep into his bones.

He realized he might be finished

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