Supreme Lord

Chapter 426 Light Storm (Subscription Request)

Three days later, in the Lin residence in the imperial city of Luojing, Lin Rui was practicing standing practice in the martial arts field.

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The "Spiritual High-level Standing Method" exchanged from the No. 2 War Spirit made the blood and qi in Lin Rui's body surge, deeply integrated with his brain and soul, making it easier for the soul to extract power from his blood and qi, thereby nourishing and strengthening it.

At the same time, Lin Rui's whole body was "clicking", and his muscles, bones, meridians, blood vessels, fascia, etc. were all stretched to the limit, and quickly repaired under the unique Qi Yuan cycle.

This is actually derived from the spirit and fantasy. The high-level Zhuanggong, which mainly cultivates the spirit and the body, has very good results and is at the first-rate level among high-level Zhuanggong.

After Linghuan reached the peak of the ninth realm, he also wanted to improve his fundamental Dafa, reorganize the foundation of his skills, and leave his own traces and inheritance in skills and spiritual practice.

This person has a high position in the ninth realm and has developed his own set of elementary, intermediate, advanced, and dragon-level Zhuanggong, which have very good results.

This top illusionist provides various There are many kinds of Zhuanggong and cultivation secrets, and Lin Rui can't finish them in a short time.

Now, with Huangfu Qing's part, there are 70 or 80 Zhuanggong and secrets that can be replaced.

Lin Rui used to copy one every 15 to 20 days, and wait until the copied Zhuanggong secret method has reached the limit of strengthening the body and soul before changing to the second one, for fear of causing waste.

Now he has become a rich man, copying one every five days, and the remaining ten days of residual effect are wasted, and he is too lazy to wait.

Lin Rui is getting more and more impatient now, wanting to upgrade to the sixth realm of dragon transformation.

After all, whether in Tianji Star or in the Earth Base City, only the dragon transformation strongman can be considered to be on the stage.

If the previous rhythm is followed, when can he transform into a dragon?

"Now the mental quality score should be more than 4200 points, and the comprehensive physical quality should be 3900

The improvement after copying the high-level Zhuanggong is very large, which can bring him an improvement of 300 to 400 points at a time, and the improvement in mental power is particularly significant.

In fact, the detection value of the intelligent biological auxiliary chip is higher, but this chip lacks professional instruments, and the test value is biased.

Lin Rui conservatively estimated that his physical fitness has reached about 4000 points, close to the colonel level.

Lin Rui looked at his dragon armor again, and it only covers the chest, abdomen and back.

His hands have only reached the upper arm, and his head has only covered his lips.

This speed is already very fast, but at this rate, it is estimated that he will need more than half a year to cover his entire body with dragon armor.

Although this speed is already very fast compared to normal Tianjixing martial artists, Lin Rui is still not satisfied.

He wants to quickly implant the colonized dragon armor, and under the assimilation effect, cover his entire body with dragon armor as soon as possible.

Like his Blood Knife Ji, she has almost covered her entire body with a set of bone armor due to the alien colonized dragon armor.

However, the integration of Ji Xueying's humanoid alien body and soul is very problematic, so they took a shortcut at the beginning.

If this body is not trained by himself, it is still far behind if it is simply modulated by biotechnology.

But now Lin Rui has a solution. Whenever he is free, he will call Ji Xueying's humanoid body to the lead room, use the pure fire to burn and cleanse the places where the soul and flesh have not been completely integrated, and then let Ji Xueying use her soul to refine it, and use some medicine to strengthen her integration with the flesh.

The improvement effect is very obvious. Now Ji Xueying's soul and flesh are almost the same as those of normal alien walkers.

Lin Rui feels that this is also one of his advantages, but he has not tried to use it on human alien walkers.

It seems that it is not necessary. Humans who are qualified to become alien walkers basically have excellent spiritual talents and martial arts talents, and they all start from opening meridians and opening meridians.

The remaining colonized warriors are mostly ordinary in talent, and they do not have the ability to become alien walkers, nor do they need to.

This ability is most suitable for high-level martial artists from Tianjixing.

If they want to go to the "Heavenly Demon Hometown" and don't want to start from scratch, then Lin Rui will definitely be able to help.

At this time, Wang Sen sent a message.

Weird young man (Wang Sen): Brother Rui, I have implanted the golden elixir, the SSS level 10 golden elixir ‘Xuanwu Shenming’!

Wang Sen also sent him a photo, taken in the operating room, with a full smile on his face and excited eyes.

Wang Sen did have reason to be excited. For this ‘Xuanwu Shenming’, he deliberately delayed for a month, constantly strengthening and polishing his body, nourishing and strengthening his soul, and finally succeeded today.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Not bad, keep it up!

It is really good. You should know that Zhao Yan also implanted the golden elixir in the second half of the first year of enrollment.

You should know what kind of foundation Zhao Yan had before enrollment? ? What about Wang Sen? His cultivation speed is almost reaching the hall level.

As long as the golden elixir is implanted, Wang Sen will be able to enter the Dragon Transformation in two months.

By then, he will be equipped with a better Heavenly Demon Dragon Armor, plus his Sixth Realm Ice Blood Demon, and he can use his identity as the captain of the personal guard to help him handle many official duties like in Wangcheng County.

Of course, Wang Sen's cultivation speed is a little slower than Lin Xi's.

Lin Xi obtained the alien body a few months later than the little fat man, but he had implanted the artificial golden elixir three days ago.

Her golden elixir is the same as Lin Rui's, but it is only SSS ten.

Lin Rui didn't have x source substance before, so he had to implant X-level golden elixir, and Lin Xi's current problem is that there are too many X-level elements in his body.

This matter has shocked the Internet in the past few days. Although Lin Xi has not officially debuted, she is Lin Rui's sister after all. She has a certain amount of traffic, and she is indeed outstanding among her peers. She has already built a certain popularity on the Internet.

When Lin Xi implanted the golden elixir at the age of seventeen, many people were shocked.

However, most of the martial arts critics were not optimistic about it before, thinking that there would be troubles.

Tianjixing people can practice after the urethra is closed, and humans have to wait until they are 18 years old. There is a reason for this.

Practicing too early is not conducive to the perfect development of the soul and the body, and it is easy to produce reproductive syndrome; on the other hand, it is easy to be contaminated by the abyss. There are many such examples in the history of the Federation, and the endings are not very beautiful.

These people don't know that Lin Xi has been a container of the abyss for a long time, so they don't bother to care about it.

Lin Rui received another message from Zhang Long at this time.

Zhang Long: Head! The arrangements have been made, and the action plan has been drawn up. Please take a look. This is the plan that Xue Lingxue and I have drawn up together, and there are also relevant intelligence materials.

Zhang Long: Boss, I think it's okay. We can set a time and start.

After reading it, Lin Rui was refreshed and immediately opened several files sent by Zhang Long to browse.

But after reading it, he frowned again.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): Is that all?

Zhang Long was speechless after hearing this. The scale of this operation was extremely large, involving 14 gangs, 464 illegal places, 25 drug storage and drug manufacturing dens, 42 smuggling warehouses, and 54,323 gangsters.

Zhang Long: Boss, this is more than 80% sure that we can convict them. This is only our first operation. Let's arrest these gangsters first and see if we can dig deeper.

This can't be like the nursery rhyme killer, who can chop whoever he wants.

If there is no sufficient evidence, then it will be useless for them to arrest people.

Moreover, before they act, they have to apply for arrest warrants and search warrants.

Although they have the help of the mayor of the Ninth Base City, who has a deep foundation in both the court and the procuratorate, these judges and prosecutors dare not act recklessly and issue arrest warrants and search warrants without basis.

Lin Rui pinched his chin, thinking that this would not work! Although this action was huge, it could not achieve the effect of rectifying public security.

This is simply scraping the gangs and removing a layer of oil from them.

It can't shock the people, stir up social discussions, and satisfy Huo Anguo.

And the so-called hurting ten fingers is not as good as breaking one finger. His idea is to completely destroy two or three large gangs first,

destroying their political and business relations can effectively reduce the influence of gangs on society and the political and business circles. Even if there are more gangs developed in the future due to the special environment of the Ninth Base City, they will lack political relations, and the government will be easy to control and eliminate.

Unlike now, it has become a cancerous tumor that cannot be removed, and it has grown completely with the base city government.

Lin Rui opened the file and looked at it, then narrowed his eyes.

He had his eyes on a person, the leader of the Loyalty Gang, the ‘Black Tiger’ Li Zhaokang. The key is that in the past month, he has taken over a large number of property leases from the Puhao Real Estate Group, which has made the Puhao Real Estate Group suffer a heavy loss.

Lin Rui thought, how could this be possible? He immediately sent the person’s file to Zhang Long.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): In addition to this Li Zhaokang’s residence, my informant said that there may be a large number of drugs hidden in it. Their number may be a bit too large. The data shows that there are more than 1,200 people. It may be necessary to mobilize a reinforced battalion of the armed police force for a strong attack. At that time, I will personally preside over the operation.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): There is more! The code name of this anti-gang operation is "Wind of Light". We"

We must use the wind of light to cleanse all darkness!

Zhang Long took a look at the file given by Lin Rui.

Although Li Zhaokang is the leader of the Zhongyi Gang, his residence is in District D of the upper district, a beautiful place.

This is a large villa covering an area of ​​38,000 square meters, with a security team of 300 people and 800 elite members of the Zhongyi Gang stationed to protect the safety of Li Zhaokang and his family.

Zhang Long: Boss, I don't have enough evidence to incriminate him, not to mention that Li Zhaokang is the vice chairman of the District D Council of the Ninth Base City.

As for the drugs that Lin Rui mentioned, how could a vice chairman of a district council be so stupid as to hide drugs in his own place?

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Don't you know what it means to be dark under the lamp? These gangsters are just good at Take advantage of your thinking, don't worry! I will take the responsibility this time, you are responsible for applying for the investigation order, and then mobilize enough elites and combat robots.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): I have a hunch that Li Zhaokang and his men will definitely resist vigorously. You and Ling Xue must be fully prepared for the battle. Before the action, you must also tell the brothers to be alert and take all the protective equipment in their hands.

Zhang Long was slightly stunned after seeing Lin Rui's reply.

At this time, he suddenly remembered an action when he was just transferred here. That time was also an action against the Zhongyi Gang, attacking a hall under the Jin Sanmo.

That hall resisted inexplicably, and eventually the entire hall was almost wiped out.

Zhang Long's scalp tingled. Could it be that Fu Dao, the boss, is going to do something unconventional again?

At this time, Lin Rui pulled Fei Yunlai and Wang Tianwu into a combat group.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Lao Fei, Lao Wang, you will go to Warehouse No. 3 later to pull 10 tons of drugs to this villa. Be careful to hide the whole time. I will let Lin Guangming and Xiaoxi cooperate with you.

In their previous operations, they seized nearly 80 tons of drugs.

In the past, they were destroyed, but later they considered that some of the drugs were spiritual medicines from Tianjixing, and it would be a pity to destroy them.

Some of them can be used as materials for other drugs after a little refining, so they were stored in a selected place.

I didn't expect them to use it this time.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): K, I looked at the intelligence. As long as the cover is in place, there will be no problem, but there are a lot of things.

As an illusionist, Wang Tianwu will definitely not go in. He can only fight this ten-ton thing alone.

Dali Ma Wang (Wang Tianwu): It should be no problem to send it in. There are two seventh-level masters around Li Zhaokang. But it won't be difficult for us. It's just B0SS. Where can we hide this 10-ton thing?

Lone Shadow Tiandao (Lin Rui): Where can't we hide it in this 38,000-square-meter place? You figure it out.

Wang Tianwu looked at the message sent by Lin Rui and thought that this was an absolute frame-up. His boss was also a black policeman who couldn't be more black.

The Earth Federation actually let this person serve as the "Security Bureau General" and take charge of the Security Bureau's 9th Division's "Special Service Center" and "National Security Bureau Special Operations Center" such powerful law enforcement agencies. It's simply blind!

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