Supreme Lord

Chapter 413: Stubborn (Subscribe please)

"How can there be no pollution?"

Xian Yuyan had a look of disbelief on her face.

Judging from the results of her detection, Shangguan Tianyi was not free from abyss pollution, but it was far lower than Long Wei's normal level.

It should be noted that the former Shangguan Tianyi was higher than Longwei like Xian Yuyan who had been dealing with the will of the abyss for decades.

She looked at Shangguan Tianyi suspiciously: "Did your master, Lin Hao, help you? What did he do to you?"

Shangguan Tianyi blinked: "Why would the teacher ask that?'

Xian Yuyan crossed her arms and gave a cold smile: "Given your situation, it would be difficult for any normal person to accept it, but that Lin Hao is very decisive, without even thinking about it. He is obviously fully confident in helping you transform into a dragon."

"These are all teacher's guesses. Maybe the Lord sees that I have extraordinary talent and can fight against the abyss?

Shangguan Tianyi saw the sneer and doubt in the teacher's eyes becoming more and more serious, and he cupped his hands expressionlessly: "Teacher should know the rules of our Dragon Guard. Tianyi has no comment about my lord."

Xian Yuyan thought of "no comment", which already revealed a lot of information.

It must be Lin Hao, who used some method to help Shangguan Tianyi survive the erosion of the will of the abyss.

"If there's nothing wrong with the teacher, I'm going to file a report."

Shangguan Tianyi walked out the door, but just when she reached the threshold, Shangguan Tianyi turned back and said: "Actually, teacher, you might as well seriously consider my Lord. I feel that he is very suitable for you."

Xian Yuyan was stunned at first, and then she laughed dumbly: "You little girl, you have become a lobbyist for your boss? It seems that you like him very much."

She then shook her head and looked out the window: "You don't understand!"

This little girl should have kept in mind her words, "The real cause of death of the previous master is in heaven."

I think it was for this reason that she was unwilling to find a new owner.

But in fact, apart from that, Xian Yuyan also had other concerns.

These Dragon Guards are the arms and assistance given by the gods to the ministers. At the same time, they are also the pawns and spies to monitor them.

Everyone thought that the old prince died at the hands of a powerful man from purgatory, but that was not entirely true.

Xian Yuyan will always remember the scene before the death of the old prince.

The scene where her three companions took action uncontrollably and pierced the body of the late prince with their swords.

If she wants to take revenge on the one in heaven, then the emperor and the three divine envoys are a good choice for Xian Yuyan.

These four people will go to the extreme and become the opposite of God.

The faster and farther they travel across the abyss, the greater the possibility of conflict with the gods.

But it's useless. Xianyu Yanmingbai can be the sword in the hands of the emperor and the envoys of gods, but in the end this sword is in the hands of the gods.

Only the gods can decide their life, death and future.

Xian Yuyan would rather choose an extraterrestrial demon, or a master who is deeply in collusion with the extraterritorial demon.

Just because she heard that the demons outside the territory have extremely magical "biotechnology", they may be able to crack the methods imposed on them by the gods.

"I don't understand." Shangguan Tianyi shook his head: "But I really suggest that teacher, you might as well contact the master and have a look."

After Shangguan Tianyi finished speaking, he stepped out.

Xian Yu Yan is thoughtful.

In fact, she was already interested in Lin Hao. What method did that guy use to make Shangguan Tianyi transform into a dragon?

It just so happened that they had a chance to get close to each other recently. In order to escort those extraterrestrial demons to the Demon-Suppressing Forest, Lin Hao wrote to the Dragon Guard, hoping that the Dragon Guard would arrange a few ownerless dragon guards to help escort them.

This person also specifically mentioned Xian Yuyan's name, hoping that she would participate in the escort.

Xian Yuyan knew that this person was contacting her in a different way, hoping to poach her.

Xian Yuyan didn't bother to pay attention before, but now she wants to follow him and take a look.

Xian Yuyan then stepped out of the door and followed Shangguan Tianyi: "I'd rather accompany you.'

She knew that this disciple was too outstanding, outstanding among the Dragon Guards, and was envied by many disciples and candidates of the Dragon Guards.

If he didn't follow her and protect her, he might be trapped again this time.

Just as Xian Yuyan walked out of the door, she heard some candidates for the Dragon Guard nearby, as well as the eunuchs who were working at the Dragon Guard, whispering.

"Have you sensed her spiritual power? That guy actually succeeded in transforming into a dragon in the Sixth Realm!"

"How is this possible? She has been replaced by the abyss now, right? How can Shangguan Tianyi survive such a strong abyss pollution?"

"It's unlikely. If it is really replaced by the will of the abyss, it will be detected later when the record is filed. Commander Lin is not stupid. How can he not take her life?"

"It must have lowered its bloodline. If there are only king-level and super-king-level war dragons, it's not a big deal.

"You didn't bring the war dragon here this time, were you afraid of being laughed at? Even if Commander Lin isn't stupid, he's not that smart either. He stepped in even though he knew it was a trap."

"She is lucky enough to find a good master who is willing to give her the chance to transform into a dragon."

Xianyu Yan smiled casually, pinched her ears, and suppressed her hearing.

She has the emperor-level bloodline talent ‘Heaven Sees and Earth Hears’, which allows her to have extremely powerful long-range combat power.

It can also quickly detect the opponent's weaknesses in close combat.

But it bothers her every day. This talent allows her to hear more than others and see farther than others.

This always makes her hear things she doesn't want to hear and see things she doesn't want to see.

A sarcastic smile appeared in the depths of Xian Yuyan's eyes.

She actually understands her colleagues and candidates for Dragon Guards!

The unique mechanism of Dragon Guards has led to extra fierce internal competition among candidates for Dragon Guards.

Even if they really become Dragon Guards, it doesn't mean that their future will be smooth.

There is a price to pay for borrowing and integrating the power of the abyss. Tools like Dragon Guards usually become rotten under the corrosion of the abyss in just two or three hundred years and must be "dealt with".

Unlike those normal martial artists, after the seventh and eighth realms, it is not a problem to live for five hundred or one thousand years.

Only those with extra strong talents who can cultivate to the ninth realm super emperor within two to three hundred years can resist the will of the abyss and escape this fate.

Only those particularly valuable Dragon Guards can make their masters willing to invest resources.

Xian Yuyan originally had the hope of escaping the fate of Dragon Guards, but it was ruined by the death of the prince.

Shangguan Tianyi also has hope. She was almost destroyed by a certain instructor before, but now she is back on the right track. How can the children of Longwei and the instructors who are getting closer and closer to death not be envious?

However, Xian Yuyan's mind was a little dazed, and it felt a little unbelievable.

The blood talent of that child is actually at the imperial level!

The sixth level of the imperial level!

As long as Lin Hao can be promoted to the God Envoy normally, then her future prospects are not comparable to those frogs.

At this time, Lin Rui was leading a group of entourages including three deputy commanders to the "God Prison Division". As he walked, he asked in the battle channel,

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Lao Wang, do you have any opinions on Ling Xue's battle plan? Are you sure you can do it?

Dali Ma Wang (Wang Tianwu): I have seen it, the plan is very good, Boss, don't worry, my current illusion evaluation is the eighth level of the imperial level, and my blood evaluation is the eighth level of the super emperor, which is absolutely worthy of your salary!

Lin Rui knew that this guy was hinting that the salary he gave was a little too low and not worthy of his level of strength.

He didn't bother to pay attention. Wang Tianwu signed a divine contract and promised to serve him with all his strength.

If this guy held back a little, it would be a violation of the contract, and he would be tormented by the abyss concept of Shenlu Tianzun.

So why did Lin Rui give him a raise? This guy refused to change the lifetime contract, and was still thinking about independence and regaining his freedom after 200 years.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): No, I am more worried about your safety now, Boss. Now there is clear intelligence that the four-star Yuanshi may instigate a robbery and rob people halfway, and your situation will be very dangerous at that time.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): There is no need to worry about this. After all, this is Luojing City, under the feet of the gods. There will be a large number of imperial guards accompanying them, not to mention that there are several masters around me now.

However, Lin Rui is still very satisfied with Fei Yunlai's attitude.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): Since everyone has no objection, let's make it so. Let's start preparing now.

At this time, he has arrived at the God Prison Department, which is only separated from the Assassination Bureau by a wall.

Lin Rui asked one by one according to the list given by the God Envoy Prison.

The last one was Zhu Tianzang, the eighth realm magician who was imprisoned on the ninth floor. This person was much tougher than the previous extraterritorial demons. He said "Puh" and almost spit a mouthful of blood foam on Lin Rui.

Lin Rui narrowed his eyes and laughed coldly at the end: "Stubborn!"

He picked up the list in his hand and drew a check mark on the three words Zhu Tianzang: "Then it's settled. Tomorrow, drag these people to the Demon Suppression Forest."

Zhu Tianzang's eyes flashed coldly at this time. He looked at the prison door and thought about the information that his Yuan Master had sent in through special means not long ago.

It seems that his boss is really afraid of this Lin Hao and wants to get rid of him at all costs.

It was fine for Zhu Tianzang to give up the Dao, this was what he owed to Master Yuan, and after finishing this task, he could barely make up for his previous mistakes. Moreover, if he could take this promising commander of the Assassination Bureau with him on the journey, he would die with great satisfaction, and die with his eyes open.

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