Supreme Lord

Chapter 411: Lawlessness (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

Lin Rui also said the same thing when talking to Zhang Long on the phone: "Encirclement and annihilation! What I ask for is encirclement and annihilation. While trying to avoid casualties, try not to let anyone escape! Even if there is no way for people to escape, they must understand their identities." , create corresponding files to facilitate hunting!

right! These gangsters can actually organize an army to attack the assets of Ruifang Company and endanger the lives of federal citizens. Do they want to riot? Want to subvert the government? Is this still a royal method? Is there any heavenly principle?

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πŸ…£πŸ…¦πŸ…šπŸ…πŸ….πŸ…’πŸ…žπŸ…œ

If this matter is exposed by public opinion, what will the citizens of the Ninth Base City think of our Security Bureau? What would they think? Yes, after this battle, you quickly organize your manpower to conduct a sweep of the Zhongyi Gang, especially the Tuo King's territory, collect their criminal evidence, and seize their illegal assets!

The police stations around here also need to be cleaned up. Ruifang Company called the police a few minutes in advance, but the police station didn't respond. There must be something wrong. Try to clean up all the rat beetles. "

After Lin Rui made the video call, he returned to Sima Lin: "Professor, everything is fine. The hunchback king has been killed."

Sima Lin said that he raised his eyebrows: "The Camel King was shot to death? Was it someone from the police or your security team?"

No matter what the situation is, the strength displayed by Ruifang Pharmaceutical is very powerful.

At this time, the alarm sound inside the institute had stopped, and electronic female voices sounded from all directions: "Alarm cleared! Alarm cleared!"

Many researchers in the institute couldn't believe it at first, but the sound of gunfire around them was indeed getting less and less, and there was no exchange of fire near the institute.

They hesitated for a moment and then walked out from all corners. They were still frightened but looked surprised.

Several of them heard what Lin Rui said and immediately relayed it in the work group, which immediately caused a huge commotion in the group.

"The Camel King is dead? How is that possible?"

"The Camel King is from the Seventh Realm, right? There are so many experts from the Sixth Realm to protect him. Maybe thousands of colonial warriors will be used this time. Who can kill him?"'

There are also software and hardware engineers in the research institute who are proficient in hacking skills. They actually hacked into the cameras of Han Sen's combat robots and forwarded the videos captured by these cameras to the group.

"Looking at the situation, they should have been destroyed. There are scattered weapons and mecha fragments everywhere."

"Dozens of combat robots and a dozen maglev armored combat vehicles are parked on the wall next to them. They should be trophies captured by hackers."

"Did you see that? The large group of people in the passage over there! It's the armed police force."

"There are at least two heavy-duty regiments, and they were transferred here in just a few minutes? Our boss is quite capable.

"Look! What did I see? It seems to be Han Sen's breeding dragon. It is sitting on the ground motionless. It must be that the owner is dead."

"Good death! There are two people I admire and am most grateful to right now. One is the Nursery Rhyme Killer, and the other is Mr. Lin."

The researcher who responded was excited and surprised, but his mood gradually became calmer.

They have been sinking in the underground world for a long time and know what kind of person Camel King Hansen is.

That was the king of the underground world, with nearly 15,000 colonial warriors under the demon. Even their former boss Jin San was afraid of him.

However, this person came with thousands of colonial warriors in an aggressive manner, but was crushed to pieces in front of their new owner!

It can be seen that their boss has absolute strength to cover them. This person not only has the strength but also the will to pull them out of the mud.

At this time, Sima Lin leaned into Lin Rui's ear and asked quietly: "Is this the relationship that Ran Ran found?"

"Listen" Lin Rui didn't know how to answer.

This matter has little to do with Fang Ranran.

Seeing Lin Rui's expression, Sima Lin felt that he had already guessed the answer. He asked again: "The security force you used this time also belongs to Fang Ranran, right?'

Lin Rui burst out laughing: "Barely so."

Ruifang Pharmaceutical has signed a contract with his studio, so Fang Ranran, the vice director of Ruifang Pharmaceutical, also has the right to mobilize colonial warriors from Lin Rui Studio under reasonable circumstances.

In addition, Lin Rui Studio will also accept temporary employment from Fang Ranran.

Sima Lin wondered why Fang Ranran was so nice to Lin Rui? Could it be that you have fallen in love with this guy?

This is very possible! As a disciple, I still have a pretty good skin.

Lin Rui and Fang Ranran were indeed very close and deeply involved.

It's just that Fang Ranran's bowl of soft rice is not delicious. Once she gets involved in the infighting of the Fang family, Fang Ranran will be fine, but Lin Rui, an outsider, may be shattered to pieces.

However, when Lin Rui was in this situation, it was no longer possible to escape.

He sighed and patted Lin Rui's shoulder: "Try to be thicker in the future. Listen to me. While Ranran is taking care of you now and you have money, develop more of your own strength."

Lin Rui couldn't help but blink. He felt that Sima Lin might have misunderstood something, but he couldn't ask directly.

At this time, dozens of kilometers away, Fang Ranran had already relaxed and closed the video image in front of her.

Ruifang Pharmaceutical Company is a joint industry between Lin Rui and Fang Ranran, and so is the biological reproduction research institute under the pharmaceutical company.

Fang Ranran is very concerned about this research institute. This is one of the keys to her future confrontation with Tianlan Group and her father.

This is related to whether the colonial warrior team she created will be controlled by others in the future.

The Linghu family also has a colonial studio, which can basically achieve self-sufficiency and self-production and sales.

But this is after all from her maternal grandfather, belonging to her uncle's family.

So Fang Ranran was very surprised by the colonial production team that Lin Rui brought back.

After hearing that the research institute was attacked, she was also very nervous and began to mobilize all her forces at the first time.

But before Fang Ranran had time to act, the crisis over there had been resolved.

After Fang Ranran was relieved, a little doubt rose in her heart.

She was puzzled by Lin Rui. What kind of relationship did this junior have? He was able to mobilize such a large force of the Security Bureau and the Armed Police Force, and the reaction speed over there was so fast.

By the way, the junior took out Xu Mengran's business card before!

Is it the Holy Church of Light? Impossible. The Holy Church of Light does have many believers who have infiltrated important government departments and have considerable political influence, but it is impossible for them to influence East Asia.

Fang Ranran felt that she could not understand this junior. She felt that in addition to Lin Rui's identity as the Supreme, he should have hidden something else. He felt very mysterious.

At the same time, Zhang Long, who was sitting in a command vehicle, was also issuing instructions to all parties.

He did not trust the police stations in the lower-level districts, so he directly transferred three more re-irrigation groups from the armed police force, and then arranged more than a dozen 6A and 5S action groups from the National Security Special Operations Center.

Each group was responsible for a district and carried out a formatting sweep of the partition slots.

Although their boss was suspected of abusing public power for private purposes, what the boss said was absolutely correct.

These gangsters were able to organize private armies in the lower-level districts and become warlords. This was simply lawless!

Zhang Long looked down on all the senior colleagues in the Ninth Division of the Security Bureau over the past 100 years. They were just a bunch of rubbish and had been living a life of idleness to the extreme.

Lin Rui wanted to clean up the gangs on a large scale and with great force, and Zhang Long agreed with him from the bottom of his heart.

It was better to use public power to clean up these scums than to let a few killers commit crimes.

The sweep of the Zhongyi Gang this time could be seen as a rehearsal for the special operation to crack down on gangs in the near future, so Zhang Long attached great importance to it and tried to make sure that every detail was perfect.

After all aspects were arranged properly, Zhang Long opened the file information that Lin Rui sent him again.

This was the third time the information was updated. Lin Rui, another identity of General Lei Ting, gradually became wealthy and powerful.

His subordinates seemed to have built another huge network that could collect all kinds of intelligence information independently of the intelligence system of the Security Bureau.

Zhang Long had benefited a lot from his previous case when he cracked down on economic crimes in the military logistics department.

He sometimes felt strange, how did Lin Rui do it?

Zhang Long felt like a network of nearly 20 million people, densely covering every aspect of the Ninth Base City, penetrating into every corner, monitoring everything in this city.

He then put aside these distracting thoughts, concentrated on looking at the information, and took a sip of the coffee cup next to him with a heavy heart.

Whether it was the anti-gang operation or the nursery rhyme killer, they were actually small cases in Zhang Long's mind.

The real trouble was the case that Lin Rui was asking him to investigate secretly.

Zhang Long did not expect that the infiltration of the Tianji people into the Earth Federation had reached this point.

He turned his head and glanced at someone sitting in the command car calmly, wondering if this guy who looked honest at ordinary times could be an alien walker of the Tianji people?

Zhang Long then retracted his gaze to avoid alerting the other party.

Admiral Lei Ting had no plans to close the net for the time being, and Zhang Long also wanted to follow the clues and find out the spy network of the Tianji people, so he must not alert the snake.

However, once this network is exposed, it will surely cause a sensation throughout the Federation, and the waves it will stir up may only be inferior to those of the spiritual fantasy.

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