Supreme Lord

Chapter 402 Meeting (Subscription Request)

Fang Ranran agreed to meet No. 9 at 3 pm the next day, and she drove to the entrance of Aolin Villa at 2:40.

When Fang Ranran parked the car, she heard the waiter who was congratulating her outside say, "Boss Fang, Boss Lin is here, in the Shanhaiguan box."

Fang Ranran couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. The box she agreed to meet with No. 9 was the "Shanhaiguan", a second-class box in Aolin Villa.

She thought to herself, what a coincidence, the supreme leader of the Holy Church of Light also has the surname Lin?

Fang Ranran didn't think much about it, and took the internal transportation car, and under the guidance of the waiter, she arrived at the door of the Shanhaiguan box.

As soon as she pushed the door open, she heard Lin Rui talking inside: "The business of your Yongrong Logistics Support Co., Ltd. is to purchase various military supplies for the military, so I should be able to do this business as well. "

Fang Ranran was shocked and stood at the door in a daze.

Her eyes were blank, shocked, confused and unbelievable. Could it be that the so-called Supreme, the so-called Mr. Lin, was Lin Rui?

Lin Rui was talking to Lin Da with a smile: "I won't hide it from you. These materials are sold to Tianji Star. They are all civilian supplies. They are not within the scope of the federal embargo. The demand is also quite large. Look at the list of materials. It's about 2 billion a month. I can't find a trustworthy company to help me organize the supply. "

To maximize profits in the cargo trade business, there must be a back and forth. Lin Rui's starships can't go to Tianji Star empty-handed to transport the medicinal materials ordered by Ruifang Pharmaceutical.

The materials ordered by Lin Rui from Linda Company are also popular and commonly used by the people of Tianji Star, such as fertilizers, cloth, rare earths, drugs, etc. Fertilizers are extremely compressed particles that can be used to fertilize fields and increase per-acre yields.

Although it is expensive to sell cloth shipped to Tianji Star, these cloths are made of high-tech fibers, which are not only durable, but also have a certain degree of bulletproof. The effect is that it can defend against demons.

As long as they are not attacked by martial artists, these cloths will not be damaged for 100 years, so they are very popular in Tianji Star.

Although this will break the social structure of Tianji Star people, where men farm and women weave, Tianji Star is vast and sparsely populated, and less than one-tenth of the land has been reclaimed. Women in Tianji Star do not have to spend time weaving cloth, and they can also liberate productivity, allowing them to grow more cash crops, which can improve their lives.

Those rare earth powders can be fused with molten iron in a special ratio to produce a particularly wear-resistant and tough alloy steel, which is suitable for making Make farm tools.

Medicines are directly synthesized from chemicals, or Western medicines that extract active ingredients from medicinal materials. They are fast-acting and cheap, and are very effective in treating headaches and fevers.

These are all civilian supplies that the federal government permits to sell to Tianji Star.

However, the profits from these supplies are very slim, and most cargo trading companies will only do these businesses when they have no choice.

Our starships have to consume so much energy to shuttle through the atmosphere once, and you actually let me transport these things that don’t make much money. Are you sick?

Lin Rui doesn’t care. His cost is lower than others, and he doesn’t want to do those businesses that violate federal laws for the time being.

Lin Rui has gained a lot in Tianji Star, and he is also touched by the current predicament of the Tianji people.

If he has the ability and conditions, he also wants to help improve the situation of some Tianji people.

Of course, he also knows that the first beneficiaries of this batch of goods are the wealthy gentry and landlords.

After hearing this, Lin Da looked a little strange.

He really didn’t expect that Lin Rui called him here today for this matter.

Lin Rui looked at his expression and smiled slightly: "What? Uncle looks down on my small business and doesn't want to do it? Or does he have a knot in his heart and doesn't want to take my orders? "


Lin Da shook his head violently, thinking that although these 2 billion trade orders are all civilian materials with meager profits, they can also bring at least 30 million profits to his company every month, which is enough to save his company's life.

And he has been through the business world, what kind of situation has he not experienced? Lin Da has long been smoothed out, even when facing enemies, he can put down his posture and put on a smile.

The problem is that Lin Da frowned: "Xiao Rui, you ordered so many goods, at least a cargo trading company with 20 to 30 armed merchant ships can take it, right?"

An armed merchant ship equipped with a 'quantum leap system' starts at at least 10 billion.

He knew that Lin Rui's live broadcast was very popular recently, and his traffic and sales reached the level of top martial arts stars, but this business is not something a martial arts star can do.

"You don't have to worry about him. "

This sentence did not come from Lin Rui, but from Fang Ranran.

After she walked in, she sat down directly opposite Lin Rui. She glared at Lin Rui angrily: "This guy's income from live streaming and selling goods alone next month is estimated to exceed 8 billion federal coins, redefining the word "top stream" in the martial arts world; he also has a pharmaceutical company. If he distributes dividends this month, he can get at least 8.3 billion federal coins!"

Lin Da recognized Fang Ranran.

This Miss Fang is well-known in the upper class of the Ninth Base City.

Lin Da's heart trembled, and he looked at Fang Ranran in disbelief.

Is what this person said true or false? Lin Rui can make more than 16 billion a month?

This is Fang Ranran, she won't speak nonsense, right?

It's only been a few months, and her nephew has grown to this point?

But this Miss Fang's mood seems to be wrong, as if she is full of resentment.

Lin Rui also noticed that Fang Ranran's eyes seemed to eat him alive.

He smiled and continued talking to Linda: "Uncle, if you agree, I will arrange for someone to contact your company later and sign the contract."

Linda thought that since Lin Rui could afford it, why wouldn't he want to?

This business can solve their urgent needs of Yongrong Logistics Support Co., Ltd.

Linda secretly felt ashamed. Originally, his family was resentful about the situation of Yongrong Logistics Support Co., Ltd.

They all knew that the military suddenly defaulted on the final payment and was reviewing the contract. It must have been influenced by some force.

The source must be Lin Rui brother and sister.

Linda didn't expect that it would be Lin Rui who saved them in the end.

"And!" Lin Rui then took out a business card and handed it over: "I heard that my grandfather is not in good condition and will be transferred to the reserve for the second time, right? I have a friend who may be able to help Gotta be busy.”

When Linda heard this, she didn't take it seriously at first.

Lin Rui's grandfather worked in the Federal Military Investigation Bureau, which was the first-class pivotal agency in the military. How could Lin Rui help?

Before, Lin Rui's grandfather was able to switch from reserve service to active service again because of his reliance on his old boss.

But when Linda took the business card and looked at it, her body shook slightly and she exclaimed: "Xu Mengran?"

In this world, the reason why physical business cards have not been completely eliminated is because of the combination of electronic business cards in his hand.

As long as they add friends in their address book through this physical business card, the other party will know who is adding them.

What does it have to do with me?

And Xu Mengran is not only a third-generation alien walker, but has a comprehensive combat power of 8SSS+, which is not inferior to most masters of the Nine Realms. He also serves as the political engineer of the National Security Bureau in East Asia, and is a very powerful person.

Big guys like these generally don't give people business cards easily. If they are willing to give them, then the other person is either their most trusted and valued person, or someone they are willing to give face to.

"It's Mr. Xu. I asked him, and he made it clear that he could help, but my grandfather would have to go and talk to him personally. There are some issues that Mr. Xu must figure out.'"

Lin Rui smiled slightly: "Also, the military logistics department should be able to release your balance soon.

I guess it’s just for these few days, so don’t worry. "

When he said this, he habitually raised the tea cup and wanted to serve tea to the guests.

Lin Rui immediately thought that this was the ninth base city and there were no such rules, so he smiled and took another sip of tea: "These are the things I want to talk about when I invite uncle over this time. Uncle, if you have something to do, you can go ahead and don't worry about me."

Linda knew that her nephew should have something important to discuss with Fang Ranran.

Just as he stood up, he suddenly heard Fang Ranran say: "Is that person outside Wang Tianwu? The Eighth Realm Magician who is known as the most outstanding disciple under the Linghuan banner? When did you recruit him to your banner?"

Linda followed Fang Ranran's line of sight and saw a young man with a handsome face and a straight nose.

He was lying on the rocking chair outside, reading a book with a leisurely expression.

Linda didn't notice this person at all before. It wasn't until Fang Ranran started talking about it that she learned that this person turned out to be an Eight Realm magician!

He checked Wang Tianwu's information again, his eyes even more surprised.

According to public information, Wang Tianwu is an eighth-level emperor-level magician who has won five large-scale dark network...

Medal of Dark Glory".

In order to avoid being pursued by his master, this person has reduced his bloodline power to the Eighth Realm Super King.

Is this a joke? Lin Rui could actually recruit a master of this level?

"Old Wang?" Lin Rui also glanced out the window and nodded: "He is working as a bodyguard for me, which is the contract he signed in the past few days."'

When Linda left, she was in a daze.

Just after Linda left, Lin Rui reached out to Fang Ranran: "President, let's get to know each other again. I am the 'Supreme One' mentioned by No. 9. I am currently recognized by her as the representative and representative of the Holy King of Light. Incarnate, and thus take charge of the power of the ninth branch of the Holy Religion of Light."

Fang Ranran had expected it, but her face still twitched uncontrollably.

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