Supreme Lord

Chapter 40 Restraint

When Lin Rui killed the long-haired demon cultivator, another demon cultivator was horrified. He jumped back without hesitation, trying to get rid of Wang Sen and leave the battle.

Lin Rui immediately shouted: "Wang Erqi!"


Wang Sen took advantage of the fact that the third-level demon cultivator on the opposite side was restricted by the terrain and was about to jump onto the garden wall, and the whole person suddenly rushed out in the strong wind.

β€”β€”This is the secret move of the "Ice Wind Sword" 'Ice Rises with the Wind'!

Originally, his speed was not slow, and he was a very flexible little fat man. At this time, with the increase of the Tiansu bloodline, Wang Sen's momentum was even more domineering, just like a cannonball, hitting the fleeing third-level demon cultivator.

Although his sword did not hurt the third-level demon cultivator, it interrupted the opponent's jumping momentum and forced the opponent into a corner.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’πŸ†ƒπŸ††πŸ…Ίβ™¦πŸ…½.πŸ…²β™¦πŸ…Ό

Just a moment later, Lin Rui arrived in a flash of lightning.

This time he was charging up his strength and used the Red Thunder Snake Hand!

In this Red Thunder Snake Hand, Lin Rui also added a full thirty soul points!


The man was unable to block Lin Rui's palm, and could only rely on the second-level armor on his chest and the bone armor that quickly spread from his shoulders to resist.

He was hit by the domineering and fierce power of this palm and vomited blood from his mouth and nose. The whole person actually smashed the wall backwards and rolled back more than ten times.

Just as his blood and qi rolled, and he struggled to stabilize his figure and stood up, Lin Rui had already rushed in front of him again.

This time, Lin Rui changed to the 'Red Thunder Nine Slashes'.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clangβ€”β€”"

The two weapons clashed like forged iron, continuously.

The third-level demon cultivator struggled to hold on, and just when he managed to hold on to the seventh knife, he found that Wang Sen was also chasing him.

The little fat man did not join in, but took out three flying knives from a distance of three meters and aimed them in his direction, looking like he was about to launch them.

Just when the third-level demon cultivator was on full alert, Lin Rui once again showed the twin snakes of thunder and fire all over his body, and the speed of the knife suddenly increased, forcibly breaking into the knife net of the third-level demon cultivator and cutting into his forehead.

The fierce knife force almost split his head in two.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 388 soul power.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 438 soul power.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 463 soul power.

Lin Rui had no time to pay attention to the tips in his mind. He took a deep breath to relieve the bulging blood in his body and quickly restore his true energy.

Lin Rui thought that they were indeed magic-transformed martial artists. These two were much stronger than the two he met in Colonel Xue's basement, and they were both very difficult to kill.

Their soul power was unexpectedly low, not even as good as the 'Thousand Silk Demon' in the morning.

Although the combat power of the Thousand Silk Demon was lower than that of the three magic-transformed martial artists, the soul power it provided was as high as 532 points.

That housekeeper, who didn't even break through the 400 mark this time, was simply a shame for the magic cultivators.

Wang Sen was also panting rapidly, his lungs bulging like a broken bellows.

He finally recovered and looked up to see the extremely bloody scene around him.

His face was pale, his cheeks bulged, and he ran to the bushes next to him and vomited.

Wang Sen gave a thumbs up in the direction of Lin Rui while vomiting.

His brother was really awesome!

Wang Sen felt like he was dreaming.

They could win and survive in such a dangerous situation.

After Lin Rui calmed down, he asked the war spirit ring in his mind.

"Ringwraith, with my current soul points, how much completeness can the Battle Spirit Ring restore?"

Lin Rui didn't know what to call this existence that could directly send information into his mind.

Since it came from the Battle Spirit Ring in his hand, let's call it Ringwraith.

Tip: You now have 2432 soul points, which can restore the completeness of the Battle Spirit Ring to 14.58% at the current stage.

Lin Rui frowned.

One thousand soul points can restore 1% completeness? It seems that he still has to work hard.

"Ringwraith, use 2000 soul points to restore the Battle Spirit Ring."

The remaining 432 points, Lin Rui kept for use.

At this time, Lin Rui's mind moved slightly, and he looked at a lush peach forest next to him.

"Who is it?"

Not only was it dark inside, but there was also a vague black fog covering it. Even if Lin Rui used electromagnetics to enhance his vision, he couldn't see the situation clearly.

But he sensed that there was a very sharp aura inside that was full of murderous intent towards him.

Wang Sen also became alert after hearing this, picked up the magic steel shield again, and stood in front of Lin Rui.

He felt numb in his heart, could he meet the big demon who used telekinesis to suppress him and make him faint again?

At this time, in the peach wood forest, a figure wearing the uniform of a head constable held a knife in one hand and stared at Lin Rui coldly.

His eyes contained violent murderous intent, as well as disbelief, and his face was full of shock and anger.

After the two sides confronted each other for about two breaths, the figure quietly slid back and quickly retreated from the back of the peach wood forest.

Not long after that, a large group of people came from outside the yard with torches.

The two leading people were Zhao Yuanwai and the coach Hong, followed by several guards and the 20 county soldiers, and a large group of brave young men holding wooden sticks followed behind.

When Zhao Yuanwai walked into the backyard garden and saw the scene in front of him, his rich face suddenly turned pale: "Captain Lin, what is going on?"

Master Hong had a serious look on his face. He walked to the butler's body. He used a knife to pick open the butler's clothes and saw that the upper part of the butler's right arm was also covered with a layer of skeleton.

His expression was stern: "Master, butler Zhang has been possessed by a demon."

Master Hong then looked at Lin Rui and Wang Sen with admiration: "Hong really didn't recognize the real person! You two killed three third-level demon cultivators in a row without any damage. This ability is beyond Hong's reach!"

He had also guessed that there was no one in the yamen, so he sent these two young detectives with no beard.

I didn't expect this person to be so powerful!

At this time, Master Zhao also understood the situation. He was shocked and took a few steps back.

Then he waved his hand tremblingly: "Come here, bring me silver, three hundred taels of magic silver! And the two middle-grade soul stones and two dragon-tiger meridian-opening pills in my warehouse, send them all to me, and yes, I will also have a banquet! I want the best wine and food, I want to treat these two warriors, two heroes!"

He didn't know that the three magic cultivators here were going for Lin Rui, and he was grateful from the bottom of his heart at this time.

When Mr. Zhao thought that his housekeeper was actually a magic cultivator who had been lurking around him, he felt a chill all over his body.

The crowd of people behind them were even more excited and talked about it.

"Killed three third-level demon cultivators? Is it true or not?"

"How could it be false? Didn't you hear the noise just now? Didn't Master Hong say it himself? You don't know Master Hong's character? He won't say anything nonsense."

"Awesome! I thought this Deputy Constable Lin was too young, inexperienced, and unreliable, but I didn't expect him to be so strong."

"I didn't expect that there was such a powerful person in our county government."

Lin Rui and Wang Sen looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that they can make a lot of money this time.

Just when Lin Rui wanted to ask Mr. Zhao about the vegetable oil, Lin Rui's waist badge began to heat up again.

He held the waist badge and pressed the animal head button, and the voice of the county magistrate came from it.

"You two should return to the county government as soon as possible. Be sure to pay attention to safety along the way. I have arranged rooms for you. In the next month, you will live in the county government and try not to go home at night."

Lin Rui was stunned when he heard the words, and then sighed secretly.

It seems that I can't have Mr. Zhao's banquet today, what a pity! He is actually very curious about the food of Tianjixing.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of Zuihualou.

Lin Rui was slightly stunned. He found that Zuihualou was on fire at this time, which was particularly eye-catching at night.

Lin Rui also saw the girl in red. She was standing on the wall not far away, looking at him strangely.

Lin Rui glared back fiercely, look at your sister!

Wait until I reach the fourth level of cultivation, and see if you dare to look.

At this time in Zuihualou, the young county magistrate was happily reaching out his hand, suppressing the fire in Zuihualou behind him with powerful true energy.

He had just seen the situation at Mr. Zhao's house.

Lin Twelve and Wang Erqi both survived. They were trapped in such a dangerous killing situation, but they were safe and sound, and they also killed three third-level demon cultivators.

The powerful combat power displayed by these two young people really surprised him.

Master Du was wrong. His idle chess move actually found a sharp knife.

That child actually cultivated the Thunder Fire Pillar to the Grandmaster level. This is a great restraint on demons and devil cultivators. Their powerful regeneration ability cannot be exerted in front of Lin Twelve.

The young county magistrate also knew why the Blood Knife Lady followed Lin Twelve, which made him look expectant and excited.

It shouldn't be difficult for this child to enter the third realm within a few days?

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