Supreme Lord

Chapter 4 Lone Shadow Sky Sword

When Lin Rui arrived at the physical testing center behind Mingde University, he saw his classmates standing in line in front of a large instrument that was three meters high and twelve meters wide, with a full sci-fi feel.

The first subject of the actual combat assessment is the mental strength test.

Lin Rui's classmates had different expressions. Some were excited, some were looking forward to it, some were anxious, and some were depressed.

His best friend Wang Sen was among them.

This was a fat little man with a round face and a somewhat oily temperament, winking at him.

Lin Rui's exam number was No. 1. When he walked into the queue and stood up, he heard a clear female voice from behind: "Lin Rui, why don't you participate in the actual combat simulations these days?"

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Lin Rui immediately looked behind him.

Standing behind him is a girl with a very androgynous appearance and personality, with short black hair and sharp eyes.

This girl is called Wang Lina, and she is one of Lin Rui's academic rivals.

Since enrolling in school, the first and second place in the class have always rotated between the two of them, and the little fat boy has been the third for a thousand years.

Lin Rui looked away with a cold expression: "I have something to do and I am not free."

Judging from some videos in the smart terminal, the relationship between Lin Rui and Wang Lina is not very good, so there is no need to give her a good look.

But Wang Lina refused to give up: "You know, I have implanted the top artificial chakras. You don't dare to fight me, you are afraid of losing to me, right?"

She shook her head disapprovingly: "You underestimate me too much. I won't take advantage of you. I hope we can meet in this actual combat assessment. I will let you see my progress in the past month."

Wang Lina actually admired Lin Rui. This guy didn't have a tutor, didn't attend a martial arts cram school, and couldn't afford a gene enhancer once a month. The implanted meridians were only second-level quality, but his grades were always at the top of the class. , on par with her.

But this year her results will definitely surpass Lin Rui's.

Lin Rui rolled his eyes.

He didn't go to the practical class because he was afraid of being exposed.

But since Wang Lina must think so, it’s up to her.

At this time, the staff next to the large instrument spoke: "At eight o'clock sharp, the assessment begins. Please enter the tester. Please note that after entering, you must take off all your tops. Girls, please pay attention. I said All tops are included.”

Lin Rui immediately walked in from the entrance of the instrument.

There was a sealed space inside this mental power detector. As soon as Lin Rui walked in, the door behind it closed automatically.

He took off his shirt and waited quietly inside, watching the fluorescent lights flashing around him.

About a minute later, he heard an electronically synthesized voice: "Test completed! Mental strength 153, second lieutenant level. Your results have been sent to the city education center. Please move to classroom 3321 to participate in the next practical assessment."

Lin Rui was slightly happy.

Lin Ruiyuan had just taken a test a month ago, and at that time his mental power value was only 112.

This should be the benefit brought by copying the master-level thunder and fire pile skill.

When he finished copying this martial art yesterday, he felt that his mental strength and energy had made great progress.

It's just that Lin Rui couldn't be sure without specific testing.

The mental power of a second lieutenant can already be implanted into chakras.

There are twelve main meridians and eight chakras in the body of Tianjixing people, which circulate around the Dantian in the center of the chest and abdomen. They are very similar to the ancient Chinese meridian system.

Lin Rui has only implanted the 'Dan Tian' and 'Meridians', but not the 'Chakras' yet.

His family is now so poor that they can't even open the pot. It's difficult to supply the protein and calories Lin Rui needs for daily martial arts training. How can he have the money to consider 'artificial chakras'?

Just after Lin Rui left through the other door of the instrument, Wang Lina walked in from the entrance.

She took off all her clothes very neatly and stood naked inside the instrument.

A moment later, she also heard an electronically synthesized voice: "Test completed! Mental strength 123, second lieutenant level. Your results have been sent to the city education center. Please move to classroom 3321 to participate in the next practical assessment."

Wang Lina raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

"I want to check my mental power ranking."

The electronically synthesized voice sounded again: "In the list of all the tests completed in this assessment, your scores are temporarily ranked 421st in the city, 14th in our school, and 2nd in your class."

Wang Lina's pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and she looked towards the exit in disbelief.

She was the second one in the class to start the test, which meant that Lin Rui's mental power value actually exceeded hers?

This is impossible!

Although Lin Rui's 'Dan Tian' is of special quality, the quality of 'Meridians' is only second level.

How could the effect of Lin Rui's daily mental training and Qi training be comparable to that of her who has been implanted with special chakras, and her dantian and meridians are also of special quality?

Lin Rui has arrived at classroom 3321.

This classroom is a practical simulation class classroom built with a lot of money by the school. The space is particularly spacious. Inside are rows of 'practical simulation terminals' that are two meters high and more than one meter wide.

Lin Rui found his own simulation terminal according to his exam number and sat down on the massage chair-shaped seat.

Not long after, those students who had finished testing their mental power walked in one after another.

Wang Lina was sitting next to him.

For some reason, this girl stared at him as soon as she entered the classroom.

The fat boy Wang Sen was also very surprised to see this scene and sent him a message.

Weird young man: It's so strange, why does Wang Lina keep staring at you? Could this tomboy like you?

Weird young man: No, looking at her eyes, it seems that you have done something to let her down. Tell the truth, what did you do?

Lin Rui's lips twitched and responded with his mind.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade: Get lost!

'Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade' is exactly his current online name.

Lin Rui felt quite second-year, a little embarrassed, and decided to change this name after a while.

Wang Sen then sent another message, but Lin Rui was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

He opened the video library of the smart terminal and looked through 'his' past life experiences.

About thirty minutes later, all 32 people in the class had completed the test.

Just after everyone sat down, three invigilators in military uniforms walked in.

The examiner was a middle-aged man with a serious face and wearing a federal major uniform.

He glanced at the classroom with a cold look: "The alien test will start in three minutes. Please take your seats according to your numbers and put on your consciousness deep diving helmets.

Before the test, please check whether your virtual terminal and helmet are intact. If the terminal is damaged, or the system reports an error and cannot be started, please inform the invigilator in time."

Lin Rui has carefully checked the virtual terminal in front of him.

When he put on the deep diving helmet, the backrest of the seat behind him slowly sank, leaving Lin Rui's body in a semi-reclining state.

As the virtual terminal started, Lin Rui's eyes suddenly went black.

The next moment, he found himself on a ring.

The diameter of the ring is about 50 meters, and it is made of ten-meter-long horizontal bars of huge stones. The four sides of the ring are black void.

Lin Rui knew that this was a world simulated by a computer program, but the horizontal bars of huge stones he stepped on were very textured.

He looked down at his body again.

About 2.4 meters tall, two heads taller than the current human beings on Earth.

The body shape and dress are similar to those of ancient Chinese.

There is no mirror here, so Lin Rui cannot see his facial features, but he must be similar to the East Asians of the Earth Federation.

β€”β€”This is what the Tianji people look like.

This is what the aliens that Lin Rui will master in the future look like.

The so-called "alien" is a hybrid Tianji people cultivated by biological scientists using the DNA of humans and Tianji people, and can be controlled by human will and thinking.

Humans control the aliens to descend on Tianji Star and perform various exploration and scientific research tasks in Tianji Star.

They regard themselves as "alien walkers", but the Tianji people call them "extraterritorial demons".

The Earth Federation has built fourteen super-large base cities on many satellites of Tianji Star. Only the most talented group of colonial warriors in these cities can get alien licenses and become alien walkers.

Alien walkers have a very high social status and are also the most profitable industry in this era. They are a shortcut for ordinary people to improve their class.

At this time, Lin Rui's opponent also appeared on the ring.

However, the first thing Lin Rui looked at was the "Practical Assessment Instructions" projected in front of him.

Lin Rui had already understood the assessment rules.

In summary, there are only three points.

1: The practical assessment is a ranking battle. The opponent is ranked according to the individual's record and randomly assigned in the adjacent rankings.

2: Each battle lasts for five minutes. If the battle cannot be ended after five minutes, the victory or defeat will be determined by the battle scores of both sides.

3: The ranking battle ends after four hours, and the final result depends on the individual's wins and accumulated battle scores.

After Lin Rui chose to agree with his mind, he looked across.

What a coincidence, that turned out to be his classmate.

There was a name on the other person's head-Anderson Waddell.

Anderson also looked over, and his face darkened slightly: "Lin Rui?"

This virtual world is so real that even Anderson's emotions are fully displayed.

Anderson then laughed awkwardly: "Look at my luck, it's really bad! Brother Rui, for the sake of being in the same class for so many years, can you let--"

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The ring suddenly sounded three alarms, and a burst of red light appeared in the sky, covering Anderson's body.

Anderson couldn't speak anymore.

His previous remarks involved cheating, and he was banned by the system.

But Anderson's eyes were still watery, looking at him with pleading.

It's a pity that Lin Rui's heart is as hard as stone.

When the battle started, Lin Rui rushed directly and killed Anderson with just one knife.

Anderson's recent grades in the class are 20th. If it were the previous Lin Rui, it would probably take about a minute to take him down.

But now his Red Thunder Blade is at the Grandmaster level, and he can resolve the battle in an instant.

The duration of each battle determines the number of Lin Rui's battle scores, and the battle scores determine his overall ranking.

Lin Rui wants to enter the top 100 in the city and win the school's reward, so how could he hold back in the first battle?

Moreover, in the future, those alien companies will recruit people based on their actual combat results.

This Anderson and he don't have a good relationship, so Lin Rui can't let him.

In the next seven battles, Lin Rui resolved them at an extremely fast speed.

The longest battle lasted no more than fifteen seconds.

He took the time to check his ranking, and he was currently ranked 142nd in the entire city of the Ninth Base.

Lin Rui was secretly surprised that he had already solved the battle very quickly.

Including the waiting and preparation time, he fought seven battles in ten minutes, but his ranking in the city was just in the top 150.

There are only nine alien academies in the entire Ninth Base City, but they are full of hidden talents.

At this moment, another slender figure appeared in front of Lin Rui.

Lin Rui looked at the name above his opponent's head - Wang Lina.

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