Supreme Lord

Chapter 393 Idiot (Subscribe please)

That night, in a cafe near Mingde University, Wang Tianwu signed his contract to sell himself. Wang Tianwu wanted to sign the contract earlier so that Xu Mengran could help him unlock his account and arrange the colonization equipment.

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However, Lin Rui had one last colonization equipment competition in the afternoon, so they could not sit together to discuss the contract until the evening.

In the end, the price agreed by both parties was 750 million federal coins per month.

Because Wang Tianwu's Tianjixing alien body and Zhanlong could not be used for some special reasons, this price was the only one.

However, the contract stipulated that in the future, when Wang Tianwu's alien body recovered its ability to use, it must also serve Lin Rui. Of course, Wang Tianwu's monthly salary could also be restored to 1.1 billion federal coins.

Wang Tianwu looked at his contract with a helpless look in his eyes.

This was signed with the Abyss Divine Contract of the Divine Law Heavenly Venerable, and it was impossible to regret it.

By the time this contract is completed, another 200 years will have passed. Even for a top-level colonial warrior like him,

How many 200 years can he have? However, he has to sign the contract. Wang Guanwu has run out of money.

Now he can only hope that Lin Rui will run out of money and let him go free.

This kid is inexperienced. Although he keeps a low fixed salary, he is very generous with full attendance bonuses and various task bonuses.

Wang Tianwu thinks that he can do more tasks in the future. On the one hand, he can avoid eating up all the money, and on the other hand, he can use up Lin Rui's money as quickly as possible.

At this time, he received another message from Fei Yunlai.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): Wang Tianwu, you idiot!

Fei Yunlai has seen the new screenshots sent to him by Lin Rui, and he is completely desperate.

Originally, the two brothers could regain their freedom after 200 years, but now they are all finished.

Wang Tianwu wants to get his alien body back, and he may have to sign a lifetime contract.

Anyway, Fei Yunlai will not feel comfortable if Wang Tianwu does not sign a lifetime contract to accompany him.

So he also sent an emoji to a person with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky sadly, with tears in his eyes.

Fei Yunlai really wanted to know the expression when Wang Tianwu learned that Lin Rui was Lin Hao, the commander of the assassination bureau, and also the boss of Fei Yunlai.

Wang Tianwu was angry after reading Fei Yunlai's information. Why did this guy always scold him like this? Did he think he was great just because he held his alien?

The powerful horse king (Wang Tianwu): Don't go too far, old Fei, did I provoke you? Didn't I give you 500 million federal coins?

Lin Rui was also very satisfied. He didn't really care about the annual salary, as long as it didn't exceed the market price.

He knew that if you want a horse to run fast, you must give it fodder.

Lin Rui valued the contract period more, and of course the longer the better.

After he put away the contract, he started the backend operation. The master promised to unblock Wang Tianwu's bank account, but the actual task was still to be completed by Admiral "Thunder".

This time, the First Commander was upgraded to the "National Security Special Operations Center", and while letting them investigate the Changsheng Society and the Shenzhao Society, they were also granted great power, almost catching up with the special service center of the headquarters.

The law enforcement power of their special operations center has even been expanded to other base cities.

Wang Tianwu's account in a regular bank can be unlocked directly by Lin Rui.

As for those irregular underground banks, Lin Rui has asked Xue Lingxue to send several summons notices,

asking their senior executives to come to the "National Security Special Operations Center" for questioning and cooperate in investigating illegal financial transactions.

These underground banks will find out what offended Admiral Thunder, and will unlock Wang Tianwu within a day at most.

While operating, Lin Rui asked: "Do you have any requirements for the colonial suits you removed before? "

Wang Tianwu found that all his accounts in regular banks had returned to normal.

He didn't know it was Lin Rui's work, and thought it was Xu Mengran.

Wang Tianwu was secretly surprised. What was the relationship between the village road Xu Mengran and Lin Rui? Why did he value him so much?

He checked Lin Rui's information and knew that Lin Rui's teacher Han Kedao was Xu Mengran's disciple, but there was a layer between the two sides, so could the relationship be so close?

"Of course there are requirements. It must be a top-level colonization doctor, preferably Professor Sima, who can connect the body's own meridians. I wonder if you can arrange it?"

Lin Rui glanced at Wang Tianwu from the side, guessing that this guy should know that he was Sima Lin's student.

He then sent a message to Sima Lin.

"Professor Sima agreed. The surgery fee is 50 million federal coins for one SS+ colonization suit. Do you accept it? Also, it must be after you solve Linghuan. He will not risk offending Linghuan. "

From this, we can see how much benefit Lin Rui got from Tianlan Group and Professor Sima.

Wang Tianwu nodded heavily when he heard this, and he was happy.

This little BOSS of his still has some power.

Wang Tianwu has always wanted to ask Professor Sima to help him strengthen the connection between the colonization suit and the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body, so as to gain more powerful abilities, but he has never had the chance.

He then narrowed his eyes: "Then how should I deal with Linghuan?"

Lin Rui was well prepared and sent an address to Wang Tianwu: "The East Asian National Security Bureau has a safe house with a secret operating room here. You will go there later. It is expected that Linghuan will find you tomorrow morning. At that time, you will jump directly from the safe house.

Also, according to the formation diagram I sent you, you can make your own formation talisman, engrave it on your body, and be sure to engrave it on it! Remember, remember, otherwise I won't care if you die. ""

Wang Tianwu glanced at the address, then checked the map and found that it was in the eastern suburbs of the Upper District, on a street called Longze East Road.

Although it is in the suburbs, there is a large shopping mall nearby, which is quite prosperous.

Wang Tianwu looked at the array diagram again, then raised his eyebrows and found that this was a talisman array that could deflect spiritual attacks. The design was very exquisite.

Is this someone trying to use his body to have a spiritual confrontation with ghosts?

Is this crazy? In the entire Earth Federation, there may be more than a dozen people with stronger spiritual power than Ling Huan, but if there is a spiritual confrontation, no one has been Ling Huan's opponent before.

His teacher is also proficient in illusions, dreams and talisman formations. He has too much experience and too many methods.

Moreover, Ling Huan's perception ability is very strong. If he senses that there is a stronger spiritual power around him, he will never show up rashly.

As far as he knows, currently only Xu Mengran can do this.

The reason why the Federation was able to severely damage Ling Huan last time was actually because several of their brothers joined forces to stab Ling Huan in the back.

Wang Tianwu looked at Lin Rui with doubtful eyes: "What on earth do you want to do? Can you defeat Ling Huan in this way?'


Lin Rui drank coffee: "Don't worry, we won't trick you. I will also be there at that time. You can see me in a Western restaurant opposite this building."

Wang Tianwu's eyes were even more startled and suspicious. Lin Rui was only in the four realms. What was the use of coming to the scene?

But he felt more relieved. With Lin Rui here, at least he didn't have to worry about being given up by Xu Mengran.


After Lin Rui met with Wang Tianwu, he returned to the office building of the National Security Special Operations Center.

He wears a military cap, a mask, an exoskeleton armor, and a windbreaker with three general stars on the epaulettes.

Wherever he passed, the employees of the Response Operations Center all saluted solemnly after identifying themselves.

After the reorganization of the Third Special Operations Section, most of the new members have not yet been appointed, and most of the people currently working here are elderly.

They were not close to or loved their immediate boss, whom they had only met a few times, but they respected him very much.

He was promoted to general in less than four months after taking office. He was also able to upgrade his unit to the first level, and there was no shortage of funds, equipment and human resources.

How could they not respect a boss with such a profound background?

When Lin Rui walked into the conference room, he found that Zhang Long and the eight major generals and lieutenant generals in the Special Operations Center were all present.

They stood up together and made a "boom" sound: "Your Excellency, General!"

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

Lin Rui raised his hand to indicate, and at the same time strode to the main seat and sat down, looking at the virtual map in front of him: "Has the battle plan been drawn up?'"

"It's being worked out and there's some debate between us."

Xue Lingxue stood opposite the conference room and began to demonstrate the combat plan for Lin Rui: "According to the requirements, we have mobilized 273 320mm cannon anti-matter annihilation cannons and arranged them in seven military camps nearby. As long as the general With a single order, the target area can be bombarded.

All the artillery shells are specially modulated to increase the explosive lethality and strengthen the electromagnetic impact. The problem is the surrounding residents. We must evacuate the surrounding residents before firing. Otherwise, more than 200 Cannon anti-matter cannons will fire at the same time, and the surrounding areas will be destroyed for several kilometers. Annihilated and razed. ’”

Lin Rui tapped his fingers on the table: "Didn't I say it? Xu Mengran of East Asia can use illusion to control some people and guide them to escape after the incident. We will evacuate some of them in advance ourselves, but the people in the houses and stores along the street, Need to be replaced by someone from within the Security Bureau.”

Several security bureau lieutenants present looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

One of the security bureau lieutenant generals frowned: "The problem is that we were so grand in advance, and there is a high chance that Ling Huan will detect the trap in advance; secondly, if our security bureau personnel replace nearby residents, it is likely that our security bureau members will A large number of sacrifices were made; in addition, according to intelligence, Ling Huan's magic can cover up to 600 kilometers, and these seven military camps are within his coverage area. I doubt the effectiveness of these 'cannon anti-matter annihilation cannons'."

If their shells can't hit accurately, what's the use of having more artillery?

They can use intelligent control, but they can control their relevant personnel to artificially change the shooting parameters.

Lin Rui nodded, and the Lieutenant General of the Security Bureau's question went straight to the point.

"As for your first question, judging from Ling Huan's past criminal record, this person is very confident.

He is arrogant. Even if he knows the trap, he will not care. In addition, Wang Tianwu is likely to be an important part of a top secret technique in Ling Huan. We have already sent out a message that people from the East Asia National Security Bureau will operate in this room. The room performs soul surgery on him, and he must find a way to stop it. "

Lin Rui turned to look at Zhang Long: "Major General Zhang, you are our center's criminal investigation expert, what do you think?"

Zhang Long looked solemn: "If this is the case, the possibility of Ling Huan appearing is very high! This person's character is indeed very confident, so confident that he is arrogant. Even if he knows the trap, he will not care."

When he spoke, he looked at Lin Rui with complicated eyes.

Zhang Long had long known that Lin Rui had obtained the "Godly Order" and the "Godly Dragon-Slaying Sword" on Tianji Star.

This guy not only became the commander of the assassination bureau, but also got into the future national leaders of the Song Dynasty, and his ranking was very high.

According to the big model prediction of the first branch of the Security Bureau a few days ago, assuming that Lin Hao did not die midway, his probability of becoming the first divine envoy was as high as 42%, and the probability of becoming a divine envoy was as high as 93%!

This guy is now the treasure of the Security Bureau.

The first chief engineer and the political commissar of the East Asian National Security Bureau have talked to him separately, asking Zhang Long to escort him, and of course he will be provided with more resources for cultivation.

Zhang Long didn't know if these two knew that Lin Rui was also the "children's song killer"?

Zhang Long shook his head: "But Admiral, since Linghuan must show up, the surrounding 'extras' are unnecessary."

"These 'extras' are to cover our real killer.'"

Lin Rui crossed his arms and stared coldly at the virtual map in front of him: "Don't worry, after the battle begins, all participants will have time to evacuate safely. If there are casualties, I will bear all the responsibility! I can also guarantee that he will be unable to interfere with the artillery fire of these military camps. What you have to do is to make a plan and report it to the higher-ups for approval!"

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