Supreme Lord

Chapter 386: God's Heart is Clear (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

Lin Rui's purification operation on Shangguan Tianyi lasted only about a quarter of a second.

This girl's connection with the abyss is completely different from that of her sister Lin Xi.

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A quarter of a second was enough for him to clean up most of the abyss marks in Shangguan Tianyi's soul sea.

The remaining mental pollution, although a little stronger than those of ordinary dragon guards, is within the scope that Shangguan Tianyi can handle.

If this rare sword genius can't even deal with this little bit of abyss pollution, it would be a great disappointment to him.

The key is that Lin Rui can only maintain it for so long now. If it continues, it will hurt his vitality and spirit.

Lin Rui then dealt with some more troublesome things in the girl's soul sea.

That is the "restriction" deep in Shangguan Tianyi's brain. If this thing is not dealt with, the ultimate ownership of this girl will still belong to the Abyss.

Lin Rui had long discovered that although the master trusted his dragon guards very much, he had never discussed the deal with the demons in front of those dragon guards, or even the injections.

However, the biological research institutions of the Federation had long studied the "dragon guards" and had dozens of dissection cases, and knew how they were controlled.

Lin Rui has the pure fire in his body, and can see some secret medical information through Professor Sima, and knows how to deal with the deepest restrictions in the dragon guards. While performing brain surgery, Lin Rui also implanted her with an SSS+-level "Divine Heart Clear"!

It is said that this talent can allow a person's soul to enter the indestructible state of the abyss god for a short time, and can be free from the constraints of space and time.

It can also "see with the gods", and have extraordinary insight and understanding.

This talent is not only the super emperor-level talent that most martial artists dream of, but also has a unique meaning for Shangguan Tianyi.

It can make her The swordsmanship and abyss concepts are brought into full play, and the success rate of dragon transformation is greatly increased.

Lin Rui's purpose is also to guide Shangguan Tianyi to awaken her talent.

Most of the martial arts awakening talents on Tianji Star are random, but the colonization suits of the Earth Federation can guide them to awaken.

After they adapt, there is a high probability that this talent will be condensed in their blood in the future.

Ji Xueying is a ready-made example.

Lin Rui also implanted a set of customized 7SSS+ "God of War" and "Heavenly Heir" in her, and then hung a nuclear battery external pill.

This should have been implanted in Shangguan Tianyi after her general promotion."

However, Lin Rui has great confidence in this girl, and he is usually very busy, and it is rare for him to take time out to perform surgery on people, so he implanted it together.

It is worth mentioning that he is now more and more skilled and faster in performing surgery.

Lin Rui can now do nine things at the same time, and control nine surgical robotic arms to perform surgery on people, and it is precise to the nano level.

When Shangguan Tianyi woke up, she found that only an hour had passed, but she could already feel the huge changes in her body.

"Is this the clear mind?"

Shangguan Tianyi's heart surged. With the help of the colonization suit, she now had the talent she wanted most.

Then she moved her mind again, looking at the layer of nano armor hidden under the skin on her hands, her eyes were extremely complicated for a moment.

Shangguan Tianyi knew that her current combat power had changed dramatically compared to before the operation.

The key is that her path to dragon transformation is now unobstructed, so being a dragon guard for the outer demon is still very beneficial.

"You can try to transform into a dragon now. There is a room prepared for you next to it, and the medicine pool is also ready. You can let Xueying take you there."

Lin Rui has walked to the dressing room next to him, ready to change into surgical clothes while the lead room is automatically disinfected, ready for the next operation.

Shangguan Tianyi called him at this time: "I heard that the master wants to recruit my teacher?"

"I have this plan." Lin Rui looked back at her with a curious look: "Xiaoyi, can you help with this?"

These days, he has been working in the imperial city and has waved his hoe at Xian Yuyan several times, but he has not been able to dig it up.

"I heard from the teacher before that the reason why she is unwilling to find a new master is because the real cause of death of her previous master is in heaven."

Shangguan Tianyi scratched his head: "I think, as long as the master shows the Pure Fire in front of the teacher once, she will definitely agree."

Lin Rui's lips twitched. Showing the Pure Fire in front of Xian Yuyan, isn't this looking for death? Who can be sure what will happen next

But the previous sentence said by Shangguan Tianyi made him look slightly moved.

The cause of death of the former prince was in heaven? Was it a god? This shouldn't be the case, right?

As far as he knew, the old prince was indeed a great man, with both talent and virtue, brave and good at fighting, and extremely talented. He was already an eighth-level emperor at the age of 40.

The problem is that in the past tens of thousands of years, there have been many geniuses like the old prince.

For example, Taizu, Dazong, Renzong of the Song Dynasty, and the current Luo Wangshu, did not see how the East Abyss did anything to them, at least they did not attack them before they entered the tenth level of immortality.

Why did the East Abyss attack the old prince?

But he really didn't see it. Xian Yuyan was a teacher in the "Dragon Guard Capital". She was usually lazy and like a salted fish with no desires. I didn't expect that the essence of this woman was actually a madman who dared to rebel against the gods.

"I understand." Lin Rui then put away his thoughts: "Be a good dragon, don't let me down. "

His second surgical object is his ‘Emperor Flame War Dragon’”

It needs to be implanted with two pieces of SSS+ level bloodline breeding equipment, as well as type 8 ‘God of War’ and ‘Tianzhu’, which are also customized top-end versions.

Due to insufficient physical and mental strength, Lin Rui was unable to control the more powerful nanomachines, but the 'Emperor Flame War Dragon' and 'Ji Shenyan' could.

The Huangyan War Dragon has been controlled by Ji Shenyan. The woman stayed inside the War Dragon and could not come out. Lin Rui had been observing her during the operation, but found nothing unusual.

Then came Gong Hengdao’s Alien Body and War Dragon,

Gong Hengdao's previous career as a mercenary also flourished with both the alien body and the original body, until he suffered from clonal syndrome and had to seal up the alien body.

Specializing in the federal mercenary business.

Lin Rui purified Gong Hengdao's alien body and war dragon, and added some powerful reproductive equipment to this man and one dragon.

As soon as the operation was completed, the top sniper was already full of energy and showed signs of promotion.

This person has been delayed in the Sixth Realm for six or seven years. He is constantly fighting against the syndrome and the alienated reproductive equipment in his body, but this is actually a kind of tempering.

When Lin Rui unlocked these locks for Gong Hengdao, Gong Hengdao's soul began to grow crazily with the support of his body's strong blood.

The last one is Fei Yunlai's alien body, as well as his guardian demon and battle dragon.

Fei Yunlai's alien body is relatively simple, which is to install various nano-auxiliary devices and external golden elixirs.

It was his guardian demon and war dragon who needed major surgery.

In addition to the nano auxiliary device and plug-in golden elixir, his Tengu Demon also needs to be implanted with two pieces of SS+ level breeding equipment to allow her bloodline talent to reach the imperial level!

Fei Yunlai's war dragon must be implanted with one SS+ level and one SSS+ level at the same time. At the same time, the two original S-level equipment must be replaced with SS+ level, so that the bloodline power of this war dragon can reach Super royal level.

However, these two operations are not as good as Fei Yunlai's body.

Just three days ago, Fei Yunlai signed a new contract with Lin Rui.

The length of his contract was extended to life, but there was an additional clause. If Wang Tianwu joined the company under his "persuasion\

,"The age limit can be reduced to 200 years.

So Lin Rui was generous to him and signed the contract with the treatment of the Seventh Realm Super Emperor, giving him a signing bonus of 2 billion federal coins and an interest-free loan of 4 billion.

On the day he signed the contract, Fei Yunlai had one piece of SS+ and one piece of SSS+ implanted into his body. He also upgraded his three original S-level equipment to SS+.

In addition, there are 7SSS+ level "God of War" and "Tianzhou", plus a set of 7SS level plug-in golden elixir, which can be said to have been strengthened from the inside out.

The entire operation lasted nine hours!

After Lin Rui performed the surgery on Fei Yun, he went to Shangguan Tianyi's room and watched Shangguan Tianyi transform into a dragon with Ji Xueying.

Both of them are now of emperor-level bloodline. It is difficult to transform into a dragon, especially since Lin Rui still has so much abyssal essence in his body, which adds to the risk.

Shangguan Tianyi is now an emperor and has a powerful concept of the abyss. Watching Shangguan Tianyi transform into a dragon can provide them with some experience.

The Dragon Guard's skills are extremely risky and will be controlled by others in the future. However, they have a unique secret recipe and the difficulty of transforming into a dragon is much lower than that of normal martial arts.

Lin Rui wanted to get a glimpse of it and see if he could use it for himself. At this time, on the escort satellite outside the base, Fei Yunlai was commanding his battle dragon and walked into the cargo hold inside the starship to sit down.

He looked at the dark gold lines that gradually appeared on his dragon's body, and felt infinite boos and emotions in his heart.

This is what he got in exchange for his freedom. Of course, it's not a loss. The 200-year contract got him top-notch colonial clothing and this super-imperial battle dragon.

In fact, if you think about it relaxedly, there is nothing wrong with working as a cow horse for others. You no longer have to worry about profits and losses, and you don’t have to think about business matters.

Don’t even worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt.

What's more, the boss he's looking for now not only has a bright future, but also offers fairly generous wages.

Fei Yunlai immediately put away his thoughts and began to take pictures of his war dragon.

At this time, he received another message from Wang Tianwu.

Strong Horse King (Wang Tianwu): Lao Fei, I can’t raise enough money now. Can you help me put in a good word with your boss? Help me lower my maintenance fee. I'm in a bad situation right now. I can give you up to 100 million a month.

Fei Yunlai ignored him and continued to take pictures of his dragon.

He then edited the picture, erasing all the things around the war dragon that might reveal information, and blurring the war dragon itself, before sending the photo to his personal space.

Beef flap? Fei Yunlai now also has a super emperor fighting dragon!

Only a few old 'friends' recognized by Fei Yunlai can see his personal space, and Wang Tianwu happens to be one of them.

The King of Powerful Horses (Wang Tianwu): Damn it, the super king fights the dragon? The height is at least 23 meters. Fei, are you already a military general? Lao Fei, did you sell yourself out? And if you do this, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to advance to the eighth level in the future?

After Fei Yunlai saw this information, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

He's always just short of money, okay? With his martial arts cultivation and the power of his soul, how could he not reach the eighth level?

The King of Strong Horses (Wang Tianwu): Lao Fei, do you still think of me as your brother? In reply, let me add another 20 million, and you can tell me.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Okay, then I'll reluctantly help you.

Wang Tianwu was delighted when he saw this information, but then his face changed drastically, realizing that he might have fallen into a dream.

Wang Tianwu himself was also a master of illusion, and he knew that after a person fell into a dream, everything and reactions in the dream would often follow the desires and will of the dream owner.

He hoped that Fei Yunlai's boss would reduce the maintenance fee, and it would be best if he could return the alien to him.

The problem was that Fei Yunlai, this bastard, had been shirking his responsibility by saying that he had no say in his boss, so how could he suddenly agree?

It was a ghost!

Wang Tianwu suddenly bit his tongue to get himself out of the extremely real dream in front of him.

He took another look at his chat history.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): It's not that I won't help you, Lao Wang, because you offended my boss before, and it's good enough that you can keep the alien this time.

Wang Tianwu sighed secretly, then suddenly broke the glass next to him and jumped from the second floor of this small hotel in the lower area.

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