Supreme Lord

Chapter 383 Government Order (Three updates, please subscribe)

Lin Rui actually got two Type 8 allogeneic enhancers and two Type 8 War Dragon Gene Repair Liquids, twice the amount agreed upon by both parties, but there was still only one X-element injection.

There is also a type 8 mental repair solution, which can repair mental damage, and a type 8 plug-in golden elixir.

The plug-in gold elixir is a real special type of tube product called "Akadama", with a grade of 8S+ and an overall red amber shape.

The valuable thing is that this golden elixir does not need external circuits, and does not need to be connected to the meridians of the human body. Techniques above the seventh level can be extracted directly from the golden elixir; however, the disadvantages of this golden elixir are also here. After all, in terms of bandwidth, Wireless is definitely not as good as wired. This golden elixir can be used as a source of real power for plug-ins, but its instantaneous output is not good and it lacks explosive power.

The items were delivered directly by drone, and there was no contact between the two parties.

After Lin Rui saw these things, he contacted Zhou Yunfei: What's going on, Minister? I just got more of these than we had booked.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“‰๐“Œ๐“€๐’ถ๐“ƒ.๐’ธโ„ด๐“‚]

Zhou Yunfei: It's a little more. The problem is that your chips are different now. They are very sincere. How many chips you have will determine how much they are willing to give you.

Lin Rui replied thoughtfully: Is it me or my master?

Zhou Yunfei: Itโ€™s both. You, the future leader of the Song Dynasty, must be very important. You are a true candidate for the divine messenger, and you are the second in line. You definitely need to invest in advance.

Zhou Yunfei: Your master is also very powerful. In the previous battle with Qi Wuji, Luo Wangshu shocked everyone with his sword "Heavenly Mind". It was beyond everyone's expectation. She is now full-fledged and can break away from the first divine envoy. The Song Dynasty established its own business, no wonder she was able to get the position of commander of the Assassination Bureau for you.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): I understand, Minister Zhou, please convey my gratitude to them on my behalf!

Zhou Yunfei: Haha, there are some big shots in the shopping mall who want me to send you a message, hoping that you can maintain the current commodity prices in Song Dynasty.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): Understood, I guarantee that the prices in the Song Dynasty will not drop within a month.

Lin Rui naturally couldn't let his partners suffer.

As far as Lin Rui knew, several large companies in East Asia participated in the transaction under the auspices of the government. They had just joined forces to get the goods from him at a high price. If the prices in Song Dynasty plummeted, they would suffer heavy losses. Smash it into their hands.

Speaking of which, this time, he actually took advantage of the fact that the East Asian Republic did not know his true identity.

The people in East Asia behave like ancient gentlemen, and they follow rules to the point of corruption. If they knew that Lin Rui was actually one of their own, they would never do this business. They would buy materials from Lin Rui at a high price and use them to trick them. Several allies are making huge profits, which is against their principles.

After Lin Rui and Zhou Yunfei finished communicating, they looked at the pile of silver and gold notes in front of them in a daze.

The total transaction price this time was 73 million taels of magic silver. Lin Rui's purchase price here was 32 million taels. The cost was close to zero, and the net profit was 128%.

These silver and gold tickets were issued by the Bank Alliance in East Asia, and behind them were actually state-owned banks in East Asia.

There is a guarantee that no matter what the situation, these bank notes and gold notes will be recognized and money can be exchanged from them at any time.

The problem was that the money was too much, and it made Lin Rui panic.

In one day, he made more than 40 billion!

"What the ancients said makes sense. Sure enough, capital is evil. With 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human lawsโ€”โ€”"

Lin Rui sighed and put the thick banknotes into the box behind him, then called his senior brother Li Li with a solemn expression and asked him to write a few official documents. After a while, Li Li's expression became strange. .

In order to cut off the smuggling channels between Purgatory and Demons, Lin Rui ordered the Imperial City Departments in various places to strictly investigate the flow of local materials and rectify the local market.

At the same time, the Yushitai and the Ministry of Household Affairs will also send personnel to cooperate with the Assassination Bureau to investigate the major businesses in the eight states of Luojing. Before completing the settlement,

The warehouses of these companies are temporarily blocked.

Lin Rui also needs to check the warehouses of the Ministry of Household Affairs and major transshipment departments to see if there are any cases of tampering or theft in these warehouses under the imperial court.

At the same time, in the name of the commander of the Song Dynasty Assassination Bureau, he wrote to the other three dynasties and Zhongzhou Island, hoping that these parties could jointly enforce the law and work together to combat the increasingly rampant smuggling activities in Tianji Star.

Li Li knew that the prices of bulk commodities on the federal market were already high enough. If Lin Rui issued this order, the selling prices of these items might skyrocket. However, he knew that Lin Rui was cooperating with East Asia. content, so he did not raise any objection, but asked curiously: "Sir,

Are we just going to send out official documents like this? Don't you need to ask the Divine Envoy for instructions? "

"Of course not." Lin Rui glanced at Li Li sideways: "Otherwise, wouldn't my divine dragon-slaying sword and divine order be in vain?"

Li Li couldn't help but nodded, feeling filled with emotion.

Lin Rui had only been in Beijing for a short time, but he had already reached this point.

With these two divine gifts, Lin Rui is simply the incarnation of the will of the gods. Coupled with the position he is sitting in, he can speak better than the current prince of the Song Dynasty.

Who dares to neglect the official documents and orders he is sending out from the Assassination Bureau? There is no need for the divine messenger to endorse it.

Officials from all over the country also know how powerful it is, and they dare not ignore it, nor dare to violate it.

Otherwise, if Lin Rui was charged with neglecting his duties and colluding with the demons, even the governor of a state would not be able to bear it.

Li Li carefully wrote the official document and gave it to Lin Ruiyu to copy.

He looked at the words written by Lin Rui and was once again impressed by his junior brother's acting skills.

In fact, Lin Rui's handwriting is not ugly. The most basic requirement for a fifth-level martial artist is to accurately control his limbs and strength. How ugly can their handwriting be?

The problem is that Lin Rui can write without any charm when he gets an A+ in Chinese on Tianjixing, as if he was tracing the words. This is amazing.

After Lin Ruiyu copied it, he stamped it with his own seal, and then called Luo Renxi, the guardian of the seventh prison, Mo Daoquan, the guardian of the eighth prison, and a group of clerks.

"โ€”You two will be responsible for the rectification of Luojing City. One will be responsible for the Ministry of Revenue and the Transportation Department, and the other will be responsible for checking all the major businesses.

And you, copy these documents as soon as possible and send them to the relevant departments, and let them act as soon as possible. Within three days, I want to hear the news from all over the country and see the results! Especially various military equipment and elixir materials, they need to be rectified and investigated."

After he gave the order, he sighed lightly, his face full of worry: "If this smuggling trend is not stopped, the Song Dynasty will sooner or later fall in the hands of those cysts, and be taken advantage of by the purgatory and the extraterritorial demons! Therefore, you have a heavy responsibility for this mission, and you must be resolute and resolute, and you must not tolerate or slack off!"

Li Li almost couldn't hold his face when he heard this. He stared at Lin Rui's face and couldn't see any flaws.

The guardians of the seventh and eighth prisons heard this, but they were happy.

After the new commander of the assassination bureau took office, the two of them also got some benefits. Although it was not a big achievement, it was very profitable.

Lin Rui then took the package of injections and hurried to the Third Divine Envoy Courtyard of Shenjing Mountain.

At this time, Luo Wangshu had received the message and temporarily put aside the things at hand and waited for him in the farmyard next to the Third Divine Envoy Courtyard.

She had not rested much in the past few days to clean up the prison army, and her face was full of fatigue when she saw Lin Rui.

However, when Luo Wangshu saw Lin Rui and the injections that Lin Rui took out, he immediately became energetic, his eyes were full of hope, and his heart was surging.

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