Supreme Lord

Chapter 379 Prince’s Ceremony (Subscription Request)

Just as the 3,000 soldiers of the Third Divine Guards rushed into the night sky, inside the First Divine Envoy Courtyard in Shenjing Mountain,

The atmosphere was extremely tense. Everyone here, from the dragon guards to the servants, looked solemn and composed.

The First Divine Envoy himself came to the square in front of the Divine Envoy Temple late at night and looked at the clouds above.

His face seemed indifferent, but his fists inside his sleeves were clenched tightly, with veins popping out.

Today, the gods were suddenly furious and shocked the entire Luojing with the Eastern Emperor Bell. The first divine envoy had no idea why, which made him uneasy and frightened, and at the same time, he was wary.

Is it because of the battle that just broke out between the ninth candidate divine envoy and the third divine envoy?

He was just wondering, why did the ninth candidate divine envoy conflict with the third divine envoy?

Also, the third divine envoy Luo Wangshu actually kept silent and cultivated the Nine Realm Super-Emperor Secret Sword "Heavenly Heart Sword"! Without using the war dragon, he defeated the ninth candidate god with one sword. He severely injured Qi Wuji, his combat power was incredible!

This woman actually used this secret sword to make up for her biggest weakness.

Although Luo Wangshu is an emperor of the Nine Realms, this woman has only been in the Nine Realms for a short time. Secondly, she has never had a reliable channel to obtain the Heavenly Demon Potion. Regardless of her physical fitness or spiritual cultivation, she is not as good as others. The nine-level emperor level.

However, the characteristics of the secret sword "Heavenly Mind Sword" can complete most of the process in advance, store it up, and activate it when the battle is about to begin.

And this sword is not only extremely powerful, but it also combines offense and defense! Combining her unique martial arts and bloodline power,

At the moment of battle, the combat power of the Nine Realm Super-Emperor Level can be unleashed.

The first divine envoy also noticed the two knives falling from the sky.

"God's dragon slaying!"

The heart of the first divine envoy was secretly awe-inspiring. On the night when the god bestowed Lin Hao with the divine order, he actually gave him a divine dragon-slaying knife!

It can be seen that Lin Hao's achievements this time were so great that the gods had to break the rules and once again give Lin Hao a heavy reward to commend his achievements!

But what kind of feat is worthy of God breaking precedent and making such an astonishing move?

At the same time, he was also filled with emotion: "What a terrible young man. He actually got the Divine Order and the Divine Dragon-Slaying Sword in one day. This little guy is really blessed."

This boy has simply reserved the position of a divine messenger!

As long as he can live peacefully to the ninth realm without dying midway, he will definitely be promoted to a divine envoy in the future, or even sit in his position.

At this moment, a golden stream of light flew down from the sky and landed in front of him.

The first divine envoy was shocked and recognized that the 300,000-mile flying book in front of him came from a temple priest he was familiar with.

When he took out the letter he carried on Feishu and took a look at it, the first divine envoy's expression was slightly startled at first, then relieved.

"That's it! Prison-suppressing army?"

While the First God relaxed his mind, he was also secretly shocked.

No wonder God gave Lin Hao the divine dragon-slaying knife within less than three hours after personally commending him!

The prison-suppressing army among Tianyuan's four armies actually committed such a major case. As the leader of the prison-suppressing army, the ninth candidate divine envoy Qi Wuji colluded with Purgatory and the demon at the same time.

This person transformed the generals of the prison-suppressing army into half-demon, and replaced the generals of the prison-suppressing army with what the devil called "biological weapons", and this lasted for several years.

From this we can see how bad the situation within the prison-suppressing army is!

Maybe this army is rotten from top to bottom.

However, the First Divine Envoy was extremely puzzled. What was this person’s mentality in colluding with the demons and purgatory?

What do you want?

"Lord God Envoy!"

The captain of the First Dragon Guard raised his head and looked at his master with great curiosity: "May I ask why God is so angry?"

The first divine envoy did not answer and directly threw away the letter in his hand.

The first dragon guard captain glanced at it, his pupils contracted violently at first, and then he cupped his hands with a solemn expression: "Sir, for such a big event, Luo Wangshu did not communicate any information to you beforehand. This woman may have other intentions, and you must investigate." !”

"Just because the stakes are so high, it's only right that she doesn't have information.'

The first divine envoy shook his head and smiled calmly: "Besides, everyone has selfish desires, how can I force her to be of the same mind as me? As long as the third divine envoy can be consistent with me on major political issues, then My support for her is not in vain.”

The First Dragon Guard Captain lowered his head, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

He knew that the first divine envoy's generosity was more due to helplessness.

The third divine envoy not only cultivated the ‘Sword of Divine Heart of Heavenly Law’, but also established a firm foothold in the court, and his wings began to take shape.

"You go to my treasure house later and pick some good elixirs to send to Lin Hao. This boy broke the rules and obtained the divine order and the divine dragon-slaying knife in one day. His future is limitless, and he can't wait any longer. Look at it! '"

The first divine envoy secretly sighed in his heart, feeling a hint of jealousy.

It seems that a proud man like Lin Hao actually worshiped Luo Wangshu's disciples.

If he could get this son as his disciple, he would be as powerful as a tiger.

Coincidentally, in front of the Imperial Dragon Hall in the imperial palace, the emperor also had his hands behind his back and looked at the sky.

His expression was equally solemn and cold.

The emperor did not expect that the prison-suppressing army would be exposed to such a major case, and he did not expect that Yuan Chengkai, whom he once valued, would be involved.

At this time, he was shocked, happy, angry, and frightened.

Both the shock and the joy came from the 'Prison Suppressing Army' - that was one of the four armies of Tianyuan, responsible for at least three large branch caves in Tianyuan!

Fortunately, this hole was dug out in time, otherwise the Song Dynasty would have been taken advantage of by the infernal army!

Once the infernal army invades the surface, their consequences will be unimaginable.

The emperor doesn't know whether the gods can survive, but the entire Song Dynasty royal family must be unlucky.

He was angry because of Yuan Chengkai. The emperor trusted Yuan Chengkai so much. Not only did he repeatedly entrust him with important tasks, including the important post of second-grade governor of Xiashazhou, he also secretly protected Yuan Chengkai when he was attacked by the court officials.

But this is how this bastard repays your kindness!

Yuan Chengkai clearly knew that the general of the prison army, Wei Jian, was assassinated by Qi Wuji and others, and that there might be something wrong with the prison army, but he still concealed it and refused to report it! It's a crime worthy of death!

The scary thing is that this guy is actually his secret servant and has been with him for three hundred years!

The fear originated from God. Yuan Chengkai was one of his close ministers, but he was involved in the "Prison Suppression Army" case.

What will God think of him next? What would you think of him?

Do you think that the corruption of the "Prison Suppression Army" and the death of the Suppression Army General Wei Jian were due to his tacit approval and assistance?

The emperor was distraught, and managed to hold on to his thoughts, and asked Ren Xuezhi, the chief steward who stood beside him: "So it is true that Luo Wangshu did not communicate with the first divine envoy before going to the shrine?"

"Never!" Ren Xuezhi replied resolutely: "I can confirm that when the incident happened just now, there was a lot of panic inside and outside the First Divine Envoy's courtyard."

This is an old eunuch who is more than sixty years old, with white beard and white hair, and kind eyes. But in fact, he is more than 200 years younger than the emperor.

A dim light flashed in his eyes: "It can be seen that the third divine envoy thinks that his foundation is solid and his wings are full! In the future, I am afraid that this woman will no longer follow the steps of the first divine envoy."

The emperor smiled slightly, thinking that this was the only thing worthy of his relief in the near future.

"This is your credit for your words! You should learn from this and you can read people accurately. Luo Wangshu is indeed not a thing in the pool. She cannot live under others for a long time. Giving her the position of commander of the Assassination Bureau is far better than others. You two, at least this woman sincerely wants to stabilize the Song Dynasty."

The emperor was thinking about the possibility of driving a wedge between Luo Wangshu and the first divine envoy.

But then he shook his head slightly and suppressed this thought.

Currently in the court and in the Divine Envoy Prison, the most reliable ally of the First Divine Envoy is Luo Wangshu.

With the first divine envoy's cunning and strategizing, how could he let him get his wish?

This woman, Luo Wangshu, is even more intelligent. If his subordinates fail to handle things properly and miss the loopholes, it will be self-defeating.

"Starting from tomorrow, Lin Hao will be banned from entering and exiting the palace, and he should be treated with the courtesy of a prince!"'

The emperor put his hands behind his back and said: "In the future, when Lin Haoru comes to ask for an audience, he must not delay or neglect it. He must inform me immediately! Also, inform the members of the Ying clan in the capital that they must not provoke this person. No matter whether they are justified or not, they must give in." You must not commit any crime in his hands, otherwise I will be helpless.

Ren Xuezhi was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Wasn't he surprised by the emperor's last sentence? At this time, the gods had given Lin Hao the "divine dragon-slaying knife" and gave Lin Hao the right to enter the palace to see him. How could the emperor have the right to refuse to see him?

If they really do this, where will that leave God?

Ren Xuezhi was surprised by the previous sentence "Treat him with the courtesy of a prince." Treating a fifth-grade person with the courtesy of a prince? Even if the other party is the commander of the Assassination Bureau, is it not appropriate?

But he was immediately relieved. It should be known that in the previous court, there were only three people in the court who had received the divine order and the divine dragon-slaying knife at the same time - one, two, and the first candidate for the divine envoy.

Among them, the only one who has not served as the commander of the Assassination and Rape Bureau is the First Divine Envoy, simply because there was no "Assassination and Rape Bureau" in that era.

With the Divine Order and the Divine Dragon-Slaying Sword, Lin Hao's status in the court was only a little lower than that of the crown prince back then.

The emperor asked him to treat him with the courtesy of a prince, which was not excessive.

Ren Xuezhi further understood the emperor's intention to praise him. Lin Hao was indeed extraordinary in talent. In less than ten days after taking office, he had already solved major cases, made great achievements and was recognized by the gods.

But now he is loved by God, and after standing in this position, he will be jealous of all parties, become the target of public criticism, and be targeted by all parties!

Considering Lin Hao's age and martial arts attainments, this may not be a good thing.

Ren Xuezhi felt even more secretly that the prince was grievances.

The former prince, a great man of the generation, not only had a temperament as bright as snow, but also had outstanding talents and courteous corporal. However, he fell into the Tianyuan Divine Stone Castle, completely disrupting the emperor's plan to inherit the country.

If Ren Xuezhi pays attention to that boy, he may not be able to reach the end safely.

The days ahead are still very long.

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