Supreme Lord

Chapter 374 The Real Murderer (Subscription Request)

Lin Rui turned to the two captains and deputy captains: "Wei Jian, the general of the army, is the master's teacher?"

This was information that Lin Rui had not even found in the Security Bureau's intelligence database.

Captain Jing Yuefang of the Dragon Guard nodded solemnly: "General Wei and Lord Divine Envoy do not have formal master-disciple status, but they are masters and disciples. In the past, General Wei not only taught Lord Divine Envoy swordsmanship practice, but also gave God the gift of master and disciple." The master has three extremely advanced high-level skills and martial arts.

In addition, he also helped the Divine Envoy in his official career, giving the Divine Envoy a foundation to start a career. After the Divine Envoy was established, he became the right arm to influence the prison-suppressing army. However, in today's world, no one knows this secret. Very few. "

Lin Rui couldn't help but suddenly understood, and solved a doubt in his heart.

No wonder Meng Weiyun was extremely jealous after seeing Fei Yunlai, and he did not hesitate to fight with Fei Yunlai until both sides were injured.

It is no small matter that the two parties in the relationship are enemies of the Prison Suppressing Army. Together with the Tianyuan Army, the Demon Refining Army, and the Sin Army, they are responsible for suppressing the Tianyuan Passage and resisting the demons in purgatory.

Except for the Sin Army, each of the other three armies has 1.2 million soldiers. They are the most elite soldiers in the Song Dynasty, and their status exceeds that of the Forbidden Army.

The ninth candidate for the divine envoy is the commander of the prison-suppressing army!

Lin Rui's interest increased greatly: "What else do you know? Is there any conclusive evidence? Get them all!"

Yuan Chengkai didn't say anything. He bowed his hands silently, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Rui knew that this guy was making conditions, and he shook his head slightly: "I can see that you don't want to die, but your situation makes it difficult for me to deal with it. The evidence of your collusion with the demon from outside the territory has been confirmed. This In the laws of the Song Dynasty, it was an unforgivable crime."

The Song Dynasty is very tolerant to the "traitors" among the demons outside the territory. As long as they are willing to betray their own ethnic group and sincerely serve the Song Dynasty, they are often willing to give them opportunities.

The Song Dynasty was very harsh and cruel towards internal betrayers and never tolerated them.

Yuan Chengkai should have contacted the commander-in-chief of the military's Second Fleet Group through Yue Qingcheng's intermediary.

The two of them may not have direct contact, but they maintain a tacit understanding with each other and use each other's help to eliminate dissidents. In addition, the incident involving Yuan Chengkai's confidante Yue Qingcheng is extremely bad in nature. No matter how much this person denies and excuses, he cannot escape from colluding with the devil. crime.

Of course, the main reason was Lin Rui. He really didn't want to let this person go.

Yuan Chengkai's face was ugly and his words were difficult: "Yuan doesn't dare to ask for pardon from the court. He only asks for a chance to serve in the Tianyuan Crime Army and redeem his past sins. Yuan also wants to ask for a piece of dragon transformation material so that Yuan can Serve the country by killing the enemy.

His war dragon has been forcibly taken away by his tribe. If Yuan Chengkai wants to maintain his eight realms of cultivation and avoid losing control of his mind and falling into the danger of demonic transformation, he must transform into a dragon himself.

"Sinful Army?"

Lin Rui thought for a moment, then gave a cold smile: "Forget it, Lin agreed and will give you a chance to atone for your sins. The premise is that what you come up with can satisfy me."

Yuan Chengkai's expression relaxed, and he felt like he was going to survive a disaster.

Although it is extremely dangerous to join the criminal army, Haosui has some hope of survival.

About an hour and a half later, Lin Rui headed to Shenjing Mountain with the Dragon Guards with a solemn expression.

He was originally planning to go to Luo Wangshu to do his homework, but it was delayed until now because of Yuan Chengkai's revelation.

Lin Rui spent half an hour listening to Yuan Chengkai's confession.

And because his handwriting was crooked, he had to ask the deputy captain of the Dragon Guard to help record it, and then Yuan Chengkai signed and stamped it.

Next, they left the imperial city and took out the evidence that Yuan Chengkai confessed. It was a secret hideout of Yue Tianqing, which stored a piece of blood-stained cloth that had been taken from the body of General Wei Jian of the town army, as well as various other items. Kind of physical evidence.

Yue Tianqing probably used these things to coerce Zhu Tianzang into helping him in the assassination.

Lin Rui didn't know why Zhu Tianzang didn't kill Yue Tianqing to silence him, and why he didn't want to report Yue Tianqing's intention to threaten him to the four-star yuan master.

Yuan Chengkai had guessed that Zhu Tianzang might have romantic feelings for Yue Tianqing, but Lin Rui refused to believe it.

Zhu Tianzang is a dignified eight-level magician. It is said that he is a very deep and stable person, otherwise he would not be reused by the four-star marshal to take charge of such an important secret base.

I would like to ask such a person, would Kai delay his official duties because of his love between a man and a woman?

Lin Rui estimated that Yue Tianqing might still have some personal information about Zhu Tianzang.

This is very important. Lin Rui failed to ask it when he hypnotized Zhu Tianzang just now.

Lin Rui then deliberately returned to Lin's house and took the things Fei Yunlai had given him with him.

Fei Yun was quite unlucky when he came here. The task he received at that time was to sneak into the residence of Wei Jian, the general of the town army, and assassinate one of Wei Jian's disciples. However, he was framed and was put on the imperial list for a year, and was hunted down. To the point of bankruptcy.

However, Fei Yunlai was also smart. Not only did he save the video images at that time, but he also decisively cut off contact with the mission intermediary. At the same time, he did some reverse investigations and actually got the evidence of the collusion between the federal military and the ninth candidate god. evidence.

Fei Yunlai used these things to threaten him, so that the mastermind behind the scenes did not dare to pursue too much, and he lived peacefully until now.

When Lin Rui entered the palace, he thought about it and walked aside, avoiding the dragon guards and secretly sending a message to Fei Yunlai.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): Now I have good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?

Fei Yunlai was browsing several forums on the dark web, trying every possible means to find the whereabouts of "Dark Horse King".

After seeing the information sent by Lin Rui, he trembled and felt that he was likely to be unlucky.

Fei Yunlai thought for a moment and answered cautiously: Boss, let's talk together. What's the matter?

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): The bad news is that you will be hunted down by a four-star marshal regardless of the cost, means, and consequences. I am already considering whether to terminate the contract with you.

Lin Rui guessed that once he handed over this evidence, the four-star marshal would have no scruples at all and would never let Fei Yunlai go, instead of boiling him like a frog in warm water and slowly squeezing Fei Yunlai's living space.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): The good news is that you can restore your innocence soon. Wei Jian, the general of the Zhenjun Army who died in an assassination a year ago, was the teacher of my master Luo Wangshu.

Fei Yunlai was stunned, and then his heart beat.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): Boss, the four-star master you are talking about, is he the commander-in-chief of the second fleet group?

The evidence in Fei Yunlai's hand can only prove that the federal military participated in the assassination of General Wei Jian of the Zhen Army, but it cannot determine the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): This is the one, it seems that you have already guessed it?

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): It really is him! Please, Boss, hand over the evidence. No matter what the consequences are, I can bear it. It is better than being killed by him in the end.

At this time, Fei Yunlai sent another flattering expression to Lin Rui.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): Boss, don't cancel the contract. As long as you help me get through this difficult time, I am willing to extend the contract period. I can also go all out to help you recruit that Wang Tianwu. I have a way to make him unable to escape from your palm no matter what.

Lin Rui thought this was about right: If you can help me recruit Wang Tianwu, the contract period will be extended to 200 years. If you can't do it, then sign a lifetime contract.

After he replied to the information, he directly shut down the quantum communication system.

He didn't intend to bargain with this bull.

Lin Rui then brought a group of dragon guards to the courtyard of Luo Wangshu.

When he walked into the courtyard, he saw Luo Wangshu in the hall looking at him with doubtful eyes: "What time is it? Why did you wait until now?"

She was waiting here when Lin Hao was granted the divine honor order, but her disciple did not come until midnight.

Luo Wangshu then noticed that Lin Hao's expression was extremely solemn, and her dragon guards also looked cold and solemn.

Luo Wangshu raised his eyebrows: "What happened?"

Lin Rui had already taken out two leather bags from his sleeves and handed them to his master: "What I just found out is related to the assassination of General Wei Jian of the Zhen Army a year ago."

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