Supreme Lord

Chapter 369 Cloud (Subscription Request)

In Luojing City, the imperial censor Zhongcheng Zhao Mansion.

Linghu Mingde, who was fishing leisurely in the back garden, received a message from his granddaughter.

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): My father-in-law, the assassination bureau's operation is almost completed. This time it can be said to be huge. They have arrested nearly 80% of the alien walkers on our list.

Linghu Mingde laughed: I see, the young man is very good. If he doesn't move, he will be nothing. If he moves, he will be like a thunderous mountain collapse.

He actually deliberately slowed down for a few days and pointed here and there to make everyone relax their vigilance, which is good.

Fang Ranran didn't take it seriously after looking at it.

In her opinion, since Lin Hao took office, he has been hammering here and there, seemingly disorganized, making it unclear what his purpose is.

The reason why this person delayed taking action until today is probably because the Assassination Bureau has been unable to spare any spare manpower.

However, Lin Hao's move had a miraculous effect. Just when everyone thought that Lin Hao would specialize in the smuggling and arson cases of the Luo family manor and had no time to take care of them for the time being, this man actually turned around and struck down with a hammer.

This time, many people inside and outside Luojing City were caught off guard. They did not expect that Lin Hao would take action against them.

Of course, the main reason was the accurate information provided by her maternal ancestor Linghu Mingde, which was unexpected by everyone.

This is where she feels secretly worried.

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): Father, is it really okay for us to do this? Some people should have guessed,

We will offend a lot of people.

Linghu Mingde shook his head. Although Ranran was smart and inherited most of her father's outstanding qualities, she was far less ruthless and strong than her father.

But this is what Linghu Mingde likes about this child.

At this time, Linghu Mingde received a request for a video call.

The other party is Ram Kezia, CEO of Kangcaike Shipping Company.

Linghu Mingde switched to voice call and agreed to the other party's request.

The CEO said with anger: "Mr. Linghu, the intelligence source of this assassination bureau should come from you, right? What you did is very immoral! Not only did you violate the federal Alien Act, but you also betrayed your compatriots ”

Linghu Mingde smiled slightly: "Mr. Kezia, I don't understand what you are talking about. If you continue to make such untrue slander without evidence, I will have someone send you a lawyer's letter."

Linghu Mingde stood up with a leisurely expression, picked up a handful of broken rice from the table next to him and threw it into the lake: "Since you are contacting me now, it is just right to talk about the matter we discussed a few days ago, to stop the Kangcai passenger ship. Is it possible for the company to cooperate with the Jin Group on starship leasing?

Ram Kezia's voice was condensed: "Are you threatening me?"

"No! I don't mean to threaten you." Linghu Mingde raised his lips slightly: "This is an ultimatum before declaring war! I said that if you choose to continue to stand with them, you will be the enemy of the Linghu family ""

Linghu Mingde heard the CEO's breathing quicken across from him, and he asked sarcastically: "Mr. Kezia, since you can call me, it means you know my abilities, but why do you Will you underestimate my determination?"

"Madman, you madman!" Ram Kezia kept cursing on the phone, and at the same time he was full of confusion: "You are playing with fire! Mr. Linghu, not only have you broken the rules, but you will also offend many people. You Aren’t you afraid that after you die, your descendants will be reckoned with by those you offended?”

"So before I die, I have to deal with all the enemies of the family. The dead can't take revenge, right?

Linghu Mingde's white eyebrows raised slightly: "So what's your answer, Kezia? As far as I know, your group is only losing some peripherals now, but you should know that after this phone call, there will be no room for change between us. '

Ram Kezia was silent for a long time, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Kangcai Passenger Shipping Company will end all transportation leasing cooperation with Jin's Trading Company within three days. I won't play with you anymore, you are a bunch of bastards!"

After he finished speaking, he ended the call. Linghu Mingde smiled and continued to sit back on the recliner.

At this time, Linghu Mingde also received several communication requests, but Linghu Mingde was not interested in answering them.

In the entire Earth Federation, there were not many people who were qualified for him to answer the phone in person.

He sent a message to his granddaughter: Ranran, are you interested in running the "Urban Construction Party"?

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): My father-in-law, what are you talking about? The Urban Construction Party is a party supported by the Pu family and its power is deeply rooted. How can I have the chance to take charge of this party?

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran):! ! ! My father-in-law, have you allowed me to enter politics?

Linghu Mingde laughed: Whether you can enter politics depends on your luck. You can make some preparations in advance.

However, the conditions I proposed to you before have not changed. Revitalizing the Department of Clothing and Clothing at Mingde University is still a prerequisite for you to enter politics.

Linghu Mingde: Also, you have to find a way to contact it and try your best to gain its approval.

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): Bright Heart No. 9? What's the meaning?

Yuluo Xinchen (Fang Ranran): I checked the information and it seems that this person is one of the highest minds of the Holy Religion of Light? What do I contact it for?

Linghu Mingde: Of course, it is for the votes in its hands, a total of 17 million, and this number continues to grow. If you can get its approval, then you will have a voter base that is not inferior to your father.

Linghu Mingde’s eyes are deep, the huge influence of the Mingde University Alumni Association, plus 17 million votes,

Enough to win out a member of Congress.

Only if Ranran enters the federal congress can the Linghu family be protected after his death.

That boy Xianzheng wants to hone and beat Ranran step by step, right?

He will not throw a dog bone to Ranran until her edges are smoothed, and let her become a hunting dog in the hands of her half-brother.

But he won't allow it!

Helping Ranran inherit her mother's inheritance and getting a part of the shares of Tianlan Group on the condition of agreeing to Tianlan Group's acquisition of Mingde University is just his first step.

In the second step, he will lift his granddaughter to the sky!

Yu Luo Xin Chen (Fang Ranran): ! ! 17 million? How is this possible? How can there be so many Saint Church believers in the Ninth Base City? And my father-in-law, this is the Holy Church of Light after all, a cult recognized by the government.

Linghu Mingde: The Holy Church of Light is a cult, but their believers are legal citizens of the Federation. If you have learned about the intelligence of the Heart of Light No. 9 in detail, you will know that this artificial A1 has not only been tirelessly helping the orphans and widows for more than a hundred years, and has invested huge amounts of money every year to fight for legal identities and shields for believers in the lower-level areas. Its actual influence far exceeds these 17 million people, and we must also consider the millions of families behind these 17 million people.

Linghu Mingde: So, take it! You need their votes, and they may also need you. The money and social resources in your hands can provide them with shelter.

Fang Ranran's pupils slightly opened, and her mind was shocked at first, and then she clenched her fists tightly, with her pupils burning.

She never thought that there was such a large group of voters inside the ninth base city.

But can she convince the Heart of Light No. 9?

Fang Ranran has a strong ability to act. She immediately drove to the Ninth Division of the Federal Security Bureau to find connections there and collect specific information about the Heart of Light No. 9 and the Holy Church of Light.

She did not intend to act rashly now, but to make a comprehensive understanding of the Heart of Light No. 9 and this group of voters. She must know the personality and preferences of No. 9, and what kind of needs these believers of light have. Only in this way can she come up with a plan that touches people's hearts.

At this time, Fang Ranran received a new piece of intelligence.

Hayden Smith, deputy director of the Ninth Division of the Security Bureau, and Admiral Reston, director of the "Alien Center", may have been captured in Qianci Forest on the border of Xingzhou. Most of the six 6A-level special tactical platoons accompanying them died in the battle.

The bodies of these people have been sent to the ICU, and from the current situation, there is no possibility of regaining consciousness.

According to the information transmitted by these people before the battle, they should have been surrounded by the Dragon Guard of the Third God Envoy.

According to various intelligence analysis, the death of Hayden Smith and others this time is likely to be related to Lin Hao, the commander of the Assassination Bureau, and is part of the purge of the Assassination Bureau.

Fang Ranran carefully read the battle report and immediately took a breath of cold air.

This time, the Federation lost 14 masters at the general level alone!

And people like Hayden Smith are already high-level figures in the Federal Security Bureau.

Linghu Mingde also saw the information and looked extremely surprised.

This was an unexpected situation for him, and it also made him doubt his judgment.

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