Supreme Lord

Chapter 360 Brothers (Subscribe)

Early the next morning, Lin Xi went out with great anticipation and went to participate in the Imperial City Division's Demonic Test.

The Chengtianmen inspector she is about to take up is not only a fifth-rank official of the Imperial City Department, but also an important position in the center of the Imperial City, so she will definitely need to be tested.

It just so happened that today the Imperial City Division was recruiting many new people and was conducting a large-scale test of demons.

In order to further penetrate the four major dynasties, the major organizations of the Earth Federation have racked their brains on the Demon Test, and so far they have developed a large number of mature plans.

As long as you are a palace-level genius and have made adequate preparations in advance and do not encounter the country-protecting war dragon, then there will not be a big problem.

Especially for this kind of large-scale heavenly demon test, even if the war dragon comes in person, there is still a certain chance of passing through.

They have developed several secret techniques for the soul, which can interfere with the spiritual consciousness of the people around them and interfere with it, even if the Protector of the Country Dragon cannot accurately identify it.

Of course, this kind of public-type demon test with hundreds of people participating cannot gain the true trust of the higher-ups. Generally speaking, it is the end of the journey if you can reach the third level.

Lin Xi has also made sufficient preparations for the Demon Test, and has unique advantages, so she is full of confidence.

As long as she passes this Heavenly Demon Test, she will not only be able to enter the Heavenly Official System with huge responsibilities in the Imperial City Department, but will also have great power.

Lin Rui was also very relieved about Lin Xi. He also went out early in the morning and took Ji Xueying with him to the south bank of Yichuan River in the outer city.

This was because Xue Lingxue informed him not long ago that they had found traces of the Eighth Realm Magician again.

Once the toxin provided by Lin Rui combines with flesh and blood, it will produce a smell that is beyond the recognition threshold of ordinary people and even high-level martial arts practitioners cannot smell it.

After all, not every martial artist can awaken a special bloodline and have a developed olfactory system like a dog.

Xue Lingxue and the others relied on the exoskeleton armor they wore. The sensory system in the armor had the odor samples recorded by Lin Rui to accurately capture this smell.

Not long ago, Lin Rui used this method to find the direction of Yue Qingcheng. Lin Rui was very surprised. This eight-level magician had obviously escaped from the pursuit of Xue Lingxue and others, and his injuries were not serious. Why did he appear after ten years? After a few hours, are there still toxins left on your body? And the traces were suddenly exposed?

He suspected that this was a trap, so when he went out, he used his official seal to contact the master and confirmed that Luo Wangshu was at home and had no plans to go out at the moment.

As long as the master is in the city, it won't be a big problem.

He was careless in this regard yesterday, thinking that there was a master stationed in the capital and that he would be infallible in the city. Unexpectedly, that group of people had great powers and led the three divine envoys away in advance.

"The source of this smell seems to be hidden in the sewer?"

Lin Rui's eyes were filled with confusion, and he was even more certain that this was a trap.

The man seemed to be using the foul smell in the sewer to cover up his own smell.

The problem is that he is an eighth-level martial artist!

After this person got rid of the pursuit of Xue Lingxue and others, he could force out the toxin with just a little effort. Why is he still keeping it to eat?

What's more, it's still hidden in the sewer.

Luojing City in the Song Dynasty originally had no sewers, and only used ditches and stone canals for drainage. The disadvantage was that it was not perfect, and there might be waterlogging during the flood season, and it would also stink to the sky in the summer.

About 500 years ago, a minister from the Ministry of Industry reported to the court that sewers should be built in Luojing City.

Later, the Imperial City Division found out that this person was an extraterrestrial demon, and the purpose of building the sewer was to connect to Tianyuan to facilitate smuggling.

The Song Dynasty court was furious about this, and soon after the incident, the demon servant was imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Forest.

However, this sewer system has been preserved. Firstly, it has been repaired, and it is very troublesome to fill it up. Secondly, it feels very useful, which brings great convenience to the dignitaries in Luo City.

Later, the sewer underwent hundreds of years of transformation, and the internal situation was very complicated.

Lin Rui did not act rashly, nor was he in a hurry to recruit people from the Imperial City Division. He was very patient, waiting for Xue Lingxue's alien agent team to mobilize large instruments and small drones for sensing and reconnaissance.

The results of their investigation will determine Lin Rui's action plan.

At this moment, Fei Yunlai sent him a message.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Boss, I didn't expect the situation in the capital to be so serious. I decided to let the aliens enter the capital as soon as possible. Can you ask Bright Heart No. 9 to help me arrange a starship?

Lin Rui was very confused and replied: Your energy has not fully recovered, what are you anxious about? Didn't you already agree that I will return to Wangcheng to perform surgery on you in a few days, and then return to the capital to help me when your combat power is improved? Otherwise, if you look like this, you will not be able to help me when you come to the capital. On the contrary, it will be a burden.

Lin Rui now has a seventh-level emperor-level Emperor Flame War Dragon beside him, and the people around him have also grown up one after another, and they already have a certain degree of safety.

Even Wang Sen and Lin Rui have found a way to buy him a Heavenly Demon Dragon Armor from the God of Machinery.

Fei Yunlai thought, could he not be in a hurry?

For some reason, he didn't learn that Lin Rui's alien body had been attacked until early this morning.

This made Fei Yunlai shocked and angry.

Not only was this a mid-term meal ticket that he finally found, he was also a very reliable doctor in colonial clothing. He also had certain power and financial resources to help Fei Yun fight against his enemy.

Fei Yunlai's life has just stabilized, and he has also purchased a brand new supercar to give his smart butler diamond bracelet a place to live, but he doesn't want anything to happen to this meal ticket.

Fei Yun was already fighting with his old friends with the customized supercar he bought with a loan.

It means that Hu Hansan is back again and has become more assertive!

If he turned around and sold the car again, where would he put his face?

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Is it really no problem? I feel that the BOSS situation was very dangerous yesterday. There were two Eighth Realm and three 7A-level special combat platoons. I feel that BOSS you really need manpower around you. It’s really not possible, BOSS.

You might consider hiring one or two more people.

When Fei Yunlai sent the letter, he secretly sighed that the other party's strength was actually reversed by his boss. This is a real cow, an invincible cow!

Among them, Xu Yu, the jade fox who rarely misses in the eighth realm.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): It's not as dangerous as you think. Just stay calm and I will consider hiring people.

Xue Lingxue had no results for a while, so he kept chatting with Fei Yunlai.

But Fei Yunlai's next sentence made Lin Rui's eyes narrow.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): By the way, BOSS, I watched your battle video yesterday and recognized the eight-level magician who planned to attack you yesterday. This man is called Wang Tianwu. He is a relatively powerful person in the dark world. A famous mercenary, like me, is a wanted criminal in the Song Dynasty, but he is not on the imperial list.

The Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Although he is disguised with his face covered, I have cooperated with him more than ten times. I can recognize this guy's formation habits and techniques with my eyes closed, and he The battle dragon "God's Heart Natural Dragon", although in a state of invisibility, still showed obvious characteristics during the battle.

Coincidentally, when the incident happened yesterday, I wrote to him through letters.

Lin Rui immediately opened the backend intelligence database of the Security Bureau and inquired about various information about Wang Tianwu.

His eyes immediately lit up, and he was sure that the Eight Realm Magician was Wang Tianwu.

This person's formation style is very obvious, and in the eyes of him, an expert in talisman formation, he can easily identify it.

Judging from the intelligence, this person's strength and background are very impressive, and he is actually the disciple of Ling Huan.

He has been wanted by the Song Dynasty for more than 50 years.

Alien walkers like Wang Tianwu, who exposed his alien identity and remained unharmed for decades on the wanted list, are very impressive.

They basically all have extremely powerful combat capabilities and have rich practical experience.

Lin Rui's lips raised slightly: You have worked with him so many times, so you should have a good relationship. Can you contact him now? Can you help me find out what his condition is? I have now found the location of his alien body, but I am not sure if it is a trap.

Fei Yunlai, who was in the secret base of the ninth base city, rubbed his chin.

Is Lin Rui asking him to betray his friends? Isn't this bad? Once word gets out, his reputation will be ruined.

At this time, his boss sent another message.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): I bought another piece of land nearby, 1,600 square meters, and I can build a villa for you to live in for free, which is considered a company benefit.

Fei Yunlai's face turned cold, thinking that since the man named Wang had taken action against his boss, he was no longer a friend, but an enemy!

You should use all means and unreasonable means to deal with your enemies.

He opened Wang Tianwu's chat box.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Lao Wang, what are you doing? Are you free recently? Let's go out for a drink. I'll treat you. It's been a long time since we brothers got together.

The powerful horse king (Wang Tianwu): Get together! It's not like you don't know that I'm in trouble right now.

Dali Horse King (Wang Tianwu): Lao Fei, I just have something to ask you for help. Can you help me buy a set of spiritual instruments and sleeping cabins as soon as possible! You can help me with the money first, and I will pay you back within a month.

Invincible Ox (Fei Yunlai):? ? Why did you buy a séance and sleeping cabin? And aren’t you rich?

Dali Horse King (Wang Tianwu): Don't worry about this, just ask my brother if you can help?

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Help, I will definitely help. I can order a seance and sleeping cabin for you. Where do you want to send them? Do you have an address?

Fei Yunlai responded while pinching his chin.

It seems that my old friend is in a very bad situation.

He opened the darknet to check the situation, and then sent a message to Lin Rui: Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Boss, can you spare Wang Tianwu's life? Wang Tianwu is very strong.

He is a genius illusionist. BOSS, you are fully capable of subduing him and bringing him under your control.

Guying Heavenly Sword (Lin Rui):? ? What is the situation?

Fei Yunlai sighed secretly, what he just said was worthy of his friendship with Wang Tianwu over the years.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): BOSS, that Wang Tianwu seems to be in big trouble. His divine instrument and sleeping cabin may have been found and destroyed by others, making it impossible for the alien body to descend. Also, I just visited several dark web sites. After looking through it, I found that his name on the killer ranking list had also disappeared, and he was probably banned and removed. I also suspected that his funds in those underground banks had also been frozen.

Lin Rui was slightly startled after reading Fei Yunlai's information, and then laughed.

It seems that he is overthinking, and it is unlikely that this is a trap.

Lin Rui originally wanted to mobilize manpower from the Imperial City Division and Jinwu Guards to carry out encirclement and suppression, but now he has given up this idea.

Of course, you still have to be careful in this arrest operation.

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