Supreme Lord

Chapter 356 Supervisor (Subscription Request)

Lin Rui wanted to exchange for the Royal Flame Dragon immediately, but he had to get busy next.

This failed assassination was undoubtedly another major case of the demons, and the Assassination Bureau had no choice but to take responsibility for it.

This was a typical assassination case, and the facts were clear, but there were still many things to investigate, such as how did so many people sneak into the city?

How could they set up an ambush near Yongye Street without making any noise? Did they secretly provide convenience or even cooperate?

Whose property were those buildings where these people were hiding? What was their relationship with this group of assassins?

And the Six Realms Super King Dragon that Lin Xi had shot down in the sky just now was confirmed to belong to Shi Rongzhi, a doctor in the Ministry of Works.

Lin Xi did not kill the dragon, but only knocked it unconscious and captured it, so this person was still alive and needed to be arrested immediately and his accomplices tracked down.

So there were a lot of things to do next, but fortunately this case could be handled together with the previous Luo Family Manor case, and there were not many things that needed to be handled by Lin Rui himself.

Lin Rui was then summoned by several bigwigs of the God Envoy Supervisor again.

The emperor and the three gods praised Lin Hao for crushing the assassination plot of the extraterritorial demons and ruthlessly killing nearly a hundred demons. At the same time, they were furious.

In the past 50 years, the extraterritorial demons have become more and more rampant and presumptuous in the territory of the Song Dynasty. This time, they dared to set up an ambush in Luojing City to assassinate important officials of the court. The assassination target was Lin Hao, the current commander of the assassination bureau. It can be said that it touched the bottom line of the emperor and several gods.

Especially this time, Shi Rongzhi, who was involved in the case, was a fourth-rank doctor in the Ministry of Works of the court!

The position of doctor is already a pillar-level figure in the Ministry of Works, but such an important figure is also an extraterritorial demon?

From this, we can see to what extent these extraterritorial demons have infiltrated the Song Dynasty.

Luo Wangshu was even more angry. This time, the three of them were attracted to the wanted criminal of the Song Dynasty and went out of the city to get nothing. As a result, her house was almost robbed.

Her most proud and trusted disciple almost died at the hands of these demons.

At the same time, Luo Wangshu felt relieved. Lin Hao relied on his ability and talent. This time, he was not only unscathed, but also caused serious damage to these extraterritorial demons.

Luo Wangshu thought that this child really lived up to her expectations and could be entrusted with important matters!

She did want to find a reliable partner among those extraterritorial demons, but this did not mean that these demons could run rampant under her nose.

After Lin Rui reported the case, he also reported the situation of the Luo Family Manor case.

The emperor and the two gods were very dissatisfied with the progress of the case, but they had nothing to say.

They all realized that Lin Hao was deliberately delaying. The problem was that this child had been assassinated in a dangerous way for this case. It was hard to say that he did not do his best.

Moreover, the three deputy commanders of the Assassination Bureau who are actually responsible for the investigation of this case actually have their own backgrounds and act according to their instructions.

What surprised them a little was that Lin Hao later applied to the Divine Envoy for a Dragon Guard attendant qualification on the grounds of ensuring his own safety.

"Dragon Guard? And the adult Dragon Guard raised in the Dragon Guard?"

The second Divine Envoy sat high on the throne, looking at the new commander of the Assassination Bureau with interest through the heavy bows: "Lin Hao, the assignment of Dragon Guards has its own rules in the court. If you want to increase the guards, you can hire family guards to guard the house.

And as the commander of the Assassination Bureau, you should not avoid difficulties and dare to take risks. Did this assassination make you lose your courage and become a frightened bird?'

Lin Rui heard this and bowed calmly: "Lord Divine Envoy, I am not afraid of death! I am afraid that I cannot keep this useful body and serve the country, slay demons and monsters for the Song Dynasty, and protect the people of all directions. I can hire a family general, but I come from a poor family, with little family wealth and limited salary. I am unable to bear it. Please ask the emperor and the gods to look into it! "

The second god envoy chuckled when he heard this. He knew that this could not be stopped.

Lin Hao asked for the dragon guards at this time, which was justified. If the gods refused, the officials and the people would know what they would think and say.

And Lin Hao used to be a yamen runner, and he was an honest official, so he really didn't have much money to hire a family general to protect the house.

The second god asked curiously: "Lin Hao, which dragon guard did you take a fancy to? ’

Lin Rui unceremoniously bowed his hands: "Xian Yuyan, a third-rank dragon guard with a sword!"

Luo Wangshu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows after hearing this, thinking that her disciple had good vision, but after she and the several gods and the emperor looked at each other through the cloth, their expressions were a little strange.

Who among them didn't know Xian Yuyan's talent and strength? But they all let this girl be a teacher in Longwei City, naturally there was a reason.

Lin Hao wanted to take Xian Yuyan under the devil, how easy is it?

"You have a good vision, Xian Yuyan's bloodline is the seventh realm super emperor, and the sword is the emperor level. She is the most potential among the adult dragon guards in Longwei City.""

The emperor also praised in a cold voice: "I can give you a dragon guard quota, and also allow you to recruit Xian Yuyan, a third-rank dragon guard with a sword, but you need to convince Xian Yuyan yourself, and don't force it. '"

Lin Rui was delighted to hear this and bowed in response.

Only after obtaining the permission of the God's Envoy could he recruit Xian Yuyan.

This is definitely not easy, but Lin Rui firmly believes that as long as the hoe is used well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down!

Just when Lin Rui was about to resign, the first divine envoy suddenly spoke: "Lin Hao, I just heard you say that today's six-level super emperor 'Eternal Heart Dragon' belongs to your sworn sister Zhou Yunxi? This Zhou Yunxi , but the daughter of Zhou Rang, the fourth-rank censor? A descendant of the Wangcheng Zhou family?"

As soon as the first divine envoy said this, the atmosphere in the hall became strange.

Several divine envoys looked at the emperor with strange eyes.

Two years ago, Zhou Rang, the imperial censor, came to remonstrate with the emperor about raising taxes and levying 3 million people from the surrounding areas of Zhili to build the "Shenlian Platform".

In the end, the emperor failed to achieve his wish and hated his censor Zhou Rang to the bone. Soon after, he found a fault with this person and sent him to prison to die. He also demoted and sent out all the people who had come to remonstrate with Zhou Rang.

At that time, everyone in the government and the public was deeply sympathized with Zhou Yushi. However, the emperor was famous and angry, and even several divine envoys in the court could not stop him.

But no one expected that not long after, news came from Wangcheng County that the Zhou family was wiped out by the eunuchs in the court!

This incident caused an uproar in the court and made many courtiers extremely disappointed with the emperor.

They did not expect that when Zhou Rang was dead and the Zhou family's dragon fighting heritage was about to be cut off, the emperor would not let go of the Zhou family and must kill them all!

It should be noted that the so-called ‘eunuch party’ is essentially the imperial party.

The courtiers of the Song Dynasty were shared by the emperor and the gods. The emperor and the royal family had limited trust in foreign ministers. They tended to trust their own internal officials more.

Fortunately, there is still an orphan girl in the Zhou family who is still alive. It is said that she was protected and saved by Lin Hao.

This is another reason why those Qingliu in Yushitai have a great impression of Lin Hao.

This is the main reason why Yuan Chengkai was dismissed.

Those Qingliu were extremely dissatisfied with Yuan Chengkai, the governor of Shazhou, and Li Changguo, the local governor.

Fortunately for Li Changguo, he made amends after the incident, but Yuan Chengkai, the governor of Shazhou, was a member of the Emperor's party and was probably involved in the massacre of the Zhou family.

Therefore, when Yuan Chengkai's case happened, not only did no one in the court want to speak for him, but those in the court even gathered to attack Xu.

Now the first divine envoy suddenly mentioned Zhou Yunxi, which was undoubtedly a slap in the emperor's face.

"Reply to the envoy! Zhou Yunxi is Zhou Rang's daughter." Lin Rui answered with cupped hands: "I was worried that she would be bullied if she stayed in Wangcheng County, so I brought her into the capital."

"I see, the Zhou family was wiped out by traitors not long ago, so we really have to be on guard."

The First Divine Envoy chuckled: "I see that this woman is a Super Emperor of the Sixth Realm of Fighting Dragon, and she has a Sword Bone Demon of the Fifth Realm Emperor next to her. Her own martial arts talent is also very good, and she can control the Dragon Fighting to resist the Eighth Realm." Zhan Long can survive eleven moves, and her strength is already very good. I wonder if she is willing to serve the imperial court?”

Lin Rui's heart perked up when he heard this, and he realized that Lin Xi's luck had come.

There are three divine envoys in the Imperial City Department. The second divine envoy is responsible for managing Yulongzhi, the third divine envoy is in charge of finance, and the first divine envoy is in charge of the Tianguan system.

As for the commander of the Imperial City Division, he is in charge of everything in name, but in fact he is a human-shaped seal.

This person is nominally responsible for the examination and commissioning of officers, but in fact, whether it is Tianguan or Yulongzhi, the selection and appointment of officers of the third grade or above is personally responsible for the envoy. The commander of the Imperial City Department is also responsible for internal supervision. However, this part of the authority Some of them were also stolen by the Assassination Bureau.

Lin Rui answered without hesitation: "Master God, five generations of the Zhou family have been loyal and righteous. Her family's devotion to serving the country has never changed. The loyal and immortal dragon is proof of that!"

"Good!" The first divine envoy gave a high-five and gave a soft praise: "The Imperial City Division has nine 'supervisors' in Luojing City, each in charge of one side and in charge of one gate. Among them, the post of Chengtianmen Supervisor is The position has been vacant for three months, and no suitable candidate has been found.

I think this child is quite suitable. It just so happens that the Imperial City Division will conduct a large-scale test on demons tomorrow. You can ask your sworn sister to do a test.

Lin Rui's eyes lit up, thinking that Lin Xi was really a good match.

The official position of the supervisory envoy is from the fifth rank! In the Tianguan system, it is second to the fourth grade Tianguan.

Moreover, the status of the nine supervisory envoys in Luojing City is like the nine-door eunuchs in the ancient Ming Dynasty. They are responsible for supervising the Jinwu Guards and Shence Army of the nine city gates in Luojing.

They are also responsible for access control, inspection of people and goods, night patrols to put out fires, compilation of security guards, arrests and prison breaks, etc. They have considerable licensing rights.

Chengtianmen is the main gate of the imperial city and the most important of the nine city gates.

The Chengtian Gate Inspector is also the one with the heaviest responsibility, the least wealth, and the weakest authority among the Nine Gate Inspectors. But this Haosui is a fifth-rank official!

Lin Xi was immediately promoted to the position of Deputy Inspector Zhuang Mingyue.

Lin Rui couldn't help but look up and glance at the throne in front of him.

He couldn't see the emperor's expression through the curtain, but he felt that the temperature inside the palace had dropped to freezing point.

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