Supreme Lord

Chapter 349 Colonial Suit (Subscription Request)

After Lin Rui returned to the house, he went straight to the operating room.

Wang Sen has already fixed the faults he pointed out in the morning. He is driving an engineering mecha to excavate and develop other parts of the underground base.

Lin Rui glanced at his face through the glass cover.

Fortunately, Wang Sen's face looked better than in the morning.

He was lying in the cockpit of the engineering mecha, looking very relaxed and leisurely.

But Lin Rui saw that this guy was clearly trying to avoid public food by working.

Lin Rui sighed secretly, thinking that this was not the solution.

In particular, the Ice-Blooded Demon has been imprisoned in the Ten Thousand Dragons Tower for decades and has accumulated a lot of experience.

With their pharmaceutical support, Zhu Yuanhan may be able to break through to the seventh realm soon. At that time, Wang Sen will not be able to handle it.

Just now, Lin Rui checked again and found a post by an anonymous colonized general in a forum that can only be accessed with major general-level network permissions.

This person claims that his protector is an ice and snow demon. He complained in the post that the ice and snow demon is indeed very cold to strangers, but will be very intimate and obsessed with people they trust and are close to, especially their partners, especially in that area. .

This man bragged that he could have been promoted to marshal more than ten years ago, but he was delayed due to lack of energy.

He was very emotional and said that if he had known this, he should not have taken shortcuts. Although this method reduced the mental burden,

But it also really delayed my own practice.

Then there were a lot of comments below. Some people laughed, some cursed, and expressed envy, jealousy, and hatred in various ways.

Lin Rui thought that Wang Sen had clearly been led into a trap by Lao Fei and was on the road of no return.

Fortunately, this guy has a brother like him. When he redeems the 'Emperor Flame Fighting Dragon' one day, and has some spare soul power points, he can deduce these two secret cultivation techniques to a higher level.

Also, you can go back to Ruifang Pharmaceutical Company when you have time in the future and prepare some small pills for this guy.

Ruifang Pharmaceutical Company's "Xiao Yuanyang Pill" has been released. It is not directly under the company's name. Instead, it has established a branch brand and sold it separately. It is very popular in the market.

But what do you say about this thing? It has really strong sustaining power and does not harm the body. It can be used on Wang Sen.

I'm afraid it will be just the opposite.

What Zhu Yuanhan wants is his Yang Yuan, not his persistence.

Lin Rui first checked Shangguan Tianyi's body and did a comprehensive test including genetic sequencing.

Then a large number of pharmaceutical orders were placed with Tianlan Group.

All kinds of injections are customized according to Shangguan Tianyi's body, which can allow Shangguan Tianyi to strengthen all aspects to the extreme before the bones are closed, and at the same time make up for the relatively empty vitality in her body.

Shangguan Tianyi looked confused. She felt that the basement built by Lin Hao was a bit like the legendary extraterrestrial demon.

The problem is, isn't her lord the dignified commander of the assassination bureau? That is an existence that has received the Dragon Seal of Protecting the Country!

But just when she hesitated and wanted to ask what happened, Lin Rui kicked her out.

Lin Rui began to operate on Ji Xueying, and what was implanted was the SSS+-level reproductive equipment 'Shenyang Tianzhou' and the SSS-level reproductive equipment 'Chaoyang Tianshun'.

In order to imitate the nursery rhyme killer under certain special circumstances, Ji Xueying's bloodline talent must be highly consistent with Lin Rui's.

Originally, even if Ji Xueying became a foreign body walker and her mental strength greatly increased, it was still difficult for her to be implanted with these two bloodlines.

However, Lin Rui had already taken out Ji Xueying's 'Blood Core Mad Yang' and 'Blood Sun Tian Yuan' reproductive equipment.

Let her free up a certain amount of mental energy.

Since Ji Xueying's alien body in the Federation has been implanted with these two components, her body has also been able to break through the restrictions of demons and awaken these two bloodline talents under the assimilation effect.

Now Ji Xueying, in addition to Shenyang Tianzhou and Chaoyang Tianshun, also has more powerful bloodline talents. For S level and above, there are S+ level 'Reinforced Iron Bone' and 'Shen Hidden', SS+ level 'Blood Core Crazy Yang' , 'Thunderstorm Ten Thousand Flowers', 'Thunder Light Glimpse' and 'Demon Fire Phantom Sun', SSS-level 'Blood Sun Tianyuan', 'Knife Sacrifice God Form', 'Blood Soul Unparalleled' and 'Ghost Blood Red Eyes', a total of twelve types Incomparably powerful talents and breeding equipment! There is also A+ grade ‘inspiration’.

Part of it was the bloodline power that Lin Rui used to help Ji Xueying obtain through the use of reproductive equipment, and part of it was Ji Xueying's own.

Ji Xueying used to specialize in the thunder system, and she awakened the 'Thunderstorm Ten Thousand Flowers' and the 'Thunder Light Glimpse'. The former allowed her to control the thunder with extreme violence, while the latter made Ji Xueying's movements extremely fast and ever-changing.

Demon Fire Heavenly Fantasy', 'Blood Soul Unparalleled' and 'Ghost Blood Red Eyes' are awakened on the day of the blood sacrifice in Yinyue County. Blood Soul Unparalleled can double the spiritual power of Ji Xueying, and at the same time integrate her own spiritual power into the blood. converted into substantial power.

The Magic Fire Phantom Sun' allows Ji Xueying to control powerful flames, and at the same time draw a steady stream of power from the wild hunting flames.

Sacrificing the sword to the divine form' is the core ability of Blood Knife Princess. Blood Knife Princess nourishes the sword with her blood, and the human sword merges into one. She sacrifices the soul with the sword, so that her body and soul have extremely strong power and are as strong and sharp as a sword.

So now Ji Xueying is undoubtedly of super-emperor bloodline!

Although she only possesses one type of SSS+ level breeding equipment, she makes up for it with quantity.

Lin Rui also discovered that Ji Xueying still had blood power in her body and was in the process of awakening.

In fact, Lin Rui had noticed the signs a few months ago, but Ji Xueying's mental burden has always been relatively high, which delayed the development of this bloodline talent.

It is expected that this talent is not trivial, and should be above the emperor level.

You must know that in the past few months, Ji Xueying has injected more than twenty injections of blood-strengthening potions, all of which are customized models of type 5 or above, but there has been no movement at all.

Lin Rui next upgraded Ji Xueying's "God of War" Type 5 and "Tianzhou" Type 5 to Type 7.

It's not that he has no money, the problem is that they can only use this model now. As long as this kind of thing exceeds two levels, it is very difficult to control.

However, this Type 7 is different from the ordinary Type 7. It is the distinguished VIP model of 7SSS+, which enhances all auxiliary combat capabilities to the extreme.

Lin Rui also connected Ji Xueying's "second golden elixir", which is the so-called "artificial external elixir", allowing the human body to have a second source of true energy.

After reaching the dragon shed state, you can add a second golden elixir to the outside of your body.

The second golden elixir is usually connected externally to the back. If the materials are good, the amount of infuriating energy provided can exceed 10 times that of the main golden elixir at its limit. Some crazy guys will also embed a small nuclear battery inside.

Lin Rui is crazy.

However, this kind of breeding clothing is very expensive and needs to be specially customized according to genes and one's own condition. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Lin Rui relied on the Academy of East Asian Sciences through his X project, and then helped Ji Xueying get this thing.

Next is Lin Xi’s Immortal Dragon.

This war dragon originally had a foundation of super emperor level. It was once just a hair away from being promoted to the eighth realm and had a very broad space for breeding and equipment.

However, Lin Rui currently has limited knowledge of Zhan Long, and it was his first time to operate on Zhan Long, so he was very cautious.

He only implanted the three emperor-level breeding equipment prepared by Lin Xi into the Danxin Immortal Dragon, as well as the Type 7 "Tianzhou" nano subcutaneous armor and the "God of War" Type 7 nano auxiliary device, all of which are exclusive to war dragons. version, also a customized SSS+.

The war dragon can also be implanted with a second power source, but it is not as sophisticated as the second golden elixir used in the human body. It is a small nuclear fusion reactor implanted into the left chest of the elixir-hearted immortal dragon.

After this set of breeding surgery, it can be ensured that this immortal dragon with a heart of loyalty has a combat power of six realms above the super emperor level, close to the emperor level - mainly because Lin Xi's own martial arts attainments are not enough, and there is a gap between one person and one dragon. It is not yet fully integrated and unable to bring out all the abilities of this war dragon.

Unfortunately, Luojing is too close to Shenjing Mountain, so even if a lead chamber is built, it may not be safe.

Otherwise, Lin Rui can also perform a "purification" for the Danxin Immortal Dragon, allowing Lin Xi to further refine and master this dragon.

He has asked Fei Yunlai to build a large lead chamber at the Wangcheng base. He plans to use an escort satellite to send the dragon to Wangcheng after a while, and purify the dragon at the Wangcheng base.

Lin Rui then performed surgery on himself, and his nano subcutaneous armor and nano auxiliary devices were all upgraded to 7SS.

S+ type.

He also plugged in a second golden elixir, which was usually disconnected and hidden in the changing bracelets of the 'God of War' and 'Tian Zhou'.

When encountering a battle, when the 'God of War' and 'Tian Zhou' are unfolding, this second golden elixir will immediately connect to his back position.

After Lin Rui completed the operation, he tried out some knife skills in the back garden and felt very satisfied.

He is now a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, with his defense and endurance enhanced to the limit.

At the level of the Five Realms, it is estimated that no one can be stronger than him in terms of defense and endurance, even those who practice martial arts cannot compare to him.

These guys are physically strong, but can they have the Abyss Dragon Armor? Impossible.

Even at the Sixth Realm level, there are very few people who can surpass him in these two aspects.

After Lin Rui performed these operations, he was quite tired.

After all, it was a very tense night, which is no small matter.

He thought about it and decided to take a half-day off from work on the pretext of "going out to work" to recuperate his energy and energy. Anyway, with senior brother Li Li in the bureau watching, there won't be any problems.

As for Master's homework, you can ask for leave and postpone it to the evening.

However, when Lin Rui slept until noon, he received a message from deputy commander Xing Hai using the "Wanli Feishu".

When Xing Hai and his subordinates investigated Yu Linzhi, they found a new clue.

There was probably a smuggling den hidden near Lijiazhuang, three hundred miles outside the city. It was expected that there would be strong power inside. Xing Hai did not dare to specialize in it, so he asked Lin Rui to take charge.

"Lijiazhuang outside the city? Interesting."

Lin Rui squinted his eyes and then sent the message back.

He authorized deputy commander Xing Hai to use seven prison guards from the Assassination Bureau to search Lijiazhuang. He ordered him to be cautious and to be absolutely sure. If necessary, he could ask "Habayashi Nao" and "Jinwu Guard" for assistance.

These seven prisons are the so-called "Emperor Party" arranged by the emperor in the Assassination Bureau, and they are the same faction as Xing Hai.

If the clues are true, then Xing Hai has made a great contribution, and Lin Rui will also benefit from it.

But if it fails, no one can say that his commander's support is not enough.

Lin Rui doesn't need meritorious deeds now, just safe development.

Regarding the situation in Lijiazhuang, Lin Rui knew something was wrong at a glance, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

Great men have a saying: first fight the weak ones, then the strong ones. You fight yours, and I fight mine. At this time, killing the Jin family and the King of Han first is the best strategy.

Lin Rui was waiting for the King of Han's adultery case to break out and the moment when he lost his protective umbrella. He was also waiting for the Luo Family Manor case to come to an end.

When the assassination bureau can mobilize enough strength, they will take action immediately.

If he doesn't make a move, it's fine. But once he does, it will be like a thunderbolt! He won't give the other party a chance to catch their breath.

After Lin Rui sent the message, he thought for a while and prepared to go out to the city's several shops specializing in magic tools to buy a "Ten Thousand Miles Flying Book".

Although Lin Rui can use the quantum communication system to communicate with relatives and friends who are hundreds of thousands of miles away, or even millions of miles away.

In Luojing City, magic tools can also be used to communicate with official seals remotely.

But once out of the city, it will be difficult for Lin Rui to contact his master Luo Wangshu and several disciples and generals under Luo Wangshu.

Not to mention that Meng Weiyun, who Lin Rui has always been thinking about, has left Beijing and is returning, thousands of miles away.

So he still has to follow the village It is not a vulgar thing to get a 100,000-mile flying book.

However, just before leaving, Lin Rui's expression changed and he sent a message to his sister.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): Xiaoxi, things are a little wrong these days. From now on, you must control the war dragon and follow me, and always be ready for battle.

Lin Xi was practicing standing meditation in the yard. When she saw the message, her heart trembled.

She had long realized that this "brother" really loved her and was unwilling to let her fall into danger easily.

Lin Rui was now going to use her power, which showed that the situation her brother was facing must be extremely dangerous.

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