Supreme Lord

Chapter 336 Dead Dog (Subscribe)

In the assassination bureau, Lin Rui was sitting in the main hall, looking at his three subordinates one by one - Command Deputy Xing Hai, Command Deputy Tan Xiangsheng, and Command Deputy Sun Shicheng.

Their second meeting was less than pleasant.

Mainly, the three of them were slightly dissatisfied with the fact that Lin Rui led four eunuchs to search the manor and villa outside the city of Luo Bin, a member of the household department, and achieved great success.

They also knew that Lin Hao had brought them into the task force at this time because he wanted to push them to the front to do the dirty work, so it was inevitable that they would be a little emotional.

Lin Rui could understand the mood of his subordinates, but he still assigned tasks one by one without hesitation.

Xing Hai is responsible for investigating Habayashi Nao, Tan Xiangsheng is responsible for investigating Jingzhao Mansion, and Sun Shicheng is responsible for leading the team to search the Criminal Department.

Xing Hai has a square head, big ears, and a thick beard on his face. After hearing Lin Rui's task assignment, Xing Hai was so angry that all the beards on his face trembled.

Where is Habayashi Naona? It was one of Luojing's four major forbidden armies. Not only did it have more than 200,000 soldiers, they were all fierce and aggressive warriors who would use their swords at the slightest disagreement.

He led a team to search for Habayashi Nao. If he acted slightly carelessly and triggered a mutiny or something like that, the consequences would be disastrous.

The problem is that the official level suppresses people to death, and Lin Hao suppressed him with the decree from the Divine Envoy Prison. It was impossible for Xing Hai to resist and refuse.

Xing Hai knew that this commander had only been in office for two days, but he had already secured his position. If he really had to fight him hard, he would definitely be the one to suffer.

In addition, Nao Habayashi has many connections with him. It would not be good if Lin Hao lets others take charge and something is found out.

He could only try his best to ask for manpower and permission from Lin Hao, and then he clasped his fists and sneered: "I didn't expect that the Lord would not only act vigorously and resolutely, but also be very considerate of his subordinates.'

Lin Rui laughed loudly after hearing this, and said with a contented look: "Lin is an official, and he is honest, honest and self-disciplined.

Be loyal to the king, be respectful to others, be trustworthy, be tolerant, and handle things with respect. If you have been with me for a long time, you will know that Lin is the most kind person. ""

He then looked at the three people below with solemn eyes: "The Divine Envoy gave us one month to find out the ins and outs of this crime, so you must do your best and not slack off! The assassination bureau must be in the shortest possible time. Within a certain period of time, all persons involved in the case were arrested and brought to justice.

Especially the mastermind of this case, as well as those internal thieves and national beetles who are lurking in our Great Song Dynasty Hall and eating inside and outside, are the top priority of your investigation. The emperor's intention is to find out and kill them all, so that the court can Tang Chengyuan original copy,

Not even a single speck of dust, even if it means cutting my heart for it, I won’t hesitate! "

Tan Xiangsheng, one of the three, couldn't help but frown slightly: "Two months? Sir, judging from the information we have so far, this case involves a lot. I'm afraid it won't be clear for a while. Isn't the time too tight?"

His attitude towards Lin Rui is relatively friendly.

Although I am still doing dirty work, everything depends on comparison.

Compared with Xing Hai who was in charge of Yu Linzhi and Sun Shicheng who was in charge of the Criminal Department, the Jingzhao Mansion he was in charge of was much easier.

"The emperor and the envoy said it was a month, but I think they meant they couldn't wait even a day."

Lin Rui burst out laughing: "Now all the officials in the imperial court are also staring at our Imperial Dynasty Division. You'd better not let down the holy hope, and don't fall into the prestige of the assassination bureau."

If these three people can't figure it out, it's a problem with their abilities, and it has nothing to do with Lin Hao.

Lin Rui wished that the case could be investigated for a longer period of time so that his master could contain the Criminal Department and Jingzhao Mansion.

"Okay, that's the situation. Now we'll have to worry about the three deputy commanders."

Lin Rui picked up the tea cup and signaled that you can all leave.

This Tianji Star is really similar to the ancient times of their East Asian republics, and they also have the custom of serving tea to guests.

Sun Shicheng, the deputy commanding officer, frowned at this time and said with cupped hands: "Sir! You previously ordered the guards of the Ninth and Tenth Prisons to strictly investigate King Han's illegal activities in recent years. They found the officials not long ago. They wanted to ask the official to make a petition on their behalf. The two of them had a good relationship with the King of Han, and they had close contacts. According to the rules, they had to avoid suspicion, so the two of them wanted to ask the adults to choose Gao Ming to take charge of the case in the assassination bureau. "

Lin Rui drank tea and smiled: "Master Sun, as far as I know, the two of them were responsible for several cases related to the Assassination Bureau and King Han in the past, right? How many are there, Mr. Li? Could you please go to Jia Ge Library to check the relevant files ''.

Li Li, who was next to him, immediately cupped his hands and walked towards the door.

Sun Shicheng, the deputy commander, smiled bitterly when he saw this: "Master Li, there is no need to do this. I remember this very clearly. There have been six cases related to King Han in the past two years. It is indeed the two of them who are responsible for handling them."

Lin Rui nodded and continued drinking tea: "You can tell them two and let them think it over for me.

Since they have a close relationship with King Han, should these six cases be re-investigated? The matter of King Han,

I want to see the results as soon as possible, otherwise not only will there be no place for them in this assassination bureau, but the national laws of the court will also be designed for the two of them! "

Sun Shicheng, the deputy commander, was shocked and angry when he heard this, and he felt heavy at the same time.

Lin Hao actually said in front of him that he wanted to deal with two of his cronies, and he simply didn't take him seriously.

But there was nothing he could do now.

The guards of the Ninth and Tenth Prisons originally did not take the two tasks assigned by Lin Hao to heart, and planned to delay them as long as they could.

The foundation of Lin Hao's new official appointment is not stable. When the time comes, there will be no evidence to prove it. What else can this guy do to them?

Although the other party has the third divine envoy as a backing, they also have the second divine envoy to rely on.

The problem is that Lin Hao has now established a firm foothold through two cases.

What's more troublesome is that the King of Han seems to have offended Zhao Yang.

According to the information obtained by Sun Shicheng, just this afternoon, a total of 75 imperial censors submitted a memorial to the Tongzheng Division, impeaching the King of Han for oppressing the people, bullying the market, illegal annexation, arbitrarily setting up private punishments, abusing slaves, wantonly amassing wealth, domineering and cooperating with Yue, and secretly plotting to rebel against the gods.

In this way, the task previously issued by Lin Hao has become a dead end for the two supervisors.

If they investigate, they will offend the King of Han. If they don't investigate, the imperial censors will definitely be in a state of uproar after learning about it, and most likely they will deal with them together with the King of Han.

That's why these two people came to him and wanted to ask Commander Lin to help.

However, Lin Hao's response was so tough that Sun Shicheng felt embarrassed.

He understood that this lord had to take action against the King of Han. His two trusted men had to either kill the King of Han or have Lin Hao kill them.

He wanted to say something else, but saw Lin Rui brushing the tea leaves with the cup lid: "I am very busy. If you have nothing else to do, Lord Sun, please go down first. It is important to do the job I gave you."'

Li Li immediately raised his hand with a fake smile and made a "please" gesture: "Lord Sun, please!"

Sun Shicheng had no choice but to bow and retreat.

Lin Rui was indeed very busy and had no time to stop for a moment. He had no time to talk to this guy.

After Sun Shicheng left, he took his Blood Knife Princess and went to the Divine Prison Division as fast as the wind.

This was because Yan Zhe, Luo Tianman and others had already escorted a group of prisoners to the Divine Prison Division.

Lin Rui really wanted to know why this group of traitors wanted to assassinate him when he entered the city? How did he offend them? Just because of that Yuan Chengkai?

If so, what is the relationship between Yuan Chengkai and them?

Just as Lin Rui walked into the Shenyu Division, he saw a group of jailers dragging Yuan Chengkai out of the cell like a dog.

Yuan Chengkai was furious: "What are you doing? What a disgrace! Although Yuan was dismissed from office due to his crimes, he is still a scholar-official in the court. How dare you do this?"

" He then saw Lin Rui walking in the corridor, his eyes suddenly bulged with anger, and his eyes were about to burst: "Lin Twelve! You dare to humiliate Yuan like this, do you want to be impeached by all the officials in the court!"

This person's behavior is a challenge to all the scholars in the court and the country.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows, thinking that this was really a coincidence, and then he strode over.

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