Supreme Lord

Chapter 312 Huangfu (Subscription Request)

Lin Rui quickly found the source of these war spirits.

It was a vast forest of steel spears located opposite the Luojing River Port, consisting of thousands of fifty-foot-tall steel giants.

The tips of these giant steel spears were pointed upward, thrust into the sky, and each spear tip was impaled with a corpse.

Most of the houses have been reduced to bones, and some bodies are rotting.

The war spirits sensed by the war spirit ring all originate from corpses that are still "fresh".

Lin Rui's pupils shrank slightly: "Is this the legendary Demon Suppressing Forest?"

"Exactly!" At this time, Li Li walked quietly to his side and looked at the spectacular forest of steel spears in the distance.

"Starting from the 35th year of Emperor Xuan's reign, the Song Dynasty impaled and suppressed all the extraterrestrial demons they found in the sixth realm and above in this demon-suppressing forest, using demon-suppressing stakes to pierce and suppress them!

They want to shock the increasingly rampant extraterrestrial demons within the territory, and at the same time torture the souls of these high-level extraterrestrial demons. It is said that these demon-suppressing stakes can keep the souls of these demons for decades and endure endless pain. "

Li Li's eyes were complicated. His sympathy and sadness for these alien seniors were intertwined with his fear and anger towards the Song Dynasty court.

"Nearly 70% of this demon-suppressing forest was established by the Assassination and Rape Bureau. These are their numerous achievements over the past generations."

Lin Rui had crossed his arms and returned to normal.

He thought that if someone discovered his identity in the future, this would probably be the outcome.

But it’s not a big deal. There is no essential difference between dying at the hands of the Tianji Stars and dying at the hands of the Immortal Society.

Lin Rui began to ask the ring spirits.

"Nether Spirits, among these war spirits, which one's martial arts attributes are more suitable for me?"

Lin Rui had already repaired the war spirit ring to 30% and could capture a new war spirit, but he had never found a suitable one.

He had actually encountered a few in the past few months, but the highest level of these war spirits was only Major General, so Lin Rui was too lazy to catch him, wasting the war spirit position in his hands.

Tip: There are three war spirits that match your martial arts attributes. The first one is Han Dao, a one-star elemental master. This war spirit possesses the secret weapon of the light system and the second series of dragon-level secret weapons of the thunder and fire system; the second one is the colonization general. Huangfu Qing possesses the secret weapon of the second series of lightning and thunder, and the secret weapon of the dragon level of the fire series; the third is the colonial general Jiang Guoli, who possesses the secret weapon of the third series of light, thunder and fire, the dragon level.

After receiving the prompt, Lin Rui's expression changed drastically, and his eyes were in disbelief.

The colonial general Huangfu Qing? Isn't this the name of Academician Huangfu?

Academician Huangfu actually died here, and was impaled and speared by someone from the Song Dynasty?

Lin Rui sensed the Ring Spirit without hesitation.

"Nagul, help me capture the colonial general Huangfu Qing!"

He knew that Huangfu Qing's martial arts strength was extremely powerful. He had a total combat score of 7SSS and his bloodline martial arts had reached the imperial realm.

It is said that this academician's combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of many one-star masters!

The key is that Academician Huangfu has mastered the skills related to biology, biology and medicine, which makes Lin Rui extremely coveted.

If he could capture Academician Huangfu as his third ring spirit, then there might be hope of solving Lin Xi's various illnesses caused by the abyssal essence.

But the Nazgul quickly responded.

Tip: Due to interference due to unknown reasons, the capture of the war spirit failed. Please eliminate the source of interference before capturing.

Lin Rui frowned slightly and looked at the densely packed runes on the demon-suppressing piles.

Then he looked down again, looking at the huge magic circle under this forest of steel.

Lin Rui had great master-level knowledge of high-level talisman formations, and he instantly recognized that it was this formation that was suppressing Academician Huangfu's soul.

He couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows in distress, thinking that this would be troublesome.

It is said that this Demon-Suppressing Forest is guarded by two "candidate divine envoys" from the Song Dynasty, both of whom are powerful beings who have cultivated to the ninth level.

There were a total of 12 "candidate divine envoys" in the Great Song Dynasty, all of whom were Nine Realm Super Emperors and had the hope of entering the Immortal Realm in the future.

It would be extremely difficult for Lin Rui to take away Huangfuqing's soul from them.

So all these war spirits can only be seen but not used?

When Lin Rui's official ship docked, he once again felt the preciousness of the "Commander of the Assassination Bureau".

The eunuchs and eunuchs responsible for managing this Beijing port, as well as the officials at the port, are almost all small,

He ran to the berth to greet him.

Then a group of imperial city attachés and a large group of people dressed as housekeepers swarmed in, almost filling the berth.

Most of these imperial city military attachés are Lin Rui's future subordinates, and they are here to greet their superiors.

The Assassination Bureau is very large, with a total of 24 prisons below, and each prison has more than a dozen office squads, which is equivalent to the Earth Federation's combat team. In addition, it is also equipped with a large number of auxiliary personnel, with a total of more than 5,000 people.

Each prison has a guardian envoy, which is at the same level as the defense envoy Lin Rui used to serve, but with greater authority.

Among these 24 prisons, four belong to the faction of the third divine envoy, which is the group of imperial city military attachés who came to greet Lin Rui.

As for the housekeepers, they were either servants of high-ranking officials in the court or domestic slaves of wealthy businessmen. They came to deliver invitations to Lin Rui and bring him money.

This is also a rule in the officialdom of the Song Dynasty, called the ‘rules of appointment’

Although these high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen cannot be present in person, their thoughts must be sent to them.

There were also people who came on behalf of the master and wanted to invite him to the banquet and support him, but they were all rejected by Lin Ruijian.

He hadn't even paid a visit to his master yet, let alone his superiors and the emperor. How could he dare to drink and corrupt with these people?

As for the visiting cards and the rules of appointment, Lin Rui accepted them all.

Lin Rui was now very familiar with the routine. He would just say "hmm" to deal with those with less money, and give more smiles to those with more money.

As for the four supervisors who came to greet him in person, and the many military officers of the Imperial City Department headed by them, Lin Rui was very enthusiastic and tried his best to comfort and win them over.

If Lin Rui wanted to sit firmly in the position of commander, he had to rely on the help of these people. If he wanted to establish his own authority, he had to have his own hands and arms.

However, since these people could come to the dock to greet him in person, it showed their attitude. At this time, there was no need to put on airs in front of these future confidants.

Lin Rui just didn't have lunch, so he simply set up a few tables of wine in a restaurant near the river port and invited these military officers of the Imperial City Department to drink.

When they drank more than twenty cans of yellow soup, the relationship became Of course, they could not get close to each other and call each other brothers, and Lin Rui would not allow it.

However, he and these subordinates were no longer separated from each other as when they first met. He could still accurately call out their names, know their identities and positions, and their general personalities and resumes.

Late that night, Lin Rui finally came to the post station built by the court outside the South City Gate and met his senior sister Meng Wei.

However, his eyes were attracted by a prisoner car parked in front of the post station.

"What is this?"

Lin Rui was shocked, because the person sitting in the prison car was the former governor of Shazhou, Yuan Chengkai.

This person no longer had the demeanor of a celebrity when they met in the city. At this time, he not only had disheveled hair and a golden and purple face, but also had his limbs broken. All the acupoints on his body were also inserted with Zhenyuan nails. His prison uniform was covered with bloodstains, and he looked extremely miserable.

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