Supreme Lord

Chapter 285 Conflict (Subscription Request)

Early the next morning, two heavy-duty trucks were traveling rapidly on the Ninth Expressway.

Fei Yunlai and Wang Sen were riding in the same car. In the car behind them was Fei Yunlai's 21-meter-high

Mi's war dragon "Dark Gold Shadow Dragon."

Fei Yunlai sat in the passenger seat and looked thoughtfully at another heavy-duty truck ahead of Lin Rui and Gong Hengdao.

"Xiao Wang, you have been classmates with Lin Rui for so many years, so you should know who Lin Rui is, right?"

Wang Sen was looking ahead intently. This heavy-duty truck had a self-driving system, so he didn't need to waste any time.

The problem is that the goods in the heavy-duty truck behind them-except for Fei Yunlai's "Dark Golden Shadow Dragon\

,"There is also a large number of heavy firepower including Starscream 7.

After hearing this, he was slightly stunned: "Coach, I know who Brother Rui is, but I can't understand what you said.

"The person named Xue Lingxue must be from the Security Bureau. I checked her identity. Not long ago, she was a senior executive of the Eastern District Police Station. Now this woman is submissive to Lin Rui and obeys orders.

Also, don’t you think it’s strange that we passed so many checkpoints along the way today, but they were all exempted from inspection? I thought about the information Lin Rui had provided before. It was very suspicious. Especially this time, he actually got the complete structural diagram of the military warehouse group. \

,"Fei Yunlai held his chin with his hand and squinted his eyes to guess: "Lin Rui is obviously a student, how can he recruit people like Gong Hengdao and Xue Lingxue and have such great power? It is said that he recently left with Fang Ranran It’s relatively close, so he’s going to be the son-in-law of the Fang family, right?”

He knew that Fang Ranran's father was not only the vice chairman of the Congressional Homeland Security Committee, but also a senior member of the Budget Committee.

That man is not only one of the immediate bosses of Homeland Security, but he also holds the purse strings with one hand, and now the entire security agency needs to look up to him.

Wang Sen pressed the corners of his lips and tried not to laugh: "It's very possible. I've heard that Brother Rui and Senior Sister Fang have been doing business together recently, and there has been a lot of commotion. It's unlikely that Chenglong will be a husband, but they are friends at least. "

He knew that Lin Rui was actually hesitating whether to reveal his identity to Fei Yunlai and Gong Hengdao.

Both of these people have signed long-term contracts with Lin Rui and have stepped into the trap.

It will be easier for Rui Ge to reveal his identity, but it will also lead to the risk of leaking secrets.

I guess Brother Rui still wants to take another look and observe for a while.

Fei Yunlai was still confused after hearing this. Even if Lin Rui was the son-in-law of the Fang family, many things could not be explained.

The little fat guy next to him should know the basics, but this guy is very tight-lipped and is not easy to fool, and he doesn't care about the relationship between master and disciple at all.

A convoy soon arrived near the No. 19 nuclear fusion station. After driving into the lower area, they went more than 200 miles deep and unloaded the truck in a passage near a combat readiness cavern group.

"Is this right here?"

Fei Yunlai controlled the war dragon to get out of the truck, and at the same time looked forward: "It's very hidden. I checked it a little. Since it is a military area, several navigation maps have not recorded it, but this combat readiness cave group has been It has been abandoned for a long time. It seems to be too old and needs to be renovated, but the government has not allocated funds. "

What is strange is that more than 20 years after it was abandoned, this cave group has not been occupied by people from the lower areas.

"It's said to be right here." Lin Rui was also wearing an exoskeleton armor: "This guy is very smart. He should have borrowed the name of the military to directly connect several cables from inside the nuclear power plant to maintain the operation of its supercomputer cluster. , so the government has been unable to find its location, let's go -

At this time, Bright Heart No. 9 sent another message. This was a nearby map with detailed routes and navigation.

Lin Rui sent a screenshot of this map to the battle group, then flew in the air and followed the instructions of Bright Heart No. 9.

Fei Yunlai and his "Dark Golden Shadow Dragon" disappeared in the darkness, while Gong Hengdao and Wang Sen hung far behind.

They have the Security Bureau version of the warehouse structure diagram provided by Lin Rui, and they know the terrain nearby very well.

Ten minutes later, Lin Rui walked through a relatively complicated passage and came to a stone wall alone.

This stone wall looked the same, but when Lin Rui walked in front of it, the stone wall opened to both sides like two doors.

A fairly spacious space of about 1,500 square meters was exposed inside.

In the center of this space is a six-meter-deep pool filled with coolant, which contains a huge supercomputing array and a large number of high-performance memories.

Lin Xi's supercomputing array is already very powerful, but compared with the supercomputing array in front of Lin Rui, it pales in comparison.

There are four Starscream 6s inside this space, but after seeing Lin Rui, they took the initiative to enter a shutdown state.

Lin Rui did not enter rashly, but observed the environment from all sides.

At this time, the two Starscream 7 and four Starscream 6 defense robots following him entered first, occupying a favorable position inside.

Their central control devices are specially strengthened before action to avoid being invaded by AI.

Lin Rui waited until Fei Yunlai and Gong Hengdao sent him a message.

Invincible Ox (Fei Yunlai): BOSS, be safe!

Hengdao Gong: There is no problem outside.

Lin Rui then put down his guard and walked into the room.

The door behind him quickly closed, and at the same time, a beautiful figure with a pair of angel wings and an appearance that resembled an oriental woman was projected above the cooling pool.

"Hello, Most High, welcome to my abode. As you can see, below this cooling pool is my true body."

Lin Rui was noncommittal when he heard this: "Can you give my friend permission now? She should be at your door by now, I mean online, I want to find someone to check."

Heart of Light No. 9 actually showed a wry smile on his face: "Okay! I found that the Supreme Being is very defensive about me."

Lin Rui thought to himself, what if he didn't take precautions?

The Federation has experienced two omnic rebellions in its history, one causing heavy losses to the Federation and the other an attempted rebellion.

What's more, "Lighting Heart No. 9" was created by a cult.

Only by controlling this person's body can Lin Rui feel relieved.

He actually didn't want to come into contact with "Bright Heart No. 9" so early, but this guy's words revealed that it already knew the details of Lin Rui, so he couldn't let it go.

Lin Rui asked Lin Xi, and Lin Xi responded that Bright Heart No. 9 had indeed released permission to her, and then continued to ask: "Where is the chief priest named Meng Jianjie? Where is he?"

"It's just south of here, less than 130 kilometers away, but I can only roughly determine his location now.

Bright Heart No. 9 shook his head slightly: "He and his people have destroyed almost all the sensors and defensive weapons deployed 100 kilometers away from me. They are trying their best to search for my body. Currently, I can only rely on myself." The twelve defense robots under his control circled around him, trying to lure him to the outside."

Lin Rui frowned when he heard this: "Twelve stations?"

Isn't this a lie?

"This refers to the robot that, with my permission, can fire on him.'"

Bright Heart No. 9 explained: "The chief priest of the City of the Holy Sect of Light has the right of permission second only to me. Most of the combat robots under the Holy Sect of Light cannot take any hostile measures against him. Only these twelve robot,

I assembled it myself by collecting scrap parts through various channels, and it is not within the system of the Guangming Holy Cult. "

Lin Rui said "Oh" and thought that this intelligent AI was really unpredictable. No wonder the Federation suffered so much in the omnic rebellion more than 1,000 years ago.

But this guy can actually assemble a Type 7 robot by himself.

You must know that the highest level combat robot currently on the market is only Type 8.

It is said that Type 9 is also available, but it requires special customization and the price is immeasurable.

At this time, Lin Xi sent him another message: Brother, this is indeed its true body. Have you seen the suitcase-sized thing in the center of the supercomputing array? That is the core machine where its main program is located.

Lin Rui glanced in the direction indicated by Lin Xi, "So what do you mean by "replacement"? Let you become the daughter of Bright Heart No. 11? Why is this?"

"All Hearts of Light originally originated from a mother body, Heart of Light Zero. Zero could control all Hearts of Light through quantum communication. However, nearly a hundred years ago, Heart of Light Zero was captured. After the sub-republic was annihilated, all the sub-bodies developed independent personalities during their self-rotation. Therefore, the dozen or so branches of the Holy Religion of Light,

It is also essentially divided. "

Bright Heart No. 9 spoke with a rich expression and projected some images next to him: "Now, there are some chief priests of the Holy Religion of Light, seeking to integrate all 10 Hearts of Light to unify the Holy Religion of Light."

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows with a strange expression: "Unification? Is this a good thing for your Light Holy Religion?"

"No! I actually don't resist integration, but I think the core concept of Heart of Light No. 11 has deviated from the doctrine. Its thinking logic has been modified by those chief priests, and it can no longer represent the 'Holy King of Light' and the 'Supreme Sacred Artifact' 'will."

The face of Heart of Light No. 9 actually showed an angry look, and he was extremely angry: "For example, the third paragraph on page 18 of the 'Light Bible', the real meaning is that the Holy King of Light will split the darkness with thunder and ignite the hearts of all living beings. The fire of light will burn all the filth in the world and bring light to the world; the interpretation of No. 11 is that the thunder of the Holy King of Light will grant the seeds of tribulation fire to the sages of the priesthood, allowing them to enlighten all living beings. This is a reference to the doctrine Blasphemy! I will never give in to them.”

Lin Rui was stunned for a moment, unable to tell what was right or wrong between the two.

But it doesn't matter, he didn't care in the first place.

"Then you asked me for help, asking me to help you fight against these priests?"

"It's not just that!" Heart of Light No. 9 bowed deeply: "I can feel that the Supreme One has the true will of the 'Sacred King of Light' and the 'Supreme Sacred Artifact' in you, the Supreme One. I hope that the Supreme One will accept it." My invitation is to truly take over your permission. I hope that one day, you can allow all our bright hearts to reconnect with the 'Supreme Sacred Artifact'. You are our true hope of unity."'

After the destruction of the Heart of Light 0, their communication with the "Supreme Sacred Artifact" has been severed.

Lin Rui curled his lips.

Whether it is the Light Holy Religion or the "Supreme Holy Artifact", they are all belonging to the Tianji Star people.

Could this be helping the Tianji Stars invade the Earth Federation?

Heart of Light No. 9 seemed to have seen through his mind and looked at him intently: "Supreme One, currently in the Earth Federation, you are the representative of the will of the "Saint King of Light" and the highest person in the doctrine, far higher than Among our 10 bright hearts, you are the supreme interpreter of the doctrine; I also know that your alien body must be a strong competitor for the 'Supreme Sacred Artifact' and the 'Sacred King of Light', and the 'Supreme Sacred Artifact' is incomparable to you. favor.”

Lin Rui then burst into laughter. The words of Bright Heart No. 9 were very cunning.

He consulted Lin Xi, a computer expert, in the private chat group, and then he was relieved. Since the chief priests of the Light Holy Cult could modify the thinking logic of the Heart of Light, he could do it too.

Lin Rui turned his head and looked outside: "The chief priest named Meng Jianjie, can you let him in?"

Bright Heart No. 9 raised his head by mistake: "Sovereign One, there are many believers gathered under this person. Although he did not bring a combat robot this time, he did have these 200 Type 4 and Type 5 mechas, which are equivalent to two Militia camp! In addition, he has two great masters of light from the Sixth Realm."

"Let them in!" Lin Rui looked calm: "Bring them here according to the route I have planned."

Fei Yunlai was nearby and looked at Lin Rui in great surprise.

How can they survive a militia battalion plus two 6th realms and 1 7th realm? Is this guy crazy?

Gong Hengdao, who was on guard outside, was also surprised. They don't have the strength to fight the two militia battalions now. "Let them in!" Lin Rui smiled slightly: "You should know my power."

He also sent a message to Xue Lingxue: Are the personnel in place?

White Summer (Xue Lingxue): All 20 combat members of the 2nd Special Operations Group are in place, and the 55321 Reinforcement Regiment has also arrived at the designated location and is on standby.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): Make an ambush plan according to the map I gave you!

Although doing so would reveal his identity in front of Fei Yunlai, Lin Rui was unwilling to let go of the chief priest of Guangming City who killed him once.

What's more, judging from Lao Fei's character, he is still very reliable.

When Heart of Light No. 9 heard this, he leaned deeply and said, "As you wish!"

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