Supreme Lord

Chapter 283 No. 9 (Three updates, please subscribe)

Two days later, Lin Rui stood in a laboratory of Sima Lin to examine Ji Xueying's body.

Cultivating a foreign body is actually very simple, and it can be done in three to five days under normal circumstances.

However, Lin Rui wanted to achieve it in one step, and directly cultivate it according to the colonel level standard, and he had to implant the corresponding colonization suit, which would take a lot of time and money.

From the current situation, it is not bad. Ji Xueying's foreign body has reached the colonel stage, and her physical quality is continuously strengthening.

The next step is more troublesome. If Ji Xueying's set of colonization suits with the talent of the Blood Blade Ji is replaced with the "complete version", it will cost 3.7 billion federal coins. There are also several colonization suits such as Blood Sun Tianyuan, Blood Core Kuangyang, Steel and Iron Bones, which will cost nearly 6


Lin Rui has been working hard to live broadcast and record videos recently, just to make money to raise this fund.

Originally, he had a lot of money, but the problem was that he gave a large signing fee to sign Fei Yunlai, which made him tight in his hands now.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): Ying'er, how do you feel now?

Blood Blade Sky Sword (Ji Xueying): It feels pretty good. There is no awkwardness as the professor said, but it is a bit constrained and I can't move my hands and feet. I don't know when I can go out and take a look.

Ji Xueying has been using the biochip to reversely descend into this body since this alien body was cultivated to the stage of menstruation.

The alien culture tank where Ji Xueying is sleeping now has been specially modified and has all the functions of "Shenmian Type 3".

"Shenmian Type 3" Every time Ji Xueying's soul is practicing Zhuang Gong, she must descend into this body,

so as to achieve the effect of the fusion of soul and flesh.

This is Ji Xueying's recent fixed homework, which has lasted for nearly two months.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Don't worry, the professor said that the colonization suit can be implanted in three to five days.

Blood Blade Heavenly Blade (Ji Xueying): I understand. By the way, Master, after having a foreign body, I feel that my mental power has grown a lot. In fact, I can also consider implanting another colonization suit on the main body.

Lin Rui thought that this girl really has no concept of money and has no idea how precious her foreign body is.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Don't worry, stabilize it for a while. Your mental power talent is very good, but the structure is not as stable as that of ordinary people. Let's see.

Lin Rui is embarrassed to say that he is running out of money now.

Speaking of which, he also needs to implant a new colonization suit. Lin Rui's "Extreme Heart Source" is about to awaken.

Lin Rui has been feeling very clear recently, and this bloodline is on the verge of awakening.

Once the Extreme Heart Source is awakened, Lin Rui can implant two more top-level colonization suits. Lin Rui also wants to replace all the colonization suits on his body with complete ones.

In addition, Lin Rui is about to transform into a dragon. When the physical fitness of the main body reaches 3,000 points, he can implant the top-level "colonization suit dragon armor" - this requires money.

Lin Rui thought that if it really doesn't work, he will have to eat his sister's soft rice.

His sister inherited Zhou's family property and is now rich.

At this time, Sima Lin came over: "Lin Rui, why do you suddenly want to cultivate "artificial people"? "

Not long ago, Lin Rui sent him a message saying that he wanted to cultivate an artificial person and asked him if he knew this skill.

Sima Lin couldn't figure out what this guy wanted to do. He shook his head and said: "Artificial human technology appeared after the rebellion of the intelligent machines, and it is currently strictly banned. But I have some information about my previous research on artificial human technology here. If you want to know more, take a look. ”

1300 years ago, the Federation experienced an intelligent machine rebellion, which affected several colonies and caused 700 million casualties.

After the Federation quelled the rebellion, it began to strictly control AI technology and develop artificial humans.

This is a "carbon-based robot" controlled by a biochip. They have human bodies, flesh and blood, and use biochips as brains.

Later, the Federation discovered that this type of artificial human is the same as intelligent machinery, and it is easier to awaken independent personality wisdom, so it was also banned.

Lin Rui was a little disappointed after listening to Sima Lin's words, but when he looked at the technical information given by Sima Lin, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

These materials are very complete. Professor Sima must have studied it before. .

Lin Rui wanted to make an artificial human on a whim.

The Ringwraiths explained the harmlessness of the war spirit as being able to possess any body, either on themselves or on others.

It certainly wouldn't work if it were on a person. Even if the war spirit's resentment had disappeared, its yin energy was still there, and the war spirit's self-consciousness would interfere with the consciousness of the person possessed.

Lin Rui thought of the 'artificial human'. If his idea could be realized, perhaps he could have one more pseudo-6S+ level expert.

The artificial human thing would be fine no matter how Xue Bogao eroded it.

"Well, recently there is a company called 'Ruifang' that is very popular on the Internet. The moisturizing cream and toner they sell are said to be developed by you?" "

Sima Lin looked at Lin Rui with a strange look on his face: "You are also said to be the second-generation disciple of Academician Huangfu? '"

That's right. Lin Rui's father Lin Cong is indeed a genius scientist, and Lin Cong's teacher is indeed Academician Huangfu.

The problem is that the guy in front of him doesn't look like he inherited what Lin Cong learned.

Lin Rui made rapid progress in biology, but he really had no foundation before.

Lin Rui was embarrassed when he heard this and touched his nose: "The formulas of these products were taken out of my safe. I don't know where they came from. Fang Ranran insisted on promoting it this way. I have no way to stop it."

Sima Lin nodded slightly as if he understood something, thinking that this was indeed something Fang Ranran could do.

That girl's ability to deceive people is the same as her father's, and she has no moral integrity at all.

As for the origin of the formula, Sima Lin didn’t think much about it.

The two products launched by Ruifang’ are said to be very effective.

Currently, the Earth Federation also has many skin care products originating from Tianjixing, but none of them can compare with the two skin care products launched by ‘Ruifang’.

Sima Lin bought these two bottles of medicine out of curiosity, studied the ingredients, and found that they combined the federal Chinese and Western medicines with the Tianjixing medicine very well. It was a perfect fusion, so the effect was remarkable.

However, Lin Cong is indeed a genius scientist. In terms of biology, he is almost as omnipotent as Academician Huangfu. Moreover, this person once held a high position in the Immortality Society and has huge resources at his disposal. It is not surprising that he can research anything.

Next, Sima Lin tested Lin Rui's homework again and was very satisfied.

This kid is progressing very quickly. If he were not restricted by university rules, he would probably be able to get enough credits in half a year to get a bachelor's degree in biology and reproductive surgery.

Lin Rui's own knowledge accumulation actually goes beyond the scope of a bachelor's degree.

This was exactly what Sima Lin wanted to see. For some reason, he was unable to lend a helping hand to Lin Xi.

Whether this desperate goddess can survive in the future and how long she can survive can only depend on Lin Rui herself.

Tong Ma Lin then answered some questions for Lin Rui,

He then hesitated a little and said: "In the field of reproductive surgery, it is not enough to just learn knowledge and theory. It also needs to be combined with practice to master certain surgical abilities. Your situation is different from my other students. Generally, students need to practice in the hospital for several years. Go on stage for surgery, but you can't.

Xiao Rui, I can recommend you to go to a relatively reliable black clinic in the lower district and get started there.

You can use my name there, and I'll cover it for you if something goes wrong. "

If it were anyone else, he would not do this, but Lin Rui's theoretical knowledge was very solid, and his martial arts was also extremely good, which meant that Lin Rui's hands were very steady and precise.

As long as this guy does some more surgical simulations beforehand, nothing will happen.

Lin Rui looked satisfied when he heard this, and then looked at Sima Lin with extremely grateful eyes: "Thank you very much, Professor, but no, I have a way to practice my surgical skills."

For example, Fei Yunlai, Lin Rui has performed several surgeries on Fei Yunlai, and he is quite satisfied.

At this time, Lin Rui was startled and looked at the virtual interface and pop-up window that suddenly popped up in front of him.

Bright Heart No. 9: Supreme One, I discovered that the Secret Service of your Security Bureau is investigating the identity of your assistant Xue Lingxue. Your assistant suffered from Clothes Syndrome a few months ago, resulting in the leakage of part of the identity information, and there is a risk of exposure. .

After Lin Rui saw it, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise.

He was not surprised that the Secret Service was investigating Xue Lingxue, but that Bright Heart No. 9 was actually able to peek into the internal affairs of the Security Bureau.

Lin Rui ignored it and closed the pop-up window, but the pop-up window popped up again.

Bright Heart No. 9: Supreme One, I must seek help from you. Currently, several Holy Religion chief priests are conspiring to replace me with the thinking of Bright Heart No. 11, thus unifying the Federation of Light Holy Religion. Please help. I!

Heart of Light No. 9: Supreme One, I feel that you do not trust me. You can come to this address to discuss with me. This is the location of my body. Also, the person you have been looking for is the priest, right here with me. near the body.

Heart of Light No. 9: Supreme One, I can help you. I not only have SS-level hacking capabilities, but also a top-notch supercomputing group. I have 20 second-hand escort-class starships within the Holy Religion of Light. Starscream 6 defense robots, 12 Falcon 6 combat robots, 4 Starscream 7 defense robots, and has mastered level 7 mechanical assembly and maintenance capabilities.

Lin Rui did not close the pop-up window this time. Instead, he squinted and looked at the pop-up window of Heart of Light and fell into meditation.

At this time, Lin Xi also sent a message to Lin Rui.

Qian Nian at the end of summer (Lin Xi): Brother, there are undercover agents in the Federal Security Agency's intranet transmitting top-secret information. Recently, the Sixth Street Party is going to make an arms deal with the Huya Gang in the lower district, involving a huge sum of 15 billion federal coins, a total of 14 There are several high-end combat robots, as well as a large number of second-hand parts scrapped by the military.

Lin Xi chose her words very carefully.

Late Xia Qian Nian (Lin Xi): The situation is very detailed. It is said that in order to prevent accidents, more than 400 colonial warriors were involved on both sides this time, and there were also several high-level colonial warriors in charge. The transaction took place in this cave in the lower area. .

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