Supreme Lord

Chapter 281 Reward (Subscription Request)

Zhou Yunfei didn't expect to be questioned by the Homeland Security Committee again so soon.

However, this time, no other deputy ministers of the Ninth Division participated. He was the only one in the conference room facing the 13 members of the "Homeland Security Committee" except the second chief engineer.

The first chief engineer was reading the case materials submitted by Zhou Yunfei, his face as dark as water.

The expressions of the others were not much better, all of them were extremely serious and solemn.


Fang Xianzheng finished reading these materials first, his eyes were horrified: "It can be confirmed that this is a conspiracy to subvert the federal government. If it is discovered later, the consequences will be disastrous!"

He looked at Zhou Yunfei with a thankful look: "Minister Zhou, from the current situation, your Ninth Division of the Security Bureau has made a significant contribution to national stability and citizen safety."

Zhou Yunfei was slightly happy when he heard this.

As long as he gets the approval of the Homeland Security Committee, especially Fang Xianzheng, his position as the director of the division will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Fang Xianzheng then turned his attention to the First Commander: "Mr. First Commander, according to the investigation results of the Third Special Operations Department, many suspects involved in the Ninth City Drug Administration and the Public Health Bureau have been hypnotized, and even have signs of distorted consciousness. After professional testing, they were hypnotized between January and March this year. What kind of illusionist do you think can do this? Could it be the work of that person?"

The First Commander closed the material projected in front of him and said concisely: "There is no doubt that this must be the vice president of the "Shen Zhaohui". The time he took action should be the drug supervision meetings held by the Ministry of Health in February. It was our Security Bureau that was careless and gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it. "

His words caused an uproar among the many committee members projected here.

The expressions of the two three-star Yuanshi present were slightly strange.

When Zhou Yunfei heard the three words "Shen Zhaohui", his eyes also condensed slightly.

Zhou Yunfei was appointed as the head of the Ninth Branch with a special mission from the East Asian Republic.

In addition to clearing out the Ninth Base Branch of the Security Bureau for the Republic, he also took on the important task of investigating the ‘Eternal Life Society’.

According to what he has learned so far, the predecessor of the ‘Eternal Life Society’ is the ‘Shen Zhao Hui’.

This is a powerful organization that once had nearly 100 Nine Realm Shen Zhao as core members and almost overthrew the Earth Federation’s political system.

The three chief engineers in front of Zhou Yunfei, as well as his old superior, the second commander-in-chief, were all members of this organization.

While the human beings on Earth were deeply studying the Tianjixing martial arts and embarking on the path of biological evolution, their social structure was also greatly impacted.

About 200 years ago, a group of top colonial warriors began to unite and plot to overthrow the federal government’s political system because they were dissatisfied with the government’s control, defense and restrictions on them, intending to rule the human world instead of the government.

According to the president of the Shen Zhao Hui, why should the giants with great magical powers be controlled by ants?

In the end, the former president used extraordinary skills to divide and disintegrate the members of the ‘Shen Zhao Hui’, divide and rule, thus avoiding the outbreak of civil war.

At the same time, the federal government also made great compromises with these Nine Realm Colonial Warriors who possessed the power to destroy the world.

They did not hesitate to amend the constitution to grant all Nine Realm warriors working for the government Shenzhao is a "lifetime honorary member of Congress" and has the same power as elected members of Congress, allowing them to participate in national affairs and share the power of the federal government.

The three security chiefs in front of Zhou Yunfei are here for this reason.

As one of the 47 honorary members of Congress, they are naturally members of the Homeland Security Committee.

It is worth noting that although the Homeland Security Committee is nominally chaired by the First Chief, the ten elected members all follow Fang Xianzheng's lead.

As for the "spiritual illusion" mentioned by the First Chief, it is exactly the past Vice President of the ‘Shen Zhaohui’.

It is said that this is an extremely powerful illusionist, with extremely advanced illusions, magic and mental control. In his heyday, he controlled a large number of military and political officials for his use. He can also distort and disrupt the nerve signals and information elements of people's internal organs and colonies, thereby killing people invisibly.

The Earth Federation has been trying its best to hunt this person. The federal military and police have severely damaged him several times, but they have not been able to capture and kill him for various reasons.

"It seems that our old friend has started to move again. The Security Bureau must strengthen the detection of spiritual whereabouts."

The first commander sneered, then stared at Zhou Yunfei and said: "According to the case materials you provided, the chief of your third special operations department has made great contributions in this operation and deserves commendation, but I am very curious, what is the identity of this chief code-named "Thunder"? Yunfei, what is your reason for recruiting this person with the rank of lieutenant general in the Security Bureau? '"

The first chief engineer has the highest authorization of the Security Bureau, so he knows the true identity of this section chief.

This makes him even more puzzled. A mere freshman student actually became a powerful lieutenant general of the Security Bureau more than a month ago. Zhou Yunfei even used the authorization granted by the second chief engineer to form the extremely powerful third special operations department with this person as the core.

This boy is indeed extremely talented, a rare hall-level talent, and his future achievements are limitless, but Zhou Yunfei's move is still too unruly.

An eighteen-year-old lieutenant general with the fourth realm of cultivation is simply playing the piano!

What's more, Lin Rui is still a key monitoring object of the Federal Security Bureau. He is the child of that genius biologist.

The elder brother who was also the 'Twin Goddess', not only the first commander-in-chief, but also everyone else, including Fang Xianzheng, looked at Zhou Yunfei curiously.

Their permission rights are not as good as those of the First Chief Division, and they cannot see "Thunder's" personal information, so they are even more curious about this mysterious lieutenant general who suddenly appeared.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief!" Zhou Yunfei's face was expressionless and he answered accurately: "As far as I know, the reason why the Second Commander-in-Chief recruited Lieutenant General Thunder is for a special reason, which involves major national secrets. I cannot explain it without permission. , you can consult him on this matter after the Second Chief Division wakes up.

In addition, I can assure you that Lieutenant General Thunder is absolutely competent as the chief of the 3rd Special Operations Section.

Since he took office, he has solved a drug trafficking gang case involving 13 tons of drugs, as well as a Lingyun spray case. ""

The first commander-in-chief looked at Zhou Yunfei intently for a while. Seeing that Zhou Yunfei always looked calm and showed no signs of abnormality, he nodded slightly and continued to ask: "I saw your application. Do you also want to further strengthen the strength of the Third Special Operations Section?" , and at the same time give the Third Special Operations Section the authority to conduct a comprehensive investigation within the military and police, right?”

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, judging from the available information, Lingyun Spray has spread very seriously within the military and police.

Considering that these military and police officers who use "Ling Yun" may not be able to overcome their drug addiction, we must take necessary cleanup and preventive measures.

Dear members, although Taisu Pharmaceutical Group has been destroyed, the number of "Ling Yun Spray" they produced has reached tens of millions, and some of them have gone unknown. This means that these military police can still obtain Lingyun from some special channels. , giving them the possibility of betraying the country, I strongly suspect that our internal supervision agencies may have lost their wisdom and must start from scratch.”

Zhou Yunfei then changed his tone: "In addition, we had a special situation during this operation. There was an explosion in the 9412 Logistics Base. When our armed police force rushed over, they found that there was a fierce battle inside. Moreover, the bodies of four members of the extremely evil pirate group were left at the scene. Our criminal investigation experts analyzed the traces on the scene and believed that they may be related to the Jige Killer. However, the key is the videos and information we found in the internal database of the logistics base.

As Zhou Yunfei submitted a new material and several videos, many elected members led by Fang Xianzheng looked shocked.

The three chief masters also frowned. After they looked at each other, they all saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

"This is indeed a very serious situation!" Fang Xianzheng smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have to go to the National Defense Committee to discuss it with some marshals from the military."

Not only is he the vice chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, but he is also a senior member of the Defense Committee.

After Zhou Yunfei ended the questioning meeting, he discovered that someone in the "Internal Group 1" he established was @him.

You Ming: Minister Zhou, regarding the situation of Lingyun Pharmacy, should you inform us before taking action? If you prey on your colleagues in this way, it will make everyone passive and make it difficult to carry out many tasks in the future.

Smith: Mr. Secretary, isn't this a bit out of order? What we value within the Security Bureau is unity and mutual trust. If you do this, it may further worsen the internal atmosphere. If this causes any problems, you will be fully responsible.

Another deputy minister, Lei Yu, has not sent any news. This person's position is relatively neutral and he has not turned against Zhou Yunfei so far.

Zhou Yunfei saw the threat from these two people, but he couldn't help but laugh. These two people had already broken up with him, the minister, and they were still doing this.

Zhou Yunfei: Here is a notice. Starting from tomorrow, all officers in our department must report to the 3rd Special Operations Division within half a month for a comprehensive test on "clot syndrome". The test will be carried out by Mingde University Hospital Responsible, they will send several expert teams over then.

Zhou Yunfei: By the way, in order to maintain the purity of the military, police and security agencies, the Homeland Security Committee has authorized the Third Special Operations Division to investigate the mental state and financial situation of all security bureau personnel and police officers, as well as the social situation within the next year. Relationships and so on.

After he finished sending the information, he waited expectantly for the two people to speak while browsing major news platforms.

Zhou Yunfei changed several channels and found that most of the news comments were positive, saying that if the Security Bureau had not dealt with it decisively and sealed Lingyun and Taisu, the consequences might have been disastrous.

However, Zhou Yunfei waited for a long time, but did not get a reply from the two deputy ministers.

At this time, Zhou Yunfei received another private message that his intelligent AI judged to be urgent.

Zhao Changxing (Chief of the Western District Police Station): Minister Zhou, I wonder if you are free recently. Can we meet? Zhou Yunfei raised the corners of his lips slightly after looking at it.

Zhao Changxing is one of the top police officials he has tried to win over in the police system.

It is a pity that after his power was eclipsed by You Ming and others, these top police officers have kept a distance from him.

And now, Director Zhao has finally moved closer to him.

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