Supreme Lord

Chapter 278: Heavy Armored Combined Brigade (Subscription Request)

In the 9412 Logistics Base, Skull Killer Yun Yu was standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window on the top floor of the warehouse, looking at the street scene outside with interest.

This is near Starport, and the streets are extremely busy. Even late at night, there is still a lot of entertainment outside.

There was a red light district where Yun Yu was looking. He had played there before and had a very good experience.

What's more interesting is the inside of these base cities. The strongholds of their vicious pirate group are not only confined and cramped, but also dirty and smoky.

Although they use various methods to get some women back every year to relieve the pressure of the pirate group members, it is still not as fun as outside.

But not yet. Ever since Yun Yu entered the Ninth City Base by smuggling, he felt that someone was watching him.

Yun Yu smelled the scent of the vicious dogs from the Security Bureau

At this moment, Yun Yu heard a sharp voice from behind.

"Yun Yu, we have to prepare for action!"

Yun Yu turned around and looked at a middle-aged white man with a watermelon head and a stocky build behind him.

That was his temporary boss ‘Phantom Melon’ Barok.

This is a 6S+ level illusionist. This person's illusion is so powerful that he can confuse Xue Bogao's perception from a distance of 100 meters, and leaves no trace in the whole process. It is said that the task force of the Security Bureau investigating the Xue Bogao case still does not know this person. existence.

This time, the mission is the same as the last one, and it is headed by Chief Barok.

When Yun Yu followed Barok into a small conference room converted from a warehouse loft, he saw four more armed men with different appearances.

Those are "Snake Spear" Kasa, "Fire Fox" Chang Xin, "Assault Bear" Micha, and "Double Gun" Xiong Si. These four are not only members of the extremely evil pirate group, but also masters at the major general level. The ratings have all reached pseudo-6A, and Kasa among them is a sniper with a comprehensive evaluation of pseudo-6s.

At this time, Yun Yu frowned, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

He saw that the eyes of these four people were a little distracted, and their faces were abnormally flushed, which was obviously a symptom of being high.

Yun Yu knew that these four guys all had more or less colonization syndrome and needed to use drugs to relax their spirits. But now that it was during the mission, couldn't they restrain themselves?

Baroque turned a blind eye and turned on the film projection.

‘This person is Zhang Long, the deputy chief of the Third Special Operations Section and the leader of the First Operations Team.

A 6SS-level expert is also the leader of the Xue Bogao task force. Just about five days ago, our partners learned that this person, in the name of the Security Bureau, entrusted Xincheng Drug Inspection Company to test the pharmaceutical ingredients of Lingyun Spray—

Before he finished speaking, 'Snake Gun' Casa interrupted: "What's wrong with this aura spray? I've been using it recently."

Barok shook his head slightly: "This has nothing to do with us. We are only responsible for killing people and helping our partners settle this matter, and the current situation is very troublesome!"

He frowned: "Our partners have tried their best to delay the drug testing process of Xincheng Drug Testing Company, but the latest intelligence shows that Zhang Long may not just entrust this company. We must get rid of him as soon as possible before the results of those drug testing come out."

"As soon as possible? How fast? Zhang Long suffered an assassination not long ago. I don't know who shot him in the head, so now this person is extra careful and has extra tight protection."

Yun Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Also, the content of 'Heartbreak Grass' in Lingyun Spray is very low!

It should be difficult to find, right? I remember that it took more than two months for the "Callon Medical Testing Co., Ltd." that Xue Bogao entrusted to find out. He placed the entrustment in early March and the results were not available until the end of May. We should still have time. "

At this time, in the small conference room, "Snake Gun" Kasa, "Fire Fox" Chang Xin and others all had doubts on their faces.

Heartbreak? What is that?

Barok couldn't help but glared at Yun Yu fiercely. This was top-secret information within the pirate group. How could he say it casually in front of these four people?

Even if you knew that these four people were almost scrapped and were about to be disposed of, you shouldn't be so unscrupulous.

"That should be the case, but this time the situation is different. Zhang Long directly asked these inspection companies to test the ingredients of the 'Heartbreak Grass'. I really don't know how this guy noticed it -

Baroque's voice stopped at this moment.

His pupils shrank, his body bowed, and he leaned toward the attic window to look out like a cheetah.

Barrow saw a large number of armed troops approaching on the street outside.

"What's going on?" Yun Yu also fell on the ground in surprise. He bowed to the window and looked out cautiously.

He scanned the visual system of the exoskeleton armor and became even more frightened: "At least 800 combat mechas, 800 combat robots, 300 maglev tanks, 300 heavy armored combat vehicles, and 150 more Ten self-propelled anti-material cannons, this is the configuration of a heavy-duty composite brigade of the armed police force. "

At this time, Yun Yu breathed slightly again, just because he saw three fire support boats slowly passing by in the sky.

Although their name is "Fire Support Boat", the length of 120 meters and the numerous fort arrays on them, which are densely packed like ancient spear formations, give people a huge sense of oppression and a kind of covering the sky and the earth. Feel.

As these troops and fire support boats approached, the roar of those engines began to shake everyone's eardrums.

What frightened several people in the conference room was that when this heavy-duty synthetic brigade was traveling rapidly,

Not only were some guns pointed at the 9412 Logistics Base, but the radars and scanners were also turned on, clearly passing through this street in a vigilant manner.

Several people did not dare to show their heads at the window, and they tried their best to capture their spiritual aura.

They were all wanted on federal felony warrants and feared being scanned by the situational awareness devices of these armed police forces.

It wasn't until five minutes later that this army of thousands of people passed by the nearby street that the five people relaxed a little.

Judging from the direction of the heavy irrigation brigade, it should be heading towards the star port. The target of these armed police units is not them.

Baroque then remotely controlled the projector on the conference table and started the live broadcast of Tianhuan News Network.

"Our station urgently interrupted the message. Today the Security Bureau launched a major operation. At 8 o'clock today, a large number of personnel and police were dispatched to seal down Taisu Pharmaceutical Company, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration, the Public Health Bureau, and the Chemical Engineering Safety Division of the Security Bureau. ""

"It is said that an hour ago, the armed police force received instructions to fully mobilize and blockade urban rail stations and major transportation arteries. Now it is about to block the Star Port. The Security Bureau also issued an announcement to advise citizens not to go out unless there is an emergency. All flights in Hong Kong will also be inspected by the Security Bureau.

It is said that this incident is related to the "Ling Yun Spray" released by Taisu Pharmaceutical Company in the past six months. This drug may cause further mental changes in patients with reproductive syndrome, and is highly addictive and may be harmful. Society, major drug stores have now removed the drug from their shelves. "

"Ao~" 'Snake Gun' Kasa couldn't help but snort when he heard this: "It seems that our mission failed before it even started."

Baroque and Yun Yu's expressions were extremely ugly.

This Lingyun Spray is related to the important plan above. According to their original estimates, it will take at least a year for this medicine to be publicly released on the market to achieve the expected goal.

The queue of the heavy-duty synthetic brigade was huge. Although it was maneuvering quickly, it still took a full five minutes to pass by the street near the 9412 Logistics Base.

Just when Baroque and others were relaxed and ready to stand up, they felt that their consciousness was in a trance and they were almost unsteady.

The four people in the Pseudo Land all thought that they had taken too many drugs and were delirious, so they didn't pay much attention.

Barok and Yun Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and their pupils were extremely frightened. Without hesitation, they took out several stimulants they carried with them and inserted them into the back of their necks.

At this time, just below their warehouse, Wang Sen, wearing a maintenance sergeant's uniform, turned on the control center of the last Falcon 5 combat robot and inserted a black data disk into the slot.

Weird young man (Wang Sen): Brother Rui, I have completed the work here. 36 Gatling Bodhisattva Type 6, 16 Falcon Type 4, and 8 Falcon Type 5 have all been implanted with virus programs. No abnormalities were found.

Wang Sen squinted at the few soldiers standing nearby with blank eyes and unconsciousness - Yan.

In fact, he had many flaws. These soldiers should have noticed something strange long ago, but the drug Lin Rui used this time was very magical.

These soldiers were obviously still awake, but they all temporarily lost their ability to think and were unable to react to the surrounding situation.

As for these mechanical equipment, even though Wang Sen had the maintenance sergeant permission, he failed to make any response.

Fei Yunlai stood in the basement of the first warehouse, looking at the two huge 25-meter-long maintenance equipment here, as well as the two breeding dragons sleeping inside.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): It’s OK here too! The BOSS's medicine has been injected into the life-saving cabin. Xiao Xue is quite good. He actually judged that the two dragon life-saving cabins were located at this location just from the building structure here.

Lin Rui stood in the ventilation duct on the top floor of the warehouse, looking at the attic and smiling slightly.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): Then start taking action! They must have discovered me.


Following the slight gunshot, Gong Hengdao, who was in a sniper position 7 kilometers away, opened fire first with a rifle with a silencer.

At the same time, in a warehouse 13 kilometers south of him, Gong Hengdao's colonial-dressed war dragon,

It also uses the God-killing 7-type sniper cannon in its hand to lock the 9412 logistics base, ready to suppress any unplanned movements at any time.

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