Supreme Lord

Chapter 275 Committee (Three updates, please subscribe)

Just when Lin Rui was embarrassed by Fang Ranran's propaganda strategy.

In the building of the 9th Division of the Security Bureau, a high-level inquiry meeting was being held.

In this 500-square-meter conference room, there were only four ministers and deputy ministers, including Zhou Yunfei and You Ming.

However, in the wide space opposite them, fourteen seats were projected.

Only the position on the left hand side of the center was vacant, and the rest were occupied.

The shocking person was that three of the thirteen people were wearing Yuanshi uniforms with four-star or three-star shoulder straps.

This is the Homeland Security Committee!

It is a power structure authorized by the Earth Federation Congress to ensure the safety and defense of the frontline cities of Tianji Star.

Among them, except for the four active commanders of the Security Bureau, the other ten are senior congressmen of the Earth Federation.

At this time, most of the 13 people were listening solemnly, watching the first chief master questioning the ministers and deputy ministers of the 9th Division.

-So this nursery rhyme killer, you still can't solve it in a short time, right? Do you know what the mayor of the ninth base city asked me recently? He asked me where the hundreds of billions of funds allocated to the Federal Security Bureau by the Ninth Base City are used every year. "

Zhou Yunfei was very respectful, his eyes watching his nose and his nose watching his heart.

He could hear that the tone of the first chief engineer was very light, but he was clearly suppressing his anger.

But this matter has little to do with him. He has only been in office for more than half a year. The special service center, mobile response force, anti-terrorism department, serious case investigation department, etc., these institutions with powerful forces and resources are not in his hands. The local police station is also resisting him openly and secretly.

These members of the committee should be aware of these situations.

You Ming, the second deputy minister Hayden Smith, and the third deputy minister Lei Yu, all looked slightly pale.

"General, gentlemen, all the members of our security bureau are working together and going all out."

You Ming's eyes were cold and his voice was firm: "We promise to bring him to justice in the shortest possible time! "

The second deputy minister, Hayden Smith, also looked solemn: "All chief designers, committee members, we have fully mobilized and worked with the police to set up control throughout the city. At the same time, we have invested more holographic monitoring devices and defense robots to ensure the safety of citizens. "'

"I hope you can realize the seriousness of this matter."

This voice came from the second position on the right side of the first chief designer.

It was a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a smart terminal in the shape of gold-rimmed glasses. His face was handsome and well-defined, with a few strands of white hair embedded in his black hair. His eyes were deep, like a wise man who had seen thousands of sails.

He was elegant, mature and steady.

He crossed his fingers and smiled slightly: "Although so far, this nursery rhyme killer has not hurt ordinary people, and all the victims are gang members, but considering that this killer may have serious mental illness, the situation may be further deteriorated.

In addition, the Children's Song Killer case has sparked a lot of heated discussion in the Ninth Base and on the Internet, and has greatly damaged the government's prestige and reputation. We now have reason to doubt whether the Ninth Division of the Security Bureau can guarantee the safety of the citizens of the Ninth Base city, and whether all of you here are qualified to lead the Ninth Division of the Security Bureau. "

You Ming's heart suddenly sank when he heard this, and he glanced at the middle-aged man with glasses.

This person is called Fang Xianzheng, and he is a rising supernova in federal politics.

He is one of the three congressmen in the Ninth Base City constituency, and he has been re-elected for three consecutive terms. He has a very high popularity in the Ninth Base City.

Fang Xianzheng also has a great influence in Congress. As a senior congressman, he was not only elected as the vice chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, but also a senior member of the Federal Defense Committee and the Budget Committee.

This person's family power and enterprises are also growing under the protection of Fang Xianzheng in the Ninth City Base, especially the Tianlan Group, which has transformed from a simple agricultural company to a consortium enterprise engaged in biopharmaceuticals and colonization.

And today's questioning meeting was initiated by the vice chairman of the Homeland Security Committee.

"Mr. Vice Chairman, we are mobilizing all available resources and manpower to find the true identity of this nursery rhyme killer. ’

You Ming responded expressionlessly: "As long as this man continues to commit crimes, he will not be able to escape the net we have set for him.'"

Fang Xianzheng smiled when he heard this, turned around and looked at the other committee members present. They blocked their voices.

After some internal communication, Fang Xianzheng finally spoke: "Several branch ministers, the public's patience is very limited, and so is ours. The committee has considered all aspects of the situation and decided to give you another two months. But if the nursery rhyme killer cannot be found within two months, then we will have to consider adjusting the personnel of the Ninth Branch. We need more competent and capable people to protect the public and national security."

At this time, not only the three deputy ministers of You Ming, but even Zhou Yunfei felt the pressure.

At this time, the first commander looked at Zhou Yunfei with a burning gaze: "Yunfei, how is the investigation of the smuggling case going?"

Zhou Yunfei was startled: "The case is ongoing, and we are gradually entering the deep water area, but the resistance of these criminals is very strong. Not long ago, Major General Zhang Long, who was in charge of the case, was assassinated and almost died on the spot.""

As soon as he said this, the 13 members of the Homeland Security Committee present immediately made a "buzzing" sound, and everyone's expression was quite shocked.

"The security situation in the Ninth Base City seems to be very serious."

The First Commander laughed coldly and tapped the armrest with his fingers: "This matter is not only related to the outer defense security of the Ninth Base City, but also related to the Extremely Evil Pirates. Several 4-star marshals of the Federation Star Navy have protested to me, so this matter must be investigated thoroughly. No matter how long it takes, it must be investigated thoroughly and no trouble will be left behind!"

Zhou Yunfei was greatly encouraged. With the words of the First Commander, he could withstand the pressure from all sides and investigate until the truth was revealed.

But at this time, the First Commander paused: "But what's the matter with your Third Special Operations Department? In one department, there are 3 6A action groups, 1 5S action group that is twice as large as the staffing, 8 5A action groups, 4 J-7s, and 12 J-6s.

The overall strength of this department is comparable to the special service center of your branch, and tens of billions of federal coins have been allocated as secret operation funds for this department. Is this really from the order of the Second Chief? And the section chief you appointed is very strange. "

Since the confidentiality level of the section chief reached SSS+, the first commander could see the personal information of this person, but could not announce his name and identity to the public.

When he said this, everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Yunfei.

You Ming also narrowed his eyes, wanting to see how Zhou Yunfei would answer.

He never expected that after Zhang Long was assassinated, Zhou Yunfei would even go further and draw more forces from other branches.

Zhou Yunfei looked calm and faced the scrutiny of the first commander: "This is indeed the preset order of the second commander. I am carrying out a special task assigned by the second commander and am performing my duties. This task is of great importance and sufficient forces must be mobilized to ensure the success of the mission. "

At this time, it was a foregone conclusion that Lin Rui was about to take over the command of the assassination bureau, and Zhou Yunfei was even more confident.

The first chief engineer narrowed his eyes, and then nodded slightly expressionlessly: "Your second chief engineer will wake up within five months, and I will ask him about this matter then. ””

Fang Xianzheng also smiled slightly: "We, the committee members, are also very curious about the Third Special Operations Section established by the Second Chief Engineer, and we will jointly initiate inquiries at that time."”

The inquiry meeting lasted for 30 minutes. After the meeting, the ministers and deputy ministers of the 9th Division did not make any eye contact and left the meeting room.

After You Ming returned to his office, he took out a smart terminal in the shape of a mobile phone from thousands of years ago.

He made a call: "The plan is suspended, the task is changed, and the identity of the head of the Third Special Operations Section is verified with all efforts."

"Change?" The voice of the middle-aged man on the phone was very surprised: "Are you sure that as long as the plan we have formulated is successfully completed, Zhou Yunfei will definitely be taken down."

"It's useless to take him down."

You Ming looked out the French window with his hands behind his back, from where he could vaguely see the building of Tianlan Group.

"At the inquiry meeting today, Fang Xianzheng questioned my ability on the nursery rhyme killer case."

The middle-aged man understood instantly.

In this case, even if they took Zhou Yunfei down, it would only benefit others.

You Ming couldn't handle the nursery rhyme killer, so naturally he couldn't take on the responsibility of maintaining the safety of the Ninth Base City.

"I understand, but your priority is to find the nursery rhyme killer first, right?"

"Don't worry about that. I will naturally find a way to kill the nursery rhyme killer.'"

When You Ming spoke, he recalled that Zhou Yunfei had always been calm and confident in the meeting just now, and he didn't seem to worry about the questioning that Fang Xianzheng was about to launch.

Where did that guy get the confidence from?

You Ming narrowed his eyes: "No matter what method you use, you must confirm the identity of this person in the shortest time!

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