Supreme Lord

Chapter 273: No exaggeration or slander (please subscribe)

"The effect is really good!"

Fang Ranran was amazed. This Lin Rui actually knew the alchemy of Tianjixing, at least to a high-level level!

The effect of this elixir is not as strong as Lin Rui said, but it is really useful for the human body!

The level of this elixir is as high as Level 4. Lin Rui certainly cannot develop it at his current age. Is it really the elixir recipe left by Academician Huangfu or his father Lin Cong?

Fang Ranran looked at Lin Rui with gleaming eyes: "Can this elixir be mass-produced? Can it be sold to Tianlan Group?"

Lin Rui smiled slightly: "Mass production is definitely not possible, but it can be refined on a small scale. Only three or five high-level pharmacists are required to participate in the production process, which can lead to a team of hundreds of pharmacists. As for selling the elixir, it is difficult Regarding pricing, I feel it is better to form a joint stock company.

I also have a few elixirs left by Academician Huangfu, which are mainly for health and beauty. They can be used as technical shares. Your Tianlan Group will provide pharmacists and production equipment, and the elixirs will be sold through your channels. "

The elixirs he has mastered that can be used in the human world require pharmacists of a certain level to refine them.

However, pharmacists of this level are basically in the hands of large companies and scientific research institutions, and few work alone. Recruiting them is very troublesome and unreliable.

Lin Rui did not have the time or financial resources to train pharmacists on his own, not to mention he did not have the energy to manage and run a business.

So the best way is to cooperate with Fang Ranran and use the resources of Tianlan Group.

"Beauty?" Fang Ranran's eyes lit up. She only heard these two words from Lin Rui's long words: "What aspect is it about? Can you practice it for me to try?"

Lin Rui was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Fang Ranran's face as tender and smooth as a shelled egg, thinking that Miss Fang is so beautiful and needs beauty. "It's mainly about skin care, one is moisturizing, and the other is whitening and anti-aging." , the effect should be pretty good.”

Fang Ranran was very interested when he heard this: "What medicinal materials do you need? I will buy them now."

Lin Rui had no choice but to prescribe two prescriptions for Fang Ranran.

He is not worried about the secrets of the elixir being leaked. In addition to the ingredients of the elixir, the method and steps of refining the elixir are also crucial. If any one step is missing, the effect of the medicine will be completely different.

About 40 minutes later, Fang Ranran took the two elixirs prepared by Lin Rui, turned them into water in a certain proportion under Lin Rui's instructions, and threw them on her face.

She touched her face with surprised eyes and looked in the mirror again, feeling that her face was fresh and supple.

The moisturizing and anti-aging effects are not visible for the time being and will take time to be verified, but the hydrating and whitening effects are immediate.

Fang Ranran found that her face was much whiter, not the kind of bloodless white, but healthy and white milky skin.

It can be seen that what Lin Rui said was by no means random talk.

Fang Ranran's interest also increased greatly. In this era, due to the development of biotechnology and the popularity of gene modulation technology, there are no particularly ugly women. However, the cosmetics industry is still very developed, especially this kind of moisturizing and anti-aging skin care products.

She never expected that her whim would yield such a harvest.

Both of these products are very promising, much more promising than that 'Long Dan' product.

How many people can use the 'Sloughing Dragon Pill'? How many people can afford it? Annual sales of 1 billion would be great.

On the contrary, for these two elixirs for skin care and whitening, as long as the publicity keeps up and the channels are opened, the money scene will be huge, very big.

Fang Ranran then excitedly took Lin Rui to the law firm to discuss the establishment of a company and registration of patents.

The name of the company is "Ruifang Pharmaceutical". Lin Rui invested 63% of the shares with seven prescriptions, and Fang Ranran provided production equipment, personnel, and various resources, accounting for 37% of the shares.

At the same time, Lin Rui entrusted the company's operating rights to Fang Ranran with a five-year period while ensuring financial supervision rights.

The contract stipulates that if Lin Rui wants to sell his shares, he must give priority to Fang Ranran. If there is a new drug prescription, he must give priority to "Ruifang Pharmaceutical" for management.

Lin Rui felt something was wrong when he saw the contract. The partner he wanted to find was Tianlan Group, not Fang Ranran.

Fang Ranran was confident, saying that she could provide all the resources Lin Rui wanted. She also had a management team and sales channels, and she could get the best. Why should this new company give shares to Tianlan?

These large consortiums have a domineering style. If Tianlan Group invests, they will definitely ask for more than this amount of shares. They will do everything possible to gain control. If they cannot control, they will definitely ask for the exclusive sales rights of the products.

If she were the investor, there would be no problem in this regard. Fang Ranran naturally hopes that her company will get better and better.

Lin Rui thought that the rich woman's statement made sense. He just wanted to use these prescriptions and elixirs to make some money to supplement his livelihood. As for whether Fang Ranran poached her own family, it had nothing to do with him.

He was deeply impressed by Fang Ranran's financial management ability.

At this time, Lin Rui already knew that Fang Ranran looked like a humble man, but in fact he didn't spend a penny in the martial arts club. At present, part of the funds of the martial arts club came from the school, and most of the rest came from external sponsorship.

It can be seen that this woman is actually a tough guy.

Fang Ranran's execution and management skills are also very good. At a young age, she can become a director and consultant of 70 or 80 foundations.

It is said that after graduation, he will run for parliament.

This woman has such social resources and can manage money. Once she invests in business, she will definitely not lose money.

At the same time, in the privately dug cave of the C4323 pipeline in the lower area, Gong Hengdao looked at the things Xue Lingxue brought him.

There were three bottles of elixirs, plus three anti-anxiety drugs and sedatives sold on the market, and an automatic acupuncture machine with a life-support cabin.

In addition to these, Lin Rui also asked Xue Lingxue to bring him ten tubes of "high-concentrated war dragon nutrients", which are specially used to maintain colonized war dragons.

In fact, the best way to maintain colonized war dragons is to store them in a dedicated war dragon life-support device, which can allow the war dragon to receive comprehensive maintenance and maintain its full combat power.

However, Gong Hengdao does not have this condition for the time being, so he can only use this war dragon nutrient, which is much worse than the life-support device.

These ten tubes of injections can be said to have solved Gong Hengdao's urgent problem. His war dragon was last injected with nutrients 10 days ago. The current state is very bad. It is extremely weak and relies on freezing to maintain life.

The price of the 'highly concentrated dragon nutrients' is very expensive. Xue Lingxue said that this expense will be deducted from his future salary.

Gong Hengdao didn't care at all. When he saw these medicines, the blood in his body was as hot as magma.

What he cared about was that the young man was willing to give him this money?

He was willing to invest in himself. He was really sure that he could survive!

Gong Hengdao did not hesitate. He first took out three tubes of 'highly concentrated dragon nutrients' and went out to inject his colonized dragon.

Then he took the medicine according to Lin Rui's doctor's instructions and lay in the automatic acupuncture machine.

As the effect of the medicine began to take effect, the automatic acupuncture machine also inserted a golden needle into Gong Hengdao's body, and he began to fall into a deep sleep.

Xue Lingxue heard from Lin Rui that Gong Hengdao might fall asleep for about 4 hours after taking the medicine for the first time.

She was not very reassured, so she stayed in this cave.

After all, this is the lower level area, and the public security is very chaotic. The colonized dragon currently has no combat power. Xue Lingxue can't help but keep an eye on it at about 3 hours later, Xue Lingxue was startled and looked at a projection screen next to her.

It was a second-hand mental detector that Gong Hengdao bought from the black market. Xue Lingxue found that the dotted lines on the screen that represented Gong Hengdao's mental state began to flatten out.

These dotted lines all drew a trajectory that was almost equivalent to a straight line, which was very different from the previous violent fluctuations.

Xue Lingxue couldn't help but clench her fists hard, and her spirits were greatly boosted.

Lin Rui really had a way to save Uncle Gong's life!

No! Judging from the chart of the mental detector, the effect of this elixir and acupuncture was far better than she expected.

Lin Rui, the disciple of Academician Huangfu, was really not just a boast.

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