Supreme Lord

Chapter 268 Thunder Spirit (Subscription Request)

The Thunder Soul Bead that War Spirit No. 2 snatched for Lin Rui was about the size of a fist and looked like a white shimmering orb.

But when Lin Rui poured the true essence into it, traces of purple thunder slurry would be generated inside.

If the thunder essence is fully charged, this thunder soul bead will be completely transformed into deep purple.

Lin Rui sacrificed the Thunder Soul Bead that night, and spent nearly 10 hours until the next morning to fully accumulate the Thunder Soul Bead.

He was extremely pleasantly surprised. This was the first secret treasure he had obtained that had lethality reaching the Seventh Realm level and was a Seventh Realm Super Emperor.

When Lin Rui activates this treasure with all his strength, he can hit three thunderbolts every hundred breaths, which is equivalent to one full blow from a Seventh Realm Super Emperor master.

If the power is reduced to the Seventh Realm Super King, ten paths can be played.

In addition, it can also enhance the power of all his thunder spells and martial arts, with an increase of about 150%.

With this thing, Lin Rui's life-saving ability is much stronger.

The Lei Po Pearl also has the function of entrusting the second soul.

However, if you want to entrust your soul in the Thunder Soul Pearl, you must specialize in thunder techniques and maintain a high degree of harmony between your body and the Thunder Soul Pearl.

Lin Rui is a master of the three elements of thunder, fire and light. His soul cannot match the thunder orb, so he cannot use this ability.

Next, Lin Rui took the thing snatched by War Spirit No. 2 and fell into meditation.

This is undoubtedly a treasure, but its value is far from the Lei Po Pearl in his hand.

But Ji Shenyan seems to be quite concerned about this thing. Is there any reason?

Lin Rui really wanted to communicate with War Spirit No. 2, but the War Spirit Ring did not provide him with a way to further communicate with the War Spirit.

Lin Rui didn't respond when he asked, so he had to put the item in the safe and hide it with the evidence Fei Yunlai gave him.

Please ask Ji Shenyan again if you have the opportunity in the future. For example, when Ji Shenyan is possessed, let her speak directly or something. Lin Rui believes that she can find a way to communicate with the war spirit."

The next day was also busy. Lin Rui was called over by Zhuang Mingyue, who was staying in the inn, and asked about the Prosecution Commission and the details of the incident in Qinyan Cave Mansion. This time Zhuang Mingyue came to Shazhou to provide information to the Imperial City Division. A third-grade "Grand Heavenly Official" stepped forward to not only collect evidence related to the case of the Governor of Shazhou against God, but also to investigate all the illegal things committed by the Governor of Shazhou and his party members since they took office.

In the past, Lin Rui hung a white banner on the city wall that said, "The Governor of Shazhou and the Inspector of Shazhou colluded with the demons outside the territory, and used the hands of the demons to eliminate dissidents with the intention of treason." He was the first person to expose "The Governor of Shazhou rebelled against God." , is a very important witness.

Lin Rui stated his testimony under the watchful eyes of Zhuang Mingyue, Zhang Tianchang and several Wude captains.

Regarding the governor of Shazhou's rebellion against God, Lin Rui actually had no conclusive evidence. Everything came from the confession of the demon from outside the territory. However, this key person was also killed by the Inspector General.

Lin Rui suspected that he was being used by some extraterrestrial demons, and once doubted whether this was true or not.

Also, the reason why he hung up the vertical banner that day was actually out of self-protection, and he made this move under the pressure of the Inspector General.

Zhuang Mingyue and the Wude captains all nodded secretly after hearing this. They analyzed the case before they came, and they all believed that Lin Twelve did not have conclusive evidence. The vertical banners hanging on the city wall were all Lin Twelve's guesses. The reason is that he was forced too hard by the Inspector General.

It can be seen that this new commander of the Assassination Bureau is of excellent character. He is an upright, honest and truthful person. All the testimonies he gave were objective and cautious. They were not embellished by the assassination of the Governor of Shazhou yesterday. Adding insult to injury.

The question is why did the Governor of Shazhou let his confidante assassinate Lin Twelve? Duan Pengxuan, the inspector-general, also attacked Lin Twelve many times. Is this because he has a guilty conscience?

Zhuang Mingyue asked Lin Rui to sign and pledge her handwritten testimony, then left with everyone from the Imperial City Division.

They had a heavy responsibility and were already in a hurry to go to Shazhou to investigate the details of the case.

If it weren't for conveying the official transfer document to Lin Twelve, asking for evidence from Lin Twelve, and their friendship with each other, they should have left for Shazhou yesterday, and might not even have stopped at Jinggang.

After Lin Rui sent Zhuang Mingyue and others away, he began to prepare to leave for the capital to take up his post.

He looked at Wangchengdu's inner court with reluctance.

Lin Rui spent a lot of time and energy running this office, but he had to move after not long living there.

In addition to packing his luggage, Lin Rui also had to deal with the guests who came to visit in groups.

At this time, the news that he was about to enter Beijing to serve as the commander of the Assassination Bureau had spread throughout the city, which attracted local elders, wealthy merchants and gentry to gather here.

Lin Rui is actually impatient with this kind of communication. The problem is that these Wangcheng people are too enthusiastic.

According to the official rules of Tianjixing, when an official leaves his post, local prominent figures and wealthy businessmen and gentry will give a copy of Cheng Yi.

The problem was that the Cheng Yi given by these people was so heavy that Lin Rui had to put on a sincere smile to deal with these fellow villagers.

You need to know that things like Cheng Yi are traditional folk customs in Tianjixing, and are two different things from corruption and bribery.

Therefore, Lin Rui felt relatively at ease. As an extraterrestrial demon who had infiltrated the Tianji Star people, how could he act independently?

Three days later in the morning, in the ninth base city, Fei Yunlai walked into the second staff cafeteria of Mingde University with a pale face.

He secretly laughed at himself. He didn't expect that he, a high-ranking general in colonial clothing, would actually go to the public cafeteria to eat.

Due to his severe injuries and weak spirit, Fei Yunlai must eat a lot of high-quality meat to nourish his blood and restore his spirit. In the past, Fei Yunlai ate the meat transported from the interior of Tianji Star, or directly injected high-concentration ether nutrient solution.

The problem is that he has no money in his bank card now, and all his credit cards are maxed out.

Lin Rui is honest and trustworthy. He gave him the things on the chief priest and the war dragon, but these things have not been sold yet.

Fei Yunlai does not want to sell it to the Alien Management Bureau or the Tianlan Group. He has other channels and can sell it at a higher price.

This will take some time. Before selling these spoils, Fei Yunlai is penniless.

Fortunately, he is the coach of the Mingde University Martial Arts Club and can eat for free in the school cafeteria.

Just as Fei Yunlai was carrying a large pile of synthetic beef and walking back under the strange eyes of the faculty and staff, his eyes slightly-.

Fei Yunlai saw Lin Rui in the corner of the cafeteria, with a large pile of delicious dishes spread out in front of him.

Those were not the big pot dishes in the cafeteria, but the stir-fried dishes carefully made by the chefs in the cafeteria.

Fei Yunlai could smell the aroma of those exquisite dishes from a distance.

He felt a little strange, and walked to the opposite side of Lin Rui who was eating heartily and sat down: "Boss, why are you eating here? Why did you order so many East Asian dishes?"

The more than 20 bowls and plates in front of him were all East Asian cuisines, and the ingredients were also transported from the earth and carefully cooked by the chefs,

with good color, fragrance and taste.

After seeing this, Fei Yun also felt salivating, and took the synthetic beef on his plate and started eating.

The dishes in front of Lin Rui were delicious, but they had no nutrition and were not healthy for martial artists.

Unlike the synthetic beef he had beaten, although it was artificially synthesized, it was integrated with a certain amount of ether elements. Even a high-level martial artist like him could use these synthetic meats to nourish the blood and spirit, and it was delicious, really.

Lin Rui is trying to resolve the troubles of being possessed by the No. 2 war spirit.

Ever since he was possessed by the No. 2 war spirit, he felt a chill all over his body and was eager to resolve the remaining evil in his body.

Lin Rui had long discovered that the food that could interest Ji Shenyan and resolve her resentment was either Lin Xi's unique craftsmanship and sincere dishes, or something that could give her a sense of novelty.

Lin Rui didn't have time to eat at those big hotels now, but the chefs in the staff canteen of Mingde University were actually very skilled. As long as they had the best ingredients, they could also perform at the level of three-star to four-star chefs, which was enough to satisfy Ji Shenyan.

At this time, the No. 2 war spirit was controlling his body to eat and drink, and Lin Rui could hardly find time to reply to Fei Yunlai.

Fei Yunlai didn't care. While eating meat, he continued to talk:

"By the way, Boss, you are very popular on the Internet recently. You should have brought a lot of goods recently, right?"

At this time, the martial arts league had not started yet, but Lin Rui's popularity had been rising all the way.

Fei Yunlai did some research and found that it was this person's previous large number of martial arts teaching videos that, after being verified by time, became more and more favored and respected by fans. They spontaneously recommended Lin Rui on major martial arts forums, and the popularity rose.

This martial arts traffic star not only has a high level of martial arts attainments, but is also very sincere.

Fei Yunlai estimated that Lin Rui earned 400 to 500 million federal coins this month just by bringing goods.

He looked a little melancholy, thinking that people are really incomparable. He, a dignified seventh realm, struggles for loans and life every day,

Lin Rui is only a mere fourth realm, and making money is as simple as eating and drinking.

Lin Rui finally took the time to speak: "Old Fei, I received an emergency transfer order from my superiors and I have to leave that place. The secret base will belong to you in the future."

In fact, he had already set off and was riding a government ship down the river, heading towards the capital.

However, the speed of the ship was a bit slow. The large ship with a capacity of 10,000 tons was loaded with too many things and was too heavy. These days, Lin Rui was worried that the ship would capsize.

He had clearly told the elders not to do these empty formalities, but they still carried boxes of things onto the ship.

Lin Rui wondered what this looked like? Others saw him along the way, and they thought he, Lin Twelve, was a corrupt official who was greedy for money.

"Are you going to be transferred?" Fei Yunlai was stunned at first, then he sighed, and suddenly felt a little lonely.

Professor Han and his team had already withdrawn from Wangcheng, so would he have to stay in the base alone?

It was good that Lin Rui left, because no one would drive him out of the base.

At this time, Fei Yunlai's expression changed slightly."

He heard a few people in white coats talking at the table next to him, and they were still talking about the two of them.

"Using big data models to infer the nursery rhyme killer? Is it a special project given by the Security Bureau? Are there any results? Who are those two people? "

Fei Yunlai's heart suddenly tightened. He recognized the group of people eating next to him. They were the bigwigs of the Computer Science and Technology Department of the College of Engineering of Mingde University.

Mingde University's big data computing is very famous throughout the federation. They have close cooperation with the police and the security bureau.

For hundreds of years, they have helped the government solve many suspenseful murders.

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