Supreme Lord

Chapter 258 Help (Subscribe)

After Fei Yunlai left, Lin Rui dug out the safe under the base.

"This guy hides it pretty deep, like a baby."

Lin Rui thought to himself that if Fei Yunlai hadn't read the newspaper today and became jealous of Meng Weiyun, he would probably have to hide it and refuse to take it out.

What kind of treasure is here?

After he opened the safe, he found that it contained some documents on Tianjixing and some image data.

Lin Rui took a cursory look, his face gradually became serious, and for a moment he felt that the things in his hands were a little hot.

The numerous evidences here are enough to set off a major case!

And not only the Great Song Dynasty of Tianji Star, but also a huge storm will be caused within the Earth Federation.

Lin Rui estimated that his current small body might not be able to withstand it.

But if he can withstand it, he will have a bright future.

Fei Yunlai didn't tell lies, he did give him a promotion ladder.

Lin Rui thought for a while, put the evidence back, and walked toward the county town with the safe in hand.

After returning to Wangchengdu Neiya, Lin Rui first found a place to hide the safe, and then came to the backyard.

Ji Xueying was sitting cross-legged near the pool, using Lin Xi's 'Blood Refining Mirror' to illuminate herself and use this object to condense her blood.

Theoretically, the bloodline talent of the Blood Knife Princess can be promoted to the super emperor level, but so far, no Blood Knife Princess has achieved this.

However, Ji Xueying has great potential. Her talent was very good before, and then she experienced the secret training in Yinyue County. Whether it is blood potential or mental talent, she is stronger than most Blood Knife Princesses."

Now, under the continuous exposure of the 'Blood Refining Mirror' for more than two months, Ji Xueying's new talent has almost matured.

Her strength has improved rapidly in the past two months, and her bone armor has further covered her abdomen, providing complete protection in frontal combat.

In addition, Lin Rui also injected her with a gene-replenishing potion to further complete her genes, and then injected her with two injections of a mental enhancer and two bloodline enhancers.

Although Ji Xueying's talent has not yet awakened, her overall combat power has increased by nearly 35% compared to two months ago, and now she is considered a relatively strong one even among the 5SSS ranks."

Next to her, Lin Xi was practicing pile kung fu.

What she was practicing was the ‘Shengyang Zhuang’.

Although this "self-created" pile skill by Lin Rui is only an intermediate pile skill, no matter it is the efficiency of expanding the pulse or the energy efficiency of accumulating true energy,

The speed of condensing golden elixirs is comparable to that of high-level pile skills, with some advantages in some aspects.

Under Lin Rui's guidance, Lin Xi has learned the true meaning of this skill, and it is estimated that she will be able to enter the golden elixir in a day or two.

Lin Xi's Sword Bone Demon was fighting Wang Sen.

Wang Sen wants to rely on the Sword Bone Demon's sword power to suppress his martial arts skills, while the Sword Bone Demon needs a lot of actual combat to enhance his combat experience. The two sides can achieve each other's achievements.

Lin Xi got the entire Zhou family's wealth. The Shenxin tea produced by the Zhou family's seven tea mountains alone can reach 300,000 taels a year. As well as the Zhou family's savings from past generations, the financial resources are not even comparable to Lin Rui's now. Huang Duorang.

So in the past two months, this jade-blood sword-bone demon has everything it needs, including gene-filling potions, nano-subcutaneous armor,

The nano auxiliary combat device has reached the limit of the fifth-level emperor bloodline in all aspects.

Lin Xi discovered that the Sword-Bone Demon has extremely strong spiritual power and has its own ultimate intention of swordsmanship, so he also implanted two pieces of SS breeding equipment into it that are more suitable for the Sword-Bone Demon. Its bloodline power has actually reached the super-imperial level!

What this sword-bone demon lacks now is the understanding of martial arts and practical combat.

As long as the combat experience of this guardian demon increases, its combat power can surpass some of the six realms.

After Lin Rui came to the backyard, he also began to practice Zhuang Kung Fu.

He is now going all out to perfect his golden elixir practice before entering the capital!

It can be done”

After implanting the "Emperor" of the quasi-X golden elixir, Lin Rui's golden elixir condensation speed has been greatly improved.

In the past, he practiced for an hour a day and could only condense 0.16%. With the assistance of various top-level elixirs, he could only condense 0.25% a day.

But now, under the influence of the allogeneic assimilation effect, it can reach 1% in one hour!

In addition, the quality of Lin Rui's alien golden elixir has also been greatly improved, which has brought him another benefit, further strengthening his affinity with the ether element.

In the past, he would experience etheric rejection after practicing for an hour, but now it can be extended to one and a half hours. This means that he has half an hour more practice time than others and can practice Yang Yang Stake 5 more times.

At present, the quality of Lin Rui's golden elixir is still continuing to improve. It is currently only at the emperor level. It is expected that when it is upgraded to the quasi-X level, his daily practice practice time can be extended to two hours.

This means that he can now complete the condensation of the golden elixir in about 30 days, and can derive bone armor at any time, thus transforming into a dragon!

He can directly transform into a dragon armor after 30 days, or he can continue to accumulate energy and strengthen his physical fitness, thus transforming into a dragon armor covering a wider area in one fell swoop.

Lin Rui practiced the rising sun stake twice, then raised his eyebrows and looked towards the south with some confusion.

"It's strange, it seems like thunder is coming in the south, and the sound is loud in waves - the problem is that there are no rain clouds over there.

At this time, he looked behind him again: "Xiao Xi, where are you going? Are you not going to ask me about escape techniques today?"

In the past, every time Lin Xi finished her standing practice, she would ask him for advice on the mysteries of martial arts.

This girl is very talented and has already learned most of his ‘Shengyang Jiedao’ and is now studying his ‘Huanglei Jiguang Shi’.

She also learned Lin Rui’s ‘Puyang Zhan’ and ‘Qianguang Zhan’ and also cultivated them to the realm of truth.

Blood Knife Ji’s martial arts talent is also very good, but she has just mastered ‘Puyang Zhan’.

“I have something to do and I’m too lazy to wait.”

Lin Xi looked back at her brother and said, “It’s the same if I come to you later.”

She then ran towards the Zhou family like a flash of light smoke.

Lin Xi wanted to check on the situation of her own war dragon. Just a few days ago, the "Danxin Immortal Dragon" seemed to have signs of awakening, and could even communicate with her with consciousness, and its blood and qi were becoming more and more active.

What surprised Lin Xi was that although this "Danxin Immortal Dragon" had dropped to the sixth level, its blood power had been strengthened, and it was very likely to have broken through to the super emperor level.

Lin Rui watched her fly away, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

He knew that the reason why Lin Xi had been running to Zhou's house every day in the past two months was for the war dragon hidden under the Zhou family.

However, Lin Rui went to see it more than two months ago. The war dragon was very damaged, and he could not feel the consciousness of the war dragon at that time. It was estimated that it was beyond saving.

This girl has not given up yet?

It was at this time that he received the information sent by Fei Yunlai.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): BOSS, help!

Lone Shadow Sky Sword (Lin Rui): ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ?

Lin Rui wondered what was wrong with this guy. He had only been gone for less than an hour, and he was already calling for help?

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): BOSS, bring some medicine as soon as possible. I met a chief priest of the Holy Church of Light. He is another lunatic! Save me first, then go to this location. We must find a way to kill that bastard, otherwise we will be in big trouble!

Lin Rui looked solemn. He immediately ran into the room and took out three Type 5 life-repairing potions, then rode out of the city.

Because this trip might be extremely dangerous, he asked Blood Knife Ji to follow him.

Blood Knife Ji has an extremely powerful ability to hide, and in this respect, it is even better than Fei Yunlai's Tengu.

About 20 minutes later, Lin Rui found the place Fei Yunlai said.

He looked at Fei Yunlai, who was lying on the ground and in a coma, and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, Fei Yunlai's condition was only a little better than the previous battle with Meng Weiyun.

Fortunately, his war dragon was still intact. Although there were several holes on its body that could not be restored, it was still awake after all.

The Tengu Demon was not bad either, and was leaning against a rock nearby to catch its breath.

Lin Rui looked up again at the messy forest twenty miles away, which was full of large and small holes. He thought that although this battle was short, the intensity was no less than the battle between Fei Yunlai and Meng Weiyun.

Next, he first gave each of Fei Yunlai and his men a shot of Type 5 life-repairing potion to stabilize the state of the man, the demon and the dragon.

Then he rushed to another coordinate reported by Fei Yunlai.

Lin Rui found a middle-aged man in white clothes who was covered in blood and also in a coma, and a Zhanlong who was also seriously damaged.

This war dragon was still awake and guarded its master closely.

Lin Rui knew that this person must be the chief priest of the Seven Realms of the Holy Church mentioned by the high priest Tang Wenlan!

He looked towards Jinggang with a guilty look, and then looked around, and found that there was no one else around.

The battle between Fei Yunlai and the chief priest of the Holy Church had attracted a large number of people from the surrounding rivers and lakes, but the two of them left the scene far away afterwards and hid in the mountains and forests farther away. No one has discovered their location yet.

Lin Rui then asked the Blood Knife Princess to take action and temporarily restrain the Seven Realms War Dragon. His figure flashed and twisted the head of the chief priest, and took it off with a "click".

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