Supreme Lord

Chapter 247 Dragon Shedding (Subscription Request)

Xue Lingxue's alter ego "Feng Xue Ying" encountered a small episode on the way to the secret base. She met Fei Yunlai, a wanted criminal on the imperial list of the Great Song Dynasty.

This guy is actually quite famous. He has been on the imperial list of the Great Song Dynasty for five years, but nothing happened to him.

Wanted posters with his alter ego's portrait are all over the world. It is hard for Xue Lingxue not to recognize him.

Besides, this person has been in close contact with Lin Rui recently, so Xue Lingxue has investigated the situation related to Fei Yunlai.

When Xue Lingxue saw Fei Yunlai, the guy was standing on a mountain top, facing south with a worried look on his face. I don't know what he was thinking about, maybe he was worried about the interest on the loan?

Xue Lingxue knew that this seemingly glorious colonial admiral actually sold his own house and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Xue Lingxue originally wanted to change direction and avoid this person, but Fei Yunlai's guardian demon hidden in the dark found her.

Fei Yunlai looked at her again: "You are also an alter ego walker, right? Are you here to find Lin Rui? "

Because Lin Rui had to use the operating room in the secret base to perform surgery, he was kicked out by his teacher Professor Han, which hit Fei Yunlai's self-esteem.

He was once Professor Han's pride, and what could Lin Rui's identity be? Why was it necessary to hide it like this?

Fei Yunlai had guessed Lin Rui's alien identity to be almost correct. That guy might have joined the Imperial City Bureau's patrol system, so he could follow Meng Weiyun.

That guy could still get by if he was below the seventh rank, but when he was promoted to the sixth rank patrol deputy envoy and had to conduct the Heavenly Demon Test, he would be in trouble.

Xue Ling Xue said nothing when she heard this, and retreated while being alert.

She would not reveal her identity to Fei Yunlai:

This guy in front of her is a thorn in the eyes of the court, and it is best not to get involved with him inside Tianjixing.

Fei Yun came to see her leave without saying a word, and did not stop her. He just sighed secretly and continued to stand there, worrying about the bank loan that needs to be repaid next month.

His current monthly due interest and principal is as high as 120 million federal coins, plus various expenses, more than 200 million federal coins per month.

It was okay before when the alien body was not injured, and Tianjixing’s The income from the service is very high, and he can barely hold on.

But now his alien body will take two months to recover, and his original body can't get any good tasks in the Ninth City. All of them are at the level of 10 to 20 million, which can only fill the gaps between teeth.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have spent the 600 million federal coins that I had raised by selling my house and car so easily.

Fei Yunlai thought of the huge amount of 1.4 billion federal coins that he missed that day, and felt even more sad.

Xue Lingxue has arrived at Professor Han's secret base.

At this time, Lin Rui had just finished the implantation of the biochip for Ji Xueying and was closing her mouth .

Xue Lingxue watched him operate skillfully, thinking that Lin Rui's words that he learned the medical skills and biological attainments from Academician Huangfu, Lin Cong and Sima Lin seemed to be true.

When Lin Rui opened the operating room, Ji Xueying opened her eyes and looked at Lin Rui expectantly.

She was also looking forward to the online world that her master had mentioned. She could see what the legendary demon hometowns looked like, see the brilliant civilization of the earthlings, and communicate with her master over a long distance.

Lin Rui laughed dumbly: "Rest for 4 hours, and you can access the Internet after your condition stabilizes."

Lin Rui then stretched out his hand to Xue Lingxue: "Give it to me. "

Xue Lingxue obediently stretched out her hand. Lin Rui carefully sensed it for a moment and began to check the medicine warehouse in the base.

He found that Professor Han had prepared sufficient supplies in the base, and there were all kinds of Tianjixing medicinal materials he wanted.

"Your situation is a bit troublesome. Gene mutation and dragon shedding are mixed together. It was suppressed by a marshal-level master and drugs, right? Then this body was frozen for a few months. Fortunately, you met me, otherwise this alien body would be useless in the future. "

Xue Lingxue's pupils dilated slightly. Lin Rui's judgment was right!

Several masters of the Security Bureau's medical system also said that her alien body was hopeless.

This time, the mission of General Zhou was also maintained by drugs.

For Lin Rui's last sentence, Xue Lingxue saw hope: "Section Chief, what you mean is that my alien body can still be saved.

What should I do next?"

"I have to have an operation. "

Lin Rui said as he prepared the medicine: "It is better to drain than to block. We must let you complete the dragon shedding as soon as possible. In short, there is a mass of magma in your body that is about to erupt. This magma has two exits, one is the dragon shedding and the other is the magic transformation.

We must now guide the blood power accumulated in your body to the direction of the dragon shedding, but this requires certain risks. The success rate of the operation is about 80%. If the operation fails, I will inject you with a drug to freeze your alien body permanently. Can you accept it? "

Xue Lingxue thought, what's wrong with this? She was ready to give up her alien body, and she would enter the frozen state again after the mission was over.

Now she not only had an 80% chance of getting rid of the troubles of the demon transformation, but also could enter the fifth level of dragon, which was what she wanted.

Then Lin Rui gave her another bottle of liquid medicine, inserted dozens of golden needles into her body, and then let her lie in the operating room.

At this time, Lin Rui sent a message to Fei Yunlai: There is an emergency, Lao Fei, you should postpone your return for another eight hours.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai):!!!!

Lin Rui used general anesthesia on Xue Lingxue.

This made Xue Lingxue secretly frightened, which meant that her dragon transformation process would be completely under Lin Rui's control.

It wasn't that she was worried about Lin Rui, but could Lin Rui be in control?

However, Xue Lingxue's consciousness soon fell into coma under the influence of the drug.

By the time she regained consciousness, she didn't know how much time had passed.


Xue Lingxue knew that since her alien body could wake up, it meant that the operation was successful and she had entered the fifth realm of dragon transformation!

Xue Lingxue sensed her body again and found that there was indeed a layer of bone armor around her heart, covering most of her chest.

The blood energy that was like volcanic lava accumulated in her body, as well as the manic feeling that continued to plague her all the time, also disappeared. Hard to myself.

It’s really done! Not only did she get rid of the magical transformation, but she also developed bone armor that covered half of her chest!

I looked at the time again and saw that 7 hours had passed.

Xue Lingxue then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suppressed the tears that were almost overflowing from the corners of her eyes.

She then opened a webpage called 'Curse Little People', and returned the three little people she put in the shopping cart, as well as the 3,000 needles. Then she opened her eyes and pushed out the door from the operating room. .

Xue Lingxue found Ji Xueying leaning against the wall, her eyes closed tightly, but her face showed a look of shock.

She judged that this child must be surfing the Internet. The human Internet is indeed a wonder, which is very shocking to people who see it for the first time.

Xue Lingxue looked at Lin Rui again and found that this man was sitting on a boss's chair, holding his chin in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed into the character "Chuan", as if he was thinking about something.

Lin Rui was having a headache.

Not only because of the article on reproductive biology that he projected into his retina like a holy book, but also about the Blood Knife Princess.

This girl is probably suffering from Internet addiction. She has been browsing the Internet for nearly 4 hours and cannot stop at all.

Lin Rui is now a little worried that Ji Xueying's pure soul will be polluted by the garbage in the online world.

Just now, Ji Xueying browsed an '18-ban' website. Fortunately, Lin Rui chose the guardian mode and realized in time that the website in front of Ji Xueying was closed.

However, this biochip was still worth it. Lin Rui clearly felt that Ji Xueying's mental state was improving.

The life of this Blood Sword Princess is very boring. Apart from practicing martial arts and taking care of Lin Rui, she has nothing to do.

Although her mind is very pure, she lacks a channel to vent her stress. If it continues for a long time, there will still be problems, which will make her transformation into a dragon very difficult.

Why do those famous sects in Tianjixing pay attention to "experience"? It's because simple hard training cannot transform a dragon.

Lin Rui also has to worry about Ji Xueying's "colonial attire".

He was just tentatively making a request to Zhou Yunfei at first, but he didn't expect Zhou Yunfei to agree readily. However, this person also said that Ji Xueying's clothing can only be given a 30% discount on the clothing listed in the centralized procurement list in accordance with the rules of the Federal Security Service. .

This brought new financial pressure to Lin Rui, which he had not expected before.

You must know that the total number of Ji Xueying's costumes, if they were all complete versions, would probably cost several billion.

There will be dragon shedding in the follow-up, and the transformation into dragons one by one makes Lin Rui's scalp numb. "Are you awake?" Lin Rui gathered his mood and turned to look at Xue Lingxue: "How do you feel?"

"I'm very good now!" Xue Lingxue took a deep breath. She looked at Lin Rui. She had a thousand words in her heart but couldn't say them out. She could only say in a low voice: "Thank you!"

Lin Rui was relieved at this moment. He received a reminder from the battle spirit ring, saying that he had completely resolved the grievances of the No. 1 battle spirit against him.

You must know that in the past two days, Lin Rui felt as if someone was staring at him every time he slept.

"Thank you for what?" Lin Rui laughed when he heard this: "You are my Sister Xue, what was our relationship when we were children? Come and give me your hand, and I will show you again."

This Sister Xue is currently the only right-hand man he can rely on in the Security Bureau. Helping her is also helping himself.

Xue Lingxue obediently stretched out her hand and looked at him with strange eyes: "I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good. I didn't notice it at all when I was a child."

At this time, her expression changed slightly: "By the way, can the medicinal tea prescription you prescribed for me in the Ninth City be popularized?"


Lin Rui glanced sideways at Xue Lingxue, thinking that if this prescription could be popularized, he could make billions of federal coins every day: "You think I don't want to make money? But there is no way, this prescription must be tailored to the situation, and it varies from person to person. After all, everyone The mental issues are different, the physical issues are different, and the source of the drugs is also an issue."

At present, the medicinal materials from Tianjixing are already very expensive when delivered to the Ninth Base, and ordinary people cannot afford them.

Once Lin Rui releases popular prescriptions that are suitable for a large area, the price of these medicinal materials will increase tenfold, and it will also trigger further plunder of Tianji Star by the Earth Federation, and even war.

"Hmm~" Xue Lingxue fell into deep thought: "Is it the right medicine? Section Chief, I know that many martial arts cultivators above level 6 are also suffering from Clothes Syndrome and Clothes Rejection. Many of my father's comrades are like this. Can you help them?"

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows at first, and then his expression changed: "Level 6 Dragon Transformation? They are all dragon-level military cultivators. They should be very rich, right?"

"Some people have it, some people haven't.'

Xue Lingxue shook her head, her face solemn: "The drugs related to Colonial Syndrome are very expensive. I have an uncle who is a lieutenant general with a Colonial rating of SS. Now he is almost going crazy due to Colonial Syndrome. He can't work and can't exchange drugs. He told me several times that he wanted to commit suicide.

I want you to help him."

She thought for a while, then emphasized: "He has no money, but he has no employer at present and does not belong to any force. I can persuade him to work for you. I think you should be very short of manpower and combat power now."

Lin Rui was not interested at first, and he was not a kind-hearted person.

But after hearing Xue Lingxue's last sentence, he narrowed his eyes: "You can contact him and ask him to come and see me."

However, the situation of a Colonial Warrior in the 6th Realm will be a hundred times more complicated than that of Xue Lingxue.

Lin Rui's current Tianjixing medical skills have only reached the high-level grandmaster, and he has not yet mastered the dragon-level medical skills.

He has only mastered the basics of biology and internal medicine, and I am afraid he is not able to deal with the syndrome of a Colonial Warrior in the 6th Realm.

Anyway, let’s call him over first. Lin Rui is studying hard, and the situation should change by then.”

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