Supreme Lord

Chapter 242 Wild Ways (Subscribe)

In the evening, Dead Eye Horn and sniper "Death Announcement" Jiang Dong carried the results of their observations near Mingde University.

Rushed back to their temporary base in the lower area.

As soon as Horn walked into the base, he couldn't wait to tear off the bionic mask on his face.

His disguise skills are extremely good, and combined with his unique skills, even those high-tech holographic cameras cannot identify whether he is disguised or not.

However, this kind of bionic mask is really uncomfortable to wear on your face. In order to resist the scanning of the camera, this thing is actually very airtight.

"Where's Katyusha?" Dead-Eye Horn glanced into the room: "Still in deep dive mode?"

Deep dive state is a term unique to the hacker world. Through some unique drugs and nutrition cabins, hackers can enter a state of concentration without distraction, thus greatly improving computing power.

"Deeply lurking, she is trying to invade the Sky Blue Company's "Shenyu" and "Guardian" combat robots, saying that she can even slightly hinder their actions, but her super computer is the "Wanderer", Although it can be carried in a car for portability, the computing power is very average, which is quite annoying! "

Mechanic Burrows took out the tactical board: "How is it? Have you gained anything? Are you sure?"

The death announcement was made without saying a word. Jiang Dong walked to the tactical board and drew a picture: "As shown in the picture, this is the most suitable sniper position. If Lin Rui's ability does not change, then as long as he goes on stage to give a speech that day, Horn If I can divert several defense robots near the rostrum as planned, I am 70% sure to snipe him. However, the sniper rifle in my hand does not have enough fire speed and power, so I need to add some firearms kits, which will take about a month. Seventeen million federal coins.”

Burrows shrugged upon hearing this. The parts of the opponent's sniper rifle required precision down to the micron level, and he couldn't process them by hand.

"Then there's the retreat. There is no passage to the lower world within 800 meters of this sniper site. I need your help to open a passage out and arrange some smart machines to block the opponent's pursuit."

"That's no problem!"

Burrows nodded. This matter was very simple for him, that is, two automatic excavators, some bombs placed along the way, and a few small automatic turrets.

"But one by one." Burrows paused and looked at Dead Eye Horn: "Katyusha is worried that her employer may have plans to silence her. What do you think, Horn?"

"How else can we look at it? They must have this idea. With 600 million in funds, it is enough to find two 6Ss. However, it is more difficult to silence people at this level. This is probably why they want us to continue to carry out the mission. reason."

Horn sneered with disdain in his eyes: "So this time we can't trust the dark network guarantee. After the mission is completed, we must cut off all previous contacts. But the key is whether we can retreat to the lower area. As long as we get down there, no one can do anything to us. ”

He then looked into the room again: "Don't worry, when I asked Katyusha to contact the employer, I also asked her to explore the employer's background. I have found some clues, which can also be used as a countermeasure. , let them pay the balance obediently——"

But at this moment, Horn's pupils shrank slightly.

He smelled a burning smell coming from the room.

Horn strode into the room and came to the nutrition cabin inside.

His face instantly turned livid, and Horn discovered that the operation panel of the nutrition cabin had been burned out, and the various electronic components inside may have been damaged.

The key is that Katyusha in the nutrition cabin is also silent. She has her eyes closed tightly, and her hair is floating on the nutrient solution inside.

Horn quickly forced open the lid of the nutrition cabin and took Katyusha out of it.

But when his hand touched Katyusha's body, his heart sank. Horn sensed that Katyusha's body no longer had any vitality.

Her brain was probably burned out by someone in the online world.

It is said that some powerful hackers can interfere with people's brain cells, nerves, spinal cord, etc. directly through the cranial nerve connector.

"How is this possible?" Mechanic Burrows was extremely surprised.

The nutrition cabin where Katyusha conducts deep dives is always under his surveillance. If something goes wrong in the nutrition cabin, he will definitely call the police.

Burrows looked at the two holographic cameras around him and several automatic defense weapons placed inside the room, and his face turned slightly pale.

He realized that these cameras and the four small fully automatic turrets were probably hacked.

"What an amazing person!"

Burrows was secretly alarmed. The defense system he deployed was not connected to the external network. The only thing connected to the network in this temporary base was Katyusa's deep-diving nutrition cabin.

This shows that the hacker first hid the secret from Katyusha, invaded without anyone noticing, and first took over all the defense systems of the temporary base before attacking Katyusha.

Burrows also wanted to go to his workshop to check the situation on the server, but was pulled out by Horn: "This place is exposed, let's retreat-"

Horn said as he turned on the walkie-talkie he carried with him. For the sake of confidentiality, when they entered the temporary base,

The networking function of their smart terminals will be temporarily turned off.

But as soon as he reached the gate of the base, he heard a burst of gunfire from outside.

At the same time, they heard the cry of the mecha master "Tomahawk" Lü Hong from the intercom: "Horn, Broly is dead! It's the Security Bureau! Go ask, what's going on! There is a whole heavy-irrigation company of armed police outside, 20 Type 4 heavy military mechas, 20 combat robots, and the two exits on the east have been blocked. Go ask the Third Master what's going on."

The voice of the fireman Dalon also came over: "It's troublesome, the situation here is similar, there is also a heavy-irrigation company, and all three exits are blocked. The defense system deployed by Boros and Katyusha did not issue any warning. I can't stand it here and must retreat. Horn Just at this moment, there was another fierce gunfire outside, and the intercom was "hissing", but there was no sound of the fireman Dalon.

Horn knew that Dalon was dead, and the blood on his face faded.

While running quickly, he opened the quantum communication system of the smart terminal without hesitation and contacted the Third Master mentioned by "Tomahawk" Lü Hong.

That is their current protector. He is one of the big bosses of the Zhongyi Gang and one of the most powerful underworld leaders in the lower district. He not only has thousands of colonial warriors working for him, but also has many powerful weapons. He can be regarded as a warlord in the underground world.

Theoretically, these armed police will pass through the territory of this Third Master no matter which direction they come from, but today there is not even a warning from Third Master.

However, when Horn called Third Master, he cursed: "Why should I warn you? Why should I warn you? I also want others to warn me, damn him! There is a madman in the Security Bureau, who seems to be a lieutenant general. He is too crazy.

Just now, they first controlled all our holographic cameras and situation sensing devices in Xinglong Street, and then wiped out all our brothers in Xinglong Hall! More than 170 people, all wiped out, understand? How can I care about you? There is no sign at all."

Hearing this, Horn's mood sank.

The so-called Xinglong Street is actually a group of caves. In the early years, the Earth Federation dug some caves inside the satellite and equipped them with life support systems to form an underground street.

Sanye has a hall there, with more than 200 people, almost all of whom are second lieutenant and lieutenant-level colonial warriors.

They control this Xinglong Street, making more than 40,000 people there depend on them.

From what Sanye said, more than half of the more than 200 people have died just now.

Horn instantly understood the situation. The Federal Security Bureau not only encircled and suppressed them with great force, but also swept Sanye's Xinglong Hall.

For some reason, Sanye's relationship within the Federal Security Bureau failed to issue any warning to Sanye.

Dead Eye Horn immediately quickened his pace and walked in another direction to the south.

He felt that there was a huge net around him that was closing in on him, but fortunately, they also prepared an escape route.

It was a secret cave dug out by the mechanic. Except for their team, no one knew the existence of this cave.

At the same time, Lin Rui was wearing a full-coverage exoskeleton armor, humming a nursery rhyme "I am seaweed, seaweed", and walked out of the "Xinglong Hall" covered with blood.

There was already a floating riot armored vehicle waiting for him at the door. Xue Lingxue was also fully armed and stood at the door of the car, looking at Lin Rui with a strange look.

Not only him, but also the armed policemen who participated in the battle around him looked at this comrade who was likely to suffer from colonial syndrome with a strange look.

They had never seen such a crazy person. It was this guy who just broke into Xinglong Hall while singing a nursery rhyme and killed nearly 90 colonial warriors with a knife.

It was a pity that Lin Rui was fully covered, so they could not see the face of this god.

After Lin Rui walked onto the armored vehicle, he threw the Type 5 combat knife of the Security Bureau in his hand aside.

"You will deal with this knife later. It has been cut with too many hard objects just now. The blade has been injured and can no longer be used."

Lin Rui said as he removed the armor on his face.

He asked Xue Lingxue curiously: "Lingxue, why are you looking at me like that? Look at your eyes, why are you looking at me like a lunatic?"

Xue Lingxue thought to herself that I am not looking at a lunatic. She really suspected that Lin Rui had colonization syndrome.

But she immediately calmed down and said: "Lin Rui, what you did is actually against the rules."

"What's against the rules?"

Lin Rui took out a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and poured it into his mouth while talking, looking very comfortable.

He then asked in confusion: "Aren't they violently resisting the law? Aren't they armed attacking the police? More than 100 people are shooting at us like crazy, this is simply an armed rebellion! We just searched a large amount of drugs and guns in there, more than ten tons of new drugs, more than 400 illegally modified guns, and they are also involved in human trafficking. If they follow the laws of the East Asian Republic, they will be sentenced to death 100 times.

Xue Lingxue was speechless, but she knew in her heart that Lin Rui must have used other means.

It is very likely that it is an unknown drug that stimulates these colonial warriors who have more or less mental problems, and they all fall into a manic state and lose their minds.

So the Federal Security Bureau just surrounded this area, and without a search warrant, these Xinglongtang colonial warriors fired at them crazily, and the Security Bureau and the armed police were forced to fight back.

But Xue Lingxue couldn't say that she had secretly taken blood tests from the bodies of those colonial warriors, and there were no problems.

At least the exoskeleton armor on her body couldn't detect it.

Since Xue Lingxue was plotted by Lin Rui last time, she sold her armor and collected some money to buy a set of armor from the Abyss Group. It is said to be a model with particularly strong anti-virus capabilities, but her armor detects No one knows what drugs Lin Rui used.

Since it cannot be detected, there is no problem with this operation. Even if there is a problem, it is because these gangsters used new drugs or for other reasons. In short, it has nothing to do with them.

Although Xue Lingxue felt a little guilty about Lin Rui's wild methods in handling the case, she was by no means a fool. She knew she could never say such a thing.

Xue Lingxue also participated in the battle just now. She believed that these colonial martial arts cultivators from Xinglong Hall were all scum who deserved to die, and it would be best if they all died.

At this time, Lin Rui called the video phone number again and contacted Zhang Long.

"General Zhang, what's the situation on your side? Are Dead-Eye Horn and the others subdued?"

Although Lin Rui attached great importance to the operation to encircle and suppress Horn, he felt that the more than 100 colonial warriors on the "Xinglong Hall" side were better, so he gave the task of encircling and suppressing Dead Eye Horn to Major General Zhang Long.

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