Supreme Lord

Chapter 240: Clouds Gathering (Third update, please give me a monthly ticket)

When Xue Lingxue climbed out of the sleeping cabin, her whole body was cold.

Her Tianjixing alien had just waited at the gate of the Wangchengdu government until midnight.

Xue Lingxue still wanted to persuade Lin Twelve and ask that Lin Twelve to give her another chance to meet, but she failed.

Although Xue Lingxue bribed the doorman twice with a large sum of money to send her a message, it was fruitless.

The doorman was scolded by the people in the government office and dared not talk to her afterwards.

She could only terminate the mission, place her alien in a safe place, and return to Tianjixing with her main consciousness.

After returning, Xue Lingxue's eyes were red and she wanted to cry out of grievance.

Although she was covered with sticky nutrient solution, she didn't want to take a shower, but squatted next to the sleeping cabin and curled up her delicate body. Xue Lingxue also believed that it was because of herself that the mission failed.

If another alien agent went to contact Lin Twelve, the situation would definitely be different.

This mission was very important to Minister Zhou, but she messed it up.

In addition, the experiences of the past few months have made her extremely depressed.

Three months ago, when Xue Lingxue heard the news of her family's death, she almost collapsed.

In the end, it was the idea of ​​revenge that kept her alive, but in the three months since her transfer, Xue Lingxue's work and life have not been smooth.

She was excluded by her colleagues in the East District Police Station, and there were problems with the monitoring of the Lin family. She was repeatedly played by the bad boy Lin Rui.

There was no progress in revenge. She tried to investigate the Blood Lizard Gang and the Evil Pirates several times, but was obstructed by the senior management of the East District Police Station and had no results.

Xue Lingxue thought of her parents and her two brothers who died together, and felt that her body was getting colder and colder. An indescribable loneliness and guilt surrounded her.

At this time, Xue Lingxue received the information sent by Zhou Yunfei.

Zhou Yunfei: Lingxue, in view of the changing situation, the task of monitoring the Lin family has officially ended. You don't have to go to the police station to work tomorrow. You will be officially transferred to the Third Special Operations Section of the Confidential Office as an assistant to the section chief from now on.

After seeing the information, Xue Lingxue wiped her tears and responded.

Xue Lingxue: Okay, Minister!

At the same time, Xue Lingxue also had doubts in her heart.

Minister Zhou has given up monitoring Lin Rui and Despair Goddess?

Also, there is no Third Special Operations Section of the Confidential Office in the department, right?

As far as she knows, the Confidential Office directly under the Minister has only two special operations sections and three operations sections, but no Third Special Operations Section.

Zhou Yunfei: The Third Special Operations Section is a newly established section of the Ninth Branch. The section chief was recruited by me personally. He is your old friend.

You should prepare and report to your section chief at this location tomorrow. Your next task is to fully assist him and build this Third Special Operations Section in the shortest time.

Zhou Yunfei then sent her a location.

Xue Lingxue turned on the location and found that the location was near Mingde University.

Zhou Yunfei: Come on, Lingxue. I have high hopes for the establishment of the Third Special Operations Division. You must do a good job, do it steadily, and do it carefully!

Xue Lingxue's face suddenly became serious.

Xue Lingxue: I understand, Minister!

She immediately opened her account on the internal website of the Security Bureau and checked the relevant information of the Third Special Operations Division.

This department was indeed newly established, and many of the information was blank.

However, the limited information made Xue Lingxue's pupils slightly dilated.

"Secret level 3S, equipped with a 6A action group, four 5A action groups, two 5A alien agent groups, nine 'Jianlong' 6 combat robots, plus three 'Jianlong' 7 -

Xue Lingxiao thought to himself what kind of magical department is this?

Just from the paper information, the combat effectiveness of the entire Third Special Operations Department is comparable to any department-level action unit in the Ninth Branch, and the authorization authority is very large.

In an emergency, it even has the power to mobilize the four heavy-duty regiments of the armed police.

Xue Lingxue was surprised and moved. She was surprised that Minister Zhou had the resources to form such a powerful department at such a difficult time. She was grateful for Minister Zhou's trust in her. After her mission failed, he was still willing to trust her and let her take on such an important position.

Xue Lingxue then opened the section chief's information column, but the system prompted her that she could not view it.

The section chief's confidentiality level has reached SSS.

Below this authorization, no information can be reviewed.

"Awesome! "

While Xue Lingxue was secretly shocked, she was also looking forward to the meeting tomorrow.

I wonder what kind of person this lieutenant general of the Security Bureau recruited by the minister himself is?

At the same time, in the second base city, Zhang Long, who was drinking coffee in the lounge, also received an internal email marked in red.

When he opened the email, his eyes gradually became surprised.

"Transferred to the ninth base city? Served as deputy chief of the third special operations section of the confidential department, and leader of the first action team?"

Soon after, his assistant Fei Aibi hurried over: "Team leader, have you read the email just now? Our action team has been transferred from the headquarters of the Security Bureau to the ninth branch as a whole.

"Looking at it." Zhang Long was sipping coffee while flipping through the information materials of the Third Special Operations Section. The surprise in his eyes was even more intense. "I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking." Fei Aibi said for Zhang Long. He complained: "Team leader has been promoted to the Sixth Realm Transformation Dragon. With your merits, you can take up higher-level positions in our special service center. Why were you suddenly transferred to the Third Special Operations Section of the Ninth Division?"

"Don't worry." Zhang Long smiled slightly: "Take a closer look at the information on the Third Special Operations Section. It's very interesting."

Although Fei Aibi was puzzled after hearing this, he still opened the information and data of this department to check.

There was also a look of surprise in his eyes: "This mobile department has such a high license and powerful configuration! There are actually three J-Dragon 7s.

General, I checked and found out that the formation of the Third Special Operations Section was an order issued by the Second Commander-in-Chief. However, the Second Commander-in-Chief is sleeping. Could it be the handiwork of General Zhou Tian? Could he be crazy? "

"Yeah, I even suspect that Zhou Yunfei is crazy, or is forced into a desperate situation, and he jumps over the wall in a hurry. If he does this, isn't he worried that the boss will completely dislike him when he wakes up?"

As Zhang Long spoke, he put down the coffee cup in his hand and stood up from his seat: "You should also prepare yourself. I have contacted the General Affairs Office to arrange a transportation boat. We will set off to the Ninth Base in an hour. city!"

Although Zhang Long was not satisfied with the level of the third special operations section, he was very interested in the strength and licensing rights of this operations section.

In terms of actual power, this is much stronger than the 6A operations team leader under the headquarters' "Special Service Center" that he currently serves as.

What's more, there was a case at the Ninth Base that had concerned him for a long time.

Zhang Long had just started investigating the Xue family's extermination case three months ago when a file was transferred away.

Zhang Long guessed that someone above him didn't want him to investigate in detail. Unfortunately, he was not affiliated with the Ninth Division at the time, and there was no result after his protest.

But now, he can go find out what is going on in this case.

Zhang Long estimated that this department might not last long, and Zhou Yunfei would be finished sooner or later. He would have to be transferred back to the special service center, but this time was enough for him to finish the case.

At the same time, in the office of a deputy minister of the ninth branch of the Security Bureau, a gray-haired old man with the rank of general hanging on his shoulder,

I also saw this instruction issued by the Second Chief Division of the Security Bureau.

"Establishing the Third Special Operations Section? Mobilizing so many forces is a desperate move?"

The white-haired old man lay on his back on the office chair with a disdainful expression, looking leisurely at the night view of the ninth base city outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

"The Second Commander-in-Chief will wake up in five months. I'm really curious about how you will explain to him then? What authority do you have to establish the Third Special Operations Section? In what name will it be used? When your Commander-in-Chief wakes up, , How should we face the inquiry from the Homeland Security Committee? Is it interesting to admit that he granted his permission to the old department privately?”

The white-haired old man twisted his neck and made a "click" sound: "However, that is my bad character, I have no patience at all.

The white-haired old man was curious, but he had no interest in waiting until five months later.

The ninth branch of the Security Bureau belonged to him before, it belongs to him now, and it will belong to him in the future!

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