Supreme Lord

Chapter 233 Heartbroken (Subscribe)

Lin Xi did not rashly insert the black card in her hand into the card slot of the Tianyan quantum computer.

She first checked it online for a while, then raised her eyebrows and said, "Sure enough."

Lin Rui looked at her in confusion: "What's going on?"

"This card contains a special chip made by an underground bank. It requires a special card reader to read it, otherwise the relevant account will be frozen."

Lin Xi opened the shopping website and bought some tools and parts online.

Three minutes later, when the express arrived, Lin Xi took these parts and assembled them skillfully.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to make a card reader yourself? You are very skilled."

Lin Xi did not answer.

An excellent hacker must also have a sufficient understanding of various hardware.

The hacking device she used in the past was assembled by herself from some scrapped parts in the garbage dump under the guidance of 'Fei Yan'.

Although her craftsmanship is not as good as those mechanics who can rub combat robots by hand, it is no problem for her to make a card reader by herself.

About ten minutes later, Lin Xi inserted the card into her homemade card reader and operated it on her Tianyan 9 quantum computer.

Her eyes were focused and she was doing her best.

The reason why Lin Xi chose to show her hand today was because she found that the young man in white that Lin Rui had been following was probably the one who killed ‘Lin Rui’ a few months ago.

The two had a fierce battle in the second urban rail station, and the young man in white was almost killed by Lin Rui. He finally escaped under the cover of several companions.

In addition, her brother Lin Rui was also hiding very deeply!

Where did Lin Rui go tonight?

Lin Xi used her hacking ability to investigate and track, and even took over the monitoring equipment of the police station, but she couldn't find Lin Rui's whereabouts.

However, she knew that Lin Rui trusted Ambola Sharing Company very much, and then she found two taxi records from Ambola Company.

What shocked her even more was that near the place where Lin Rui took a taxi, a tragedy occurred in the "Iron Fist Entertainment Company" owned by the Blood Lizard Gang, with 157 deaths, including the Blood Lizard Gang's leader, "Iron Fist King" Wang Li.

Lin Xi then broke into the police station's archives and was surprised to find that the Blood Lizard Gang had suffered several consecutive attacks recently, and the modus operandi was almost the same. From the bank black card that Lin Rui took out, Lin Xi had guessed some of the truth.

Lin Xi realized that she had to join Lin Rui's team, which might help her understand the truth.

She felt that she also had a responsibility. As a sister, she couldn't let Lin Rui do whatever she wanted outside.

At least there had to be a plan to ensure safety.

So now was not only a showdown, but also a time for her to show her ability.

Just after 7 minutes, Lin Xi's pupils shrank slightly, and her eyes were extremely horrified.

She turned her head and looked at Lin Rui steadily, her face dull and blank.

"Failed? It's okay. Although I don't understand it, I feel that your hacking skills should be okay."

Lin Rui didn't care much. If he failed, he would only lose a few tens of thousands. He guessed that there was only this amount in the card.

At least it proved that Lin Xi was a talent in this area.

"No, this is an anonymous black card of 'Han Ji', the largest underground bank in the lower-level area. As for the amount-"

Lin Xi swallowed his foam with a gulp, and then showed a video screen in front of Lin Rui: "See for yourself."

Did Lin Rui really steal this bank black card from Wang Li?

Lin Rui didn't care at first, but after taking a look, his eyes were also straight.

It turned out to be a 10-digit number with many zeros behind it.

Lin Rui blinked, thought about it, and opened Fei Yunlai's chat box.

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): Old Fei, I have a good news and a bad news here. Which one do you want to hear?

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): Don't say it, I don't want to hear it!

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): I have asked someone to crack the password of that bank card. The good news is that there is a lot of money in it, up to 2.8 billion federal coins, and the bad news is that the money in it is also up to 2.8 billion.

Fei Yunlai was taking a shower in the room. His heart twitched slightly and almost triggered angina pectoris.

Is it true? There are really 2.8 billion in the money in that card?

It's a lie, right?

Fei Yunlai immediately saw the screenshot sent by Lin Rui. He couldn't help but distort his face. He suddenly beat his chest and stamped his feet, and the floor made a "dong dong" sound. He clearly had the opportunity to take half of this huge amount of money!

But what does this guy mean by bad news? Is he mocking himself for not choosing a share?

Fei Yunlai narrowed his eyes.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): You mean, this money may not be Wang Li's own, and there may be trouble later?

This little guy is amazing!

He could see three steps ahead, and was not blinded by the sudden wealth.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Isn't this natural? Wang Li is a gang leader, he can't have so much operating funds in his hands. In addition, I have checked the history of this man's rise, and it is obvious that someone is supporting him behind the scenes.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Lao Fei, if you have the resources, you can check to see who is behind Wang Li. You must know yourself and the enemy, and don't wait until trouble comes to you without knowing what is going on.

Fei Yunlai felt a pang of pain in his heart again. Lin Rui's meaning was clearly that although I took the money, the subsequent troubles would have to be borne by both of us.

Invincible Bull (Fei Yunlai): Lin Rui, have you ever thought about what to do with this money? Do you want to consider investing in this admiral? I guarantee that you will get your principal and interest back within three years.

After reading this, Lin Rui sneered, "Haha". He realized that only the poor bulls can be used by him.

The rich bulls will be like a kite that is released and cannot be pulled!

Lone Shadow Sky Blade (Lin Rui): No, I don't want to, I have a use for this money, but I may ask you for help next time. I have something else to do.

Let's talk next time.

Lin Rui closed the chat box, turned his head and looked at Lin Xi with cold eyes: "I met with my uncle at noon today. He said that you must not be a colonizer, otherwise you will die. What's going on?"

Lin Xi's pretty face turned pale. She knew that her brother's meeting with her uncle must be bad.

She crossed her arms and said stiffly: "This is my own business, it has nothing to do with you! And you should know something about our family situation, brother. If I don't colonize now, will I wait for others to play us to death? "

Lin Xi actually wanted to ask, what happened to you when you were shot in the head three months ago? How did you survive?

Since it's a showdown, then lay everything out and make it clear.

But Lin Xi didn't dare to ask. She was afraid from the bottom of her heart, afraid of the answer Lin Rui would give, and didn't want Lin Rui to know that she had actually seen the scene of him being shot in the head a long time ago.

She wanted to investigate it herself, and from the appearance of her brother, he seemed to be investigating it himself?

Lin Rui frowned and didn't speak, and directly opened Sima Lin's chat box.

At this time, he didn't care that it was late at night.

Divine Doctor Sima (Sima Lin): Xiao Rui, I can't tell you the details for some reason. I can only tell you that Lin Xi's situation is indeed very bad. The more she wears, the more she will die. The faster she dies, the more she will die. I asked you to study medicine with me because I want you to find the answer yourself, especially in the fields of internal medicine, colonization and biotechnology.

Sima (Sima Lin), the genius doctor: In addition, the alien walker is actually a way out. You have to strengthen her mental power as soon as possible.

This can effectively delay and alleviate her condition. In addition, there may be a real solution inside Tianji Star that can keep her alive. It depends on your luck.

After reading it, Lin Rui felt extremely heavy.

Even Professor Sima Lin thought that Lin Xi would die?

In this era of highly developed technology, even human cancer has been overcome, but there are still incurable terminal illnesses?

Lin Rui called the Ringwraiths in his heart.

"Ringwraiths, help me copy the true level of advanced medical skills! ”

Lin Rui already possessed the basic and intermediate medical skills of the Grandmaster level, and now he was copying the high-level medical skills.

However, the high-level medical skills of the No. 2 war spirit were only at the truth level.

Tip: To exchange for high-level medical skills (truth), 8,000 soul points are required.

Lin Rui thought that this high-level skill was expensive!

But he exchanged it without hesitation, and spent another 12,000 soul points to upgrade this skill to the Grandmaster level.

The medical skills exchanged from Ji Shenyan were for the bodies of the Tianji people.

However, Lin Rui thought that since they were all carbon-based creatures, the medical theories should also have something in common.

He felt that the medicine of Tianji was very similar to the Chinese medicine of the East Asian Republic. If he understood it in depth, he would suspect that they might be of the same origin.

"Ring Spirit, what is the level of my internal medicine and surgery skills now? Can it be deduced? "

Tip: You have limited knowledge of internal medicine and surgery and do not have relevant skills.

Tip: The Battle Spirit Ring can perform relevant deductions. Are you willing to use 3,000 soul points to master elementary internal medicine (beginner), or use 3,000 soul points to master elementary surgery (beginner)?

Tip: Improving the integrity of the Battle Spirit Ring can reduce the soul point consumption of deduction.

Lin Rui used 20,000 soul points without hesitation to increase the integrity of the Battle Spirit Ring to 30%.

He found that the consumption of mastering "elementary internal medicine (beginner)" has been reduced to 2,000 points.

This is still a bit of a pit! If you can copy it directly from the Battle Spirit, it is estimated that 200 points can be exchanged for a beginner-level elementary skill. Lin Rui still He changed to primary internal medicine and primary surgery, and spent another 10,000 points to upgrade these two skills to the Grandmaster level.

This time he spent a little more soul points, but his sister's life was more important, so he couldn't care less.

These two primary skills can give him some basic understanding of the human body.

What surprised Lin Rui was that when his intelligence and understanding were raised to the limit by the Ringwraiths and he began to deduce, the high-level medical skills of Tianji Star that he mastered really collided with the primary internal medicine and primary surgery that he was deducing, as well as the pharmacology knowledge he mastered, and a lot of sparks collided.

Lin Rui sat with his eyes closed for a while, and then stretched out his hand to Lin Xi: "Give me your hand, and then stick out your tongue for me to see."

Lin Xi looked suspicious, but still handed over his little hand.

Lin Rui took Lin Xi's wrist pulse, carefully sensed and identified, and soon his eyes condensed.

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