Supreme Lord

Chapter 220 The Fourth Holy Son (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

At the time of the incident, Prince Ming Yin Qianqiu was traveling on important matters.

However, when he sensed the change, he did not hesitate to put down what he was doing and return to the main forum.

When Yin Qianqiu came to the back courtyard of the main altar, the altar used to worship the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire", he saw that the whole building was in the shape of a pyramid.

The top of the majestic and imposing altar is releasing majestic light and heat.

The 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire', which exuded immeasurable light and was in the shape of a lotus, once again fell into an extremely violent state.

Not only are the three elements of light, thunder, and fire extremely rich, but there is also an extremely powerful abyss power condensed here.

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The rules of the surrounding heaven and earth have been distorted into shape. Countless powerful thunder and light fires, as well as bundles of red rays, are released from the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire', blasting all materials in contact into slag.

Under the altar, the thousands of Guangming Holy Cult members who were here to worship and meditate had expressions of confusion and panic on their faces.

The chief priests and the chief priests who were sitting here all had pale faces and solemn expressions.

The Holy Sect of Light regards cultivators of the fourth realm as the high priest, the fifth realm as the main priest, the sixth realm as the great chief priest, the seventh realm as the capital priest, and the eighth realm as the red-robed master.

There are also "three pillars, five envoys and seven kings", all of which are existences that are above the eight realms, each controlling one side.

When the congregants and the officiating priests under the altar saw Yin Qianqiu's glorious figure, they all put their hands on their shoulders and bowed their heads to worship.

"We pay our respects to King Ming. May His Majesty's bright light shine on the heaven and earth, and may he open up the earth and open the sky with immeasurable holy thunder and boundless calamity fire!"

Yin Qianqiu ignored the worshipers below. He hung in the air next to the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire", trying his best to comfort him while focusing on him. He then raised his head in surprise: "How could such a thing happen? ""

"King Ming!"

It was an eighty-year-old chief priest of the Seven Realms Capital. He frowned tightly and worried: "The fifth Holy Son Xu Zhe died, and when Xu Zhe died, the Seventh Holy Son was promoted to the Fourth Holy Son. Son, I have reason to suspect that it was the Seventh Holy Son who killed Xu Zhe and swallowed his origin."

At this time, under the altar, the three thousand believers couldn't help but burst into an uproar and looked at each other.

They only know that the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire" may have sensed something and caused the change, but they don't know the details.

At this time, after listening to the words of the chief priest, my heart was even more shocked.

The Fifth Holy Son Xu Zhe is actually dead? And maybe he was killed by the unidentified Seventh Son?

"This is just our guess. If this is really the case, please His Highness King Ming to remove this fourth Holy Son from the ranks of Holy Sons!"

At this time, another chief priest knelt down and prostrated, with an angry and sad look on his face: "This is brothers fighting each other, which is not tolerated by the light. This evil example must not be repeated!"

However, beside him, another young chief priest sneered: "What a joke, the Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire is the supreme holy weapon of our religion. It has extremely high spiritual intelligence and can know good and evil. If they really kill each other, the Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire will be long gone." How can you allow the seventh holy son to be promoted to the fourth holy son? I think you are resentful because of the death of your nephew, so you made such ridiculous remarks."

"Mingwang Rongzhen!"

Among the officiants, the eldest one also looked solemn: "The Seventh Holy Son is different from the other Holy Sons. All the Holy Sons we teach are obtained by dripping blood into the altar and obtained through the secret method of our teaching. The Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire allowed to achieve the status of the Holy Son; however, the Seventh Holy Son is different.

It was the Holy Son who was found through the active induction of the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire". "

The chief priest of the city had a gray beard, a very old age and a very senior qualification, so his words were very rude: "I remember the day when the Seventh Holy Son ascended to the throne. The reaction of the Supreme Holy Artifact was extremely violent. This may be a person who can truly carry the power of God." The man of "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire"! The same is true today. It can be seen that the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire' desires him. Therefore, His Highness King Ming must clearly identify the cause of today's matter and handle it appropriately. "

Prince Ming Yin Qianqiu frowned: "I understand!"

He put his hands behind his back and looked toward the southeast: "The most urgent task is to find out the matter! We need to find out the identity of the seventh~no! The fourth holy son,

We also need to check Xu Zhe's whereabouts, where he was before and where he went before his death. "

Perhaps the identity and location of the Fourth Holy Son can be identified through Xu Zhe's whereabouts before his death.

At the Mingde University Martial Arts Club, Sima Lin was checking Lin Rui's body.

-The body index is 819 points, the energy index is 822 points, and the mental strength index is 1223 points! "

Sima Lin looked at the test data and was amazed: "It seems that your alien body has improved a lot these days, and the assimilation effect is so strong, it is getting closer and closer to the major level.

The mental power index is growing particularly fast, and is only just over 100 points short of it. I guess you will be able to implant the golden elixir soon after school starts, huh? Your alien body has actually awakened the ‘Immortal Divine Yang’. Do you want to implant a breeding suit? This is an SSS-grade breeding suit. The mid-level version costs 28 million, which is more expensive than the ‘Blood Sun Tianyuan’.”

Lin Rui thought of course that he wanted to wear clothes!

This is the talent of his bloodline that has been awakened by his alien body. There is no additional mental burden after carrying out the breeding.

What's more, after he exchanged the Divine Breath Technique, his mental power has improved a lot.

"We won't use the bow version this time, just replace it with the full version. However, I see that the Tianlan Group's equipment library does not seem to have the full version of 'Immortal Shenyang'?" "

Sima Lin raised his lips slightly when he heard this, thinking that this child was rich and could now be implanted with a full version of SSS-level reproductive equipment.

"This has to be made on the spot. Generally, there are few colonial warriors who come to buy the top-level colonial suits of Tianlan Group. However, Tianlan Biological Group is an enterprise authorized by the East Asian Academy of Biological Sciences. It can share the manufacturing technology and process of 34,599 types of colonial suits studied by the East Asian Academy of Biological Sciences. It has the ability to make any imperial and super-imperial colonial suits. There is no problem with the technology."

"You can open the customization page of the mall, or contact their sales department directly. Pay a deposit of 50 million first. I can personally supervise the manufacturing for you and make some special adjustments for your body."

Lin Rui felt a little uneasy when he heard Sima Lin say this.

Is the craftsmanship level of Tianlan Group good enough?

But he felt a little relieved when he heard that Sima Lin would personally supervise the adjustment.

In fact, he had no choice. Since he signed a contract with Tianlan Group, he could only choose this company's colonial suit.

Moreover, judging from the "Blood Sun Heavenly Element" implanted by the Blood Knife Princess, the colonial clothing manufacturing technology of the Sky Blue Group is actually not bad, and there is no problem in using it.

Their colonial clothing manufacturing technology has reached a very high threshold, but the brand awareness is not enough, and they cannot enter the high-end colonial clothing market.

And the discount given by the Sky Blue Group is really great. It can be bought for 280 million. If it is changed to other companies, it will start at at least 400 million!

Lin Rui opened his personal account and found that there was only a little more than 15.5 million in the account.

When he landed on Tianji Star last night, he withdrew all the money. As a result, he only had this little income for the whole day.

It can be seen that his popularity is getting lower and lower.

However, just when Lin Rui was preparing to take out a loan, a cash of up to 180 million came in.

Feng Huo Liancheng (Han Kedao): Lin Rui, I have helped you sell some of your things. This is the first income, but the money is not taxed. You can find an accounting firm to see if they can help you save money.

Lin Rui has a headache when he thinks about paying taxes. He didn't pay taxes on the more than 500 million federal coins before.

He really needs to find an accounting firm.

Taxes must be paid, but they must be saved as much as possible within the legal and compliant scope.

The Ninth Base is a co-managed city. The tax law applies to the system of the Earth Federation. The tax on the rich seems to be very heavy, but in fact there are too many tax avoidance methods, so the middle and lower classes of society are the ones who really bear the tax.

The rich people in the East Asian Republic are miserable. There is no such thing as tax avoidance, so the rich people there run away, especially in the two co-managed cities.

When Lin Rui paid the deposit Gold, received a message from the Sky Blue Biological Group.

Sky Blue Biological Group: Hello, distinguished diamond VIP member, our company has received your deposit of 50 million federal coins.

Your colonization suit "Immortal Sun" has entered the production process and is expected to be completed within 5 days. Please follow our group's official account to learn about the progress of your colonization suit production.

Then Lin Rui sent another 20 million to Wang Sen, and Wang Sen immediately replied to the information.

Weird young man (Wang Sen): Brother Rui, what's the matter with this money?

Lone Shadow Sky Sword (Lin Rui): What else can it be? You also contributed to Qin Yan Cave Mansion this time, this is my red envelope for you.

This time, all of Professor Han's students got benefits from Qin Yan Cave Mansion's actions, and gained both fame and fortune, but Wang Sen's income was pitifully small.

Weird little Young man (Wang Sen): Brother Rui, this is not appropriate. I just dug some dirt. I didn't take any risks or put in any effort. How can I accept the red envelope? I have already returned the money to you.

Lin Rui looked at the 20 million funds that were transferred back and couldn't help but spit. This little fat guy is pretty good.

The problem is that if he wants to go to Beijing next, he must bring Wang Sen with him.

It is not easy to find a reliable and powerful helper like Wang Sen.

For example, the public security of Wangcheng County, Lin Rui can't watch it every day, and because of his identity as a demon, Blood Knife Ji can't help him command many subordinates in Wangcheng City.

At this time, it will be much easier to have Wang Sen to help share the burden.

However, Wang Sen's current combat power is not enough. Even Lin Rui will feel exhausted if he goes there now, let alone Wang Sen?

Lone Shadow Sky Knife (Lin Rui): Take it! Stack up your mental power and colonization equipment as soon as possible, and then find a way to hunt demons and return them to me. Instead of taking out a loan, you might as well borrow from me, at least interest-free.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): I just heard what Meng Weiyun said. I should be able to become the disciple of the third divine envoy. In three to five months at most, I will be promoted to Luojing. You will go with me then.

Wang Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Wang Sen, you'd better pass the Heavenly Demon Test within half a year. The path you are taking now requires a lot of money.

If it's not enough, ask me for it.

Only if Wang Sen passes the Heavenly Demon Test, he can arrange a good position for Wang Sen.

This time he sent the money back, and Wang Sen didn't say he would return the money to him.

Weird Young Man (Wang Sen): WTF!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

Wang Sen sent a screen full of exclamation marks, thinking that Brother Rui was too awesome. Is he going to be promoted to the fifth rank lower Mingwei school lieutenant?

Although he was also a school lieutenant, he added the word "Mingwei", and the rank was the fifth rank lower, officially entering the sequence of high-ranking officials in the Song Dynasty.

In the Republic of East Asia, it is the difference between central management cadres and provincial management cadres.

Or just become a disciple of the third god's envoy!

He is a brother of the god, a direct descendant of the abyss!

It is conceivable that once Brother Rui enters the capital, his power and position will definitely not be small.

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