Supreme Lord

Chapter 218 Senior Sister (Subscribe)

More than an hour later, when Lin Rui returned to the mountain villa where Meng Weiyun had stayed temporarily, holding the head of the young man in white, he was still uneasy and distracted.

He was thinking about the ball of electric light and white fire that burst out from the neck of the young man in white when he killed him.

After the electric light and white fire shone for a moment, they all penetrated into his body, making the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire' mark on his chest even hotter.

Lin Rui clearly felt that this thing had a greater impact on his light-based martial arts.

Paradoxically, not long after Lin Rui awakened the 'Immortal Divine Yang', there was now another bloodline talent brewing and taking shape in his body.

Judging from his feeling, this talent should be awakened very soon, at most three to five months. But what is the reason for this?

There was also the silver-white mirror of the young man in white that could be viewed and recorded from a distance of fourteen miles. Lin Rui studied it for a while and found that it was useless.

This magic weapon should be used with a special secret method or a special bloodline power. Lin Rui has asked Professor Han to help him look up relevant information.

The method of using this mirror has not yet been found, but Professor Han has already found out the identity of this person. That is Xu Zhe, the fifth holy son of the Guangming Holy Religion!

He actually hacked to death the fifth holy son of the Holy Religion of Light.

"This is indeed the 'God's Heart Clearing Pill'!"

Meng Weiyun had finished checking the elixir brought back by Lin Rui, and said with full of surprise: "Twelve, you are really amazing, you can actually get this bottle of 'Shenxin Qingling Pill' under such circumstances."

To her surprise, Lin Twelve not only brought back the bottle of elixir that Master needed, but also brought back the true intention of the "Tian Yuan Dragon Transformation Technique".

This is Meng Weiyun's most ideal martial body. As long as she successfully changes cultivation, her combat power will be increased by at least another 20%.

And in the future, both the Seventh Realm and the Emperor's bloodline are very promising.

To be honest, Meng Weiyun was ready to give up before this, as long as Lin Twelve returned safely.

Unexpectedly, Lin Twelve could bring back everything she needed.

At this time, Meng Weiyun finally noticed that Lin Rui's expression was not right. She asked with a little doubt: "Twelve, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look good? Why don't you look good?"

"Sir." Lin Rui came to his senses after hearing this, and then smiled bitterly: "This is related to my experience in the underground palace. You don't know how I got this bottle of elixir."

He began to tell Meng Weiyun in detail about what happened to Qinyan Cave Mansion this time.

After a moment, Meng Weiyun couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "In other words, this bottle of 'Shen Xin Qing Ling Dan' was given to you by the professor surnamed Han?" And Fei Yunlai also joined forces with you to kill the Holy Son of the Holy Sect of Light who was following you? "

She raised her finger and pointed at the human head that Lin Rui brought back next to her.

Lin Rui looked humiliated and bowed his hands in shame: "This low-ranking official is incompetent and has been tricked and tricked by these extraterrestrial demons. He has been humiliated to this extent.

Shame on you. "

"What's this?" Meng Weiyun smiled casually and didn't take it seriously: "You finally got this bottle of Shenxinjinglinglingdan! I also probably heard that the reason why you fell into their scheme this time is, in the final analysis, In the end, it is actually a lack of information and a limited understanding of the extraterrestrial demons. It has nothing to do with your ability.

Besides, didn't you catch up? You actually used medicinal powder in advance to leave traces of scent on Professor Han's mecha, which shows that you are thoughtful and considerate of everything.

Meng Weiyun then sighed: "I didn't expect that Zhou Changgong and Duan Pengxuan would fall into the hands of Twelve You, so Zhou Changgong can just pay it back. Although this person is highly talented and has a bright future in martial arts, he is... A little stupid, but that Duan Pengxuan is really a character.

What makes her even more happy is that Duan Pengxuan's death will directly involve the Shazhou Governor!

Lin Twelve actually used the floating shadow stone to record the image of Duan Pengxuan attacking him.

With this evidence, the second divine envoy who had always supported the emperor had nothing to say.

This child is not only extremely capable, but also very lucky.

After Lin Rui heard this, he was still not very interested: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, all of this was calculated by those devils."

"Twelve, don't think too highly of them."

Meng Weiyun shook his head with disdain: "If you hadn't shown off your power this time and killed Zhou Changgong and Duan Pengxuan in one fell swoop, they would probably not be able to get the things in Qin Yan's cave. I guess they themselves would be surprised too.

And do you really think that Professor Han is willing to give you this bottle of "spiritual pill"? I bet that when you caught up with them, they must have been bluffing. If Fei Yunlai recovered, there would be no need to dig. Entering the underground cave? He can sweep through the underground palace alone.

Zhou Changgong and Duan Pengxuan could be killed with one slap. "

According to Lin Twelve, after catching up with Professor Han, the child was shaken by the divine will of a nearby master of the Seventh Realm. He had to stop after getting this bottle of 'God's Heart Clear Spirit Pill'. pursued.

Later, when Lin Twelve was attacked by the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, Fei Yunlai did appear and helped Lin Twelve slay the demon.

Meng Weiyun didn't take it seriously. Fei Yunlai must be trying to make a fool of himself.

She hasn't recovered yet. Fei Yunlai's injury was more serious than hers, so why should she recover?

It can be seen from the belt alone that Fei Yunlai has no money.

Several years of being on the run gradually depleted Fei Yunlai's assets.

That guy can't get the top injury medicine.

"So that's how it is. I also felt something was wrong at the time." Lin Twelve looked relieved, but still puzzled: "But what I don't understand is why Fei Yunlai wants to help me again?"

"Why else could it be?" Meng Weiyun laughed: "It's nothing more than seeing that you have a bright future, and want to make friends with you in advance, and sell you a favor first, so that it will be convenient for future corruption and enticement. This is what they are best at. I guess that Professor Han also said something to you, Twelve?"

"Yes! Your Excellency is very observant." Lin Rui's face became serious, and his expression seemed to be extremely angry: "The man surnamed Han did say something to me, saying that he wanted to buy the titanium dragon sword I took down, and that I could buy some demon things from him if I needed it in the future. If I am willing to work for them, there will be a generous reward, and so on. I have already sternly refused! These crazy words simply polluted the ears of the subordinates, and I wished I could kill him immediately. Kill him."


Meng Weiyun raised her chin slightly when she heard this, and became interested: "Did he really say that? Junior brother, I know you hate evil and are very cautious about the demons, but as the saying goes, 'learn from the demons to control the demons', if he contacts you again next time, you might as well contact him one by one."

She was halfway through her words when she saw Lin Twelve open his eyes with an unbelievable look. Meng Weiyun couldn't help but chuckle: "Of course we can't work for the demons, but those foreign demons have some good things in their hands that we don't have in the Song Dynasty, such as the mecha driven by Professor Han. If we can exchange it, it will be of great benefit to us. And their potions are not the same as our pills, which are of great help to our martial arts practice. Junior brother, just treat it as a task I have given you."

If Lin Twelve consolidates this channel, maybe she will have something for Lin Twelve to buy for her in the future.

Meng Weiyun actually has a channel to buy things from the demons, but it is neither stable nor reliable, and the price is even more worrying.

I wonder what kind of person Professor Han is?

Meng Weiyun, as the Imperial City's celestial official, often comes into contact with extraterritorial demons and knows that demons are different from each other.

Lin Rui frowned tightly, with an expression of unwillingness but reluctantly: "Your subordinate obeys your order!"

Then he was stunned again: "What did the master call me just now, junior brother?"

Meng Weiyun's eyes teased: "Didn't you call me senior sister in the underground palace? Why are you shy now?"

Lin Rui's expression was sullen. At that time, he was just pretending to be powerful and trying to shock Duan Pengxuan's subordinates and the dragon. He had to ensure that no one interfered in his battle with Duan Pengxuan. Meng Weiyun then chuckled: "As early as more than ten days ago, I had recommended you to Master and asked Master to accept you as a disciple. I believe there will be news soon. "

She looked at the bottle of pills in front of her when she spoke.

Meng Weiyun did send a letter back to Beijing thirteen days ago to recommend Lin Twelve to her master.

She had great confidence before, and now with this bottle of 'Shenxin Qingling Pill', the matter is even more certain.

"By the way." Meng Weiyun pointed to the two metal tokens next to her: "What is this thing? Is it also taken from Qin Yan's cave?"

"This thing is called 'Yun Gong Jade Plate', which was also given by Professor Han. It is said to be a token of the disciple of Wuji Daozun Du Zunlong. With this, you can enter Du Zunlong's cave Yunshang Tiangong."

Lin Rui said as if he didn't care much: "Professor Han said that he had confirmed that Du Zunlong had entered the 'Abyss' before his death. These two Yun Gong jade plates are too hot to handle, so he asked me to pass them to the adults. He also said that the person behind Duan Pengxuan may have mastered the location of Yunshang Tiangong. "

"What? "Meng Weiyun's body trembled slightly when she heard the word 'abyss', and her beautiful face turned pale: "Junior brother, why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

These two Yun Palace jade tokens are far more valuable than the bottle of Shenxin Qingling Pill.

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