Supreme Lord

Chapter 196 The Ultimate Heart Source (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

Shazhou Censor Duan Pengxuan arrived at Wangcheng County the next day.

Shazhou and Wangcheng County were not far apart. Duan Pengxuan received the message and set off at Chou time in the early morning. He arrived at the gate of Wangcheng just three hours later.

He deliberately entered the city from the north gate of Wangcheng, and then saw Wang Tiandong and many corpses hanging on the wall of Wangcheng City, as well as several white cloth banners with words as big as buckets.

"The Governor of Shazhou and the Censor of Shazhou colluded with the foreign demons, using the hands of the demons to eliminate dissidents, intending to rebel!

"In order to cover up the truth, the two beasts brazenly attacked our Wangcheng prison last night and murdered a witness--

The one who kills me in the future must be the Governor of Shazhou and the Censor of Shazhou!"

These banners attracted a large number of people, who gathered at the gate of the city and talked and talked.

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Duan Pengxuan felt a sharp pain in his head, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to rub his forehead: "Where is Lin Twelve? Let him come to see me."

Zhang Chen, the deputy envoy of the Provincial Surveillance Commissioner, stood beside Duan Pengxuan, and said palely: "Sir, Lin Twelve is a man of unruly and self-reliant character, rampant and willful, violent and greedy, and I'm afraid he won't obey orders."

In short, he won't give them face.

Duan Pengxuan frowned and immediately gave up the idea of ​​meeting Lin Twelve.

Since Lin Twelve has such a personality, it is estimated that it would be useless for him to meet him.

The possibility of this boy bowing to him is very small.

Besides, the matter has come to this point, and it is difficult for both parties to turn around.

It is estimated that the impeachment memorials of the Shazhou Defense Envoy and the Shazhou Metropolitan Procuratorate have flown into the capital at this time and have been known by the officials in the court.

So even if he could convince Lin Twelve to put away these banners, it would not be of much significance.

Duan Pengxuan then looked at Zhang Chen and Zhang Zhili coldly: "How did you think of attacking the Imperial City Prison? Are you crazy? Do you think our troubles are not big enough now?"

Zhang Chen looked ashamed and explained helplessly: "We received information from the insider that the seventh-level 'Demon Blood Sophora japonica' will fall asleep within two days, and the demon team led by Professor Han will soon enter Qin Yan's cave. They will leave as long as they get the things. Now it seems that our people have been exposed. It is the false news deliberately spread by the demon team through this person, with the purpose of forcing us to go to Wangchengdu to rob people. "

The demon insider they bought was not a member of Professor Han's team, so they could only get limited intelligence from the outside.

The other party's intelligence this time was obviously problematic.

Duan Pengxuan didn't take it seriously when he heard it. " Even so, there is no need to attack Wangchengdu Prison to rob people.

The key is that his deputy was too confident. He underestimated Lin Twelve and Professor Han's demon team:

They didn't expect the two parties to join together and set this trap.

And Zhang Zhili's impromptu decision in prison was even more idiotic!

Can all those more than a hundred people be killed? Since they can't be killed, why kill them and silence them?

Duan Pengxuan couldn't help but put his hand on his waist knife again: "So is there any problem with Lin Twelve?"

"This person passed the highest level of 'Demon Test'." "Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes and guessed: "But it is difficult to rule out the possibility that this boy colluded with the demons from outside the domain. In addition, there is one thing worth noting. Wangcheng has spread that their prison chief died in battle. The problem is that Zhang Zhili didn't kill any of the four realms last night. "

Duan Pengxuan couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. They mobilized so many troops and suffered so many casualties, but in the end they didn't kill even one fourth-level person. It was really embarrassing.

"These are the only clues you collected in one night? "Duan Pengxuan's eyes were extremely helpless.

According to his previous temper, he would have just come to kill him now.

There were so many officials who died accidentally every year in the Song Dynasty, and Lin Twelve was not the only one.

But now it is not possible. If Lin Twelve dies today, the three divine envoys of the Imperial City Department may come to Shazhou tomorrow.

At that time, not to mention him, even the Governor of Shazhou and his benefactor, none of them can escape.

The three divine envoys don't care about any evidence. They just think you are suspicious and threaten their "gods".

What makes Duan Pengxuan feel a little nervous is that the governor may really have this idea.

He and the governor are just a cooperative relationship, and they are doing each other a favor, but now he is tied to the Governor of Shazhou.

"Sir, we have investigated the situation of Luotian Mountain. Qin Yan's cave is indeed at the foot of Luotian Mountain. Zhu Huaimeng did not lie about this!"

Zhang Zhili cupped his hands: "We also received news that the junior sister of the Shazhou garrison envoy, Tianguan Meng Weiyun, may have arrived in Wangcheng a few days ago. "

Duan Pengxuan was stunned when he heard this: "Since you know that Meng Weiyun may arrive in Shazhou, why do you dare to rob the prison? "

Deputy Censor Zhang Chen's face turned even paler: "Sir, this is the message we just received last night. Although there are some "war dragon" footprints near Wangcheng in the past few days, the owner of this war dragon has not been confirmed. Until last night when we robbed the prison, someone saw the war dragon lurking near Wangcheng. From this person's description, it should be Meng Weiyun's "Extreme Heaven War Dragon". "

Duan Pengxuan's eyes condensed when he heard this, and asked if the trap in Wangcheng yesterday was related to Meng Weiyun?

Could it be that the garrison commander of Shazhou was dissatisfied with his cooperation with the governor of Shazhou and intended to use this incident to attack him and his benefactor?

Duan Pengxuan quickly put away his thoughts: "From now on, keep an eye on Qin Yan's cave mansion. I want to know the slightest movement over there. "

He then flew into the air, arrived on the city wall, and directly sent out a sword energy, cutting off the hemp rope hanging on Wang Tiandong.

Duan Pengxuan grabbed the remaining half of Wang Tiandong's body with one hand, his eyes dimming slightly.

Although Wang Tiandong still has one breath left, he is dead. Someone destroyed his spine and caused him to die slowly.

Duan Pengxuan's eyes were sharp and cold: "Untie all the brothers on the wall so that they can be buried alive!"

Since Lin Twelve has already named them as the Procuratorate, there is no need to be secretive anymore.

The people hanging here are all members of their envoys, even if they deny it, others will not believe it.

Duan Pengxuan then walked to the other side of the city wall and looked down at the Wangchengdu Yamen inside, his eyes even more sharp.

No one in this world has ever offended him without paying the price, it's just a matter of time.

This guy really pissed him off.

What Duan Pengxuan didn't know was that Lin Rui was not at Wangchengdu Yamen at this time, but at the mountain villa 50 miles away from Wangcheng.

Lin Rui came here to practice martial arts and strengthen the golden elixir.

Yesterday, he was only one step away from making his martial intention take shape, but he had to temporarily interrupt it due to the incident in Wangchengdu.

So after Lin Rui finished handling all the matters in the yamen, he couldn't wait to rush back here.

After Lin Rui touched Meng Weiyun's foreheads for an hour, he finally completed his martial arts ultimate intention and was able to truly use it in actual combat. Now that he uses martial arts ultimate intention, he no longer needs to build momentum like before, he only needs his thoughts. Together, you can call anytime and anywhere.

Only the level of this martial arts ultimate intention seems to be a bit too high. Although it is very powerful, it also consumes a lot of mental energy.

Lin Rui found that he could continue to use it for ninety seconds at most. After ninety seconds, he would have a headache, and his head would explode. It would take half an hour to recover.

This requires him to distribute and use it reasonably in battle.

But just when Lin Rui was getting excited and was happily using his martial arts in the courtyard, Meng Weiyun came over and said that he wanted to teach him a secret move of the Four Realms Super Emperor passed down by his master!

Lin Rui didn't think much about it. Fu Dao had such a good thing?

He is thirsty for anything that can improve his fighting abilities.

The level of martial arts such as the Super Emperor's Secret Moves was not something he could learn if he wanted to. Even his Battle Spirit Ring could not be deduced without any foundation.

However, after Meng Weiyun showed him twice and explained the practice method in detail, Lin Rui couldn't help but frown slightly: "In other words, this secret move can only rely on the bloodline ability of the emperor's "Extreme Heart Source" "Show?" "

The problem is that he doesn't have a "limited heart source".

"That's right!" Meng Weiyun nodded: "But correspondingly, as long as you can truly understand the mystery of this 'extreme slash' style, it will also enable you to quickly awaken this emperor-level talent!"

Meng Weiyun then waved his own fairy sword 'Burial Sun': "Although this secret move is not as lethal as your Light Moving Slash, it can strengthen all your martial arts moves within a period of time, and 'Extreme The bloodline ability of "Heart Source" is also one of the bloodline foundations why I can aggregate and strengthen anything. "

She looked at Lin Rui expectantly: "With your talent, you should be able to understand it quickly, but is there anything you don't understand? I can tell you now."

"That's it~"

Lin Rui had already noticed something was wrong. This woman was clearly doubting him and using this trick to test his intelligence.

Lin Rui immediately laughed: "No need to explain anymore, I probably understand what this secret trick is."

In fact, he only understood a little bit, but he couldn't fully understand it yet.


"Nether Spirits, help me develop this 'Extreme Slash' style to the proficiency level.

Lin Rui thought about it carefully and thought that he still had to restrain himself.

Even if you want to establish a genius character, you can't show it as too evil. That's not normal. It's enough to reach the proficiency level.

Meng Weiyun's pupils froze when he heard this.

She was half convinced. This child only listened to her explanation twice and could understand the secret of this super emperor's secret move? This is absolutely impossible!

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