Supreme Lord

Chapter 192: Slandering others (Subscribe please)

Just when the cell door of Wangchengdu Prison was blown open, Gu Lai was boredly deducing on the second floor of the prison. After he was released from prison,

How to resist Lin Twelve's quick sword draw?

He has thought of thirteen methods, either with the help of unique magic weapons and talismans, or with the power of blood.

In his mind, Lin Twelve had been hacked to death two hundred and thirty-one times.

Only the Blood Knife Princess is quite troublesome, so she can only wait for the great elder to arrive and deal with the monster personally.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

The Great Elder was in the Sixth Level of the Imperial Bloodline, so it was easy to kill the Blood Sword Princess.

He must avenge his two senior brothers and make them look down upon Jiuquan.

Just as Gu Lai was killing Lin Twelve for the 232nd time in his mind, he heard an explosion from outside.


Gu Lai immediately focused his eyes and listened carefully."

Who is trying to rob the prison? He actually entered the prison of the Imperial City Division head-on. How brave he was.

Gu Lai hoped that it was not his Burning Sword Sect.

He knows that the Imperial City Division is powerful. Although Gu Lai wants to kill Lin Twelve, he only wants to do it in secret and must not leave any evidence."

At this time, the entire second floor of the prison was in commotion. All the prisoners detained here gathered near the door of the cell and pricked up their ears to listen.

But they just listened.

Wangchengdu monitors them very strictly. Even a first-level martial artist must be pierced through the pipa bone and nailed with Zhenyuan nails.

"Brother Gu!"

At this time, in a room opposite Gu Lai's cell, there was a middle-aged man who was fair and plump with a good temperament and bowed his hands towards Gu Lai: "Is it possible that the one who came in from outside is your Burning Sword Sect? Later on can-

"Shut up!" Gu Lai snorted and squinted coldly: "It can't be our Burning Sword Sect, you are overthinking."

This man's name was Didao, a grain merchant. He was imprisoned here because the Imperial City Secretary suspected that he was colluding with the demon, that is, the demon dragon outside the city.

In the past two days, several businessmen like Didao have been admitted to the prison, all charged with colluding with the magic dragon.

After they came in, they spent the whole day cursing and shouting about injustice, saying that Wangcheng was arresting innocent people indiscriminately and taking human lives lightly.

Gu Lai was dubious before, but now he is sure that Didao must be involved with the demonic dragon.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this guy to choose to escape from prison, abandon Wangcheng's huge assets, and become a wanted criminal by the government.

Gu Lai disdained being associated with such a future street rat.

The crimes they are currently accused of as members of the Burning Blade Sect are just participating in fights and violently resisting the law. As long as the sect leader uses his connections with the great elder, they can still be fished out."

However, these fools who collude with the dragon have no hope at all in the future.

Dido also saw Gu Lai's contempt, and his face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, there was another roar and explosion outside, and the second floor of the prison where they were located also shook slightly, and countless amounts of sand fell from above.

When the huge roar subsided and everyone's tinnitus returned, they began to talk among themselves.

"The 'inner cell door' above was also blown open?"

"It's amazing. What method did they use? I saw it when I came in. The inner and outer cell doors on the first floor were both three feet thick.

All are made of stainless steel. "

"It should be the Explosive Flame Talisman! No, there should be the Molten Gold Talisman. I can sense the strong fire element power on it, which can be sensed even through a layer of Jue Yuan Stone. I really don't know how much they used -'

Their discussion soon came to an abrupt end because at this time, a large number of jailers rushed in from the outside. After entering, they not only closed the second-floor cell door tightly, but also stuffed thick iron bars behind it. Stone.

At this time, a young man wearing a battle armor and dressed as a military commander came over.

He actually threw the cell keys into the cell.

"Listen to me! There are strong men entering the prison and trying to rob it. Our Imperial City Department has to protect the extraterritorial demon at the bottom, and we have no time to take care of you for the time being. I don't know what those strong men will do to you. I just want to protect you." Let you make a living on your own. If something happens later, you can find a way to save your own life! Listen to me. Our master has an order. As long as you don't escape from Wangcheng Du Yamen tonight, the Imperial City Department will not. "Escape from prison."

Gu Lai's expression changed and he looked at the person outside.

This man's name is Li Guli, and it is said that he was the former acting warden of the prison. Currently, this man has resigned from his post as warden and is focusing on being the leader of his first team in Wangchengdu.

For some reason, this person's voice was very loud when he said the first few sentences, and his voice was very soft and vague when he said the next sentence. If you don't pay attention, you can't hear clearly at all.

In the end, this guy actually threw twenty or thirty swords in the corner of the corridor.

Seeing this, Gu Lai sneered secretly, thinking that Lin Twelve was probably hoping that they would escape and then kill them for escaping from prison, right?

However, he still calmly took the key that Ji Guli threw in in his hand.

Although Gu Lai didn't want to escape, this guy was right about one thing and he had to be on guard against any eventuality.

After blocking the door on the second floor, the jailers rushed to the third floor. They also closed the cell door on the third floor.

Not long after, there was another loud earthquake at the cell door on the second floor, which caused the eardrums of everyone in the cell to bleed.

Then a large group of men in black poured in, totaling sixty or seventy people.

What makes all the prisoners here feel relieved is that these men in black have no interest in them.

After this group of men in black came in, they posted various red talismans on the last cell door.

The temperature inside this prison is rising rapidly.

There are people among the prisoners who are proficient in talismans who have noticed their method. They are using many molten gold talismans to heat the metal prison door to the extreme. Later, hundreds of Explosive Flame Talismans can explode and impact at the same time, destroying the metal prison door in one fell swoop. .

"Sure enough, it's the Procuratorate of Punishment!" Gu Lai narrowed his eyes, secretly shocked.

In fact, he had guessed before, but now he was certain,

He had dealt with the detectives from the Criminal Investigation Department and recognized the physical features of several of them.

Several of the men in black were walking around one by one. They were obviously the policemen who had been tortured on the first level. They had just been rescued and changed into black clothes to participate in the prison robbery.

Gu Lai thought to himself that these detectives from the Criminal Division were really crazy. They actually robbed the prison of the Imperial City Division. Didn't they care about the consequences? Aren’t you afraid of the Imperial City Secretary’s accountability afterwards?

Or do they have absolute certainty and leave no clues?

This is also possible. This is probably because another high-ranking expert from the Procuratorate of Punishment has arrived.

As long as their hands and feet are clean, it won't be a big problem. As for the policemen who were previously locked up in prison, they only need to report that one of them was kidnapped by a strongman, and after they escape, they can return to the prefectural city for punishment and surrender:

Once they return to their own territory, they will be much more relaxed.

At this moment, Gu Lai heard a low, hoarse, but extremely penetrating female voice coming from the bottom of the third floor.

"You bastards from the Procuratorate are determined to take me back and want to torture me to death, right? That's good! I'll die with you!"

"Listen to me! The Inspector of Shazhou and the Governor of Shazhou conspired. They colluded with the military leaders of our Earth Federation to deliberately create conflicts. They called it to eliminate the demons, but in fact they wanted to eliminate dissidents. They intended to rebel and wanted to help. Your emperor killed the gods! They braved the world today to enter the imperial city of Siwangchengdu just to capture me and kill me. I have evidence in my hand.

When Gu Lai heard this, his expression changed greatly.

At this moment, he wanted to block his ears and not listen to what this woman was saying.

But this method obviously didn't work. Did he say he didn't hear it? There's no way those men in black would take that risk.

Is this the reason why these men in black broke into the Imperial City Prison?

Gu Lai understood in an instant that no wonder the conflict between the Imperial City Department and the Criminal Investigation Department was so fierce.

So much so that this group of people from the Prosecution Department dared to ignore the king's law and directly rob the prison!

Without any hesitation, Gu Lai quickly opened his hands and feet, and then pulled out the Zhenyuan Nails on his body.

Next is the hook inserted under the pipa bone. This is more troublesome. Gu Lai can only endure the pain and pull it out little by little.

He has the fastest reaction time, and there are many smart people among the many prisoners in this prison, who are also removing the locks on their bodies as quickly as possible.

He didn't know whether what the woman said was true or false, but he didn't dare to bet. In short, he would restore his fighting ability first.

"The Inspector of Shazhou also wants to know the whereabouts of Qinyan Cave Mansion from me! Qinyan Cave Mansion is in Wangcheng County, at the foot of Luotian Mountain 137 miles north of Wangcheng County, and it will be opened within ten days , we have found out that there is a bottle of 'Dragon Blood Life-knowing Pill' made by Du Zunlong himself, which can extend one's life by one hundred and twenty years! The father of the governor of Shazhou was about to expire and urgently needed this product to extend his life. "

"It is said that this elixir can also help people transform into dragons. Even if they fail to transform into dragons and are forced to become demons, they can take this elixir to transform into dragons again and return to human form!"

"There are also various treasures, various spiritual pills, and even the true intention of a complete dragon-level secret martial arts inside!"

Gu Lai's pupils suddenly opened slightly, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Dragon blood knowledge pill?

Qinyan Cave Mansion is in Wangcheng County? Is there really such a thing in that cave?

His eyes were as hot as lava.

Why would their great elder be so eager to transform into a dragon that he even hesitated to use almost demonic means to ensure the success of transforming into a dragon? Isn't it because their sect master is about to expire and will fall within ten years?

Gu Lai took a deep look at the third cell door and the men in black, then without hesitation punched the cell door to pieces, and threw himself out like a strong wind.

He must escape from here, take this message back as soon as possible, and pass it back to the sect master and the great elder.

A group of people in the surrounding prisons also rushed out of the door one after another.

They instinctively believe that if they stay here any longer, they will probably be killed and silenced, and their lives will be in danger.

One of the merchants, Didao, even changed his eyes. Is there any elixir that can transform a person who failed to transform into a dragon into a dragon again?

Then this message must be very useful to the demon dragon, and it may be the basis for him to seek refuge in the past.

At this time, among the group of men in black, Zhang Zhili's mind went blank.

His eyes widened and he stared angrily at the iron door in front of him.

That extraterrestrial demon is spitting blood and talking nonsense!

Things took an unexpected turn, leaving Zhang Zhili at a loss as to what to do.

This prison was really damned. The densely packed Absolute Essence Stones completely cut off internal and external communication, making it impossible for him to convey the message to Master Zhang outside in time.

So should we kill people and silence them?

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