Supreme Lord

Chapter 183 Pressure (Subscription Request)

At noon, Lin Xi, who was bored and counting the property accounts of the Zhou family, found that the entire Zhou family suddenly became tense.

All the monsters in this house are gathering towards the front yard.

However, the backyard is still heavily guarded.

Lin Xi's two maids are both "Ten-Eyed Demons" from the middle stage of the Four Realms. They usually look like normal people, but when they lose control of their emotions, they will have 10 eyes growing on their faces, making them extraordinarily strange. horrible.

Lin Xi also has a nanny who, like the two owners of this house, is only in the fifth realm. She is a "hundred-eyed demon" in the early stage of the five realms.

It evolved from the ‘Ten Self-demon’.

When Lin Xi saw this nanny, she understood why the Alien Body Management Bureau had delayed until the nanny left that night before daring to stuff her into the attic.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

The Hundred-Eyed Demon is not only very powerful in combat, but also has very strong perception.

In addition, there are more than a dozen nurses and maids in this backyard, all of whom are powerful demons from all four realms.

There are more than 100 people in Zhouzhai, but she seems to be the only normal living person:

Zhou Yunxi's grandparents, as well as everyone in the house, were all transformed for some reason.

The government should know about the situation of the Zhou family, but they turned a blind eye to this devil's cave. That is to say, the Imperial City Department sent a group of people to station in a restaurant across the street in the backyard to monitor the Zhou family.

However, judging from Lin Xi's observation in the past two days, these monsters in the Zhou family have very strong self-control capabilities. They stay inside the house and ignore the outside world.

As for why the previous Zhou Yunxi was eaten, it was probably because that Zhou Yunxi was already dead.

In the perception of these monsters, it seems that the living lady is the lady, and the dead lady is just a delicious piece of meat-

So as her brother Lin Rui said, she seems to be in a devil's cave, surrounded by demons, but in fact it is not safe at all.

But as long as she is careful and does not touch the emotions of these demons, she can save her life for the time being.

In addition, there was another thing that made Lin Xi very concerned. She found that there was no weak person in this devil in the house.

Demonic transformation depends on bloodline. You can't transform into whatever state you want.

According to the research results of federal scientists, this generally depends on the emotional strength of the Tianji star at that time, as well as the concentration of blood power.

In addition, if there are powerful demons living in the seventh realm or above among the three generations of Tianji Star people, then the chance of their demonic transformation will become very high.

Correspondingly, if there are living martial arts cultivators of the seventh realm or above within the third generation, the chance of magical transformation will be very small.

What surprised Lin Xi was that not only was there no one in the Zhou family who was lower than the Fourth Realm, but their bloodline strength was also pretty good!

For example, this hundred-eyed demon nun is a fifth-level king!

At this time, for some unknown reason, all the demons in the house were gathering towards the front yard.

Several relatively powerful elemental tides also erupted over there. It seemed that there was a conflict between people inside Zhou Zhai and those outside.

Lin Xi meditated for a moment, then closed the account book, turned to the white-eyed nun who was standing there and said, "Mommy, I want to go to the front yard to have a look. Something seems to have happened over there. I'm a little worried."

The demonic nun with hundred eyes moved her eyes slightly, turned her head, her face was cold, and she looked at Lin Xi with a dead look in her eyes: "Miss, no, I can't go."

When she spoke, it seemed as if there was a lack of lubricant, making her talk dry and hoarse, and not smooth enough.

"Just taking a look, not leaving the house." Lin Xi smiled at grandma very gently and friendly: "I am the master of the Zhou Mansion, and I will take over the Zhou Mansion sooner or later. I have to understand what is going on. You have to learn to deal with it yourself, not to mention that people are in the front yard, and I’m worried that it’s a bit unsafe in the back.”

Theoretically, she is indeed the master of Zhou Mansion now.

Since the entire Zhou family has turned into demons, and she is the only one left alive, the Zhou family has 1,200 hectares of fields along the river, seven tea mountains, four streets, and a total of 120 stores. A commercial ship and three docks. She should inherit the hoard of hundreds of thousands of magic silver and divine gold.

So yesterday, when she had the courage to ask her grandfather Zhou An for the Zhou family's account books and land deeds, Zhou An handed them all over to her without hesitation.

Lin Xi felt that the 'grandfather' seemed a little impatient at that time, as if he was trying to shirk the blame, and she was also very pleased.

She guessed that this person's brain may not be flexible after the magic transformation and he can no longer handle complex mathematical operations.

So now, Lin Xi is unwilling to leave even if she knows this is a devil's cave.

She has realized the value of the identity "Zhou Yunxi".

In addition, Lin Xi also felt that there should be something hidden in Zhou's house.

Maybe that is the most valuable thing, far better than the Zhou family's belongings.

After listening to Lin Xi's words, the Baimuyao Aunt began to think, but maybe the content of her thoughts was too complicated, and her whole figure seemed to be down, standing motionless in place.

Her face had dozens of cracks at the same time, and it was vaguely visible that scarlet eyes were moving inside these cracks.

Just when Lin Xi was frightened, the hundred-eyed demon grandmother nodded: "Let's go!"

She took the lead and led Lin Xi towards the front yard, while the two maids protected Lin Xi behind her.

When Lin Xi walked into the lobby of the Zhou family, she saw her "grandfather" and "grandmother", both of whom had scarlet eyes and were sitting in the hall with expressionless faces.

A group of demons from the Zhou family were standing around in the lobby.

Grandfather Zhou An and grandmother Wang were slightly surprised by her arrival. They turned their heads and glanced at Lin Xi, then at the hundred-eyed enchantress, and then turned their gaze outside the lobby.

After Lin Xi came in, she also looked outside.

Due to the obstruction of the screen wall, she could not see what was going on outside. She could only see the memorial archway for Jinshi and others on three sides, standing outside the palace gate.

Lin Xi also saw on the innermost archway, there were the words 'Jia Shen Nian Enke High School, Class Two and Twenty Four'.

There were no civil examinations in the Song Dynasty, only military examinations, and as long as you became a Jinshi, you could be directly awarded the fifth rank! Just because among these Jinshi, none has a cultivation level weaker than the Five Realms!

The ranking of twenty-four in the top two can be said to be very high.

That was Enke, one of the top thirty existences among the hundreds of thousands of official martial arts cultivators in the entire Song Dynasty!

Although Lin Xi could not see the situation outside at this time, she sensed three very powerful martial arts extremes outside, which were confronting her grandparents Yaokong.

The spiritual power of both sides clashed across the Zhou family's gate, causing the Zhou family's gate and the void on the screen wall to be slightly distorted, making a "collapse" sound. The bluestone floor and walls below also suffered heavy pressure. Rattling.

Lin Xi's expression changed immediately, and she smelled a strong smell of blood.

The smell of blood not only seeped in from outside the courtyard gate, but also caused the mood of the demons in the courtyard to become very strange. All of their eyes were scarlet, their faces were distorted, and they could no longer maintain their human form.

Lin Xi felt that she was a little hasty.

These monsters usually don't do anything to her, but once they lose control of their emotions, it's hard to tell.

She swallowed and quietly moved to stand behind her grandfather Zhou An. This was because she found that her grandfather's mood was the most stable among the demons.

However, the smell of blood coming from outside became stronger and stronger, and Lin Xi became more and more certain that those people outside clearly wanted to take advantage of strangers' blood.

Causing the Zhou family's demons to lose control!

Just when Lin Xi was frightened, he heard a cold snort: "Who are these grassroots bandits so bold that they dare to kill people on the street in our Wangcheng County?"

At this moment, two figures, a man and a woman, flew through the sky and landed in front of the first plaque in front of Zhou Mansion.

Lin Xi looked stunned when she saw these two people.

The man among them was wearing a bright, full-body heavy armor. On the right chest of the armor was a seal-character badge of 'Imperial City Division', and there were several official seals hanging on his waist.

He was very young, less than twenty years old, but his aura was very impressive. When this man looked down from a high position and looked towards the Zhou family's lobby, he saw that all the demons in this hall had a faint aura.

But what concerned Lin Xi even more was the girl in red standing behind the young man.

It seemed to be a protective demon of the type 'Blood Knife Princess', and its aura was extremely powerful.

After this girl arrived, she inserted herself extremely forcefully between the two elders of the Zhou family and several outside masters of the Five Realms, interrupting their spiritual confrontation. For some reason, Lin Xijun felt that there was an extremely strong connection between herself and the girl in red. The feeling of closeness is like the echo of blood,

She immediately realized that this girl in red was probably one of the sources of her bloodline.

Lin Xi's alien body has four blood sources, one is one of the three mysterious drops of blood left by their father Lin Cong; one is the blood of the Four Realm Super Emperor brought back by Lin Rui; one is her own human body; one is Derived from the real Zhou Yunxi.

The federation's alien breeding technology will extract part of the surface genes of the Tianji people for disguise, thereby completing the replacement from the inside out. This is why these monsters from the Zhou family will identify her as Zhou Yunxi without any doubt.

If Lin Xidao, the girl in red, is the source of her bloodline, then who is that young man wearing full body armor?

Couldn't it be his brother Lin Rui?

Lin Xi immediately shook her head, thinking it was impossible.

At first glance, this man looks like a big shot with high power and status, and he also carries a sixth-grade official seal. How could he be his brother?

At this time, her 'grandfather' Zhou An murmured, which confirmed her judgment: "Lin Twelve, the defense envoy of Wangcheng City?"

Lin Xi's pupils narrowed and she said that this was actually one of the four pillars of the county government. But the defense commander of Wangcheng City, who was on the same level as the county guard and county lieutenant, came and glanced down. He pressed the knife with one hand and coldly Looking coldly at Zhou An and his wife in the hall, he said with a hint of provocation: "Mr. Zhou, are you preparing to receive guests? What do these people want to do? Are you hungry and want to eat? You guys always... To be honest, could it be that I couldn’t bear it today?”

When he spoke, there was an extremely powerful and majestic spiritual power that enveloped this place, and its potential distorted the world.

Both Zhou An and his wife moved their faces slightly, raised their heads and looked at Lin Twelve, the defense commander of Wangcheng City.

The eyes of both of them were extremely solemn: "Is this the abyss?"

But at this time, the many demons from all four realms in the hall were actually trembling with fear.

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