Supreme Lord

Chapter 181 Is this still possible? (Subscribe)

At noon the next day, when Lin Rui and Wang Sen, who were fully armed, came to the county town for the handover, the county governor Li Changguo and the county prime minister Dong Linghui found that Lin Rui was tired and listless the whole time.

Dong Linghui looked confused: "Mr. Lin looks very tired? Did something happen yesterday? I wonder if Dong can be of help?"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

Lin Rui thought to himself, could he not be tired?

He worked all night for the two seriously wounded men last night, and it was not until early this morning that he settled them down.

Lin Rui didn't dare to delay anymore. He drank three large cups of refreshing Shenxin tea and performed a reproductive surgery on Ji Xueying.

He didn't dare to delay any longer. The situation was so dangerous, and his two major backers were almost dead. The only people he could rely on now were himself and the Blood Knife Princess. After the operation, he had to run over to hand over defense and public security to the county guard and others. wait.

Lin Rui secretly felt a headache. Since the end of the communication battle, these bad things have happened one after another, endlessly.

"As the ancients said, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky. You really don't deceive me."

Lin Rui sighed first, then cheered up: "But it's not a big deal, I can survive it. Just go ahead, Lord Sheriff, don't worry about the city."

Li Changguo frowned, thinking that what this guy said was really confusing.

He nodded: "Then I'll leave everything to the defense envoy."

Li Changguo had been impatient for a long time, so he directly rose into the air and flew towards the outside of the city.

The two riverbanks in Wangcheng County are too long, and it is impossible to defend them with the power of the county lieutenant and the county soldiers. The county lieutenant Qin Xia can take care of the east of the river, but not the west of the river.

Just last night, the dragon committed two murders along the river bank.

This villain is not only brutal in his methods, but also masters several secret techniques that can force ordinary people with blood inheritance to awaken to magical transformation.

On this night alone, the demon dragon added more than 20 tribesmen to its demon army.

Lin Rui also cheered up and started patrolling the streets with Blood Sword Princess, Wang Sen, and 30 Yu Longzhi.

The main purpose of patrolling the streets was to show off his 'Blood Knife Princess', and to tell the demons, ghosts, ghosts, foxes and rats in the city that although the county guard was gone, there were still people in the city who could suppress them.

But just when Lin Rui led the team onto the street, he saw an acquaintance in the crowd winking at him.

That turned out to be Tang Wenlan, the high priest of the Guangming Holy Religion.

This person was looking at him solemnly with his eyebrows furrowed, indicating with his eyes and gestures that he seemed to want to meet him.

Lin Rui thought for a moment and realized that Tang Wenlan was here for the Jinggang dock workers.

When he came to Wangcheng, he discovered that more than half of the workers and coolies at Jinggang Wharf were followers of the Holy Light Religion.

The Tang High Priest has always been very knowledgeable and always kept a distance from him.

Today, we must have had no choice but to come here because of the magic dragon blocking the river to support the livelihood of the dock workers in Jinggang.

Coincidentally, Lin Rui also wanted to meet the high priest of the holy religion.

Li Changguo considered that the Jinggang City Shipping Department had been purged by him, and that it was now controlled by Li Dan, Lin Twelve's comrade from the City Shipping Department.

So I simply gave him the task of comforting and relieving the people of Jingang.

Lin Rui believed that if people from the Guangming Holy Religion cooperated in this matter, the result would be twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, Lin Ruiwen received a message.

Feng Huo Liancheng (Han Kedao): Lin Rui, I have arranged for Fei Yunlai, where are you now? It would be best for us to meet.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): I'm in the city, professor. Is Admiral Fei feeling better now?

Fenghuo Liancheng (Han Kedao): The situation is very bad. It’s hard to describe it in one word. We have used all the medicines we should use, but it can only slightly improve his injury. Lin Rui, you are right. The key is vitality. His vitality has been greatly depleted. Shortly We can't count on him for a while.

Fenghuo Liancheng (Han Kedao): That’s why I want to meet you. The plan we made before may not work.

Lin Rui performed the surgery on Fei Yun himself, so how could he not know the extent of his injury?

Fei Yunlai's current situation is indeed very troublesome. Just repairing his biochip is enough trouble.

He shook his head slightly, thinking that he would meet one by one.

The first person he met was the high priest Tang Wenlan, and the place he chose was a tavern on the corner of the street.

Lin Rui also spent some time setting up a small magic circle inside to avoid being eavesdropped and spied on.

Soon after, Tang Wenlan looked satisfied, stood up with tears of gratitude, and saluted Lin Rui: "No wonder my sect, the Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire, recognizes Lord Lin. Lord Lin really has a bright heart and is destined to be with our sect."

Wang Sen, who had been sitting by the side and listened, almost chuckled when he heard this.

Brother Rui must be a conscientious person, but this time he is actually generous to others.

In fact, the county governor Li Changguo had already decided to open a warehouse to release grain and provide relief to the coolie workers on the dock.

As a result, the Holy Sect of Light now not only owes Brother Rui a favor, but also needs someone to help him suppress the demons during this period.

Maintain order.

That's not right. Where did this money and food come from? Didn't Brother Rui solve the case of the demon, and Li Changguo intervened, snatched the food from Brother Rui's mouth, and robbed it by force? So Tang Wenlan didn't thank the wrong person.

The next person to meet is Professor Han, but this person is taking care of Fei Yunlai outside the city and it will take some time before he comes.

Lin Rui took advantage of the situation and opened the skill lists of the two war spirits and fell into meditation.

He was hesitating, what skill should he replace with the more than 60,000 points of soul power in his hand? In order to maximize combat effectiveness.

Lin Rui recently discovered something. In addition to the initial strengthening effect on the body and soul, the various skills he redeemed had an 'afterglow' for a period of time.

In the next period of time, his physical fitness and mental strength will continue to strengthen. Although the amplitude is small, the amount accumulated after several days is considerable.

However, this "afterglow" cannot be superimposed. After changing to another pile skill, it will be replaced by the aftertaste of another pile skill.

Therefore, the pile skills that Lin Rui redeemed before were actually at a loss and did not achieve the maximum strengthening effect.

Lin Rui weighed it for a long time and finally made a decision: "Nether Spirit, help me copy the Grandmaster Level Divine Breath Technique of War Spirit No. 2!"

According to the introduction provided by the Ring Spirit, this is a secret technique that can imitate the breath of God and increase mental power and physical fitness at the same time.

The Ring Spirit did not provide a detailed introduction, but Lin Rui intuitively believed that this divine breath technique might be very powerful!

This is also true. When Lin Rui spent 6,000 soul points to complete the copy, he only tried it once and opened his eyes in surprise.

The physical and mental improvement brought about by the Divine Breath Technique is equivalent to the level of an intermediate pile skill.

But this secret technique can also allow people to merge into the abyss! Increase integration with the abyss!

At the moment of copying just now, Lin Rui felt that his integration with the 'King of Light' and 'Lord of Fate' had increased by at least ③%!

Therefore, this so-called breath of ‘god’ is actually the breath of the abyss.

When he uses the divine breath technique, every breath he takes is in harmony with the abyss.

Lin Rui instantly realized the value of this divine breath technique. It could not only be used when he used the abyss concept, but also strengthen the power of the abyss concept.

Daily use of Divine Breath Technique can also improve his compatibility with a certain abyss.

This secret technique can help him save a lot of soul power points. After all, every time the Ring Spirit helps him fuse 1%, he needs 10,000 soul power points.

At this time, Professor Han happened to walk in from outside the door. He looked at Lin Rui in surprise: "It seems that you have not only mastered the concept of the abyss,

Your talent in merging with the abyss is also extraordinary. If I guess correctly, the breathing method you are using now should be related to the abyss, but the breath of God? "

Although he has been focusing most of his attention on the following period recently, he is also always paying attention to the situation at the Ninth Base.

Therefore, Professor Han also clearly knows how awesome his student is now. The hurricane this guy has set off in the martial arts world is sweeping across the fourteen base cities of the Earth Federation.

"Teacher, please sit down." Lin Rui smiled and stood up to pour tea for Professor Han: "Listening to what the teacher just said, it seems that he also knows about the abyss?"

Professor Han laughed dumbly: "Isn't it the abyss that I am studying now? What I am looking for now is also related to the abyss."

Lin Ruidao was also right. What Professor Han is looking for now is the abyssal source material.

"Judging from your current situation, your abyssal talent is astonishingly high. As long as you work a little hard in this area, you can easily obtain extremely powerful power."

After Professor Han sat down, he continued to look at Lin Rui up and down, and warned: "The problem is that while you are using the power of the abyss, the will of the abyss will also grow in your body.

There is a saying that can describe your current situation. You are interested in other people's interest, and others are interested in your principal. So Lin Rui, you must pay attention to the road to the abyss and stop in moderation. This is a shortcut, but it is It will also lead you to the real abyss. "

Lin Rui smiled bitterly when he heard this: "Teacher, I understand, I must pay attention to propriety."

During this time, more than one person had issued similar warnings to him.

"But there should be ways to guard against the will of the abyss. Professor, do you know anything about this?"

The power of the concept of the abyss is so easy to use, it can make a qualitative change in the power of all his martial arts, which makes people want to give it up.

‘Tianji Star does have some secret techniques that can fight against the will of the abyss. I can make a list for you later, but the simplest and most fundamental method is to practice your own martial arts ultimate intention and strengthen your foundation. "

At this time, Professor Han's expression suddenly changed slightly: "Actually, there is another way. If you can master the power of multiple abyss at the same time, it may also be able to help you fight against the will of the abyss. As far as I know, five thousand years ago, the East in the East There is a talented person in the Extreme Continent who is full of whims and hooks up with several abyss at the same time. It is said that this person's integration with the abyss reaches up to 80%, which is almost equivalent to the incarnation of those abyss in the world. "

"Oh?" Lin Rui looked surprised: "There is such a person in this world? Teacher, do you know where this person is now? Has he succeeded?"

"I don't know. He has disappeared for thousands of years, but there are rumors that he is still alive. I think this road is feasible. After all, the man has lived for more than 5,000 years relying on this method. Even if he fails, Well, it’s not that there’s a problem with this path, it’s that he hasn’t found enough shareholders and his martial arts ambitions are not strong enough.”

Professor Han smiled: "It's like starting a company. If your martial arts skills are strong enough, you can occupy more share capital. The more shareholders you find, the thinner you spread their shares, the more these abyss will become. The harder it is to control the company beyond you, but to use this method, you must have a very strong abyss talent.”

He felt something was wrong when he said this. Wasn't he encouraging Lin Rui to get in touch with more abysses?

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