Supreme Lord

Chapter 174 Lawlessness (Subscription Request)

Lin Rui knew a long time ago that there was a demon dragon in Wangcheng County, and it was Wangcheng's serious problem.

It is said that this demon is as high as six realms and is of the bloodline of the king. It once plundered the lower reaches of the Tianxiang River, causing floods, blocking shipping, extorting blood and food from the people along the coast, and extorting money and property from merchants along the way.

Until a few months ago, this magical dragon was seriously injured by the county guard and others.

Unfortunately, the dragon escaped successfully and has been lurking under the Tianxiang River without a trace.

In order to prevent the dragon from retaliating, Wangcheng County could only station thousands of soldiers from Wangcheng County by the river embankment, waiting day and night. Even the county lieutenants were forced to patrol around the river day and night, and did not dare to take it lightly. Leave.

Did this dragon recover so quickly?

This is really bad news for Wangcheng County.

Six realms of dragon transformation, which is equivalent to the strength of a federal major general. In this small county, it is simply a crocodile in the pond, an almost insurmountable existence.

I don’t know how Toshou and the others injured it a few months ago.

Lin Rui secretly felt lucky that he had started early. The merchant ships in Jinggang carried a large amount of Shenxin tea north to the capital more than ten days ago, otherwise the current situation would be several times more complicated.

These merchant ships are blocked in Wangcheng, and the guard above will definitely be dissatisfied and doubt his ability.

Lin Rui raised his hand towards Jun Chengdong Linghui: "Don't worry, Jun Cheng, I have some troubles that need to be dealt with, and I need to make some preparations. Within half a moment at most, Lin will arrive for reinforcements."

Dong Linghui's expression relaxed when he heard this, and he cupped his hands with gratitude and said: "The defense envoy really understands the righteousness, which is really a blessing to the people of Wangcheng!"

In his opinion, Lin Twelve's arrival was indeed a surprise.

This new defender is much stronger than the previous one in both strength and ability.

Therefore, Wangchengdu is actively recruiting people in the city, and the county government is trying its best to cooperate.

Although both the county government and Wangcheng have not dealt with them all year round, at this time when the manpower is stretched thin and the demons and Jianghu characters in the city are becoming more and more manic and rampant, Wangchengdu's newly recruited No. 200 Yulong Zhi, several military virtue captains of the Four Realms , it actually has the effect of Dinghai Shenzhen.

The governor, lieutenant, prime minister and defense envoy are the four pillars of Wangcheng County. If they cannot work together at this time, the situation will be bad.

Today's scene of Blood Sword Princess fighting the three police officers alone made Dong Linghui shocked and happy. The strength of this Four Realm Super Emperor seems to have been greatly improved!

However, the conflict between Lin Twelve and the Inspector General also made him worried.

This defense envoy is so fierce. Not only did he dare to detain the people of the Imperial Envoy, but he also fought with three fifth-grade inspectors for more than ten days. Today, he was still in broad daylight in the densely populated area of ​​the North City Gate. The knife and the inspector were combined with Si Huo.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he wisely kept his mouth shut, and turned into a black escaping light, flying toward the river embankment outside the city. This Lin Twelve was obviously an unruly guy, and it was difficult for him to get in, let alone Dongling. Hui also didn’t understand the source of the conflict between the two families.

It has nothing to do with this matter, there is no need to get involved.

Dong Linghui is now even more worried about the fighting situation between the county guard and the county lieutenant, worried that the two of them will not be able to hold on.

At this time, Li Li, Wang Sen and others also returned from outside the Yamen one after another.

"grown ups!"

Li Li was originally very happy. In today's melee with the Procuratorate, he hid in the crowd and took the opportunity to seriously injure two of the Procuratorate's officers.

Even his teacher, Han Kedao, took a swipe at Wang Tiandong. He suddenly struck Wang Tiandong in a dark alley and hit Wang Tiandong on the back.

It was a rare opportunity to weaken the power of the Prosecution Commission, so their master and disciples naturally spared no effort.

Until he heard what Jun Cheng said outside the Yamen.

Li Li said with a solemn expression: "Sir, although that demonic dragon cannot truly 'transform into a dragon', it already possesses dragon armor. Its true combat power is by no means inferior to that of the transformed dragon. It is very powerful. This guy is also cunning and cunning. Adults must be extremely careful after going there. "

Just a few months ago, their master and disciple actually saw that demonic dragon and almost fell into the hands of that demon.

Lin Rui nodded and pointed in the direction of the prison: "Watch carefully!"

Li Li looked solemn: "I will obey your orders!"

In fact, he had already stepped down from the post of 'Prison Superintendent', and Lin Rui appointed another Four Realm martial arts cultivator to take over.

However, Li Li understood clearly in his heart that Lin Rui's real intention was for him and his teacher's team to keep an eye on the group of people from the Prosecution Department and not let them take advantage of the situation.

This is not a big problem. Two of the three police officers were seriously injured just now, and a dozen more were arrested and thrown into Wangchengdu Prison. More than 20 people escaped with injuries. It is estimated that it will be difficult to cause trouble in the next day or two."

Lin Rui then clasped his hands behind his back and looked around at the surrounding subordinates with sharp eyes: "You must also listen clearly to me. The extraterrestrial demon in this cell is involved in a serious case in Beijing. It is of great significance to our Imperial City Department. A heavenly official is coming all the way for her. He is about to come to Wangcheng. You must guard this prison for me. Who dares to be careless and let this devil make a mistake? I will skin him alive!

Got it?

The group of Yulongzhi immediately agreed and let out a roar like thunder.

They had just driven back the procuratorate who came to challenge them, and they had chased them for several streets. They were excited and their morale was high.

Wen Tailai, the secretary in charge next to him, couldn't help but be slightly confused when he heard this.

Is there a heavenly official coming to Wangcheng soon? Why would your Excellency talk about this in public? Aren't you afraid that the information will be leaked and the people in charge of the Inspectorate will find out?

"Remember, no matter who wants to take away this demon, let me kill him. The responsibility will be borne by me!"

Lin Rui then looked at Wen Tai: "Secretary, write two detailed official documents about today's events and send them to Shazhou as soon as possible to the governor and the guardian envoy! Also, store all the evidence, especially this door. '"

Wen Tailai immediately put away his thoughts and clasped his fists solemnly: "I understand! I will definitely record the words and actions of Feng Guang and others who are arrogant and domineering, have no regard for the emperor, and have no regard for the king's law, and report it to the governor and the guarding envoy." !”

In short, the evildoers complain first, that’s not right! He must first express his grievances to the superiors and put the responsibility for the fire on the head of the Inspector General. Lin Rui nodded with satisfaction. As long as Wen Tailai was not confused, it would be relatively easy to use: "Find someone to clean up the gate." If you want to do it all over again, then make two more grand ones, and tidy up the houses on both sides. Let the people from the Prosecution and Envoys Department pay for it, and also add the brothers’ soup and medicine expenses. Do you know how to do it? ?”

Wen Tailai understood.

If the people of the Procuratorate are unwilling to compensate, then the policemen of the Procuratorate who are locked up in their prisons will never have a good life.

In addition to the dozen or so police officers led by Dou Ming who was sentenced earlier, there are already more than thirty of them in this prison.

Lin Rui then returned to the inner office, put on the standard battle armor exclusive to the sixth-grade captain of the Imperial City Division, and took a dozen bundles of thousands of talismans and seals from the warehouse, as well as a bag of yuan stone hangings. On the body.

Lin Rui hasn't drawn many talismans recently, but now that he is the defense envoy of Wangchengdu, he can call on the supplies in Wangchengdu's warehouse at will.

The imperial court provides Wangchengdu with a large amount of high-quality talismans and seals, medium and low-grade Yuan stones, elixirs, arrows, etc. every year at a fixed quota. Lin Rui can get whatever he asks for, so there is no need to worry at all."

As for the armor, it was sent from Shazhou a few days ago.

This is a set of fifth-level upper-level alloy armor that covers the whole body. It can be matched with his soft hedgehog armor. It has strong defensive capabilities, but it is troublesome to put on. Even with the help of Blood Knife Princess, it takes several minutes. .

However, this time the opponent was a six-level demon, so Lin Rui was cautious and did not find it troublesome at all.

It was unlucky to say that if the time was one day later, he could implant the "Blood Core Crazy Yang" into Blood Knife Princess, which would increase her combat power again. Now the armor regeneration can only be postponed.

Next, Lin Rui rushed to the horse, rode on an iron-scaled horse, and galloped out of the city with the Blood Knife Lady.

The place where the county guard, county lieutenant and others fought against the demonic dragon was more than forty miles away to the north of the city, not far from Jinggang. The roar of the battle was like thunder and could be clearly heard more than forty miles away.

Lin Rui rode quickly and approached the battlefield, only to see that the three miles of land on both sides of the river had suddenly turned into a vast ocean.

In the middle of the river, there were two divine men wearing golden battle armor, about one foot and two feet tall, and one with a body that was three feet tall.

Twelve feet long, with horns on its head, its body covered with irregular black scales, and shaped like a crocodile, the demon fought fiercely.

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