Supreme Lord

Chapter 12 The Xue Family's Shocking Change

Before Lin Rui took action, he found a piece of artificial silk at home to cover his face, changed into a tight diving suit, put on diving optical glasses, and wrapped himself tightly.

The artificial silk of this era is very smooth, can reflect light, and resist some relatively superficial optical scans.

The diving suit was left by Lin Rui's father, which can wrap his whole body tightly, so that he can move without leaving fingerprints and any body debris, which will cause his DNA to be recognized.

In addition, this diving suit itself has various high-tech anti-water pressure, which allows people to dive at a depth of 200 meters, so the diving suit will not only not affect his actions, but also has a certain defensive ability.

Although what Lin Rui is going to do next is not illegal, once it is discovered, it will still be a big trouble, and it may even be noticed by the killer who killed Xue Daxiao's family, so he must be careful and leave no traces as much as possible.

However, these are just backup measures. Lin Rui himself does not know whether these methods are useful. He just wants to be at ease. What he really relies on is his master-level Red Thunder Palm.

Just as Lin Rui walked out of his courtyard, a ball of lightning suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. At the same time, all the nearby surveillance devices could not capture Lin Rui's figure. In the images captured by these surveillance devices, everything around him was normal, only the place where Lin Rui stood was blank.

This is one of the master-level application skills of the "Red Thunder Palm" that Lin Rui copied from Xue Bogao.

This basic martial arts is just a martial arts for fighting and martial arts foundation in the hands of ordinary colonial warriors, but people like Xue Bogao can play the "Red Thunder Palm" with flowers.

Lin Rui judged from this that Xue Bogao might be from a special unit of the federal army.

Although this skill is simple to use, he only needs to adjust the electromagnetic field with strong control to interfere with the light and achieve the effect of optical invisibility. However, its principle involves optical simulation and electronic signals. The mechanism is very complicated. It must be difficult to learn at the beginning and it takes a lot of time and energy.

The government should prohibit the dissemination of such technology. Except for some special forces in the army, ordinary soldiers will not spend a lot of time learning these.

Lin Rui then carefully sneaked to the backyard of Xue Bogao's villa.

He put his hand on the electronic door lock of the back door of the villa, and with a flash of electric light, the door opened from the inside.

This is also a skill with complex mechanisms, involving computer programming and hacking. In addition to the strong thunder talent and control, it also requires a very high IQ to master.

Lin Rui was surprised and secretly scared.

The seemingly safe electronic door lock is simply useless in front of a person like Xue Bogao.

Lin Rui gathered a ball of electric light near his eyes and scanned in all directions.

When the Red Thunder Palm and Red Thunder Knife are practiced to the great success level, they can stimulate the eye nerves through tiny electric currents, gain powerful night vision ability, and even a certain degree of infrared vision.

Although the villa is dark and lightless at this moment, Lin Rui can see everything in the house.

The first place he looked at was the kitchen on the first floor, which was one of the murder scenes. There was not only a small amount of blood left here, but also the outline of the body drawn by the police with white chalk.

However, Lin Rui was just a student before he traveled through time, and his criminal investigation knowledge was limited. He looked here for a long time but did not find any useful clues.

Lin Rui wanted to ask Xue Bogao's war spirit if he could find anything and if he was satisfied. Unfortunately, he could not communicate with the war spirit.

He then took more than a dozen photos with his smart terminal, capturing all the details in great detail.

Now he lacks criminal investigation knowledge and his understanding of colonial martial arts is not deep enough, so he can't see anything, but it may not be the case in the future.

Lin Rui has made up his mind that he must take time to learn about this knowledge in the future.

Next is the bathroom on the first floor, the stairs, and the corridor on the second floor, all of which have body outlines left by the police.

Lin Rui's face gradually became solemn. He found that the amount of blood at several murder scenes was very small. It was estimated that the murderer was almost silent when killing people, so he could kill several people without alarming Xue Bogao and rush to the second floor.

Finally, it was Xue Bogao's study on the second floor. Lin Rui saw several holes on the wooden door.

These holes were probably blasted by guns, and the overall shape was round.

When Lin Rui pushed the door and walked in, he saw a mess inside.

All the furniture and bookshelves inside were destroyed, and a large amount of broken wood and broken pages were scattered on the ground. There was a pool of blood in the middle of the study, and there were a lot of blood spots and brain tissue remnants on the four walls. This shows how fierce this battle was.

After Lin Rui glanced at the whole house, he set his eyes on the opposite wall. He saw a lot of penetrating bullet marks on the wall.

"The bullets should have been taken away by the police. However, judging from the bullet marks, the caliber of the bullets is very large and the power is very strong. Two layers of the wall were penetrated. Moreover, it was a high-speed burst, with dozens of bullets fired in an instant. The bullets landed very densely. Either this gun is a very high-end model with low recoil and easy to control, or the murderer is very powerful."

"The murderer's martial arts strength is probably at the level of a senior colonel. At most, it is only a little better than Xue Bogao himself. Otherwise, there is no need to use a gun. However, his stealth ability is very strong, and there are ways to deceive Xue Bogao's perception. The murderer should have sneaked here after , first used a powerful firearm to unexpectedly hit Xue Bogao through the study door and seriously injured him, and then killed Xue Bogao in a very short period of time. "

Lin Rui didn't know if his guess was correct.

The next step was to take pictures, especially those bullet marks. Lin Rui took them one by one.

He thought this was a useful clue. After he returned, he could find a way to determine the ballistics and bullet caliber, and thus deduce what kind of firearm the murderer used.

The Ninth City has very strict gun control. This kind of gun that can make a colonial colonel unable to dodge and severely damage him in an instant is very rare on the market.

Just when Lin Rui was concentrating on taking pictures, his infrared vision discovered that there was an extremely small amount of infrared light refracted in the pile of broken wood in the corner of the wall.

This made him exclaim: "This is a closed-circuit pinhole holographic surveillance camera? The mirror has no reflection at all and can shield electromagnetic waves. It should be some kind of top-of-the-line model. If I hadn't used the Red Thunder Palm to obtain infrared vision, it would have been almost impossible. Just missed it.”

Lin Rui's eyes flashed, and then he walked over without any hope.

Xue Bogao can master the skills of blinding all surveillance cameras. How could this murderer not have similar abilities?

Besides, there are police, they probably won't miss such an obvious clue.

The murder of five members of Xue Bogao's family was a rare major case in the Ninth City in recent times. The victim was a retired colonel, and his nature was particularly vicious.

If the police department had discovered the identity of the murderer, they would have held a press conference and issued a wanted warrant long ago, and there would be no news until now.

How could the top brass of the police department miss this opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and achievements?

When Lin Rui touched the monitor with his hand, he found that the monitor was still on. He used his red thunder palm to stimulate a trace of electric current, and after extending it along the wire, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"The monitor is still on. This wire actually extends all the way to the ground. The Xue family actually has a basement? The location should be the garage to the east of the villa."

Lin Rui was so surprised that he immediately strode into the garage and started looking around.

He had already determined the approximate location of the basement, but it still took him a long time to find the entrance to the secret room next to a tool table at the back of the garage.

To Lin Rui's delight, the entrance switch was also an electronic door lock. After unlocking the door, he walked in and walked down the eighty steps, only to see the full view of the secret room.

The first is the opposite wall, which is covered with various monitors, as many as twenty-four. Most of these monitors are still open and connected to numerous holographic surveillance cameras.

The secret room is about 40 square meters, with a desk in the middle, on which are placed documents, pen holders, cigarettes, ashtrays, empty wine bottles, etc. They are placed randomly and give people a messy feel.

To Lin Rui's left was a bed with a very messy quilt. This showed that Xue Bogao probably lived here and had very bad living habits in private, which was rare among the well-disciplined federal soldiers.

On the right hand side are three bookshelves, which contain a large number of thick books, a set of military-standard 'Xuanwu' type plug-in armor, and a small database for storing data.

"It's strange. There are no traces of the police entering here. Didn't they notice it? It's impossible. A clueless rookie like me can find that pinhole camera!"

Lin Rui glanced around in confusion before focusing on the monitors.

He wanted to identify which monitor was connected to the camera in Xue Bogao's study.

This Xue Bogao is so strange. Is he a voyeur? There are so many cameras installed?

A monitor here displays the images captured by eight cameras at the same time. Twenty-four multiplied by eight is a total of 192!

Judging from these pictures, these cameras are clearly distributed throughout the community, and their locations are very hidden.

Although Xue Bogao is the person in charge of security in the community, there is no need to be so exaggerated, right? You must know that the security department of their community has a very complete monitoring system.

Lin Rui's expression suddenly changed drastically, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at the holographic displays in the middle like a wolf.

Just because the surveillance cameras in the picture were pointed at the home of Lin Rui's brother and sister!

There are a total of forty-five holographic cameras, covering his townhouse in all directions without blind spots. There are also twenty cameras covering the two streets in front and back of his house and the entrances and exits.

This means that everything that happens in their family is under Xue Bogao's eyes.

The scary thing is that the siblings have not been aware of these surveillances so far.

Lin Rui couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Is the main purpose of Xue Bogao's monitoring devices monitoring their home? Who is he? What is the purpose of spying on his home?

Just when Lin Rui's thoughts were overwhelming, he heard footsteps coming from outside the stairs.

"There is someone! There should be more than one footsteps. The footsteps are very light. The people coming are probably colonial warriors."

Lin Rui's pupils narrowed slightly, and he hurriedly hid behind the bookshelf on the right side of the secret room. With the help of the Xuanwu armor, he hid his figure tightly.

He was now extremely grateful that he had locked the door of the secret room out of caution after entering it, so that the newcomer could not find him and the secret room at the first time.

The question was what should he do next? If the newcomer found the secret room and walked in, what would be the consequences?

Lin Rui had just flashed this thought in his mind when he heard the door of the secret room slowly open with a "clicking" sound, which made him frown and his heart rose to his throat.

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