Supreme Lord

Chapter 119: Changsheng Society (Subscription Request)

"The mental power index is 729, the physical index is 485, the Qi index is 524, hiss——"

Half an hour later, Sima Lin looked at Lin Rui's test report and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Did this guy eat some top-notch treasure on Tianjixing? The various body indexes have improved so quickly that they have almost surpassed the standard of a captain.

This is without implanting artificial serum.

If this continues, how can Lin Rui still have to wait for more than half a year? After five to six months, this guy will be able to implant the artificial golden elixir, which is still the best kind.

Sima Lin called up Lin Rui's alien information again.

He found that Lin Rui's alien body was much stronger than his original body.

There are no detailed detection tools for foreign bodies, and they can only be roughly estimated by biochips. At the lieutenant level, the deviation value is usually between 50 points.

"Bright divine blood, sure enough, you have awakened the basic bloodline of the Holy Body of Thunder, and the super-imperial talent - Sima Lin still feels it is incredible, the strength of Lin Rui's two bodies has improved too fast.

Is it because Lin Rui's alien quality is too strong, and under the effect of the alien's assimilation effect, his body's strength increases simultaneously?

This little guy is becoming more and more interesting, even compared to his sister.

He looked at Lin Rui who was lying in the medical examination cabin: "Lin Rui, what kind of reproductive equipment are you going to implant?"

Lin Ruizheng is starting to research the website of Tianlan Group.

He had made a plan before, but after serving as deputy defense envoy of Wangchengdu, Lin Rui felt that he was too conservative.

The so-called three years to clear the prefecture, one hundred thousand snowflakes and silver.

The situation in Tianjixing is different from that in ancient China, and the magic silver is more valuable.

The Wangchengdu Defense Envoy is an existence that can compete with the local county guards. With such a position of power, even if he does not exploit the people, he will have no problem earning two to thirty thousand taels of magic silver a year.

Lin Rui's salary as a seventh-grade martial virtue captain, plus various allowances for his position, amounted to almost two to three thousand taels a year.

In addition, the dividend promised by Zhuang Mingyue alone is as high as 5,000 taels a year.

Zhuang Mingyue has promised that as long as he handles things properly, can gain a firm foothold in Wangcheng, and his cultivation level rises to the Four Realm Golden Elixir, the position of Wangcheng's defense envoy will be his.

So he must go all out to satisfy his boss.

There are three parts of the 'Tianzhou' type 5 growable subcutaneous nano-armor, one for the main body and one for Ji Xueying. My alien body also needs injection. "

This total is 6 million federal coins.

Subcutaneous nano-armor is a micro-nano robot combined with the user's DNA. After being injected into the body, it will sneak into the subcutaneous tissue. J: T/HA Force GLEDPSP3 Large ≥ RA/T

, forming subcutaneous armor with strong defensive power.


The function of this thing is not only defense, but also can help debridement, healing, detoxification, strengthen muscle structure to a certain extent, increase strength, etc.

"Tianzhou' Type 5 corresponds to the Five Realm Dragon Shedding Martial Arts. It is the top model at this level. The growable subcutaneous nano-armor can also actively absorb the ether metal in the host's body to strengthen its own structure.

This kind of nanotechnology is relatively cheap, very practical, and has a very high cost-effectiveness ratio.

Originally, this kind of breeding attire might reveal his identity as an alien traveler, but Lin Rui had already passed the highest level of the 'Demon Test' under the witness of the group of officials, so he was naturally unscrupulous.

Now he is the most orthodox and upright Tianjixing person! No one can question him, not even Zhuang Mingyue.

"Intermediate version of 'Blood Core Mad Sun', 8 million federal coins."

"Intermediate version of 'Blood of Light', 8 million federal coins."

"Intermediate version of 'Light Blood', 800,000 federal coins."

"Intermediate version of 'Flame Blood', 800,000 federal coins."

"Intermediate version of 'Thunder Blood', 800,000 federal coins."

"Intermediate version of 'Divinity', 800,000 federal coins."

"Mid-level version of 'Tiansu', 800,000 federal coins."

Because of the membership provided by Fang Ranran, Lin Rui got the cost price.

Among them, Lin Rui already had the Thunder Blood, Divine Power and Heavenly Speed, but the ones he implanted were all primary versions. When Lin Rui enters the Fourth Realm Golden Pill, their effects will be greatly weakened.

This is a bit of a waste of money. Getting it right at once is the most economical way, but there is no way. Lin Rui just wants to get more promotion with less money now.

He looked at the shopping cart and thought for a while, then put another set of clothing into the shopping cart.

"God's Choice Type 4 Spellcasting Set, 2 million federal coins."

This spell-casting suit does not help Lin Rui's alien body, which can cast Taoist magic on its own.

However, he thought that he had learned such a strong magical ability, and it was a pity that he couldn't use it in his own body.

The God's Choice Type 4 spellcasting set is suitable for major and lieutenant colonel levels, and is sufficient for now.

When he sent the screenshot of his shopping cart to Sima Lin, Professor Sima couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"SS breeding equipment 'Blood Core Mad Sun'? This is a perfect match for your 'Brilliant Thunder Holy Body'. If your alien body can awaken this super-imperial bloodline talent, it can make your holy body stronger in the future. Question Lin Rui, do you have so much money and can you lend such a large amount of money?"

Lin Rui nodded: "I will pay part of it myself and take part from the loan. The money should be enough! How about professor, can you help me implant it?"

In fact, when he came here just now, he had already discussed with Guan Bibi the matter of the three tubes of Seventh Realm Super Emperor's blood.

As long as the verification is completed and the blood is indeed usable, another 9 million federal coins will be received.

After these three tubes of blood are refined, they can be used to make nine copies of Emperor Grade allogeneic culture medium. The current market price is 1 million, and it is priceless and cannot be purchased on the market.

So Guan was very happy and kept asking where he came from.

Including this money, Lin Rui has a huge amount of nearly 26 million in funds.

However, his expenses were even greater. He had to buy some enhancers himself, plus the investment in doing DNA sequencing for Ji Xueying and configuring the enhancers, which totaled just over 32 million.

After Lin Rui was implanted with a special chakra, he got more loans from the bank, amounting to 3 million.

In addition, Fang Ranran also provided him with an interest-free loan guarantee of 5 million when he joined the martial arts club.

Lin Rui has not used this amount of money because of his thin face, but now he plans to use all the resources.

The position of Wangchengdu Defense Envoy is a big gold mine, and Lin Rui must win it no matter what.

Sima Lin couldn't help but blinked. What on earth was Lin Rui doing at Tianjixing? Did he rob someone else's treasury?

"There are nine types of auxiliary breeding equipment in total."

Sima Lin started to calculate based on Lin Rui's physical examination report: "It's not a big problem. These reproductive clothes are very suitable for you. Your mental quality is very high and your will is very strong. You should be able to hold on. But this What’s going on with the God’s Choice Type 4 Spellcasting Set? Do you want to be able to practice both magic and martial arts?”

Sima Lin shook his head: "With so many surgeries, it will take at least half a day. I will do it for you when your things are delivered. I will go check on Wang Sen's condition first. His physical examination has also been completed."

Sima Lin looked at Wang Sen's physical examination report.

"The mental index is 389, the physical index is 315, and the vitality index is 314. He has grown a lot! He is already a captain even before the artificial serum is implanted."

This is very excellent information! Sima Lin felt that Wang Sen's talent might be at the top ten level.

"If I guessed correctly, his alien body should have awakened a powerful bloodline power, which affected the main body."

Sima Lin and Wang Sen did not sign an allogeneic data access contract, so they could not check Wang Sen's allogeneic status. They could only make a rough judgment through the physical examination report.

But when he saw the information sent by Wang Sen, his face twitched slightly.

Weird young man (Wang Sen): Professor, I want to implant a set of mid-level 'Xuanwu Divine Blood'. I wonder if I have the conditions now?

Sima Lin was certain that these two people must have robbed someone else's treasury down there.

"Xuanwu Divine Blood' is an S-level bloodline breeding equipment, with a mid-level price of 4 million.

He took a closer look at Wang Sen's physical information, and then frowned.

Enough is barely enough. The 'Xuanwu Divine Blood' is only an auxiliary equipment, not a core equipment, so the mental burden is relatively small.

But this guy is simply walking on the edge of madness.

Sima Lin felt that he had to perform this operation himself, otherwise the child would definitely be destroyed by Croton Syndrome.

"By the way, professor." Lin Rui thought of Lin Xi waiting outside the physical examination room: "How are my sister's physical values? Has there been any progress these days?"

He wanted to use Lin Xi's body statistics to determine whether her martial arts practice had fallen behind.

Sima Lin raised his head and looked at Lin Xi in the family waiting area outside through the transparent glass window.

The little girl was looking at him with wide eyes, a hint of ambition, hope and pleading in her eyes.

Does this child not want Lin Rui to know that their DNA has no similarity at all, or does he not want his brother to know about her situation?

Sima Lin smiled: "She is making good progress. Your sister's talent is actually much better than yours."

However, Lin Xi's abnormal physical information lingered in Sima Lin's mind.

At this time, Sima Lin found a message prompt on his smart terminal.


Sima Lin's expression changed slightly, he strode to the dressing room next to him and projected a virtual screen in front of his eyes.

Following Sima Lin's thoughts, a website with the "Eternal Life Society" LOGO and a mysterious atmosphere appeared on the screen.

Someone sent him a message through this website.

Chief Priest [Chen Long]: Wu Ma, why are you looking for me?

Sima Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and he responded immediately.

He has another online name and another identity on this website.

Priest [Wuma]: Chenlong, I want to know, is it possible for humans to have extremely high concentrations of 'dragon' source matter in their blood without breeding?

Chief Priest [Chen Long]: Extremely high concentration of 'dragon' essence? I understand. You have been in contact with the Goddess of Despair and have read her medical report, right?

Sima Lin was slightly startled after seeing this message.

Desperate Goddess, does this refer to Lin Xi? Will the Immortal Society be watching them all the time?

He immediately opened the database of the Everlasting Society website and searched for information about the 'Desperate Goddess'.

However, a message pops up on the website - your confidentiality level is not high enough and you cannot access all the top-secret information related to the entry.

Priest [Wuma]: Chenlong, what is this desperate goddess you are talking about?

Chief Priest [Chen Long]: That’s right. Your level is not yet able to check her research data. Let me think about it.

Chief Priest [Chen Long]: Wu Ma, considering that information about the Goddess of Despair has been leaked on a large scale, and you have been in frequent contact with the Goddess of Despair recently, I can make an exception and tell you part of the situation. Wu Ma, you know the purpose of our Immortality Society. Bar?

Chief Priest [Wuma]: Of course I know, it’s for immortality! For the Abyss!

High Priest [Chen Long]: Mainly for the Abyss. So far, no Abyss has appeared in our Earth Federation! This is the biggest bottleneck of the Federation’s Colonial Martial Arts, and the Goddess of Despair was once one of our ‘Abyss Projects’.

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