Supreme Lord

Chapter 109: Making a Big Profit (Climax 3 updates, please subscribe)

"Grandmaster-level Red Sky Lightning Control Method?"

Zhu Tianmao frowned, his eyes solemn: "Damn it!"

He saw that Lin Rui's escape method had reached the pinnacle and transformed to a new level. It was not inferior to those high-level escape methods. With the blood power of the "Blood of Light", it was more varied and had a taste of light and electricity.

Zhu Tianmao even suspected that this guy might have cultivated this escape method to the level of a grandmaster.

Not only the Red Sky Lightning Control Method, the swordsmanship used by Lin Twelve was also concise and refined to the extreme, superb, and the The best!

The problem is that this guy is just over 18 years old. At the age of 18, he can practice two intermediate skills to the master level?

Such talent is unheard of by Zhu Tianmao.

Originally, Zhu Tianmao thought that Lin Twelve could be killed in three or five swords at most.

But now it has been ten breaths, and Zhu Tianmao still has not been able to seriously injure Lin Rui."

This made him feel that he had made a mistake. If he had known this, he should have waited for Lin Twelve to come over by himself. At that time, there would be no need for the formation to be empty for ten breaths without anyone to preside over it, and it was almost in a state of disorder.

However, Zhu Tianmao didn't know why at that time, but he instinctively felt a sense of crisis and wanted to kill Lin Twelve as quickly as possible.

Now it is the same. The sense of crisis in Zhu Tianmao's heart has not been eliminated, but has become stronger, like a needle piercing his heart.

At this time, Zhu Tianmao suddenly moved his mind and looked at Lin Twelve's left hand.

This guy has been making seals with one hand, using the hand seal of the soul-inducing technique, but Zhu Tianmao doesn't know what he wants to do.

And the seal with one hand can only be done when the technique is cultivated to the pinnacle.

Zhu Tianmao narrowed his eyes and asked directly: "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?"

Lin Rui did not sing this time. He said with a sarcastic look: "The magic array you set up is very clever, but unfortunately the response is not very good. I guess your array is probably set up by other masters of magic."

Zhu Tianmao's heart moved slightly when he heard this.

The array here is indeed not his work.

Zhu Tianmao just arrived in Yinyue County yesterday, how could he be in time?

That was the array set up by Xueyu Miaoshi, who was in Huoxu Village to contain Zhuang Mingyue, the seventh-rank inspector of the Imperial City Division.

But what does this have to do with his array level?

Zhu Tianmao seemed to understand: "You are the magician just now?'

That is, the one who destroyed the southeast corner of this magic refining formation and hunted down hundreds of demons and demon cultivators under his nephew.

Zhu Tianmao's heart tightened at first, and then calmed down.

Lin Twelve would never do such a thing again, it would take time.

"Of course it's me, but you are a dual practitioner of magic and martial arts?" Lin Rui laughed: "Aren't you curious about what I want to do? You can look behind you now. '"

Zhu Tianmao turned around immediately, and then he was surprised to find that the 20-zhang-high purple Yao Yuanjing behind him suddenly had a dense crack, and he also heard a continuous "click" sound from the inside of the Yuanjing.

What did Zhu Tianmao think of? His face suddenly changed.

"When I was outside just now, I thought that this Royal Flame War Dragon should still be alive? It has been here to protect its master. ””

Lin Rui smiled, with a strange look in his eyes: "So what will happen if it wakes up now?"

When the people in the underground hall heard his words, their expressions changed drastically.

Zhu Tianmao's face turned pale as paper in an instant.

Zhang Tianchang was very excited, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

It turned out that Lin Twelve really had a way!

Ji Xueying's eyes in the crystal coffin were even more red!

At this time, the "crackling" sound of the Yuan Crystal became louder and louder, and the cracks inside became more and more.

Zhu Tianmao abandoned Lin Rui without hesitation and returned to the altar.

He pressed the purple Yuan Crystal in front of him with one hand, trying his best to stop it from continuing to explode, and also trying his best to seal and suppress the consciousness of the Royal Flame War Dragon.

He finally understood Lin Twelve's plan.

It was still the soul-inducing technique, but this guy didn't use the soul-inducing technique to interfere with the operation of his formation as he guessed, but wanted to awaken the Royal Flame War Dragon in the Yuan Crystal.

The problem is that this guy actually did it! With just a realm of soul-inducing technique, he really disturbed this huge purple Yuan Crystal,

making the Royal Flame War Dragon inside continue to wake up!

Lin Rui finally didn't have to dodge. He stood there and laughed first, then coughed violently. More blood was coughed out by him, and there was also a bit of blood mixed in it. some internal organs.

The situation just now was very dangerous. His head was in so much pain that it was about to explode, and he had to deal with the attack of this fifth-level eunuch.

Lin Rui felt that he was on the verge of death several times. At that time, if he made a slight mistake or mishandled the situation, he would die in the hands of this fifth-level eunuch.

If this person could hold on for another 7 to 8 seconds, Lin Rui would have exhausted all his true energy and could not hold on any longer.

All his moves and escape methods just now were big consumers of true energy. After only fighting for more than ten seconds, more than half of his true energy was consumed.

So I really have to thank the county magistrate. If it weren't for the captain's waist badge he gave him, which allowed him to comprehensively improve his physical fitness by half a level and greatly improved his fault tolerance, he would probably be dead now!

However, his current situation is also very miserable. After all, he is fighting against the fifth level with the third level. Although he only received twelve swords in total, he paid a huge price.

Lin Rui's lungs and internal organs were almost eroded by Zhu Tianmao, and his vitality was greatly damaged.

Although the sword power of this dead eunuch was not very fierce, it was very vicious, a bit like a bone-melting palm, attacking people's heart, lungs and bones.

Lin Rui finally stopped coughing, and suddenly his spirit was bright: "Old Zhang! What are you still doing there?"

Zhang Tianchang had been gathering strength, and he roared when he heard it: "You don't have to say that!"

He jumped up and used his most powerful move, "Vajra Breaking Demon", to smash the altar in front.

Zhu Tianmao's heart tightened slightly. He was now 10 meters away from Zhang Tianchang and had no power to stop him. He could only swing his sword in the air and try his best to stimulate the sword energy to snipe Zhang Tianchang.

He found that he had made another big mistake!

The situation has reached this point, and there is actually no need to try to save it. He should have just made a decisive decision and chose to escape directly, or go all out to kill Lin Twelve before the "Emperor Flame War Dragon" wakes up!

As a result, he is now in a situation where he can't move forward or backward.

Those sword energies hit Zhang Tianchang's body with a clang, and in an instant, dozens of blood holes were pierced in his horizontal training body.

Zhang Tianchang ignored them all. His veins were bulging, his eyes were bulging, and his face was extremely ferocious. He had already concentrated all his strength on his fist.

"Break it for me! Break it!"

As long as this formation altar is broken, everything here today can end, and everyone in their Yinyue County can survive without spontaneous combustion!

As he punched down, the whole ground shook instantly. Not only did the ground crack, but countless broken stones were also shaken into the air by Zhang Tianchang's immense force.

The ground crack, like a huge spider web, extended to ten feet away. The destructive violent force and shock waves swept in all directions, making Lin Rui, who was standing five feet away, almost lose his balance and retreat, almost falling to the ground.

Zhang Tianchang's punch broke nearly half of the entire formation altar, and the other half was backfired by the violent Yuan force after a moment of stagnation.

All the runes, all the Yuan stones, were torn into pieces!

"How dare you?"

Zhu Tianmao had foreseen this scene, but after seeing this, he still closed his eyes in pain, and endless anger grew in his chest and abdomen.

Then he saw an even more terrifying scene. The crystal coffin where Ji Xueying was was actually cracked inch by inch.

Zhu Tianmao's pupils widened, thinking that this fourth-level blood knife girl could actually escape by herself? Did she awaken some extra bloodline?

The power was so strong!

Not good!

Zhu Tianmao left the original place without hesitation and fled to a cave outside.

He must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

But at this moment, Ji Xueying's crystal coffin suddenly exploded, and a dazzling red shadow shuttled out from it, chasing at an incredible speed!

She was one step ahead of Zhu Tianmao, and just stopped Zhu Tianmao at the entrance of the cave, waving those fine gold chains with both hands and feet, and smashing towards Zhu Tianmao violently.

At this time, she didn't use any martial arts at all, just used her instinct to fight, and gathered strength with pure extreme hatred and murderous intent. She just wanted to kill this eunuch, and kill him at all costs! Kill this beast!

"Dang! Dang! Clang! Clang!"

The dense chain shadows actually hit Zhu Tianmao to keep kneeling and retreating, and the tiger's mouth holding the sword even overflowed with blood.

As a powerful fifth realm of the upper level, close to the king level, he was hit left and right by a fourth realm at this time.

His strength and speed were all inferior to this blood knife girl by three points!

Ji Xueying's chains were waving like beams of light, so fast that even someone as strong as Zhu Tianmao could not react in time.

In addition, the violent thunder that came with the chains could continue to smash his protective aura, causing him to become paralyzed and lose his form from time to time, and the endless flames were also burning his body.

Zhu Tianmao's mouth was bitter.

This is the Royal Flame Blood Blade Princess, no! It should be a new variant that combines the power of fire, thunder and light!

This is a completely new species, and there is no doubt that her current bloodline level must be super-royal, and her mental talent is even more terrifying.

Damn it! All his actions have made wedding dresses for Lin Twelve, and he personally cultivated a super-royal demon for this person!

He suddenly looked back and looked at Lin Rui coldly: "Lin Twelve, she is your guardian demon, do you know what you are doing?

I am the head of the inner palace in the palace of His Royal Highness King Han, a sixth-rank eunuch. You dare to indulge demons and attack and kill court officials. Do you want to die? "

Lin Rui laughed when he heard this, and looked back at Zhu Tianmao with sarcasm in his eyes: "According to the law of Taizu of our Great Song Dynasty, anyone who colludes with demons and exorcises demons will be arrested immediately, and those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy! So do you want to surrender now, or continue to resist arrest?"

I don't know when he made a seal with one hand and held it upright in front of his chest, which was the art of summoning spirits!

Zhang Tianchang also wanted to kill Zhu Tianmao. He didn't care who this person was! He didn't care about the King of Han. He just wanted the culprit to pay the price.

However, he watched the two of them fighting from a distance and felt that he couldn't intervene at all.

Zhang Tianchang simply walked to Lin Rui's side, protected Lin Rui with his body, and then watched the battle while sighing: "It's amazing,

He was only in the middle stage of the Fourth Realm. He was not using a handy weapon, but he was able to suppress the peak of the Fifth Realm, which was near the king level. "

This must be the super-emperor-level Blood Sword Princess!

Lin Twelve is really making a lot of money by being able to conquer Ji Xueying!

After this crisis is over, the bond between one person and one demon will definitely reach its peak, and there will no longer be any hidden danger of eating the master.

With the help of this guardian demon, Lin Twelve will be considered the number one figure in the entire Wangcheng County.

Lin Rui also felt that he had earned a lot of money, and his face was filled with a smile.

Today he bet 200 times and won!

At this time, the twenty-foot-tall giant purple obsidian crystal made a crisp 'click' sound again, and the Emperor Flame War Dragon inside suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a pair of sky-blue eyes. .

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