Supreme Lord

Chapter 107 Super Royal Level (Subscription Request)

"So that's it!"

Li Qiufeng lowered her head and looked at the 'holy thunder fire' burning wildly on her chest. Her eyes were relieved, surprised and regretful.

"Is this why you pay attention to him? The blood of light is the basic blood of the 'holy thunder body'. His blood of light is extremely powerful. Just awakened, it can distort all the light within a mile around. This should be a powerful branch of the holy thunder body. I don't know who it was inherited from.

His blood, his talent, and his heart of light are enough to carry you, to carry a supreme holy weapon like you. He is more suitable than others, but it's a pity-"

It's a pity that in her current state, she can no longer pass Lin Twelve's message to the main hall of the Holy Church of Light.

However, the top leaders of the Holy Church should be able to find him, right? They must be able to find him!

"The main body of the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire' must have sensed it, and it will definitely react.

The seventh qualified person for the contemporary 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire' may be the most suitable person to inherit the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire'. He is here,

In Yinyue County, Wangcheng County, Shazhou!

Just as Li Qiufeng was whispering, under the sea 370,000 miles away from Yinyue County, there was a huge palace hidden deep in the sea.

In the depths of this palace, there is a pyramid-shaped altar covering an area of ​​100 meters in radius, magnificent and imposing.

In the center of the altar , enshrined a ball of red-gold flame that was radiating infinite light and was in the shape of a lotus. If someone could cultivate their eyes to the point where they were not afraid of the light, they could see the golden thunder continuously shining inside the flame.

Under the altar, thousands of followers of the Holy Church of Light were sitting facing the red-gold flame.

They all looked solemn, chanting scriptures, and practicing their own skills with the help of the bright power of the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire" that was like the scorching sun. But at this moment, these people looked up in confusion and looked at the red-gold flame at the top of the altar. .

They sensed that this supreme holy weapon of the Holy Church suddenly and continuously burst out with powerful energy.

As time went on, the three energy of light, thunder and fire became more and more distorted and violent. In the end, not only did it burst out with strong thunder and fire, but it also formed several rays, sweeping across the surroundings, blasting all the materials it touched into slag.

This made some believers below panic and pale.

Fortunately, the "holy thunder and fire" seemed to have intelligence. Although the energy was extremely violent, it did not hurt anyone. After just a few breaths, An extremely sturdy and strong middle-aged man appeared at the highest point of the altar.

He was at least 12 feet tall, wearing a red robe and a bright armor. His ears and temples were shaped like swords and his facial features were as hard as iron.

He was suspended in the air, with a solemn expression, he stretched out his hand and pressed the flame lightly, calming the lotus-shaped red-gold flame.

At this time, many believers under the altar all put their hands on their shoulders and bowed their heads to worship.

"We pay homage to the Ming King. May your light shine on the world, and with infinite holy thunder and boundless calamity fire, open up the earth and the sky!"

The middle-aged man ignored the worship of the believers below. He looked at the "holy thunder and calamity fire" in front of him with a fixed look, concentrating on sensing.

After a moment, he looked towards the south again, his eyes were deep and unfathomable.

"Send an order! The seventh holy son of our sect has appeared in the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty. This person has the mark of calamity fire on his body. Order the Dharma Hall and Altar in the territory of the Song Dynasty to find this person as soon as possible! "

At this time, the more than a thousand believers under the altar were shocked when they heard the words. They all stood up and looked at each other.

There was a hint of joy in their eyes.

There is another person who can carry the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire" in this world. This is undoubtedly excellent news for the entire Holy Church of Light.

"Even if the qualified person of the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire" cannot inherit the Tribulation Fire in the future, he can also be among the God's Messenger King and become the pillar of the God Church.

Several high-ranking high priests among these people stared at the "Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire" on the altar thoughtfully.

Based on their experience, the reaction of the Supreme Holy Artifact this time was unusually strong. Does this mean that this Seventh Son of God is different from the others?

There are also several people with frowns and worried eyes. They are worried that the appearance of the new Seventh Son of God may cause the already unstable power structure in the church to become more chaotic.

At the same time , in the underground cave of Huoxu Village.

Zhuang Mingyue, the seventh-rank inspector of the Imperial City Department, looked thoughtfully at a black scroll in his hand.

It was actually an appointment document issued by the commander-in-chief of the Imperial City Department. It not only had the signature of the commander-in-chief, but also the seals of the commander-in-chief and the Inner Court Department.

Originally, the middle part of the words "hereby appointed" and "as the seventh-rank Wude Duwei" on this appointment document was blank, but Zhuang Mingyue wrote the name of "Lin Twelve" in advance. She also wrote down Lin Twelve's height, appearance, physical characteristics, etc. at the end of the appointment document as a certificate.

However, it was not until this moment that a faint spiritual light appeared on this black scroll.

This appointment document actually lacks the last procedure. It must also fill in the name, height, appearance, family background, etc. of "Lin Twelve" on the filing documents of the Imperial City Department and the Inner Court Department as an official record.

However, this procedure is not important and can be supplemented later.

In theory, this appointment document of Wude Duwei has officially taken effect.

Lin Twelve is already a genuine seventh-rank military commander.

Zhuang Mingyue's eyes showed helplessness.

Before she left, she told Master Du that if he found that the situation in the city was not right, he must hand over the waist badge to Lin Twelve at the first time.

This move was really out of necessity, because after she left, Lin Twelve was the only one in the entire Yinyue County who could calm the situation.

Lin Twelve's combat power has caught up with Zhang Tianchang. As long as he can control the Blood Knife Princess, no one in the entire Yinyue County can be his opponent.

And the identity of the seventh-rank "Martial Virtue Commander" can not only improve Lin Twelve's martial power, but also help him control the Blood Knife Princess.

Zhang Tianchang is certainly more advanced, more stable, and can stand on his own, but Lin Twelve is more courageous than Zhang Tianchang.

This is her gamble, and the success or failure is still unknown.

"Lin Twelve has only refined the commander's waist badge now? What is Mr. Du doing? Is he acting on his own again? Why are the people my uncle gave me so unreliable? Or is it that the county commander has not made any trouble until now? "

Zhuang Mingyue rubbed his brows and pondered, worried: "But this is good news. At least Lin Twelve is still alive now, and he has not been attacked by the Blood Knife Princess. I just don't know what is happening in Yinyue County now? "

Zhuang Mingyue then raised her head and looked at the 'Blood Rain' Miao Shi who was standing outside the magic circle.

Her current situation is very troublesome. Although Miao Shi can't do anything to her, she is also firmly trapped here by this guy.

The 'Six Yao Shenyang Formation' arranged by the other party is not only powerful, but also adapted to local conditions. It is connected with a large area of ​​purple Yao Yuanjing nearby. It can instantly melt and kill a fourth-level master.

Fortunately, Zhuang Mingyue is also proficient in the talisman formation. He suppressed several key points inside the formation at the first time, so that it could not burst out with all its power.

However, Zhuang Mingyue must also stay in this corner of the formation and cannot move.

In addition, the surviving people of Huoxu Village also became hostages for the Blood Rain Miao Shi to hold her.

But this is not a solution. She must escape as soon as possible and return to Yinyue County.

Zhuang Mingyue suppressed her anxiety and thought about how to break the deadlock. She heard the "blood rain" Miao Shi on the opposite side laugh: "Inspector Zhuang should want to know where the cave under Huoxu Village came from? And what exactly do the county lieutenant Zhu Lingshi and I have in Yinyue County?"

Zhuang Mingyue couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Is this even necessary? It's for the demon-suppressing general Ji Shenyan 6,700 years ago, right? "

If she can't figure out these people's plans, she is stupid.

"You are worthy of being Inspector Zhuang." Blood Rain Miao Shi nodded, smiling as usual: "Then do you know what happened in the fire in Yinyue County 6,700 years ago? The demon-suppressing general Ji Shenming won, why did he disappear after the war? You should have read the county annals. It says that in order to defend Yinyue County, Ji Shenyan transformed himself and his subordinates into demons, burned 70,000 soldiers of the Song Dynasty to death, and burned all the people in the city to death.

But the truth is not so. The truth is that your Song Dynasty soldiers repeatedly attacked Yinyue County and failed, so they stimulated the underground Ziyao Yuanjing veins and burned all the people in Yinyue County to death.

You can see these caves as evidence. At that time, the Song Dynasty army dug from the Ziyao Yuanjing mine ten miles away to here, and set up a magic array underground to make the Ziyao Yuanjing veins emit endless Ziyao Yangyuan, setting the whole city on fire.

But they didn't expect that when the resentment of the people of Yinyue County and Ji Shenyan's unwillingness were combined, what a terrible existence would eventually be born. In that battle, Ji Shenyan's Royal Flame War Dragon not only wiped out many masters of the Song Dynasty, but also burned all 70,000 troops of the Song Dynasty alive.

Zhuang Mingyue finally focused her attention and looked at the 'Blood Rain' Miao Shi opposite, her face became even paler.

Zhuang Mingyue had already guessed these things that Blood Rain Miao Shi said through the few words in the county annals.

Zhuang Mingyue didn't think of it when she saw this text before, but after entering the Huoxu Village Cave and combining the clues here, she has guessed the truth.

This group of lunatics who regard human lives as worthless clearly want to create another Ji Shenyan!

They burned tens of thousands of people in Yinyue County to death just to create another "Royal Flame Blood Blade Princess"

A Seventh Realm Blood Blade Princess with super-royal combat power!

No! Zhuang Mingyue recently checked the situation of Ji Xueying's family. She found that not only Ji Xueying's parents and siblings disappeared half a year ago, but also some descendants of the Great Zhou royal family became missing.

So even if they are "super-royal", they can't satisfy these crazy people!

So Zhuang Mingyue has made preparations to escape at all costs. The county lieutenant and others have been scheming and preparing for several years, and they must have made all preparations.

Such a scene cannot be suppressed by Lin Twelve alone.

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