Supreme Lord

Chapter 104 Burning and Killing (Subscription Request)

When the dazzling purple light covered the cave where they were, the Cao army hiding behind Zhang Tianchang also groaned in pain.

The temperature in the cave rose rapidly, and the violent and violent purple yang energy swept through the cave, and some cave walls even showed signs of melting.

The location where they were located was exactly the direction where the purple yang energy was the least under Lin Rui's control and guidance. The temperature was much lower than other places, only less than 20% or 30%, and was separated by Zhang Tianchang's body, but everyone's body temperature still rose rapidly, and was infinitely close to spontaneous combustion.

The consciousness in the brains of several people was almost burned, and it was difficult to breathe, almost suffocating, but they all gritted their teeth and used their bodies to cover Lin Rui, who was the innermost, to prevent him from contacting the purple light.

They all knew that whether the people of Yinyue County could survive now depended on Lin Twelve!

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Zhang Tianchang even roared like a beast, his body continued to swell, the metal color of his body deepened, and even sharp short bone spurs grew on the joints of his metacarpophalangeal joints, as if he was wearing two finger gloves.

His eyes were full of hope.

That guy Lin Twelve, he didn't lie! He is about to burn all the demons under the ground to death!

So he must hold on! He must protect Lin Twelve!

It doesn't matter if they die today, Lin Twelve must not be in trouble!

Lin Rui looked at the people in front of him speechlessly.

He didn't need protection at all. His alien body was not refined for a long time, and there was no purple crystal dust in his body.

He could completely withstand the radiation and high temperature outside.

Lin Rui looked at their faces that were obviously twisted with pain, but unshakable, and his eyes began to soften and become complicated.

He started singing again, singing about your beautiful smile.

However, Lin Rui was interrupted after singing a few sentences. From a distance, the county lieutenant Zhu Lingshi cursed angrily: "Lin Twelve, I am your ancestor for eighteen generations! Still singing? Sing your grandmother, sing your ancestors, you bastard, you lunatic!"

The purple light tide outside came and went quickly, and it began to fade after only twenty breaths.

All the three-level demons in the cave were burned into fireballs, lying in the same place motionless. They should be dead, but their bodies are still burning.

Only some three-level demon cultivators are still struggling. They are crying and rolling on the ground, but judging from their situation, they are not far from death.

This can be confirmed by the information that continues to appear in his mind.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 434 soul power.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 394 soul power.

Tip: Kill the third-level demon cultivator and get 394 soul power.

Lin Rui received more than 60 prompts in his mind, and was secretly shocked. He thought this was a big gain.

He calculated his total soul power points. He had 5479 soul power points left before. After coming down, he harvested several demons one after another.

Now the soul power points value is as high as 26432 points.

However, the five fourth-level demons in the cave, although they were burned and rolled around, their bodies were covered with blisters and rotten flesh, they still survived. As the purple light faded, they gradually extinguished the flames on their bodies.

Zhang Tianchang also felt that the scorching heat on his body was fading, and the temperature of his internal organs was also rapidly cooling down with the help of Wang Sen. He no longer had to worry about his body spontaneously igniting.

But just when he was relieved, Zhang Tianchang saw a burly figure in front of him rushing towards them.

It was the nine-foot-tall bone armor dragon beside Zhu Lingshi!

Zhang Tianchang opened his eyes and rushed out like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He didn't even dodge, but punched hard and smashed at the Bone Armor Dragon.


Zhang Tianchang's eyes were red, and his mind was like steel.

He only had one thought now, to hammer the opponent to death in the shortest time! He must not let anyone stop Lin Twelve's steps!

Both of them were like two iron men who didn't know pain. They didn't defend themselves and bombarded each other, making a "dong dong dong" sound of metal roar.

The Bone Armor Dragon was more powerful, and the nail hammer in its hand smashed several blood holes in Zhang Tianchang's body.

But it only had one hand now, and after a few rounds of confrontation, it gradually lost the upper hand. The other arm condensed from the tree was forcibly torn off by Zhang Tianchang.

Although this opponent's cultivation was only in the early stage of the fourth realm, he awakened extremely powerful blood power. Not only did he have a body like cast iron, but he also had a huge force that almost caught up with the Bone Armor Dragon.

One of the bones dragon's hands was pulled by Zhang Tianchang's brute force, while the chest and abdomen were hit by Zhang Tianchang's other hand.

The bones on its chest had been forcibly smashed by Zhang Tianchang, exposing the steel armor inside, and deep pits were immediately blasted out of this layer of steel armor by Zhang Tianchang.

Cao Jun and his men also rushed out of the pits and fought with the four-level demons. They were as fierce as mad tigers and tried their best to restrain these demons.

Wang Sen was a little worried at first. These heads of police had just experienced high temperature and purple light, and their bodies were on the verge of spontaneous combustion, and their vitality was greatly damaged.

In common sense, their bodies would be very weak, resulting in a significant reduction in combat power.

But when the battle began, Wang Sen found that these three-level heads of police actually suppressed their opponents and beat them to a mess.

There was only one Ximen Shou, and the situation was more dangerous.

Wang Sen's face changed slightly.

"What is this?"

He saw Cao Jun's right hand. The right arm of this Captain Cao was actually covered with a layer of black and red bone armor. One of his eyes also changed. The eyeball also bulged out, and countless bloodshot spread around.

Wang Sen's heart tightened, and he turned to look at another captain named Zhu Fang.

The lower part of his pants was torn, revealing his cow hoof-like feet and his extremely strong leg muscles, which made Zhu Fang's body movements extremely fast and his lower body strength greatly increased.

Lin Rui seemed to be unaware of the changes in these head constables. He alone held off three fourth-level demons, fighting in the most efficient way.

Lin Rui had been preparing for a long time. While these fourth-level demons were seriously injured, the first knife was the "Red Thunder 21 consecutive slashes" with the power superimposed into one knife. With just one knife, he killed a fourth-level demon.

Tip: Kill the fourth-level demon cultivator to obtain 1423 soul power.

Then Lin Rui's knife was extremely simple and fast. With the help of the Red Sky Thunder Control Method, his figure flashed between several demons like a ghost, and the small holy sword of light quickly shuttled back and forth, harassing and restraining.

Just a few changes in body movements made the two fourth-level demons helpless and unable to capture Lin Rui's figure and knife light.

They all realized the danger and roared in anger and fear. Their bodies continued to swell under the stimulation of the crisis.

"Kill! Kill! Roar! "

Lin Rui's figure appeared incredibly behind one of the four-level tiger-shaped demons, and the 'Thunder God' knife wrapped around the thunder and fire snakes, slashing down wildly.


The violent knife light instantly blasted the four-level tiger-shaped demon into a split body, and the flesh and blood were rotten.

Tip: Kill the fourth-level demon cultivator to obtain 1398 soul power.

At the same time, another four-level demon next to him was pierced through the eyebrows by his small holy sword of light.

The vitality of this fire sickle demon is extremely strong. It is not dead after being pierced through the brain, but Lin Rui's palm has already grabbed it. He actually grabbed the spine of the fire sickle demon and forcibly pulled out this seven-foot-long vertebra from the body of the fire sickle demon, and then crushed it with one hand!

"Fuck!" Wang Sen, who was helping Cao Jun and others cool down, saw this scene and his eyes almost popped out.

Lin Rui's move was extremely violent!

Wang Sen knew that Lin Rui's current combat power was very high, and the battle in the county government hall opened his eyes.

However, the previous battles were far less shocking than today's scene.

Just as Wang Sen was surprised, Lin Rui looked up at both sides of the cave.

County Lieutenant Zhu Lingshi had just cursed fiercely, but when the purple light nearby completely faded, he had already fled and disappeared.

And the Dianshi Jiang Hanzhang is also missing now, but the two constables under his command have been burned alive.

County Lieutenant Zhu Lingshi must have some way to prevent Jiang Hanzhang and others from spontaneous combustion under the illumination of the Purple Yao Yuan Crystal.

However, the two constables still couldn't withstand the high temperature and strong radiation in this cave for 20 seconds, with a peak of at least 1,800 degrees. Lin Rui's figure then flashed forward like thunder. He slashed into the back of the neck of a fourth-level Thousand Silk Demon with a knife, not only cutting off the head of the Thousand Silk Demon, but also using violent thunder and fire to destroy the brain of the Thousand Silk Demon.

Tip: Kill the fourth-level demon cultivator and gain 1,313 soul power.

Lin Rui did not hold back, and burst his fighting power to the extreme, striving to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time!

In just a few breaths, Lin Rui killed the last demon, and Zhang Tianchang also blasted the steel armor on the chest of the bone armor dragon, forcibly tearing off a piece of red crystal embedded in it, causing a burst of electricity all over the bone armor dragon, and then it could no longer move.

After the battle, Lin Rui was not happy at all.

He held the "Thor" knife in one hand, looking at the abnormal parts of Cao Jun and the others, with a silent expression.

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